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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Buddy, I am already teir 3 on my main , so i'm not really missing that much in stats. but say I wanted full 242, which I have none of. FIRST I would need 14 legendary teir 2 pieces(no one is this lucky) then I would need 180 unassembled coms per piece. That translates roughly to 36 warzone wins, per piece, 36 times 14.

    This isn't a grind, this is hell. By the time anyone did that it would be 6.0 and they tend to make a new gear set by .5 anyway. There is no rationalizing this ****, and yeah if you had a NIGHTMARE<<<< raid guild it wouldn't be quite as bad, but theres only 2 servers that have nightmare guilds, and even those populated servers ate dying and quickly. Not to mention youd need to xfer to the server, join the guild, get in their 8 man group like come on, theres no defending this crap.


    Well said. And that's the grind you need to gear just ONE of your toons. This after they had an event specifically rewarding people for making up to eight new alts!

  2. It's not a dream but you're so far into the need to point out flaws and be negative that you can't see anything else now.


    They're basing their guess that the operation won't be finished by the end of the year on EAWare's past behavior. I agree with them. They often delay things, and since they haven't given us a specific timetable for these other than "We hope to have them all out by the end of the year", that's a pretty big sign to me that there's a good chance they won't all be out by the end of the year.


    Did you see the drinking game? :D

  3. I haven't tried ESO so I can't offer any advice there. I have tried FFXIV, and I find the actual game mechanics to be quite fun to play. The job system means you don't have to be an altaholic if you want to try out lots of different roles or pick up every crafting skill. Character customization options aren't nearly as expansive as City of Heroes (I loved that game too), but it's far better than TOR's; it even has sliders for height and muscle tone! The game is very friendly to new players, with lots of training type quests and small instances to help people learn how to use their abilities and work in groups. And no RNG in the cash shop! You buy exactly what you want when you want it!


    There are some downsides, of course. While I find the environments very pretty, the catgirl race and the Precious Moments figurine race kind of break my immersion (not a huge anime fan here). There are limited housing plots, so if you don't already have a house or apartment, sucks to be you! You're going to have to hope you catch someone announcing one for sale in the area chat, or keep checking the district listings every single hour of every single day to see if someone stopped paying upkeep--oh yeah, housing has gil upkeep, can't forget that part. The story so far has left me kinda meh, though to be fair I haven't gotten out of the vanilla story yet, so maybe the expansion story is better.

  4. Kinda negates your post though.. if you want to be listened to... be accurate, not like the information isn't right there, in front of you.


    It's still been over two years, and being off by a few months means my entire post is negated? That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. How desperate are you to stake out your white knight astroturf, kid?


    Since you fail in reading comprehension, please recognize that EAWare promised we'd never go one year without ops again. It's now been over two. They told us and hinted at they were working on ops in the background for that whole period of time. So they lied when they made their promise, and they lied when they said they were working on ops for two years.

  5. Dream on. I can bet now that they wont get all bosses done this year mark my words. its not first time this happened. I give credit they at least try now after SO many years of silence. But its clear indication things are bad and they have no other choice now.


    Given their history of delays, I predict the first boss will drop April, and then we won't see the next one until August at the absolute earliest.

  6. This is confirmation that opses were not in works for many years and since community demanded now ops they started recently something just to show that they are working on it :D


    Dont expect all 5 ops bosses this year they kinda hinted that way. First boss will come early april and STORY mode only. Then next boss will probably around june which can also be story mode only while first boss will get veteran mode.


    Well if you want to wait and keep paying monthly to wait each boss as far is 2018 until they have done ALL bosses be my guest :)


    If you defeate and most will do on day one as its story mode i bet peope lwill get bored again fast....


    Exactly. You can run storymode ops in last year's PvP gear and down it easily, because of bolster. So people will rush into the ops when the server opens, get it down in an hour (if that)... and then get to wait who knows how many months for the next installment.


    As I said, EAWare admitted the piecemeal content drop didn't work for their first single-player-centric expansion, because this is the era of Netflix and binge watchers. Why do they think it's a good idea for an operation?

  7. Do you really have to complain so much without thinking it through first?


    They clearly realized they had erred in neglecting operation style content but don't have the means to just whip an operation out in a few months. So they figure this style of mini operations is a good compromise to getting content to us quicker than having us wait all bloody year just for an operation or 2.


    Unless you have some magic coding machine that just whips out operations at the whim of the community I suggest you put more thought into the entire process before going off on a rant like this.


