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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Somehow I don't think the supposed mass quitting protest is going to help the staff budget. If you want them to have a bigger budget, you should stop people who pretend that they are quitting.


    I'm pretty sure EAWare can look at their own numbers and see how many people are actually ending their subscriptions, without a chance of being decieved by your alleged mass conspiracy of lots of people just saying they're quitting when they're not.


    And again... we've gone from over one hundred servers to a handful, and a lot of those handful are now ghost towns. People have quit this game en masse in the past, are still quitting this game on a regular basis, and unless something is done eventually the game will be shut down for good due to a lack of a subscriber base.

  2. Yep. That's why I'm reading here while I wait for my wife to finish I solo mission in ESO so we can go on together for a while.


    SWTOR is no longer fun and BW not admitting that and fixing it is a major problem for them. When customers say they aren't having fun in your game, you need to fix things before they find something else that is fun.


    I still have fun decorating and RPing. But I can do those activities as a Preferred player, so... yeah. :/


    I don't understand the arrogance of the EAWare devs and/or the EA execs above them giving them their marching orders. Their whole apparent attitude of "this is how we think the game should be played, whether you like it or not" is very short-sighted. They might personally think RNG gearing is EXCITING, but if their customers don't, their own enjoyment of THE THRILL OF THE HUNT will not help them.


    Yet they keep treating us players like we're playing the game 'wrong' in their eyes. They also seemed confused at our displeasure, after they changed the fundamental structure of the game last December and turned it into an Asian-style free-to-play endless grind and microtransactions game (without the actual free-to-play aspect, since GC is gated off to subscribers only).

  3. Not to mention you can get royally screwed with pairing. There's no way my operative or my sentinel can go 1 on 1 with a merc. No. Way. I'd add sorc to that list with the merc. So if you get assigned to 4v4 with all dps on your side and 2 mercs and 2 other dps then it's game over. We had one where the mercs were in 242 gear. You. Could. Not. Hurt. Them. END. They didn't need to be close to you to shoot you. So my poor sentinel and operative just can't win. In fact we all knew wed lose by looking at the mercs health bars prior to the match. It was out of this world. Lose a 4v4 and only get 1 piece and 137 cxp. Waste. Of. Time.


    Yeah, there are plenty of 1v1 class pairings that are pretty damn lopsided, which can easily doom you in an arena. And now arenas give less CXP and components than regular warzones, so you have even less reason to do them if you see the other team is the same tier 3 premade that's been splattering you all day.


    Not only do I think the components from PvP and GSF need to be significantly increased per match, I think they need to be added as rewards to the daily and weekly quests as well, AND become legacy-bound. That would at least make things a bit less painful.


    Of course, until they restore bolster, it's potentially going to be harder to get PvP match pops period, especially on servers with low population already. :/

  4. So the past few weeks I have been on a power leveling with my alts. I have 30. Instead of doing the KOTET I opted to do the dailies in hopes of getting the Remnant Underworld Agent Jacket from one of the supply crates. I know they only drop from the Science ones. I just been doing dailies by planet until I hit 70. Then cash all my crates in. I am now to the point that I have almost every set complete except for that one Jacket. Its really the only piece I care about getting. I just sell the rest to the junk venders now. It's getting real annoying. I have seen maybe two people with it on. Maybe a Dev should check and see if its drop rate is ok. Surely my luck isn't that bad.


    I feel your pain. I lost count of how many crates I opened before I finally got one of those. While I got like 30-something of the same Arkanian Knight's bracers! So frustrating. In my experience, chestpieces overall do seem to drop from the boxes less often than other slots, but that could just be confirmation bias talking.

  5. Agreed, I've never had any interest whatsoever in FF or any other MMO, but this insight from Yoshida-San makes me want to try the game!


    I've tried it, it's a fun game! Very new player friendly, lots of content. Probably going to go back to it more often now, though I struggle with immersion in it sometimes. I'm just more of a sci-fi person than an anime fantasy one, y'know?

