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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Yet another frustration I have... I've been reporting the same gold farming bots since early 2016, and they are still there, running around Yavin on Harbinger. I must have 10 tickets with specific names, including alt codes...


    In PVP instances, I used to be able to glitch them by killing their companions on stairs outside the Temple entrance, and they would sit their idle for hours. They adapted.


    Nothing is ever done about them.


    I've reported them all too on Ebon Hawk. They're there every day, all day, are obviously bots, and EAWare doesn't seem to care because no matter how many tickets people send about them they never leave.

  2. This is a topic we have certainly talked about quite a bit in the past. Our fight against credit spammers is always on-going and something that will be tricky to ever resolve 100%. Sometimes we wait to take action to take down entire "rings" of sellers at one time, other times we take more direct frequent action, typically against compromised accounts.


    We know it can be frustrating and it is something we are constantly looking to address. Always report them when you see them, it helps us immensely in taking them down.




    I'm not going to report them anymore if that means I will never be able to send a ticket on any issues I have, since you guys don't clear out those reports for months and they've now filled up my ticket box. See my post earlier in this thread on the subject. If you guys regularly closed those reports to clear them from the queue, then I'd start reporting them again. Until then, I'm not making the situation worse for myself.

  3. I haven't had that issue in a while, but if I remember correctly, just hovering over it again, and maybe one more time, usually moves the stats, so they don't fly off your screen.

    But, like I said, haven't had that for a while, so I might remember wrong, and if I do, I'm sorry.


    That fix used to work for me, but now the stats continue to fly off the screen no matter how many times I mouse over. Changing between windowed and full screen doesn't work either; nor does changing resolutions.

  4. Speak for yourself. I geared 28 characters in 4.0 but I will say that the biggest issue in 4.0 was the priority system. Aside from EV and KP HM dropping 224 gear in those weeks, it was also added on top of the regular loot table instead of replacing it, effectively giving double gear rewards. That was just too much.


    All they should've done with the old ops is make EV and KP tougher and take away the priority system.


    And before you say that not everybody wants to gear so many characters, there is the issue of content drought. That's the other side of it. We should've had more actual content released during 4.0 itself. The combination of not making gear too easy to get together plus releasing more interesting content would've been good.


    It appears they got that message now but sadly BWA are like an oil tanker and it takes them ages to change direction.


    I will definitely agree having EV and KP in the priority weekly op rotation was a bad idea. Those ops are by far the easiest in the game; you shouldn't have been able to get NiM level gear out of them. And I can definitely see your point about the 224s being added to the regular 220 drops also potentially being a bad idea. At the time, though, I didn't mind it, because I thought it balanced out the fact that NiM operations DIDN'T DROP ANY GEAR AT ALL for like the longest time, for some boneheaded reason. So the priority op was the only way you could get 224s back then.

  5. a crate every 30min is too much. Thats every other warzone. We will be full 242 soon and then theres no incentive to keep playing. Have you forgotten about the massive player drop midway through 4.0 when everyone geared the 7th toon and had no incentive to keep playing?


    Instead of changing the system you should run some education lessons on who to effectively gear. Its completely astounding how many players dont know what to do with voidmatter catalysts and how to get them in pvp.


    You should also prove that the difference between gear after bolster is pretty small. Way too many keyboardturning superbads blame gear once they lose


    It feels like you're not even playing the same game we are.


    Also, gearing being 'too easy' (whether or was or not is debatable) was not the issue for people dropping subs in 4.0. A lack of any end game content for years was one of them--though only one.

  6. Is this going to be retro-active?


    It seems that anyone that has participated in the Galactic Command Grind over the last few months is getting a Jokes on you. You may have had to spend 3 hours for a rank and got nothing but junk, but if you had just unsubbed like a smart person you could get 6 crates in that time and be that much closer to tier 3.


    If its not retro-active it really makes playing the game at the moment seem pointless.


