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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. I love how you guys are about the "whine and cry"

    when I come with reasonable arguements and win-win situations.


    You guys are the ones who have the "entitlement" complexity. I sub, I pay money for this game, same as you. I've bought A LOT of hypercrates to become rich in this game, which probably makes me more of a game supporter than a ton of you have been through the years you have been subbing.


    So how, is it fair?


    The short answer is; it's not.

    And non of you "stop crying" guys, can come up with a valid reasonable arguement why it's not.


    I gave you a full argument that you haven't even addressed, you just skipped over that post.


    Accept it. You are whining and crying. You are being entitled. You chose not to stay subscribed to get the bonus chapter. No one made you do that, that was your choice. You didn't stick around and keep paying into this game like others did, so you don't get the reward for having done that. You didn't meet the requirements; therefore, you don't deserve the reward.


    Choices have consequences. Be an adult and accept them.

  2. Don't you think this is the reason EA is going to give up on this game probably over the next year. We've already seen it going down hill rapidly. They need to do more if they want the game to survive. Actually, maybe they don't want the game to survive.


    If EAWare started letting people get items/chapters/whatever offered to subscribers previously as a reward for staying subscribed, then people would STOP STAYING SUBSCRIBED to get those items. They'd just wait for them to become available later and pick them up whenever they decide to come back again months or years down the road. EAWare knows that. Subscriber rewards are one of the few carrots they have to dangle to try to keep revenue coming in. It would be a bad business model for them to set that kind of precedent going forward.

  3. Maybe a good solution would be to replace that reward by something else. Let people who wants to buy that chapter do it, but give a new reward to those who qualified for it during content. So I know, finding what the new reward should be will be very difficult, and it must be a very cool reward to make sure some people accept, but that would compensate whatever it is they think they would "loose" if everyone can access.


    But then people like OP would just whine and cry about not being able to get the new shiny being offered as a reward. These kinds of complaints never end. It's entitlement, pure and simple.

  4. I swear, one of these threads pops up every month or so.


    Your complaints are an expression of pure, unadulterated entitlement. You aren't concerned with 'benefit to the consumer'. You want something without having to meet the requirements for getting said thing.


    Should I go to my local games retailer and complain and throw a fit because they don't have a SWTOR Collector's Edition available for me to buy over five years after the game came out? Would it be legitimate for anyone to go into Best Buy now and demand that they honor a special item promotion they held on Black Friday last year? Could you justify going into a restaurant that gives away a free dessert to people on their birthday, and demand they give you a free dessert even though your birthday was last month?


    In a consumer market, sometimes certain products are only available for a limited time. You don't have the right to come in close to a year later and whine and cry about how you don't have a product that is no longer available for purchase. You chose not to subscribe last year to get the Shroud of Memory chapter when it offered as a sub reward, so now you can't get it. The bonus chapter was meant as a reward for customer loyalty. You were not a loyal customer (in the company's eyes), so you are locked out from that reward. That is not 'a punishment to new customers'. That is not 'a bad business model'. That is basic cause and effect. That is common sense. That's fair.


    Take some responsibility for your own decisions instead of making entitled demands.

  5. Limit in game mail to those in your legacy, guild, and mutual friends list. Every other use case can be dealt with by the players themselves. /problem.


    I think that would be a good solution, with one caveat: they should let people friend or ignore eachother by the account, not just by per character. You can have a few friends with tons of alts, and those can take up a lot of your friends list space. Increasing the size of your friends and ignore lists would be good too.

  6. Its attitudes like this that make them not want to ask.

    This is the first time in a long time I can remember them even asking for help.

    If the community isn't willing to help because they love the game, then the community has only itself to blame if they don't get what they want or get something the Devs think they want, but is broken.

    I think them asking is a step in the right direction, an over due step to be sure, but still a right step.

    Asking them for something free to help isn't the way to get a good game or get them to listen.


    They used to release almost everything on the PTS first, back in the day. You even could earn titles for your character on the main servers for leveling characters on the PTS. They didn't ask for applications so they could scrutinize and filter out anyone who's ever shown negativity towards them. Anyone who wanted could go on the PTS, make characters, and try new content. People could--and did--talk about PTS content on the forum for the PTS, as well as with their friends in game, and on websites like Dulfy.


    Then they stopped doing that, and the three days or a week you would get as 'early access' of something for pre-ordering/subscribing by a certain deadline turned into their beta testing period, with predictable results.


    Now they want to pick and choose who gets to beta test for them, requiring an NDA to add a threat of a lawsuit if you dare say anything about the content of the PTS.


