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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. So the 4.0 Gearing was too complicated.


    But this new collect umpteen bits of gear and components and combine them with token to get something that may just be better that what you already have is sooooooooooo simples.


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


    KotFE Gearing wasn't broken.


    We all know that 'gearing was too complicated' argument was just a red herring. Gearing was simple as pie in 4.0. I admit it was too easy, but they could have fixed that and slowed down BiS gearing considerably by not having those highlighted HMs every week and only dropping 224 gear from NiM ops instead--or at the very least not having EV and KP in the highlighted HM rotation, that was silly.

  2. Putting tokens back on ops bosses is a good first step. Keeping those tokens random on everything but the last boss cuts into that though. Players don't want RNG gearing, they made that pretty clear.


    I'd also still like to see the Command Level become legacy-wide, like Legacy levels already are. I don't want to feel like every moment not spent on my main is a waste of time in terms of gaining points.

  3. An "expansion" launches under one of EAs most precious IPs. They see the sub cancellations rapidly climbing.


    Hmmm. What does the corporate type in EA do....


    1.) They call the team in Austin to ask what is going on. They tell them its all love and roses and those were subs that would normally drop of after an expansion (even though the EA exec sees how many 5 year subs just cancelled).


    2.) The exec comes to the forums, and is horrified by the universal contempt for the GCS and the atrocious RNG system.


    3.) The exec calls the devs, they decide to have a livestream to talk about getting specific gear after you went through 200 levels and the grinds for alts.


    4.) EA issues survey because the devs have lost credibility with the exec.


    5.) The team in Austin suddenly can't ignore the feedback anymore as the exec in EA tells them how they are moving further development of the game to Redwood Shores as this team has obviously IGNORED the feedback of the customers and they want it in the hands of a competent team who won't upset paying customers with half-baked game design.


    Did I miss anything?


    We can only hope this is what happens. I'd like to know the EA executives do that kind of research, and I'd like the hope of getting a new dev team that actually listens to players.

  4. Go on, prove it.


    I dare ya.


    He can't prove it. He has no evidence or data. He just keeps beating that strawman in front of everyone in the hopes people will buy into his propaganda. He also doesn't seem to understand (or is willfully pretending not to understand) that subscriptions are paid IN ADVANCE, and so people who quit do not immediately lose access to the forums.


    People really need to stop feeding him. He's never going to listen and he's never going to change.

  5. Just writing Galactic command is most of your characters already. -_-" Just watch them not understanding with GC means.:rak_03::rak_06:


    Oh, I didn't actually use the hashtags. There's just stuff with this game I'd like changed other than that. Basically I just put "Get rid of Galactic Command forever". My original answer talked about fixing bugs that have been around for years, replacing the dev team, listening to customers on the forums, teaching their CS people to all actually read the tickets that get sent to them and how to better answer them, a bunch of other points... but then I found out about the character limit.

  6. Got one too. It's nice that they're actively seeking out feedback, I'll give them that. But a 50 character limit to try to explain what the game would need to do to improve my experience (other than just #RemoveRNG and #RemoveGC) is completely inadequate. I get that they don't want to have to read through a novel from every person, but even a Tweet can have more characters than that.
  7. Please just add a gear vendor and make cxp legacy bound so that all the gearheads will stop ruining the forums with their negativity and bullying.


    I like the new system. I feel like it's more fair to people who aren't keen on PVP or multiplayer content. We can actually get good gear now and I've had great luck.


    Not everyone feels that way (the very vocal minority for example in this forum) and they deserve to be heard (even though most of them are beyond rude and entitled with the way they "share their opinions"). Putting a vendor down and legacy locking cxp will shut them up and allow those of us who DO like getting cxp for doing story content to continue doing so.


    Also, please feel free to ban every single player who is threatening you guys, personally insulting you guys, and saying you should be fired or they wish you'd drop off the face of the earth. That's uncalled for and pathetic.


    OR compromise by removing green gear from the crates entirely and giving a GUARANTEED set piece with every rank up or guaranteeing a set piece when our side is winning the dvl event or something like that.


    Give the PVP meatheads some new PVP.

    Put some new plans for Ops forward, new FPs, and all that jazz.


    Fix some dang glitches.

    Fix the Life Day Glitches (seriously, the event is unplayable for anyone who is on a dead server since we can't target NPCs without the uber expensive cannon)

    Oh and while you're at it, please talk about possibly merging some of the dead servers. I love my dead server but my experience won't be changed much by being merged to a more populated one.