    EAWare rarely compensates anyone retroactively, for anything, EVER. I mean, remember all those lost days of game time after each of the first couple of KotFE chapters dropped and there were game-breaking bugs and super long unanounced server maintenance periods. Did we get even a day of free play time for all that? NOPE. Yet another example of how they have a terrible business model.

  7. I've stopped reporting credit spammers. Not because I don't want them gone, but because 1) I've reported so many because I keep getting so many emails on all my alts, and 2) EAWare has not dealt with any of those reports I've sent since EARLY DECEMBER 2016, that now my ticket box is full and I can't send in tickets on ANYTHING. It won't let me delete any of the reports to clear the ticket box either, it gives me an error message when I try. Called EAWare support, they can't do anything, told me to sent an email. The email reply I got back said "It's a bug, it'll be fixed someday".


    Thanks EAWare for giving me another reason to leave. /sarcasm

  8. I'd like to add that (from what I understand and lease correct me if I'm wrong) there are players out there who were enjoying and completing the more difficult raid content before 5.0, and once 5.0 hit, they were essentially locked out of what they had just been doing the day before the patch. This was due to the level increase and no normalization of gear with the level increase other than obtaining new gear from the Command Crates.


    Personally, if was able to complete my favorite content in the game and then the next day it was taken away from me and locked behind a gear wall, which in turn is locked behind RNG, which in turn is locked behind grinding... I'd be pretty miffed. This is the only MMO gaming company I've seen that actually straight up removes content from players and makes them earn/grind it back. It's borderline insulting that they would remove access to old content and gate it rather than adding new content and gating it.


    That's exactly what happened to me, and why I find this new system so fantastically awful. I've already been on the gear treadmill for this exact same content twice now, in 3.0 and 4.0! Now they want to make me do it all over again in 5.0, except with the worst of grinding RNG they can produce, for the exact same content I was already working on! It got old after the second time, EAWare!

  9. Bant, now KeyboardNinja... so many people other players (like me) used to rely on for help and guidance on this game are leaving, and no one is stepping up to take their place. We are all poorer for it.


    GG EAWare. You should be ashamed of yourselves for finding a way to sink a Star Wars game.

  10. Eric, I realize you have to say what you're told to say, however, this is about as close to a lie as you can get. 5.1 did nothing to help alts. Nothing, zip, zero. It's nice talk, but it did nothing to help the grind and every dev who worked on it knows it. It was an attempt at damage control, that's all. Just PR. The time to get gear via PVP is longer than the grind to GC 300. The drop rate in Ops is stupidly low, and designed to be that way. In spite of months of customer feedback saying the game was on the wrong track, that we wanted gearing similar to 3.0 and 4.0, BW has continued to go down the RNG for end game gear route in the failed hope that subs will keep subbing and chasing that magic payout. If BW was proud of how the system worked, they'd publish the odds of getting the gear piece you need from a given crate. If BW was proud of the system you wouldn't still be changing it and hoping subs will stop leaving.


    Your "ability to work towards a specific piece of gear" is a joke, too. Go back and do the math on how long it will take a group to get everyone that piece of gear, assuming they can down the one and only boss dropping it. Or, go back and read the posts, the math for both PVE and PVP has been posted more than once.


    We all know that if 5.1 had made a major dent in the loss of subs, you wouldn't be posting today that there will be more changes "soon". We all know that if anyone actually believe trickling out Ops bosses over a year was going to keep subs you wouldn't be announcing more changes "soon".


    Right now the game sucks. That's all there is to it. It's a horrendous grind with absolutely no end in sight, no matter how fast you say we'll get boxes. Most of us are smart enough to realize that BW will just reduce the drop rate of the gear to compensate for the increased rate of acquiring boxes. So, if the odds are now 1.50 that we get some sort of set piece and BW increases the drop rate on boxes 400%, you'll also reduce the drop rate to 1/200 so the time to actually get gear doesn't decrease. If you decrease the time to get gear you have to admit that GC was a failure and we all know Ben and his team won't ever admit that.