    How did it take them over two years to realize they'd screwed up in not offering ops content? Why did they instead waste their time putting out 10 different Uprisings no one asked for instead of one single operation that a segment of the playerbase has been begging for?


    People have been clamoring for them to live up to their promise of not making us go a year or more without any new ops for over a year! They've had over two years to do SOMETHING, and they've been giving us hints that they were totally working on ops right now, you guys, we swear, for those entire two years. So they were lying when they made that promise, and they were lying when they kept telling us there was something in the works for those two years.


    Oh no, I'm off by a few months... it's still over two years, which is well beyond what they promised us would NEVER happen again after Ravagers and ToS dropped.


    Two complete ops dropping at the same time after a year of waiting! Madness! /sarcasm

  9. They're saying the first boss is coming out in March/April (so probably April at the earliest) and that they hope to get the rest of the bosses out "before the end of the year".


    ...really, EAWare? REALLY? This episodic piecemeal crap didn't work with your first solo play expansion, why do you think it will work with operations? Why rush to finish the first boss when the next one won't be coming for months? Why shouldn't all raiders just unsub until the full ops comes out and then work on it then? Especially when we all know how every new piece of content that drops is riddled with glitches and bugs; best to wait for them all to be sorted out anyways!


    The fact you don't even have ONE ops boss done yet signals to me you guys weren't even working on or even thinking about ops until the huge backlash against 5.0 and RNG gearing. You guys originally promised the raider community they'd never go a year without ops again; now it's been two and a half. In the past ops would drop in a complete state, sometimes even two at a time! Giving us one rushed out boss with the next one coming "soon, we promise" is too little, too late.

  10. Bored of playing BioWare Austin Livestream Bingo? Depressed at the slow and painful death of your favorite MMO? Don't despair! Find the nearest alcoholic beverage to hand (or non-alcoholic if you are not legally old enough to drink in your place of residence and/or don't drink alcohol for personal reasons) and join me in playing the new BioWare Austin Livestream Drinking Game™!



    Take a drink when...


    ...RNG is described as 'exciting' or mention is made of 'the thrill of the hunt' (two drinks if Ben Irving says either of these).

    ...Uprisings are described as exciting, useful, interesting, or a success in any way.

    ...anyone in the livestream uses the phrases we hear you, we're listening, stay tuned, very soon, give us feedback, open to suggestions, stuff in the works, and any variation thereof.

    ...there's a technical issue with the stream.

    ...Musco asks someone else for clarification (two drinks if it's Tait).

    ...people keep spamming the giveaway word even after the winners have been announced.



    Take two drinks when...


    ...the livestream guys pat themselves on the back for 'listening to the players' with 5.1.

    ...a new subscriber reward coming up is mentioned (three drinks if it involves HK in some way).

    ...they mention the Stalwart Leader Pack on the Cartel Market.

    ...they mention Command XP boosts on the Cartel Market.

    ...they ignore all complaints about the massive amount of bugs in Uprisings, old and new.

    ...no mention is made of issues with class balance/glitched class abilities and procs/etc.



    Take three drinks when...


    ...anyone on the livestream mentions how they're totally and truly thinking about working on operations for real this time, guys!

    ...promises of any kind of new group content are made without any dates specified.

    ...raiders are called a minority of the game's population, after two and a half years of no new ops to run.

    ...anyone even mentions the nerf to PvP bolster (four drinks if they defend it).

    ...they talk about companions coming back, and then ladle out only one or two at a time because they want to milk player tears for all they're worth.

    ...all questions or concerns about RNG gearing are flat out ignored.

    ...all mention of players being screwed for purchasing upgrades to their gear if they sold the cosmetic shells is ignored.

    ...any topic brought up is kicked down the line to be addressed in the next livestream, they promise!



    Feel free to give your own suggestions, this is a work in progress!

  11. If I had known 5 years ago they were going to change the AoE ground indicators I wouldn't have kept my sub.


    Sound ridiculous? That's cuz it is. What a stupid complaint and thread but that's all this place is now it seems.


    You're drawing a false equivalence here. Shae Vizla as a companion was touted as a subscriber reward. Those pixels were deliberately used as a carrot to dangle in front of players to keep them subscribed. Pay sub for X long, get Mandalore the Avenger as your in-game buddy. Basically, people PAID REAL MONEY for her. Retroactively going back and removing customization ability from the companion MONTHS AFTER the pixel carrot was awarded is wrong and abusive to the consumer.


