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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. 50 boxes between 2 toons +4 that were rolled back - 1 upgrade. :eek::eek:


    u know there is a LOT topics like this right? why does everyone need to start a new one? lol:D:D


    Because any threads criticizing EAWare's actions almost inevitably end up deleted or moved to try to sweep the situation under the rug. That's why people keep making new ones.

  2. I am fully expecting them to announce the EXCITING Chance Cube, that will now be a drop you can get from Command crates, so you can have an RNG box inside your RNG box, to make the game even more EXCITING in Ben "I Don't Know What My Customers Want" Irving's opinion.
  3. I was surprised when they decided to limit F2P/pref so much.


    Not that it's big to them, but I know three people who played casually as preferred and bought a lot of CC when it tickled their fancy. Since they can't progress gear-wise as preferred, they've gave the game a middle finger and stopped playing. Not sure why they wont just sub but... Well I kind of get it. The games in a strange place. It's almost like it's backtracked in some areas and leaped forward light years in others.


    Probably because life has always been pretty miserable for F2P/Preferred players (hell, just being able to turn off your headpiece or color match requires a cartel purchase then) and now they've blocked them off from the entire endgame. Which I think is silly... I know a lot of guilds who would regularly purchase ops passes for their Preferred members to bring them along on ops runs. Now that option isn't even available, so that revenue for EAWare is gone.

  4. So, I got off the phone with CS, and it turns out thanks to a lapse in my sub in 2014 (Which I think was no more than a week), I missed out on the five year deco. Not sure who I should be mad at... Me, I suppose.


    Although, I am seeing comments from people on the Subreddit that they also had lapses in their sub, and they still got the deco... So... idk what to say now.


    :(:o:mad: *I guess that is how I feel?*


    You might want to call back and push a bit harder on the subject--politely, of course, I've done that job before and I don't advocate blaming the front line CS people for something that's probably entirely out of their hands. See if it was the length of the lapse that disqualified you, or if you had the lapse during one of the periods the system checked before awarding the decoration, something like that. I've heard the stories about people getting the statue even with lapses too, so it has to be more than just a lapse that disqualified you.

  5. As a paying customer? Nope. I'll be polite and point out the problems with the system, and make suggestions on how to resolve the issues.


    I don't have to meet them half way though. If they don't fix it, it's not my job on the line. They can either resolve the problems by taking any number of the suggestions given to them by numerous paying customers, or they can carry on as though it's business as usual. Choices matter after all.


    Pretty much this. It isn't about customers being entitled (at least in this case; there are other times I would agree wtih the 'entitled' argument). It's the fact that the MMO market has lots of different options for customers to select from. The onus is on EAWare to change and adapt based on their customer feedback and their revenue stream, not on customers to 'accept' anything put out by EAWare or to try to 'negotiate' for a few tweaks to be made to a system they hate. We haven't signed a contract with them. We can just go somewhere else. That's simply the reality of the market.

  6. No no you got this wrong. Its all about the numbers and statistics, they brought out new content and need to show their management that its successful (which is logical ofc). They hoped people will brainlessly grind Uprisings and they would have good numbers to show, but instead people decided to farm mobs.


    So these series of nerfs is only meant to divert people to do Uprisings, thats all. Everything has to give less cxp than uprisings, if people still wouldnt play them, we would see them increase the rewards by another 80%.


    Well, it still hasn't worked then. No one I know wants to do any Uprisings more than once (for the achievement), and the queue takes forever to pop, AND most of the people in said queue can't even make it through story mode so everyone quits.

  7. They are nerfing stuff brainlessly. I mean i was doing the Veteran KOTFE/KOTET chapters for achievements and the mobs were ripping me apart, i activated reflect on Merc (50% dmg reflect) and the Elite Zakuul Knight reflected 21k, 17k and 19k such 3 hits, meaning i would be dead and for what do i get for killing him? 1 cxp!! Why nerf this overall? Why not nerf only outside mobs or specific instances, not nerf it all in general, what kind of thinking is that?


    Because they want to apply as much pressure as possible to people to make them more willing to spend real money on being able to make the roulette wheel spin 25% faster. That's why.