    Once again, you hit the nail squarely on the head. I don't blame Musco for saying what he's being told to say; he's just a mouthpiece, if he wants to keep his job he has to toe the line. But seriously, EAWare... we can see these are obvious lies. 5.1 didn't help alt gearing AT ALL. In a way, it made it worse, because by nerfing bolster on PvP you've doomed alts without gear to almost constantly lose matches and get far fewer components, which makes the grind even harder for them.


    And the ops drop rates are HORRIBLE. I've seen people get invited to fill an empty slot in an ops group, and then not be allowed to roll on loot at the end because nothing else dropped in the entire ops and the guild who ran the group wants to keep the drops for themselves because getting those drops is so miserable in the first place. This has happened to MULTIPLE PEOPLE I know already, because even in HMs loot rarely drops off anything but the final boss, so people are getting desperate and cutthroat about it.

  11. Eric,


    Is anyone at BioWare Austin going to admit Galactic Command was a failure, before the game totally tanks? Is anyone going to actually address the issues that have been pointed out since the PTS, i.e. that your paying customers do not want Galactic Command and it's RNG to be the end game gearing method?


    You keep saying the BW hears us. But then what you tell us we said isn't what we told you. Is anyone at BW going to actually respond ot what we've told you rather than what someone at BW wanted to hear?


    Until these issues are addressed, there will continue to be large numbers of people leaving the game due to utter frustration with the system and with BW. Eric, as community manager, I expect you are well aware of this and stuck saying what you are told to say. Please, try to impress on people who make decisions that continuing to double down on a bad bet does not lead to success, it just leads to further losses. It would be good if BW's approach changes before your post the end of the week.


    This is exactly what I had to say as well. We don't need more vague 'roadmaps' about minor tweaks to the system and promises things will get better in one month, two months, etc. We don't need minor tweaks; we need a complete damn overhaul, if not an outright removal of Galactic Command from the game. It's terrible, players hate it, and numerous subscriptions are being canceled over it.

  12. Your team mates probably feel you should learn to play too. They are playing wz objectives while you run around focussing on dps numbers and contribute little of value to a win.


    High numbers are easy, lots of aoe and splash damage which contribute to nothing except your ego.


    Exactly this. I am so tired of people in warzones bragging about their big DPS numbers while they ignore all objectives. They won't guard points because they want to fluff their DPS numbers, so they just mindlessly deathmatch the whole time. They won't run the ball in Huttball because, again, that means taking a break from button-mashing, so that would hurt their DPS numbers. It's probably my #1 frustration about PvP. Those are the people who don't know how to play.

  13. I will only deliberately quit PvP if I can do it before the match starts. I want that spot to be able to be backfilled as soon as possible. But sometimes I just can't bring myself to grit my teeth through yet another arena against the same tier 3 premade that keeps turning my alt to paste, or another 8v8 with the same horrible people on my team. And sometimes I just get sick to death of Huttball. So I leave ASAP and let someone else have the spot.
  14. How about playing the game for fun, and get gear as a side benefit? That's why most people enjoy the new system. Only forum warriors with their calculators are trying to decipher CXP/hour and components/hour. You guys really need to relax and enjoy the game like everyone else.



    Yeah, tell that to the people who said they quit after 5.0 dropped! Like this person here...


    I unsubbed, but my subscription doesn't end for quite a while as I renewed it just prior to 5.0. After realizing just how bad it was for my alts and terrible command crates, I unsubbed and deleted my payment information.


    Oh well.



    ...OH WAIT, THAT'S YOU!!


    Care to explain, hypocrite? Why aren't you playing the game for fun and just getting gear as a side benefit, to use your own words against you? Why aren't you just relaxing and enjoying the game like your alleged 'everyone else'--as I assume you wouldn't have unsubscribed if you were still enjoying the game? Inquiring minds want to know. :rak_03:

  15. I agree many Ops players are very vocal but there's a time for complaining and a time to show appreciation. If we show appreciation with this decision now (with Cartel Coins or new subscriptions) then there's a better chance we'll get more of this in the future.