  6. YOU HAVE CALLED ME A STRAWMAN MULTIPLE TIMES. What is your deal? You are constantly changing up what we both said to better fit your own arguments. Is this worth it for you? And if so, why can't you try to use all that energy to offer some feedback to the devs? Who knows maybe everyone will like your post.


    Please point to a post where I said you, personally, were a strawman. Prove it.


    You can't. For the second time, that is not what I'm saying, or what I have ever said. I keep accusing you of beating up on a poor abused strawman, because you're utilizing the strawman logical fallacy. You're using a strawman in your arguments, that's what it means.


    Since you possibly have some anger management issues at present, I'm going to stop responding to you now. I'd rather not you get any more upset than you already seem to be.

  7. Yeah you have morphed what I said into what you thought I said. You literally started this. BTW YOU CALL EVERYONE A STRAWMAN! STOP lol


    You still don't get it, even after I provided you the link. I'm not calling you a strawman, I'm saying you're utilizing the strawman fallacy, by claiming those who disagree with you are arguing something that wasn't actually said. No one is demanding all BiS gear instantly, but you keep claiming that. You keep claiming people are saying a lot of things that aren't true, and claiming you know the motivations of perfect strangers over the Internet (while ignoring what people actually say in their posts), all the while throwing out tons of personal insults and demands that they leave the forums for the terrible sin of not agreeing with you.


    Again, step back, take a breath, and calm down. This is just a game, not a religious crusade.

  8. I disagree. It is a decent gearing system and more fun than before BUT it does not need a tweak. It needs a sledgehammer and a baseball bat adjustment to the rate. They need to increase it by a very large margin or the cancer will continue to spread. And make no mistake it is toxic.


    With a game that allows 52 toons per server, you can not have a Chinese gear grind. As you and everyone else playing this game has learned very clearly by this update it is cancer to a game like this.


    The good news is fortunately for the development team that it is an extremely easy and quick fix. All they have to do it boost the progress 10-12 times of what it is now and the toxic cancer will be gone instantly. A "tweak" is NOT needed. It is way beyond a tweak. If the development team wants to instigate the disease and make it flair up than tweak it. You want people leaving the forums and return to playing this game increase the rates by a dramatic amount.


    The choice is simple and it is the development teams choice to make. All I know is that I am on Harbinger on what was one of the most active guilds with nobody on but me. And every single person I talk to about this gear system ALL say it is way to grindy. And not a little bit too grindy, but to grindy by a long shot.


    I agree with you. To your idea of massively speeding up the grinding of CXP levels, I would add the following suggestions:


    1) Code in a safeguard against getting duplicate pieces from a tier set. It's very disheartening to keep getting the same piece over and over when you still need so many more drops.


    2) Allow people to directly spend Command Tokens to purchase gear from the previous tier, without needing components from PvP/GSF or unassembled gear tokens from PvE. That way, if you hit tier 2 and still are missing several 230 pieces, you can choose to either wait and see if you get upgrades for those slots from the RNG boxes, or spend accumulated tokens to get better gear now while you wait. Same thing if you hit tier 3 and you're still behind on gearing; you can directly spend Command Tokens to fill in the gaps with tier 2 gear or again wait to see if RNGesus loves you later.

  9. I did not save the post, as I thought I did, but I will be sure to rebuild it for you and post it here tomorrow (and dont worry I will include exactly what you asked for). There was plenty, google and your name brings up a lot of crap.


    You guys don't really have any reason to post here anymore. You said you quit, why do you spend sooo much time on the forums? ONE OF YOUR POST WAS ABOUT HOW YOU HAD A LIFE AND THE GEAR TAKES TOO LONG?!? But you spend soo much time on the forums. You call anyone that likes the game a strawman, I found like 8 of those from the past week. You are as rude as they come. I will give you your post but I will not argue with you, you are stuck in your ways. You shouldn't continue to post here, but you are. You have no intention to see the game get better. In your mind any positive post, is a paid for BW strawman. Its like this game really messed you up. You are anything but constructive. Please, while you wait for my post with the info you want, check out your old post:




    See how much of a perfect little angel you are.


