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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Hey folks,


    I just wanted to pop into the thread and confirm that the Heroic Mission Rewards were reduced. This wasn't intended to be a "stealth change," but it was missed from the patch notes and we apologize for that. We are working on getting it added to the notes soon.


    Sorry for any confusion.




    I know you have to answer to your corporate masters and can't tell us how you really might feel on the issue, Eric. You're just a cog in the machine. So I won't call you out personally for this... just your company. Shame on you EAWare. Shame on you for lying. Shame on you for screwing over legitimate players while leaving credits sellers, exploiters, and people running Treasure Hunting/Slicing macros untouched. It's disgusting.

  2. Actually there is something stopping you from doing it: the sheer number of bots doing it.


    ~ Eudoxia


    Exactly. Legitimate players can't efficiently compete with bots, often running with hacks that let them move through the game geometry to cover the same distance in less time, or letting them farm crafting nodes while still stealthed. I've tried in the past with slicing boxes, but it's just not worth it, you end up with far too little for the time spent when you have to compete with bots.

  3. This is obviously nothing more than a cash grab that may backfire completely and kill the cash cow.

    Horribly conceived, terribly implemented, and at best telling those who have supported the game for so long now that we dont matter even though we are the ones that kept it alive.

    Worst example of subscriber appreciation in gaming history


    Yep, all this, 100% on the money. Revenues for EAWare must be down if they're resorting to even more blatant methods of cash grabs than usual. I don't think the whales are going to save you this time, EAWare.

  4. Not the first time they sneak things (which normally means a nerf on credits or they take something out) but this is getting aggravated. Now they are cutting credits almost in half.


    Nope, definitely not the first time. Like all the class changes they snuck into the 4.0 release without any listing in the patch notes, just to give one particularly egregious example. Looking at you, complete redo of the Watchman rotation!



    EAWare's revenues are obviously down, and they're choosing to try to squeeze it out via cosmetics rather than, I don't know, providing NEW MMO CONTENT that might lure old players back and interest new players. But what am I saying, tthey can't put together actual NEW MMO CONTENT after 2 years of nothing, that would be actual WORK...

  6. This is terrible EAWare. Just terrible. This seems to be your week for making your biggest blunders ever.


    So now, people who play the game legitimately can't earn enough credits to buy anything in the inflated-out-the-wazoo economy. Said economy being severely inflated because of credit sellers you do nothing about and exploits you took literal MONTHS to fix. And you make this "screw you loyal customers" change on the down-low, without putting into your patch notes. Was this in the childish hope no one would notice? Who's running things in Austin right now, 6-year-olds?

  7. Hey All,


    There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




    *golfclap* Well done. Nice corporate spin job there, Ben. You guys allude that maybe, perhaps, possibly you could potentially make changes to the event (and also insinuate that you might even consider increasing the max characters allowed on a server if feasible), but you don't actually commit to anything. Instead, you push your little marketing event livestream instead, where we have no real feedback because you can just ignore everything people type at you.


    And so what we're left with are two possibilities: 1), nothing changes at all, or 2) something (or maybe more than one something) changes, weeks or months after the event has already started, giving those who you are making the changes for considerably less time to fairly complete the event before it's over. Instead of doing the sensible thing, which would have been to delay the event until changes to the event and/or character maximum limits on servers had been implemented.

  8. OhDon't even get me started on why you should get packs for free and I shouldn't. I don't have 8 toons to 50 and I've played and paid for years yet you should get the free gear because that's what you chose to do in the game?

    Somehow you are more important than me? You should get gear for free I spent a fortune on in packs or direct buying from CM?

    So what about those of us veterans who didn't do everything there is to do in the game? Why should you get rewarded and we shouldn't?


    It's a damn stupid point for you to act like you deserve something because you got full enjoyment from the game by playing all it's enjoyable content. "I had fun plying this game and I deserve something for having fun damn it"! is how it comes across.


    Of course if you didn't have fun I stick by my idiot point of view for persevering and paying for something you don' enjoy when there is just so much else out there.


    Again, I'm not asking for anything for free. I'm asking for people to get credit for what they've already done. That's not free.


    Since you've decided to take this into personal insult territory, I won't be discussing this further with you. You have your opinion, I have mine.

  9. Your argument makes no sense. People are unsubscribing for " BECAUSE of the need to mindlessly grind recycled content." yet if this event didn't exist or they did get the reward for already having done it they would still unsubscribe because it's still the same content being recycled in the game itself?


    At least this way SOME players will get more mileage out of the game by playing through the requirements again and thus keep them subbing longer.


    So who does it hurt to give it away for free basically? It hurts Bioware in terms of sub numbers as it would make the event moot for veterans ... if they were going to unsub over recycled content they are then going to unsub either way, giving them the rewards changes nothing in that regards.


