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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. The last thing this game needs is more solo content, or for group content to be tuned down to solo content. We've received nothing but solo content for the last two 'expansions' (really more like one expansion cut into two pieces to extend subs) and it hasn't been good for the game.


    I'm fine with there being a solo alternative to operations--like how the SoR story gave you the option of continuing via running Temple of Sacrifice, or by completing solo objectives leading up to a solo fight against Revan backed by multiple NPCs. That's a good idea, it means no one is locked out from completing a questline in their mission log.

  2. Passive aggressive? At least we don't want that people lose their jobs, we don't threaten the devs/EA with anything. Our little minority should take a step back, enjoy life and realise that this is a game.


    Your signature has the tag #BanIdiotsandHaters. So you want paying customers banned from the game for being 'idiots' (by your definition, no one else's) and for being 'haters' (which I'm guessing in your opinion means anyone who doesn't endlessly champion EAWare on everything). And that's better somehow, wanting people BANNED FROM THE GAME for the OMG TERRIBLE SIN of having opinions that differ from yours?


    You're not just being passive-aggressive, you're being hypocritical as well.

  3. That would only cause the "complaints" to change to "I want it NOW!!!!!!!" or "I was subbed for 17 months straight, but I missed month 18, so I have to start over?" .


    There is nothing BW can do that will please everyone and stop the complaints from some of those who want something they KNOW they are not entitled to have.


    Exactly. People with huge entitlement issues like the OP will always find reason to complain, no matter what. They will always want something for nothing, just because they want it. They will always want to receive the rewards other people have earned and paid for, even though they didn't earn or pay for it. They will always want everything now!!! They are the Veruca Salts of the world.


    You have to draw a line somewhere when you're making any kind of exclusive or limited time offer, and since there's no way you can please the Veruca Salts no matter what you do, there's no point in moving that line just to try to placate them. You snooze, you lose.

  4. If you're losing money because of the galactic command system, what possible reason is there in keeping it around? You're bleeding players because of this system.


    The devs--specifically Ben Irving, since GC is his baby--don't want to come out and admit they screwed up because that makes them look bad to EA and could cost them their jobs. So they'll try to spin BS to the EA execs as well as to their player base, hoping if they repeat the lie that RNG is EXCITING!!!!™ enough that somehow people will actually start to believe it. There's probably a certain amount of ego and hubris involved too, because I suspect they can't even admit to themselves that they've poisoned the well.

  5. It is like the owner of the walking dead series deciding to sell season 2 for one month only and never selling it again. they have that right, they own it. But dont expect any new customers to start the series.


    That's not a fair comparison. It's more like the owner of the Walking Dead series producing a limited edition DVD collection for Season 2 that has an extra behind the scenes featurette and only selling it for a few months. If you didn't buy it then, too bad, you missed out, but you can still buy the regular DVD set just fine (which for TOR would be all the existing expansion chapters, which you can play just fine without the bonus chapter).


    So the OP is like the guy who goes into Best Buy a year after the limited edition DVD set stopped being available and proceeds to throw a fit because he can't get the limited edition DVD set anymore, because he wanted it now!

  6. That's true, but I still see a difference, this chapter allow you to play content, while other rewards allow you to do nothing, But I agree, nothing vital in it.



    I agree the chapter as a reward was both a bigger reward and an unusual reward to begin with. And yeah, in hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea. Though considering how many months you had to sub to get it, I'm glad it was a bigger reward than the other ones.



    1. Isn't it already the case with Party jawa and other exclusive mounts or stuff ? I'am afraid that's where they're going anyway.



    While they did give out another Party Jawa recently, it does look different than the other one. They also don't share a cooldown, so you can have both of them orbiting you at once! So I don't mind that... newer players got a goodie, and I got that same goodie and kept the one I already had. Nothing was lost, only gained.



    2. I get your point, I specified that I was only talking about this specific chapter reward, while I agree with you on every others. I wasn't saying everyone should get anything at all.