    The only serious bullying I'm seeing is coming from the white knight brigade. You get told you're a whiner, a **** player, a liar, stupid, worthless, rude, entitled, pathetic, etc., for daring to speak out against GC. Sounds like bullying to me.


    Also, I am very tired of this 'vocal minority' nonsense. White knights keep repeating that the only people who are unhappy are the 'vocal minority', but they have zero numbers or evidence to back this up. While I don't have any stats either, I do know that of all the guilds I'm in and all the people I run around with and talk to in game, no one actually likes this system. Most of them hate it. Also, I sincerely doubt EAWare would be holding all these last minute livestreams full of reassurances if they weren't seeing sub numbers drop.

  8. That's absolutely not true. The Ops dropped the same set of gear at EVERY boss EVERY time. Your roll in your group was RNG, but the gear piece was most certainly NOT.


    Exactly. And if you formed a team with friends, there was no randomness about who would get each piece, you could plan it out. You knew after X number of runs that everyone would have the gear they could get from that op. You knew that 5 out of 8 people on an 8 man team would get gear each run.


    Now? Someone may get BiS set bonus in the first 10 crates, or they may not get it in 300 crates. Even if someone gets a crate during the op (not common after the first few Command ranks), 95% of the time they get garbage. It's completely random, with no reward for actual effort.

  9. Isn't that point?


    I mean, would you rather get new FE where all lvl70s refuse to skip cutscenes even after seeing them 100 times?


    One of the biggest criticisms of the KotFE chapters was that what you seemed to do 90% of the time is fight wave after wave of trash skytroopers.


    Why did they take these complaints and then design an entire new area of 'content' around that same mechanic?


    Also, yes, I absolutely would. I'd prefer something with a story and cutscenes over just endless delays via hundreds of spawned mobs.

  10. In before the charge of the EAWare white knight brigade.


    Other than the aforementioned white knights, I personally do not know anyone who likes the GC system. Among my in-game friends and guild mates, results range from indifference (from people who just RP and don't care about gear or levelling or endgame anyways) to annoyance to "Screw this, I'm done" quitting. None of the reactions have been positive.

  11. Vulkk already showed it us that you can easily heal veteran mode uprisings in 224. You don't need to be geared for it.


    Yes, but I want to gear my main, as I specifically said. If I run the Uprising on someone other than my main, my main does not get Command points, and therefore I am shooting myself in the foot in terms of gearing my main. So I try to run them on my main instead. All because of this poorly designed excuse for a loot lottery system that is GC.

  12. I'd also say that these games have -always- been about the rewards. That's what keeps people playing long term, not story stuff. I'm not knocking the story stuff. It's great. I just don't think it's good for retention. The game's launch proves that if anything. I'm not sure knocking people for wanting rewards is right. It's pretty normal to want rewards, especially in games like this that are all about long term goals.


    This. I love BioWare-style storytelling. I've played through all the class stories, some multiple times. I've gone through RotHC and SoR. I've played all the Zakuul chapters. I like the story, I really do!


    But... think about it in terms of a single-player RPG. Do you keep playing that game every day for years? No. You play through it maybe just once, maybe several times to check out all the endings and story permutations... and then you put it away and try a new RPG with a new story. Every once in a while you'll pull it out and replay it perhaps... but there's only so many times you can read/play the same story before you decide you want to experience a new one.


    Story is a great hook for an MMORPG. It's a great way to draw in customers. Hell, the promise of the 8 class stories is what made me sign up; I'm not big into MMOs as a rule. But story alone is flat out not going to let you keep those customers over time. Not with the long development cycles between new story content. You have to focus on the aspects of MMOs that do retain customers, the stuff that isn't all one-and-done like a story can be.

  13. All I would ask Eric is that Bioware not ruin the game for the people who still enjoy it.


    If you do make some change and you do manage to ruin the game for people who still enjoy it for the sake of forum complainers, well you'd be right back at square one wouldn't you, listening to more complaints on the forums.


    You have an idealized view of gaming. But the people you are dealing with now are not ideal gamers. You want these people to play your game out of fun. But they are only interested in the rewards, not the experience. You could promise them rewards for smashing their head against a brick wall and they would do it for the rewards. This is the reality of the current generation of MMO players, and the reason your $200 million, fully-voiced, story based MMO has failed.