    You're not reading my posts, or the posts of many other people on this thread, and on other threads. Let me try to sum it up for you.


    People are leaving specifically because of this event. For some, it's the straw that broke the camel's back. For others, it's a slap in the face. Either way, it has convinced many players to finally throw in the towel. I have guildmates and raiding buddies both who have already unsubbed specifically because of this event. Others are considering it. I may be joining them shortly.


    By contrast, giving veteran players some sense that 1) they are valued, and 2) they are being listened to, by making this event retroactive and getting credit for all the time and effort they've already put into this game would HELP KEEP THEM FROM LEAVING. A veteran player is a veteran player because they love and enjoy this game (for all its many faults) for one reason or another. However, love of a game only goes so far when the people running said game treat their customers like dirt. Keep piling on disrespect and derision, and even huge Star Wars fans like me will pull the plug.

  10. So, event starts. I log on. Boom! Eternal Level achieved without lifting a finger.

    No chance I'll be going anywhere near Legendary level and so my time in the event is over.

    Can you not see any problem with that scenario at all?


    As it is, I get a small incentive to participate in content I usually engage in during the summer months. Play through on a new character or two and run some flashpoints. About the only thing I'll need to make a check list on is the tac FPs to make sure I don't miss any.


    You didn't answer my question. How does that hurt anything or anyone? I really doubt a single player of this game would get all disappointed and go "Oh darn, I was SO looking forward to grinding up eight new characters and go through every single type of content in the game all summer long for these pixels and titles! How dare EAWare make a decision not based on trying to arm-wring more money out of people for character slot unlocks!" and then threaten to quit unless EAWare put back in 200% more mindless grinding of recycled content.


    Whereas now we have people unsubscribing BECAUSE of the need to mindlessly grind recycled content. Which hurts both the player base (fewer subscribers mean dead servers and long queues) and EAWare itself (less revenue).

  11. So in effect you want the requirement for Legendary level set so low those players that have been here for awhile will achieve it as soon as they log on while those new players will struggle. Yeah, I'm kind of glad you're not designing the events.


    Explain to me, EXACTLY, how that would be bad. What would be so terrible about people getting fair credit for things they have already completed? It wouldn't be getting something for nothing, it would be getting something for doing EVERYTHING already! They've already EARNED IT!


    I do not fathom the logic of how this could at all be a terrible thing. Why shouldn't long-time veteran players who have paid money into this game for years on end get a reward for it? What would it hurt ANYONE to make these achievements retroactive? Auto-generating more pixel outfits and titles for people would cost BioWare NOTHING. New players could still earn the exact same rewards by doing all the things the veterans have ALREADY DONE. Everyone would win!

  12. Upon reflection, I think EAWare should reconsider the name for their new event. "Dark vs. Light" really doesn't provide players (especially new subscribers) an accurate portrayal of what the event is all about. Maybe some of those of us who are angry about the event will feel better inclined towards it if a more descriptive name is applied? Truth in advertising and all that. So let's come up with some new ones to help EAWare out!


    For starters, how about...


    "Money vs. Mediocrity"


    "10% Cartel Market Discount On Additional Character Slots"


    "Don't Go Outside This Summer"


    "Sorry, We Weren't Paying Attention The First Time You Did That"


    "Retread Roundup"


    "Recycled Content Best Content"

  13. There are a few options:

    • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
    • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)




    Are you serious? Is this a joke? Please tell me it's a joke.


    So let me get this straight. If veteran players like me, who have already done everything on the list for the event, want to get anything out of the event, we either have to pay real world money to buy more character slots, or create and level and gear eight completely new characters on another server (while knowing the rewards won't transfer over to the server you actually play on because they're tried to the Legacy system)?!


    This is the biggest "screw you" I've seen directed at the veteran players on this game yet! Bad enough the developers for this game can't even be bothered to create a new event after how many years? I mean, this event is basically "Go grind the exact same content that's been in the game for years but do it while we're watching this time!" And now people who have been loyal customers of this game for years have to potentially create an entire new character roster just to participate?


    Here's an idea... how about you grant the rewards from the event also based on achievements characters already have instead of making them earn them all anew? That would be far less a slap in the face than what you're proposing! As it stands right now, this event is a terribly designed, lazy, and downright insulting concept. I won't even bother participating, because it has now been made crystal clear that BioWare/EA does not care about their loyal paying customers, only in acquiring new casual ones.

  14. Normally I'd be interested in this, but considering I can't even start the patching progress, I can't find it within myself to get hyped up about any allegedly 'great' things coming up this month. I don't care about new things, I just want the game I am paying for to work!
  15. I don't normally complain much on here, but this is RIDICULOUS, BioWare. How come adding 20 minutes or so of new content breaks your game every single month? "Early Access" on new chapters is more like "Please beta test our code for us".