    I get your point, we just see things differently. I just can't compare a statue and a chapter with actual playable content, I don't put these things on the same level, but as I don't really care about every cosmetic part of the game I may be too much subjective. :p



    I'm something of a decoration addict in this game. XD Seriously, I can spend hours at it! I find it a good way to relax. Which is why the main thing I wish I could get from the CE vendor is the decoration.



    But I guess you're right, it's too late to fix things since it has been released as a reward, and it may create more issues and unsatisfaction for some. Wasn't sure about that at first , that's why I was suggesting a replacement, but it's probably not a good idea in the end.



    It's a well-meant idea! And yeah, the other concern I had is if the people who already had the chapter thought the new shiny wasn't of equal 'value' as the bonus chapter, and they'd feel cheated, and the unhappiness that would result. Personally, that wouldn't bother me so much, as I wasn't all that OMG thrilled with the chapter anyways, but I know for some it would, whether for exclusivity reasons against other players or just feeling like the new shiny wasn't worth what they paid for the bonus chapter originally.


    In the end, I admit I honestly just have a serious negative reaction to people demanding special treatment or being entitled, especially when it comes to stuff like gaming. Being a Veruca Salt does not impress me. XD

  7. So what you are saying is, you will give us this "leveling event" for CXP until 5.2 goes live so we can get more Command Ranks, but the quality of the Command Crate content still remains the same.


    How exactly is this helpful in any way for people to get their setbonus gear? This doesn't increase the chances, it just technically allows you to pull the slotmachine lever more often in a given amount of time.


    This, this, this. Why increase crate drop rate when the crates still drop garbage 99% of the time?

  8. In this set of changes, not yet. We are still looking into Crate contents to see where changes should be made. It would be a much more substantial change from our side to update the contents and so although we are definitely open to doing so, we wanted to take these steps first.




    The devs are taking a whole month just to make the changes you announced today. How many more months are we going to have to wait on the next unknown batch of changes?

  9. Okay, I for example choose that I don't care about this chapter and didn't qualify, this was my choice, I agree. But that doesn't apply to new players. And don't tell me that a new player is guilty of not playing before he starts playing. :)


    As I said, I agree with you, a new player has no reason to complain if he can't get founder title, hk stuff... because it doesn't prevent him to do anything in this game. Sure he just have to deal with it, it's not an issue at all. But there's no issue because rewards are cosmetic, they don't really serve no purpose at all.



    The Shroud of Memory chapter is not necessary to complete anything in the game other than the achievement you get for playing the chapter. The story of the chapter doesn't even relate to anything in either of the last two expansions. It's fluff, not a vital component of the game that's being locked off.



    I still think this content is totally wasted as a reward and I still think this should be replaced by something else. Just imagine, if you could get whatever exclusive reward who might please you in replacement while they put the chapter on CM or whatever, would you keep refusing other people to get this chapter ? And if so, why ?


    Or is it just that you don't want people to get it at all, whatever happens ? Not trying to be mean, I don't know what you think of course, but when I read the first part of your answer, it's the feeling i have.



    As I said earlier... if they let people who never qualified for the bonus chapter get it now, and gave those of us who DID pay all those months of subscription to get that mediocre fluff chapter some other 'exclusive' reward in exchange, the following two things would happen:


    1. Customers would realize EAWare is talking out of its shebs in the future if it tried to claim any desired sub rewards were 'exclusive' or 'limited time offers', and therefore wouldn't see them as an incentive to keep subscribing during content droughts.


    2. The people who complained that they couldn't get the bonus chapter would just start complaining how they couldn't get whatever new shiny the people who actually PAID for the bonus chapter received as a consolation prize.


    I believe in fairness. If you don't pay for something, if you don't qualify for a special offer, then you shouldn't get it, period. That goes for me and not being able to buy that sweet statue from the CE vendor... I didn't decide to buy a copy of TOR until it was too late to get the CE, I don't have the right now to demand something I never qualified for in the first place.


    Unlike the OP with their entitlement issues, I don't begrudge the CE players their exclusive content, whine about how it's 'not fair' and 'a punishment' that I can't use that vendor, or accuse the CE players of being selfish jerks (which is what you're not-so-subtly accusing me of being now, thanks so much) for not being okay with the idea of me getting access to their CE perks years after the fact. CE owners were the early adopters, they acted fast and shelled out the extra cash, they deserve their perks. Sure, I'd like to have them too, but I'm an adult and I accept it's my own fault I don't have them.

