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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. ...this bothers me. It's all up in my vanilla game play through. Like a middle finger. Up my butt. You only see them in certain cinematics and loading glitches. But they are there. Watching... and probing my butt.


    Does it bother you too?


    Having Eternal Fleet ships probe my butt would bother me too...


    More seriously, I haven't noticed that myself, but I haven't been to Coruscant much since 5.0. I'll have to see if this happens to me too.

  2. A patronizing thanks defeats the purpose of a thanks ya know :confused: Tho I suppose the rules are different in opposite land. :cool:



    You would be the one to know, since you live there. :rak_03:


    Let me remind you how Opposite Land logic works:



    When one is presented an entertaining short cut and yet they choose to toil away mindlessly completing their task the long & mundane way, one has no right to whine nor the right to sympathy for doing so. Spend a few hours doing 5 20 min chapters or spend near half the day spamming storm & resetting instances? Decisions, decisions...
  3. Never fails. People think everything they aren't skilled enough to win against with 3 button mashing needs to be scaled down.


    Do you jump into every thread to lend your virtual sword and shield against all criticism of EAWare? XD


    Commandos/Mercenaries are definitely in a really sweet spot right now, especially in PvP. I understand why people want them nerfed.

  4. Had people not wailed and gnashed their teeth so loudly at the *possibly slight over*nerf, the galaxy might now have been filled with machines to grant the other rep.


    For the record, I did some experiments lately, and I managed to get 3 certs in maybe 1 hr of playing (I have two machines, though) at a cost of less than CR 500K each (which is nothing in our currently inflated economy). I can do this while right-clicking in a minimized window while surfing the web.


    Cool story bro. I maxed out the Contraband rep (which I had 0 points in before) and didn't earn a single Cartel Certificate or any Jawa Junk. A lot of people have told me the same. So you got lucky, good for you. The odds are still too low--especially since there is no other source of Cartel Certificates anymore, since they took them out of the last few shipments of packs without explanation, and ignore all questions about why.


    Also, literally nothing is stopping EAWare from coming out with more slot machine decorations for the different reps with the same drop rates as the existing machine. People are unhappy about the drop rates, they weren't complaining about the slot machine existing at all.

  5. well.. not getting it was branded a slap in a face, does that count? but around page 2 I think (too lazy to check) I pretty much said the same thing - that its probably their dig at people who unsubbed during content drought months, especially during LvD "event"


    though.. I would learn it for the same reason I have a ever growing number of decorations in my list that I never actualy use for decorating - completionist streak, but.. that's about it. honestly, I would rather they increased the limit on Rishi Idols, the ones that look like a scale with torches on either side? I like those, but only 10 per server is kinda limiting.


    Oh yes, those Rishi Idols... I wish I could have more than 10! I don't understand why they restricted it artificially when you get more copies of it on every alt you make.


    While I'm a big fan of stronghold decorating, I think a more appropriate reward for the 5 year veterans would have been one of those new 'flair' things for your character portrait. I mean, most people in game are never going to see your stronghold, but you can put on that 'flair' and show it off. I know I'm very fond of my Legendary Player flair from completing all the class stories. I like showing people that minor accomplishment.

  6. Simple solution, make a cap on advance classes per entry. No more then 3 of the same advanced class allowed on a team (2 for 4 vs 4), so if you enter a pug WZ there will be no more then 3 mercs, sith sorcs, jugs etc. This fixes everything.


    I think that's an excellent idea. It might slow down matchmaking a bit as the system waits for players of other classes to enter the queue, but I think the benefits would be more than worth it. Getting a severely unbalanced team in a 4 v 4 or an 8 v 8 is no fun for the unlucky team.

  7. All of you praising the system for allowing you to get "good" gear by doing things you want to do instead of being "forced" into group content like operations/pvp, what exactly are you complaining about here?


    Why is it your concern that OTHER players are doing this to farm CXP quickly and efficiently? Jealousy?


    Yeah, sounds like jealousy to me. All the backers of the system seem to think their way of playing is superior to everyone else's, and if someone is playing a way they don't and getting more CXP points for it, then obviously that person is wrong and a cheater and needs to be punished. All while they continue to defend the GC system as "It lets you play however you want!" The hypocrisy is sad.