    For what it's worth, here's my log:



    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO File info: I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=12/10/2015 20:48:24, accessed=12/10/2015 20:48:24, written=12/10/2015 16:9:38

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO Initializing download manager

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO Loaded settings from I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO Loaded agreements from I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO Loaded settings from I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO completeLauncherInit()

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO -----------------------------(300)-----------------------------

    2016-05-03 06:23:59 INFO Timezone: 300

    2016-05-03 06:24:00 INFO SpecsHash=3787260965.1297984480

    2016-05-03 06:24:00 INFO Checking for launcher update

    2016-05-03 06:24:00 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:00 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 06:24:02 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7

    2016-05-03 06:24:02 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7

    2016-05-03 06:24:02 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7

    2016-05-03 06:24:02 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7

    2016-05-03 06:24:02 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)

    2016-05-03 06:24:02 INFO Patching end

    2016-05-03 06:24:02 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:02 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 06:24:03 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:03 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:03 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:03 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:03 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)

    2016-05-03 06:24:03 INFO Patching end

    2016-05-03 06:24:19 INFO User logs in.

    2016-05-03 06:24:20 INFO Retrieving patch notes for environment [swtor]

    2016-05-03 06:24:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]

    2016-05-03 06:24:20 INFO BitRaider is available for [swtor]

    2016-05-03 06:24:20 INFO Previous patching mode for [swtor] is [sSN]

    2016-05-03 06:24:20 INFO Patch selection action: GoStraightToSSN

    2016-05-03 06:24:20 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]

    2016-05-03 06:24:20 INFO Chosen environment is swtor

    2016-05-03 06:24:20 INFO Starting patch of product retailclient_swtor

    2016-05-03 06:24:21 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:21 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/retailclient_swtor.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO Manifest Loaded: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO Dependency Set: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/movies_en_us.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO ManifestState=Dependency: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/movies_en_us.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO Manifest Loaded: movies_en_us, current=4/upcoming=-1/required=4

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO ManifestState=Complete: movies_en_us, current=4/upcoming=-1/required=4

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO Dependency Set: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_main.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO ManifestState=Dependency: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:22 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_main.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Manifest Loaded: assets_swtor_main, current=234/upcoming=-1/required=234

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Complete: assets_swtor_main, current=234/upcoming=-1/required=234

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Dependency Set: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_en_us.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Dependency: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_en_us.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Manifest Loaded: assets_swtor_en_us, current=239/upcoming=-1/required=239

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Complete: assets_swtor_en_us, current=239/upcoming=-1/required=239

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: retailclient_swtor, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Manifest Loaded: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Dependency Set: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/movies_en_us.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Dependency: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: movies_en_us, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=4

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Manifest Loaded: movies_en_us, current=4/upcoming=-1/required=4

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Complete: movies_en_us, current=4/upcoming=-1/required=4

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Dependency Set: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_main.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Dependency: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: assets_swtor_main, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=234

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Manifest Loaded: assets_swtor_main, current=234/upcoming=-1/required=234

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Complete: assets_swtor_main, current=234/upcoming=-1/required=234

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Dependency Set: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_en_us.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Dependency: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: assets_swtor_en_us, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=239

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Manifest Loaded: assets_swtor_en_us, current=239/upcoming=-1/required=239

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Complete: assets_swtor_en_us, current=239/upcoming=-1/required=239

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO ManifestState=Complete: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=199

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Patch completed normally (retailclient_swtor)

    2016-05-03 06:24:23 INFO Patching end

    2016-05-03 06:24:29 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]

    2016-05-03 06:24:29 INFO User pressed play (retailclient,en-us,swtor)

    2016-05-03 06:24:30 INFO Game successfully launched: I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\swtor\RetailClient\swtor.exe

    2016-05-03 06:24:30 INFO Closed launcher

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO SWTOR Launcher [Core:P1.8.2 Lib:P1.6] initialized.