  10. You even said in one of your posts that you guys were looking at the contents of the crates... and yet nothing.


    It has been explained many times how the RNG nature and terrible drop rates of the crates is the core problem which causes all the others. Why are the devs willfully ignoring this fact?

  11. And I understand those who don't want it to be anything else than the reward it is now, it would make what they did to qualify useless, it's a valid point. But for this particular reward, don't blame people for wanting to play content, they're not the ones who made a mistake.


    They made a choice. Choices have consequences. If you chose to not subscribe to the game during the multiple months needed in order to get the bonus chapter, then the consequence is you don't get to access the bonus chapter. If you're an adult, you suck it up, buttercup, and accept that you don't get something when you did nothing to deserve it in the first place.


    Whether or not it was a mistake for EAWare to make a bonus chapter as a sub reward in the first place is a whole other subject. I'll agree it wasn't the smartest move on their part in hindsight, though mostly because they kept delaying and delaying the chapter over and over and when it was finally released it was super short and (in my opinion) not all that great.

  12. It is a useful tool. Something used to hide opinions that don't agree with you so some can feel better about themselves but I think you know that. :rolleyes:


    People who can't handle logic and reasoning do find it useful to construct their very own echo chamber!


    As far as I can tell this guy's argument boils down to this:


    1. Choose not to buy a product when it is available.

    2. Demand product a year later when it is no longer available and you never paid for it in the first place.

    3. Insist if you are not given something for nothing then you are being 'punished'.

    4. ????

    5. PROFIT!!!

  13. "Membership has it's privileges"


    You had to be subbed at the right time to get the chapter and they pushed it on the website, they tweeted it, they Instagramed it, they Facebooked it, they twitched it, FOR MONTHS!!!!


    If you missed it, it your fault.


    I missed getting the Founders title by like 5 days, a friend invited me on the last possible day to get the title, but I accepted the 7 day free trial and didn't actually sub till I capped at lvl 15, 5 days later.


    I missed it, sux to be me. Every time I see someone fly by with the Founder title, I think "man, if only I'd have subbed up right away..."


    But I've never once started a thread about how unfair it is or what a bad business model it is.


    To quote from Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang.... "Had your chance, muffled it."


    I feel the same way about not being able to get the items from the Collector's Edition vendor. By the time I decided for sure I wanted to play TOR, all the CE copies of the game were long gone from the stores in my area and on Amazon. I dragged my heels, so I missed out.


    Do I throw a fit every month or so on the forums because EAWare isn't re-releasing the CE five years later? Nope! I made my choice, so I accept the consequences of that choice. Because I'm an adult.

  14. What is the name of the flair? I've looked at the achievements, I've looked on Dulfy, and I'm not finding anything attached to FotFE and KotET, and KotET doesn't need to have KotFE completed to get 100%.


    Ha! In the end, all his whining and crying about not being able to get the flair was completely unjustified, because it was the Galactic Command level one he was complaining about allegedly not getting--even though he says the Legendary one is better, yet he was SO upset he couldn't get it when he thought it was from the achievement! Priceless. I needed a good laugh to start my day.

  15. With Group Finder you cannot put additional rules, so kicking someone out because he/she wants to see every cutscene or be a completionist killing every mob, is being an a-hole.

    Sadly, there are a lot of those people. Some of the reason i don't do much group content.


    If some people want to do a speedrun then look for the group in chat.


    If some people want to do a group to watch every cutscene and kill every single trash mob, then look for the group in chat.


    It goes both ways, see. Majority rules in pugs. No one person should dictate everything for everyone else, that's selfish. If three people in the group don't want to do the bonus boss, the fourth person is being a jerk if they run off and attack it on their own because they want to do it and they don't care about the others.

  16. Gah, I just want to know what further reward is being denied because you couldn't do the Shroud of Memory chapter. Part of your reason for this thread is that you can't finish out achievements(even though SoM chapter isn't a requirement for getting Veteran and Master KotFE chapter achievements) and because of that you can't get some kind of flair. I've been looking and I can't find what you're talking about, and I want to know what i missed.