  8. You should have listened to us *MONTHS* ago when we first told you this was going to be a problem. You weren't listening to us then, and your not listening to us now. What you are listening to is the click, click, click of people un-subbing.


    At least be honest with us!


    Quoting for truth. They were warned a long time ago this was a bad idea. By forum members, by the closed beta testers... but they did it anyways. And then they were somehow caught off guard by the fact a lot of people hate it and have unsubbed. So now they want to roll out changes... in a month, at the earliest. They're well known for pushing back content updates and patches, so it may well be longer than that.


    They should have seen this all coming. A lot of their customers did. They should not now be going around nuking from orbit every slightly more efficient way to gain CXP because they somehow didn't anticipate people would actually grind in an MMO. They should have realized people wanted to be able to play and gear their alts, after running an entire event for months specifically involving making new alts. This isn't kriffing quantum mechanics here.

  9. No putting cxp on mobs was a bad idea to begin with. Half the people in my guild are already burnt out mob farming and talking about quitting. For whatever reason, players insist on what is the most efficient rather than whats fun. Some of them spent a whole day kp mob farming, which must have been excruciatingly tedious.


    If they significantly increased cxp for boss kills and removed cxp from mobs altogether then players would be more inclined to play normally and wouldn't burn out so quick.



    If you get a crap team in PvP, the match will still finish, you will still get points, and you can still earn medals. If you get a crap team in flashpoints or ops, you can waste tons of your time for zero reward if only bosses give CXP. No thanks, that would be a terrible idea. Ops and FPs are already the worst way to get CXP around since the tons of mobs in them don't drop as much CXP anymore.


    Also, of course people are going to do what's most efficient rather than what's most fun, if doing what they find most fun makes the long and miserable RNG grind even longer and more miserable. MMO players as a group tend to move towards the path of greatest efficiency, it's like this in every game.

  10. Just so you know... my post wasn't a stab at the players who were awarded the deco. It was at Failware for giving out more trash as a "reward". Surely they could have come up with something better for you guys.


    They could have, and for the same low low price of nearly nothing creating that decoration would have cost. I wish they'd taken the opportunity of creating those new 'flair' things to make one up for the vets. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love decorating, but only a few of my friends are ever going to see the thing. Some flair you could choose to wear would be a nice way to show off a bit, while remaining perfectly cosmetic and giving no kind of advantage.

  11. For real.


    The constant nerfs in hopes of fixing your god awful system is getting real old real fast.


    It's not about 'fixing' the system for the benefit of players. It's about making the grind as long, tedious, and unrewarding as possible, in order to strongarm people into spending real money to buy the CXP boosters to make it a little easier! This is all about EAWare padding their bottom line, not about what's best for the player base or the game.

  12. Knock it off, Just knock it off. Every single MMO on the market has something to grind, whether crafting mats or mobs. Because people have decided to grind mobs is NOT AN EXPLOIT.


    What is really going on is post Jnauary uprisings, nothing else is coming for the game so BW needs to make this grind as absolutely slow and tedious as possible.


    The only thing less painful to grind, is the unsubscribe button on this mess.


    What I think speaks volumes about EAWare's level of disconnect and arrogance is the fact that they specifically designed a system where you had to grind and grind and grind to get rewards... and then they were somehow shocked when people decided to find the most efficient ways to grind possible. You know, what players of every single MMO have done pretty much since they were invented?

  13. 2012 called and wants their complaining topic back...I find it strange people like you stick around just to sub and predict every year SWTOR is going to die....is it really that important to you to finally be able to say "I told you so"? I mean its probably going to be another 3,4,5 years of you predicting its death are you really going to stick around for another FIVE YEARS?


    I find it strange--but very amusing--that people like you stick around and sub for five years because for some reason you feel compelled to jump on the forums and say nasty things about anyone who disagrees with you in regards to this game. :D

  14. Remember that time when all the cool kids came on the forums, bragging about how they were just gonna unsub through KotFE and just sub at the end to get all the chapters? And then Bioware said they'd give the ones who stuck around a gift for staying loyal and continuing to stay subbed. And then all the cool kids came back and complained cause "It's not fair that we tried to cheat the system and didn't get the companion.". Remember that time?