    We should not have to suck up to a corporation in order to get them to deliver content for a product that we are already paying for. It's about value for money. Pretty much every other AAA MMO on the market delivers WAY more content for your money than SWTOR does. I'm not going to pay them extra money for cosmetic stuff when they're not delivering on the actual core product.

  16. I did pop this in during the live stream wrap up but.. it kinda slid on by..


    Gent's what about the SOLO players which likely make up more then 50% of your player base..?




    So, more Solo love please.


    Are you kidding me? The last two expansions have entirely catered to solo players, to the detriment of everyone else and the game as a whole. That's two years of nothing but solo content being pushed out while subscriber numbers dwindled by the month. Solo players do not need any more love at the moment. Actual MMORPG content is what needs love right now!


    If you want more solo content, go buy a single player RPG, as suggested above.

  17. Yeah, if the thread stays live and active for too long it may all of a sudden disappear. But if they move it to off topic then we need to get Eric to move it back because it's not off topic.

    If they delete it then it just proves their guilt. It's a no win situation for them on this one.


    They have zero qualms about moving threads to Off Topic even when they're on topic. That's what happens to any critical thread that gets too many posts/views (like the thread about SWTOR winning the Worst MMO Business Model 'award' on a website last year). And again, that's when they're not outright deleting them without a word.

  18. Did you log out the character in a stronghold or a guild ship? That's happened sometimes in the past. If you can have someone else in the stronghold/guild ship while you try to log in, that may fix the problem.


    Also, you should probably either send in a character stuck ticket (if you haven't already) and go to the customer service board for further assistance.

  19. They'd only be making Bioware look worse trying to defend the current system when Bioware themselves said in 3.3 that a system like this one doesn't work.


    I'd like to see them make a logical and rational argument around that.


    I don't even see Bioware answering this because the current system totally contradicts everything they've said in the past. This topic is radioactive for Bioware to even attempt to justify it. But I would be insterested to see them try. I just hope Eric is wearing a radiation suite and taking iodine tablets before he does. I feel sorry for him if they ask him to reply to this by him self


    Can any of you imagine what they are saying internally about this thread? Probably along the lines of "ol'sh*t" they remember and have proof, now what do we say or do? "I know, let's just ignore it like it never happened"..


    I doubt they'll respond. They'll just either delete the thread or movie it to Off Topic to die, like all the other critical threads that provide evidence and logic.

  20. Summer 2015 Ben became producer. Them we had KotFE and it's attempt to keep people subbed and then KOtET where they admitted that didn't work, so they added the grind from hell and back to the KotFE model for the operation.


    See a pattern of not learning from prior mistakes? Ben was at BW for the launch of SWTOR. He obviously didn't learn those lessons well. On top of it, he then repeats his own mistakes.


    At this point, I think he's either too prideful to admit his baby (Galactic Command) is poisonous to the game, or he's in too much denial to see the truth even when he's looking at declining sub numbers. Either way, that's why we keep getting tiny and poorly thought out bandaids applied to the open hemorrhaging wound that is Galactic Command instead of it being stitched closed.

  21. I have suggested a managerial change out for SWTOR or giving it to a different studio. I doubt it will happen. They've sunk it so far right now, who in their right mind would want to take it over unless EA was willing to pull a FF and rebuild and relaunch after spending a lot of time with players to get feedback and find out what their customers really want.


    As I've said before on the forums, I wish EA would look to the example of FFXIV. That game cratered on release, and instead of ignoring the issues or trying to patch bandaids on them, the company APOLOGIZED, took the whole game down, and put up a new version completely rebuilt from the ground up. And now people love it, even as a completely subscription-based game!


    I think a SWTOR Redux could be truly epic. I would gladly give up all my achievements/gear/decorations/mounts/etc. that I've achieved so far in SWTOR if it meant we could get a revamp of the game as amazing as the one FFXIV got. Contrary to certain people who keep stalking me around the forums, I don't want "Instant gratification for free". I want a game worth playing and paying for.

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