    I've looked too, and I have no idea what he's talking about. I think he might be very confused and think the Eternal Command flair comes from some achievement rather than a cartel pack. That's the only theory I can come up with.

  17. You have poor reading comprehension. He is stating that having reward windows for content is a porr business model. I agree. I have access to that content btw. That doesnt stop it from being bad business. Putting rewards for customers having x number of subscribed months is good. it continues to pay off the investment for the life of the game. efficient. Making a window like they did ensures that the investment for that content will never earn them another penny. inefficient. The special snowflakes of the game will pout if someone else gets their "precious" but they will get over it. Bioware has a smaller budget in money and manpower than they did at launch. they need to leverage that into making more with less. That is a better business model.


    By your argument, every limited time sale on Steam, every retail outlet's Black Friday special offer, every collector's edition of any game, every limited edition action figure, etc., are all bad business tactics/products and always hurt the companies using them.


    Obviously, that's not true, because that kind of stuff is everywhere and is often very profitable for the companies involved. By contrast, if a company claimed some product was an exclusive limited time offer, and then started letting people who didn't purchase the product during the exclusive limited time offer get it later for no other reason than they want it now, then customers who bought the special product/service originally are no longer going to trust that company when they say something is exclusive or limited, because they were flat out lied to. That in turn means they will be far less likely to jump on that bandwagon next time. It also lowers the perceived value of the alleged exclusive limited time products/services, which means people will be less inclined to purchase it at all.


    If subscribers know that they can sign in a year down the line and just get all the sub rewards they missed by resubbing again, then what possible reason would they have to stay subscribed during the 'dry periods' of no new content to get the rewards in the first place? That's WHY EAWare offered things like the Nico companion and the bonus chapter and all that... to prevent people from waiting until all the chapters were done and then binging them all with one month's sub. That's what people were doing and it was hurting them financially, so they started offering digital carrots to keep people subscribed.

  18. Didn't read the rest because after that you don't deserve more time.


    There is a difference between making a case, and that case is attacking people for thinking a certain way. Which, in other words is being rude.


    And making a neutral case, and then pointing out the rude response people make because of it.

    If you can't see the difference, that's on you. Not me.


    And now for the third time, you have ignored all of the actual arguments and explanations I have given, in favor of slinging more insults. Since you refuse to address and logically refute any of the points which have been made against your entitled complaints (by me or anyone else) and instead keep stamping your virtual foot and shouting "It's not fair!" like a kid in a store being denied candy by their parents, any further attempts to engage you in rational discussion would be a waste of my time. Ta ta. :rak_03:

  19. It's not an arguement that I'm crying, it's an ad hominem.

    And calling this "entitle" things is obviously a forum meme for douchebags, no offense lol.


    Also, people come back because of the investment they make in this game, not because of sub perk, so you're arguement from a business sidepoint doesn't make sense, and furthemore you're being rude.


    You're complaining I'm making an ad hominem attack... and then you proceed to make one right back by calling me a douchebag and rude. Pot, meet kettle.


    Again, you are ignoring the ENTIRE explanation I gave for why your request is unreasonable, you are still not addressing that post. You are ignoring everyone's use of logic and economic reason so you can keep complaining how you don't have access to something that you didn't pay for, didn't meet the requirements for, and don't deserve.


    Should I complain that I should be entitled to all the stuff you got out of those cartel packs back in the day, even though back then I didn't buy any? You'd be okay with that? You'd want me to just get it all now even though you're the one who put the money in before the packs in question became unavailable for purchase through embargo?


    No, that would be entitled and unreasonable. You paid for those things back when they were available for purchase. I didn't. I do not automatically deserve those things just because I want them now, Veruca Salt. I didn't pay the money. I didn't meet the requirements.


    You didn't pay the money, and you didn't meet the sub requirements for the bonus chapter. So you don't get it. That's how our economic system works. If you don't buy a product when it's available--a product that was made very clear was a limited time offer--you don't have a right to demand it after it is no longer available.

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