    And that is exactly why EAWare will not release those companions on the CM. They need that carrot to brandish to keep people subbed during empty periods without content updates. If they started selling them a year down the road or whatever, then that carrot would disappear. People could unsub safe in the knowledge they could pick up whatever they wanted later down the line. That wouldn't help EAWare's bottom line.

  15. That was our thinking as well. Since bw made sure to boil swtor down to nothing more than what gives the best CXP for you time, it seems DP is another place to look at as the best value for efficiency and time in game for cxp gains.


    Of course like KP and general mobs it will get nerfed. Its not an exploit or anything AS BW SAID but I'm sure bw will nerf that grind to the ground because they want you to do a different grind. :rolleyes:


    EAWare are going to nerf every way people choose to grind CXP--I'm waiting to see how long they allow the snowballs to keep awarding CXP--in their attempts to make the miserable grind even more miserable and grindy. How else will they sell people on the idea of spending real money to speed up the roulette wheel of their pay to win RNG gearing system? They're making a gearing treadmill so horrible and tedious that people will be willing to pay them just to make the grind go a little bit faster!

  16. That's the reason the game is in the state it is in. BWA targets new people to the exclusion of everybody else. This causes BWA to lose loyal subscribers because they give them practically nothing new, and they end up worse off than before when their target audience inevitably leaves. I miss when this game was healthy pre 3.0 because BWA actually provided content for their existing players.


    Yeah... the problem with those new casual players EAWare is trying to court? As soon as the next new shiny comes along, they'll drop TOR and go sign up for that instead. So while they might provide a short term gain in revenue, it won't be a long term one. Sure, they can keep trying to pull in more casuals, but that's going to have diminishing returns. Eventually they'll have to try to go back and win over the veterans... if there are many left by the end.

  17. $20 IS more than it cost to get them and you are wrong. you had to be subscribed on a specific date to get him, you had to be subscribed for several months to get early acess. but to get Nico? people got him with 7 days free subscription. it was very much unintended, but the point is - if you were a subscriber status on one specific date? you got him $20>$15


    nearly $20 is not $20 its less then $20. the fact that it cannot craft is a silly restriction IMO (as far as leveling affection - I've been getting a LOT of Muja fruits from missions and the like, and they cost 1 blue jawa scrap on fleet, one of the few gifts that can be bought with jawa junk, same goes for purple and green version, so I'm not entirely sure what makes them so much harder then other companions, they certainly sound easier to level that, say.. Ashara Zavros ) .


    Treek costs less then $20 and does a LOT more and comes with an actual recruitment mission plus a set of conversation and Treek can be bought with credits from a vendor once you get your legacy high enough 40). and don't forget that unlike people who qualified for Nico Okar as a reward - people who buy him would STILL need to unlock him for the account so it would be more like $25 equivalent, counting unlock costs. making baseline purchase cost to be $50 before unlock costs? is a way to say "I really don't want you to have it because having it makes me feel special, so if you want it - pay well above what he's actualy worth for him"


    You snooze you lose. Do you go into stores months after Black Friday and demand that they sell you something for the same price it was during that sale? No. You didn't buy in when it was available, it's going to cost you more to get now, if you can even get it at all. And I think other commenters on here are right--EAWare is not going to release these sub reward companions to people who didn't qualify for them originally, because then that carrot they use to keep people subbed during slow periods will be gone. Everyone will just unsub and wait for it to be available to buy later.

  18. seriously. over 3 times of what WE had to pay to qualify (because to get companions you only needed to qualify with a single date - its the HK chapter that required the full 16 chapters worth of subscription)? virtually a cost of an entire triple A title for a bunch of pixels? how is that fair? its the "I'm really too petty to let someone have what I have, so I'm going to make the cost as unreasonable as possible, so that they choke on it" suggestion.


    If people aren't willing to pay, no one's forcing them to. But yes, it should cost more to get it now than it did to get it originally. Not to mention, I believe you had to be subscribed for several months in a row to get Nico, and same thing with HK-55. So $50 might even be too low a cost, or at least reasonable.

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