    Keep this in mind if you decide to make changes. Because these people wont care what changes you make, as long as it rewards them.


    That's a lovely strawman you've built there, Mr. Shill. :D

  14. Really? More this "I can't complete anything without healer/tank watching my back 24/7" stuff?


    First of all you have to be lvl70 to even enter uprisings. You have all the abilities. Learn to play your class. It's not like there is some lvl50 character in lvl12 armor or something.


    Most people who queue for random Flashpoints or Uprisings do not know how to play their class. It's been a trend since they introduced those tokens you can use to insta-start as a 60 (now a 65). I can't tell you how many people I've seen in HM FP or Uprising groups with the starter gear from the insta-levels. So of course they're going to fail, they don't know what they're doing. And then the whole team fails, you wipe until people quit, and then you have to go back in the queue.


    All that time wasted for crap content with recycled mechanics. Not worth doing or queuing.

  15. I learned quickly as a solo player to roll a healer. You're not kidding about 4 DPS every time. Feels bad. It's why I play the Sage. I can get on and do whatever I want without much worry about stuff like this. I don't always feel like healing, but at least I can get through stuff without wiping.


    The only thing I can think is that they want people's queues to pop regularly instead of waiting for what could be a long time for a balanced comp to form. My feelings on that are that I'd rather wait an hour and finish an FP/Uprising than get a group in 5 minutes but just be met with constant failure do to the game putting us in a silly comp.


    I'd be happy to go on one of my healers... but because of this kriffing awful gearing system, I'd be shooting myself in the foot doing so, in terms of actually getting some damned gear for my main. So I have to go on my main, which is is a Sentinel, to make sitting in the Uprising queue even worth my time.


    It's messed up when a team of 3 players and one companion can easily roflstomp content, but a group of 4 players constantly wipe on the same content, all because of how EAWare designed these complete hack jobs of recycled mechanics. I really despise them.

  16. Loving the Uprisings. Nice to have a way to grind GCXP without having to devote an hour or more to an Operation. Even some of the FPs seem to go on forever...


    As far as 4 DPS having a hard time, I think that is intended. Balanced group should be a tank, a healer and 2 DPS. Don't think it was meant for all of 1 character type to complete...


    And yet that's what the queue has put together every single time I've tried an Uprising: 4 DPS. If it wasn't meant for that, then it shouldn't let that happen! The queue should put together a balanced group. Otherwise it's just dooming people to failure.


    I'd love to queue with a full, balanced group. But all my in-game friends think Uprising are even bigger pieces of retread content trash than I do. So I have to go in the queue alone. 4 DPS. Every time.

  17. Command Crates aren't new.

    They were in the game at launch and the RNG gear issue was so bad Bioware had to spend the the first year fixing things, and they eventually opted for a Token System because the inherent flaws with RNG were so bad that could not be overcome.


    So yes we should give them some space - but not to repeat mistakes they already made.


    Pretty much this. And this system is even WORSE in some ways than the one in 1.0 PvE and PvP. They should have known better. So of course we're not going to be as patient and giving them 'space' when they decide to repeat the same mistake but even more so than the last time. I gave them that patience and 'space' during 1.0, they used up that goodwill.

  18. I've been playing SWTOR since launch and and have bought the expansions when I had to pay for them. I could not stand playing this game for-2-play at all when they started that, so I have always been playing subbed. Now I have taken breaks from the game periodically, and usually I stopped my subscriptions. However sometimes I stayed subbed when I took breaks just to get the rewards and benefits of items and cartel coins, occasionally logging in


    When I was reading over the article- - and read the line "to those players who have been continuous Subscribers since launch...", and that I was part of those who would receive it, but I didn't. Then assumed it was for people who have apparently been subscribed since the beginning of the game and never stopped subbing, but others took brakes too and still received it. Now I didn't ask those people if they stopped their subscription when they stopped playing. I kinda felt that was being too nosy.


    I do like the statue, however, I'm more curious as to why I did not receive one specifically. If anyone can me the reason exactly, it would be much appreciated. Thank you


    You answered your own question. Sometimes when you took breaks, you stopped your subscription. That's why you didn't qualify. You had to be continuously subscribed since the first 90 days after launch until now to qualify. There seems to be a little wiggle room there for people whose subs only lapsed a day or two, but if you took off more time than that, then no decoration for you.

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