    Me personally, I don't have the patience to just grind the same mobs in KP over and over for hours on end. Maybe for a bit, but then I'm going to want to do something else more mentally stimulating. But if other people want to do that, good for them. Their Command rank has absolutely no influence on mine, it doesn't hurt me any.

  8. The statue is one thing. I couldn't care about it one bit. It's another one of these "Eternal Alliance" logos that I do not give a single thought to. Truth be told, it doesn't even symbolize SWTOR to me. Malgus, Vitiate and Satele Shan do. But not a supposed faction that was introduced one year ago to bottleneck all existing characters into one storyline.


    The biggest issue is with how much of an uproar this will cause for people who accidentally lapsed for a week or two. I think that happened to me too during late 2015 - early 2016. I was out for the holidays and didn't even notice my sub lapse for two weeks due to a fault in my bank transfer.


    That will cause no end of disatisfaction with Bioware's reward system. Some people might not receive it and are told "Well, you did lapse for a week back there in February 2013! Sorry!"


    My honest opinion? Tie the statue to an overall amount of months subscribed. If this game has been out for 64 months by then, Bioware should do it along the lines of "Everyone who was subscribed for at least 56 months of the past five years" gets the statue. It'd at least leave some breathing space to avoid confusion about day/week lapses years ago that weren't even the customer's fault.


    That would probably be better. Maybe they might have a hard time coding that script though? To count up non-consecutive months of subscription, I mean. They tend to be very bad at writing scripts to push rewards.


    As has been said, it's just pixels, it's not like it would cost EAWare a bunch of money to include more people in the giveaway. I've been continually subbed without a hitch since I started playing, so I qualify for the statue, but it wouldn't make me feel 'cheated' or anything if more people got the pixels too.

  9. /pats comfortingly.


    see if it actualy WAS a physical statue, I could understand them being so strict as to who qualifies. but... its pixels. and maybe its grumpiness speaking but... its not even all that great looking http://www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/fallenempire/swtor5/rewards/galactic-alliance-statue.jpg


    Yeah, I'm underwhelmed. And you're right, it's just pixels. It wouldn't cost them anything extra to give it out to more people.

  10. just that they're a example of mash 4 random people together kinda group content lol... and boring imo:D:D


    I've tried to do those. I keep getting stuck with random people who can't even handle clearing story mode ones. None of my in-game friends want to do them because they're just more waves of trash followed by a miniboss, just like a lot of the story chapters. Not that interesting or rewarding to play.

  11. Founders are players who have continuously subbed since release. You can't sub at release, then cancel, then re-sub just to get rewards. THAT would be lame and an insult to REAL founders!


    So anyone who had their sub lapse at any time for any reason, no matter how short, doesn't count as a 'founder' in your eyes? Even if they preordered and have been playing since beta? That's mighty elitist to get over a silly little decoration. XD

  12. Founders are players who have continuously subbed since release. You can't sub at release, then cancel, then re-sub just to get rewards. THAT would be lame and an insult to REAL founders!


    There's an image of it on the SWTOR website page for their 5th anniversary. You can also preview it in the decorations interface.

  13. As long as anything has criteria attached, there will always be those with issue with it.


    Example: Must have subbed for 20 out of 24 months to be eligible

    Post: "Thats BS I'm 19 months out fo 24. It's jsut one month, you suck, not fair, etc"


    Oh, I know. But those are some pretty heavy restrictions, and I'm sad more people won't be able to get it. I mean, it's just a decoration; even though I'm one of those people who do qualify for the statue, I'm sad various people I know who were in the game even before I was won't get it for various reasons.

  14. Oooh, I expect EAWare is going to get a lot of static about this.


    Don't get me wrong, it's nice for them to give out a little token to their loyal subscribers. That said, I know people who have been in TOR since the beta who have had problems with their credit/debit card at one point and slipped into Preferred for a day or two, totally outside their control. Or who lost their jobs and unsubscribed for a while to save money. Or who just took a break from the game and didn't pay for it during the break. I'm sad those people won't get the statue, even though they were there at the very beginning.

  15. Some one asked for it. I suspect it was a focus group of people who don't play video games, commissioned by some genius marketing exec who noticed that "People who don't play SWTOR" was a massively larger target audience than "People who already do play SWTOR" and decided they need to design the game to appeal to people who aren't currently interested.


    Same kind of decision that Sony to change Star Wars: Galaxies from a "Star Wars simulator" into "WOW IN SPACE."