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO File info: I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.exe size=8045584, created=12/10/2015 20:48:24, accessed=12/10/2015 20:48:24, written=12/10/2015 16:9:38

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO Initializing download manager

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO Loaded settings from I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher-app.settings

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO Loaded settings from I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\launcher.settings

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO Sending crash dumps to [https://patcher-crash.swtor.com/crashcatch]

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO completeLauncherInit()

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO -----------------------------(300)-----------------------------

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO Timezone: 300

    2016-05-03 19:32:48 INFO SpecsHash=3787260965.1297984480

    2016-05-03 19:32:49 INFO Checking for launcher update

    2016-05-03 19:32:49 INFO Loaded agreements from I:\Star Wars-The Old Republic\eula.settings

    2016-05-03 19:32:49 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:32:49 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/patcher2014.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 19:32:50 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7

    2016-05-03 19:32:50 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: patcher2014, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=7

    2016-05-03 19:32:50 INFO Manifest Loaded: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7

    2016-05-03 19:32:50 INFO ManifestState=Complete: patcher2014, current=7/upcoming=-1/required=7

    2016-05-03 19:32:50 INFO Patch completed normally (patcher2014)

    2016-05-03 19:32:50 INFO Patching end

    2016-05-03 19:32:50 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:32:50 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/eualas.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 19:32:51 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:32:51 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: eualas, current=-1/upcoming=-1/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:32:51 INFO Manifest Loaded: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:32:51 INFO ManifestState=Complete: eualas, current=0/upcoming=-1/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:32:51 INFO Patch completed normally (eualas)

    2016-05-03 19:32:51 INFO Patching end

    2016-05-03 19:33:00 INFO User logs in.

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO Retrieving patch notes for environment [swtor]

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO BitRaider is available for [swtor]

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO Previous patching mode for [swtor] is [sSN]

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO Patch selection action: GoStraightToSSN

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO Using environment.name [swtor], productName [retailclient]

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO Chosen environment is swtor

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO Starting patch of product retailclient_swtor

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:33:02 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/retailclient_swtor.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 19:33:03 INFO Manifest Loaded: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=200

    2016-05-03 19:33:03 INFO Dependency Set: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/movies_en_us.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 19:33:03 INFO ManifestState=Dependency: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=200

    2016-05-03 19:33:03 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:33:03 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/movies_en_us.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO Manifest Loaded: movies_en_us, current=4/upcoming=-1/required=4

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO ManifestState=Complete: movies_en_us, current=4/upcoming=-1/required=4

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO Dependency Set: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_main.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO ManifestState=Dependency: retailclient_swtor, current=199/upcoming=-1/required=200

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO ManifestState=GetManifest: , current=-1/upcoming=0/required=0

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO Download: http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/assets_swtor_main.patchmanifest ( )

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO Manifest Loaded: assets_swtor_main, current=234/upcoming=-1/required=236

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO ManifestState=Download: assets_swtor_main, current=234/upcoming=-1/required=236

    2016-05-03 19:33:04 INFO Download: ( )

    2016-05-03 19:34:09 ERROR Download Error :Unable to retrieve download configuration (e308)

    2016-05-03 19:34:09 INFO General Patch manifest state error in retailclient_swtor (e209)

    2016-05-03 19:34:09 INFO General Patch manifest state error in retailclient_swtor (e209)

    2016-05-03 19:34:09 ERROR Fetch Manifest Failure: General Failure

    2016-05-03 19:34:09 INFO Patching end

    2016-05-03 19:34:09 ERROR ManifestComplete:retailclient_swtor/http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/retailclient_swtor.patchmanifest

    2016-05-03 19:34:54 INFO User might exit during patching - E:(false,Error Text) NE:(true,Unable to retrieve patch data. Please check network connection. (308))

    2016-05-03 19:43:42 INFO Closed launcher



  16. First the disappearance of Cartel Certificates, with absolutely zero reason why and zero news on if and when they are coming back.


    Then the reduction of the number of items in each pack.


    Then the bumping up of legacy unlock costs for existing items.


    Then the removal of the bronze/silver/gold packs, after we were told they would be a permanent addition to the Cartel Market.


    NOW they make packs even MORE random and even LESS likely to drop the things you are trying to get by buying the packs in the first place.


    That's it. I'm done. I'm tired of being so jerked around as a customer. Unless most of, if not all, of these decisions are reversed on BioWare's part, no more cartel packs for me. I'm speaking with my wallet.


    From what I'm hearing from guildmates and friends, I'm not the only one who's going to stop playing the microtransaction game because of this either. Pity the BW/EA suits don't actually listen to their paying customers.

  17. A friend of mine is having the same problem on his trooper. He completed the class story literally years ago now, but the game is refusing to acknowledge it and let him start the class mission on Rishi. I have a trooper as well, and I had no problem playing through her class mission on Rishi several months back. I'm thinking the most recent patch must have broken whatever code in the game checks for completion of Chapter 3 of the class story to give access to the Rishi class missions.
  18. Do you really and truly want to see more people hitting their personal Conquest goals, BioWare? Here's a surefire, 100% guaranteed way to get them to do that: award an encryption for meeting your personal goal! Right now most people don't bother with Conquest because if their guild is not big and rich enough to place, there is NO POINT in bothering with it. If you offered a reward that was actually worth something, people would jump through all the hoops required to get it.
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