    By contrast, no one paid REAL MONEY to get a particular AoE ground indicator. See how intellectually dishonest you're being? :D

  12. You should try less trolling, and just go ahead and explain why you think there's a problem with gearing up for PvP in the new Command Rank system. I've leveled to Rank II gear already on almost only Warzones, and I'm unaware of what problem you could POSSIBLY be having with the new system. And if there is some difficulty you're having, how exactly is it pertinent only to PvP purposes? It's the same gear set as for PvE purposes.


    So... I ask again, what in the world is your difficulty with gearing up for PvP in the current SWToR? FFS just explain it ...


    A whole bunch of people have explained it, in posts on this thread, in posts on other threads in the General Discussion forum, AND in many many threads in the PvP forum. Maybe you should actually read what everyone's saying? Just a thought.


    Stop insisting people repeat the same arguments they've already made, then crowing how people you disagree with don't have legitimate arguments when they get tired of doing so over and over again. It's borderline sealioning.

  13. Leaving it out isn't going to make things better. In fact, it makes things worse. I agree that it has to be deliberate.


    Oh, I agree leaving it out makes it worse. But they keep doing it. If they made a mistake once in a long while and left out a detail or two, and then immediately went "Oops, sorry guys, we messed that up, here you go!" and added the proper notes, I'd be willing to chalk it up to human error. Everyone has a bad day, everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect.


    But it's always a bunch of things, and it's always stuff that players are going to get upset about rather than minor translation details or QoL improvements being left out, and they never acknowledge it unless a ton of people start calling them out on the forums for their deception. As they say: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

  14. Why people keep saying Bioware wanted to fix something in first place?


    This is wrong. This change was INTENTED to have longer lifespan for game recycling old content. This was never ment to be making "simple" or easy way to gear. Unless you look big picture of all the changes past few years then you might actually understand why all these changes are done and why they dont explain in detail all this. Because thats how they can maximize income with very little money needed to invest into game.


    Oh, we're not saying they implemented GC to 'fix' anything. That's EAWare's justification for completely changing the gearing system. Apparently 3 colors of crystals was "too complicated" for players to understand (Ben Irving's words, not mine) and that's why they decided to go to RNG loot crates. Allegedly.


    The lies are rather transparent, I know, but those are the lies they're telling.

  15. Yep, Harb is where I play and we are still very busy. Not sure what people are saying. But the mad people on the forums want to believe their is some kind of wild wave of cancelled subscriptions. If that were true, Bioware would have made drastic changes already.


    You mean like they did with 5.1? Moving away from their all RNG all the time gearing system after defending it and ignoring all critique on it prior to 5.0 dropping? Where they called 2 emergency livestreams and apologized for the horrible and promised they'd change things? And then they did? And now with 5.1 dropping they've made more posts promising more changes and admitting they screwed up?


    Yeah, that's not evidence of a wave of subscription cancellations at all! /sarcasm

  16. I would really love to know how important patch notes got missed. Really. I don't buy that it was simply overlooked. Not that big of a change.


    They weren't missed. They were deliberately left out to try to put off the backlash they knew would result. They've done this many times in the past with class changes, heroic credit rewards, ops mobs CXP nerfs, etc. Sometimes they don't even go back to the patch notes to sneak in what they left out originally, if they don't get called out loud enough on the forums (I'm looking at you stealth change to Watchman Force Leap in 4.0).

  17. Give a crate of loot to all legacy characters? :eek: :eek: but that would lessen the grind too much!!!! :eek: this is bw after all. They want to make sure you work for each piece of gear, 2 unassembled gear pieces at a time...5 if you're lucky. :rolleyes:


    No. It didn't take long for me to have my eyes opened. I'm tired of it now.


    Let's share some virtual alcohol again! I'm coming up with a BioWare Livestream Drinking Game !

  18. You were so quick to respond to my post, that you missed my edit 10 seconds after posting. Im glad you emphasized that part though.


    You said you didn't take potshots, I pointed out you taking a potshot. If the shoe fits, wear it.


    Also... I'm supporting damage now, by sharing my opinion as a paying customer? That's about the most ridiculous thing I have heard today. I'm not calling for people to personally attack the devs. I'm not saying they should be burnt at the stake or their houses should be egged or anything ridiculous, crazy, or violent like that. I'm saying I think the product they are putting out--that I have been paying for for five straight years now--has become terrible and is getting rapidly worse. That's not 'supporting damage'; that's my right as a consumer.


    You want people to not share their opinions if it doesn't fit with your "EAWare can do no wrong" philosophy. That is very anti-consumer, and it is shameful of you to try to astroturf that on EAWare's behalf on the forum.

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