    I never said I was a perfect angel. I just said 1) you keep setting up strawmen instead of actually addressing people's arguments and complaints, and 2) you are insulting everyone (calling them idiots, morons, trolls, losers, etc.) who disagrees with you over and over and demanding they leave. You claimed I was asking for "instant gratification for free", and so was everyone else who complained, but you have yet to present any evidence of anyone asking for all BiS gear right this instant or anything else ludicrous like that. Why? Because those posts don't exist and you're making them up so you can keep attacking your strawman.


    Step back from the forums. Breathe. Get a glass of water. You're taking this way too personally and getting way too upset and nasty at people.


    By the way, since you don't seem to know what a strawman fallacy is and why we keep referencing it when it comes to you, this should help!

  10. As long as it stays you might, maybe get a piece of gear and it might, maybe be useful, it doesn't matter how fast they drop, you still can't be sure you'll get the gear you need for the content you want to run. Speeding it up still doesn't fix the fact that you might get 600 crates and not have a 6 piece set bonus. It's possible you won't have any, although the chance of that is slim, I hope. GC is no fun, it's frustrating and infuriating and it gets worse the more crates you open. No thanks. If I want to play something like that, I'll go drop quarters in a slot machine.


    It's particularly bad when there's no safeguard against getting duplicates. On my scoundrel, for example, I have not only received the same pants twice (from two crates in a row even, that was amusing), but SEVEN relics I didn't need. Each of those purple relic drops could have been something I actually need, but nope, just seven relics that are the same as the two I'm already using. That's just sad.

  11. Oh lord, you are back.


    I wrote up a great response to your request for post supporting what I was talking about. It was a little hurtful so I deleted it. My post reads: Deleted.


    But I encourage you to search the things you asked me to present. I do not want to be to rude.


    You don't want to be rude?! What do you think you've been doing in every single post in this thread? You've been rude to everyone responding to you!


    Again, you are the one claiming that all the people criticizing EAWare right now are just 'haters' who want "instant gratification for free". That was your claim. You're the one who needs to support the claim with evidence. I challenged you to find ANY post on this forum where someone asked for "instant gratification for free". You have yet to provide anything.


    So stop beating on that poor abused hyperbolic strawman, for Flying Spaghetti Monster's sake! What did it ever do to you?

  12. dude lol. Get off the forums, you quit didnt you.


    I want to assume you just love the game, but I dont know.


    Why cant someone else love it. My post is perfectly accurate, for people disagreeing 5.1 and 5.2 are major proof and to say otherwise doesnt make sense.


    And to the poster comparing their job, what do you know about what they do? How do you assume they are not doing their best. They have clearly responded to the community that wants the game to be better. They may very well be doing hours we wouldnt believe.


    If you assume, I can as well. Stop giving them a hard time, its obvious they are trying very hard. If they had a bigger team, it would definitely better. STOP SCARING PEOPLE AWAY from an amazing game for new players. BE CONSTRUCTIVE. USE Your GOD GIVEN BRAINS and stop just following a MOB.


    IF you love the game, figure out what you think is wrong and write up a real reason why the devs should change it. THEY ARE LISTENING.


    ENOUGH with the I QUIT drama, that only works for EA.


    There you go beating on that strawman again, dear. I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence of all your claims in previous threads. :rak_03:


    Also, immediately insulting anyone who disagrees with what you have to say? That removes all semblance of moral high ground you may be trying to step up on by being 'positive' or 'supportive' of EAWare.