    As SWTOR shows, it's not wrong to build a game to cater to a different audience. But as SWG shows, it's wrong to try to make a game with an existing fan base into that game for a different audience.


    Yes, thank you, this is an excellent point. Some people have been defending GC by using the argument "Hey, the RNG grind in other MMOs is worse!" Which is true... but if I wanted to play an endless grind Korean-style MMO, then I would be playing an endless grind Korean-style MMO. But I didn't, I chose to play SWTOR instead, which was not an endless grind Korean-style MMO.


    But now it looks like EAWare want to turn this into an endless grind Korean-style MMO--yet even worse, because those tend to be actually F2P to access the grind, and you just pay for better odds; here you have to pay a subscription to be able to access the grind at all! That's not the product it's been selling to its customers for the past five years.


    It would be like if a major car manufacturer said "Hey, we're going to start making only electric scooters from now on." Electric scooters are perfectly fine for the people who actually like electric scooters, but all the customers who had loyalty to the company because it made cars they liked are not going to start buying the electric scooters just because that company now makes them and only them. They're going to buy a car from some other company.

  16. I think their customer service use RNG :p because sometimes your issue get fixed in 2 days and everything is dandy ! and sometimes you will get unlucky and get a droid to reply to your ticket .



    I have had a very mixed bag of interactions with the Customer Service people. Some of them have been great, some have been barely literate and ignored my problem, and some of the time I just got their automatic boiler plate response from that protocol droid thing.


    I have a theory about this. All the good CS experiences I've had, have been from representatives working out of their Ireland facility. Don't ask me why, but it's always been like that. Maybe they have a better office culture about how to treat the customer over there than in other EAWare locations?


    EA customer service for Origin and such is Far FAR FAR worse though . I contacted them about buying something trough Origin and I had to go through 4 peoples before I got an answer . And the main baffeling issue , was there didn't seem to be any communication between those who help . Guy Number 4 knew the answer , while the three others guy didn't know it and kept telling me ''we will forward your issue to engineer or something , hang tight! this shouldn't happen'' .


    My issue ? I was trying to buy DAI from Origin as it came out . Guy number 4 told me you cant buy a game that just came out with a pre-paid master card . You can only buy old games with that .


    I was like : why don't the others know that ? sheesh , update them on this !



    This is most likely the result of high turnover in the EA call centers. You keep losing people with experience, who already know the idiosyncrasies of the systems, and replacing them with brand new people who only know what they covered in probably no more than a week of training. Unfortunately there's not a lot to be done about that; high turnover is common in most--if not all--call centers.

  17. I played Legion at launch full time for 3 months and the thing I have hated most about that expansion was the artifact grinding system. After completing the story and getting to lvl 110 it was all about doing artifact grinding. But here in SWTOR we grind for various things like gear, mounts, crafting mats, pets, outfits, etc. But Legion is all artifact weapon grinding and I got very tired of it.


    So, hypocrite, grind for ALL gear in TOR is just peachy, while grind for some gear in WoW is not? Yeah, not a believable argument. Especially given your own previous doomsaying that 4.0 would cause the game to die because you personally did not like it. And now you're trying to call out others for doing the same thing you have repeatedly! Like you have some moral high ground.

  18. Of course, that's why the game got called out in a quarterly report for losing sub revenue or that the CM item supply of packs has gotten thin on the ground as less people buy them. It's in the wrong category and the lists exclude games by technicalities. You can make anything look good with the right metrics and exclusions.


    They wouldn't have introduced RNG gear if there wasn't problems with our declining population. But go ahead, I'm sure your boundless ignorance will have EA let this game continue to decline and drag their name through the dirt. I'm sick and tired in game of listening to people rail on EA when anyone who has played their other games or in fact, games done by other Bioware studios knows this particular management is on this one. They have been making a major drive to increase transparency across the board and customer satisfaction. EA does and has done some horrible things but they aren't this inept.


    There you go again, with your facts and your reasonable nature and your logic. Psh, white knights don't need any of those! They just need caps lock and a list of insults.


    More seriously... it's sad that even EA admits the game is losing money on its financial reports, yet these people continue to rail and moan about how everything is just fine, and we're all just Negative Nellies! Even though we've gone from over 100 servers at launch down to a handful, only about a half of which at best are active while the rest are ghost towns.

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