  13. I think you're a little naive OP. Granted certain occurrences aren't solely Bioware's fault, they are in fact the ones responsible for the end product we receive. Yes, EA should increase their budget so more and better things can be done by the BWA team however, the BWA team should use the funds/resources they DO have to create something which will actually earn that type of revenue for EA and by that I mean a solid, enjoyable game that doesn't lose its shine after 2 weeks of playing. Flooding the Cartel Market isn't enough, not when the rest of the game simply isn't worth investing in or sticking around for and guess what? Players who don't want to stick around or play more than an hour per week tops, they won't invest in the CM either, that's all secondary.


    As far as I'm concerned, both are to blame. EA doesn't demand enough quality from BWA and isn't willing to invest more than they do now and BWA is often missing the mark in how they allocate the resources they do receive.


    PS: I'm not a dev and I can most definitely imagine their job isn't easy. They receive a lot of flack and in their way, perhaps they do try best as they can but they're not flawless human beings either... mistakes are made, even by Ben, Eric, Charles etc.


    Well said, I agree completely. This is a complex Charlie Foxtrot to be sure, but BWA bears a hefty share of the blame all on its own.

  14. The problem is, caring about characters went away at the end of Corellia. From there to KotFE you only had two stories, didn't matter what character you played and now you have 1, so it really doesn't matter anymore. That has been one of the problems since 1.2 and I don't see them ever fixing it. However, it also means when they do something like totally screw up end game gearing, there is nothing to keep people here anymore.


    Pretty much this. The 8 unique class stories are what got me hooked on this game. Now I'm down to 1 story, where my choices don't make any actual difference in how the story ends. Zero replay value, not fun, and not enough to sustain my subscription. If I decide to finally end it after 5 continuous years, maybe I'll come back later after the full new ops drops... I'm guessing January 2018 for that.

  15. How? 1 year for a freaking Op? This is not some fringe niche MMO that doesn't have fans...it's STAR WARS and it's the ONLY Star Wars MMO on the entire market and it's owned my Electronic Arts, the largest and most lucrative gaming company in the entire world...the game has both a subscription AND a cash shop...yet they can only do ONE boss at a time?


    Who is this appealing to exactly? World boss fans? It's not an Operation...it's pieces of it strung together over a year...and it'll only be ONE Op at the end of that year. Who do you think that's appealing to exactly?


    And in the end, that is probably what is killing the game the most... the lack of funding provided by EA. Which still boggles me. This is the Star Wars IP! It comes with a built-in eager fanbase! More time, money, employees, and passion spent on this game could make it so much better, even truly epic, but instead it seems EA just keeps tightening the purse strings and pushing the cash shop more.


    I wish EA would look to the example set by FFXIV instead of microtransaction-heavy mobile games. When FFXIV's initial launch flopped because of a mediocre game, they didn't double down on the poorly received features and refuse to fix them (like EAWare is doing now with Galactic Command). They apologized, took the entire game down, and built an entirely new version of it from the ground up. Now FFXIV is way more popular and profitable!


    Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. SWTOR is one of those times. It badly needs an injection of resources to keep afloat.

  16. Of course there is a desire for this. Thinking there isn't is just silly. Why would you guys template them to NOT be customizable in the first place? IMHO, one of the best part of (most of the) vanilla companions was that each player could dress their companion how they wanted them to appear. You already had the code in place for companions to be customizable .... you decided for whatever reason to disallow it.


    I still don't know how they can say "We don't know how we can implement customizable companions" when ALL OF THE ORIGINAL STORY COMPANIONS WERE FULLY CUSTOMIZEABLE! I mean... how disingenuous can you get? It sounds more like they're not ALLOWED to let them be customizeable; that some higher-up in the company has declared all the companions from the two "expansions" had to have the same 'iconic' look for every player or whatever.

  17. 2 years ago, we had 200+ players on the fleet during prime time. Today its barely 60.


    To bastardize a line from T.S. Eliot, this is the way the game ends: not with a bang, but with a whimper.

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