    See a pattern here?

  7. They want to skip it because they're just grinding it for experience/CXP. We haven't received a new flashpoint since two expansions ago, so anyone who's been playing consistently has already done all the flashpoints dozens of times. It gets old, and queues take long enough to pop these days without making the process of actually clearing the FP longer than it needs to be.


    Now, I've never been in a group that kicked someone for wanting to watch the cutscenes; people would complain and ask that someone spacebar if they weren't, but that's it. Now, if you're deliberately running off from the rest of the group and aggroing trash that the group doesn't need that the rest of the group wants to skip? Yeah, I have seen people get kicked for that, and I'll often agree with doing that--especially if running off alone to 'see all the content' means the group gets separated and wipes on trash.

  8. My entire point is that there is no sufficient improvement possible. I think I've been as clear as can be on this.


    There are too many inequities between the playstyles of Operations players and PvP players to make CXP-based gear acquisition fair.


    The two activities cannot be scaled in a way that is equitable.


    "Improving it" has gotten us an additional layer of RNG within the instances, an additional currency, the need to check a light/dark thermometer every hour (soon to be every 30 minutes!) and additional vendors. What's next? Another gold icon on my screen? CXP gain for wipes?


    When you have to spend more time rolling out fixes than the initial release - isn't that indicative of a problem?


    I do not care that GC exists for players that do not primarily PvP or run Operations. I'm glad if it's good for them. And sure, keep "monitoring" "tuning" and tweaking". Bolt on whatever is needed to further render this system unrecognizable from its initial state if it helps those players.


    But it should have nothing to do with how to obtain gear in Operations and nothing to do with how to obtain gear via PvP because it is not a system that can ever serve both functions equitably. I have seen no "improvement" suggested that changes this, nor do I expect to.


    Well said, and exactly how I feel about it. As I've said in other threads on this forum, I think a system like Galactic Command would work great as a supplemental gearing source: a way for casuals and solo players to get gear that would normally be unavailable to them, and a way for more regular/hardcore/whatever players to get some occasional extra frosting on top of their regular earnings from PvP and ops. It's the fact that GC and its terrible RNG is the core of the gearing system now that's the problem.

  9. Why? If the only thing that's going live on the server is new Ops Boss...just...why?


    This seems a bit like overkill. If the entire story is being released, including Dorne and Quinn, I can understand. But with 4 days of sub time left as of this posing this seems a bit heavy handed and is pushing me toward not subscribing until you guys have fixed the failure that is Command Experience. As your history since the Revan expansion has shown with the last several expansions and chapter releases "3 day early access" typically results in 3 day free bug testers.


    I'm guessing it's so people won't come on the forum and complain about the content on the PTS. They're in damage control mode right now, trying to avoid bad press and negative backlash.

  10. It wasn't like that before and this is the fault of the Devs, they have been nerfing the game so bad that people didnt care about stuff like gear, stats etc. Now we have the opportunity to get a good ops, but we also have to consider that the game has 80% noobs and they should be able to do SM so they dont complain on forums later on about it.


    As much as I like challenges, I don't see anything wrong with Story Mode operations being extremely easy by regular raiders' standards. Let the new people--new to the game in general or operations in specific--complete an operation so they can see the story; it's right there in the title, that's what Story Mode is for. Players shouldn't be locked out of seeing story content by lack of gear or experience.


    Also, if those new people enjoy running Story Mode, they'll potentially be interested in actually wanting to learn mechanics, gear up, and try harder modes. That's how I got into end game content! I'd never touched it before TOR. My first guild here dragged my scrub self on a run one night and I decided seeing new environments, enemies, and story bits was worth learning how to not suck quite as much.

  11. They should have "looked into it" when the PTS players told them it was a bad idea. Why should we pay them for a product that sucks? Honestly, why? Do you go to dinner at a restaurant you know still makes terrible food after you complained? Do you buy cloths form somewhere you know doesn't stand behind them if they fall apart?


    Exactly this. They were told months and months before GC ever went live that it was a bad idea. Kriff, from the day it was announced that all 5.0 gearing would be based on a completely RNG loot crate system, people were telling them "This is a bad idea, I don't want it and I will unsub". People in the closed beta told them the same thing. EAWare didn't listen and dropped it anyways. Then they acted surprised when people hated it... just like they had been repeatedly told they would.


    Now they're facing a real crisis here, and yet they're still dragging their feet like they have another 5 years to make GC work somehow. They really, really don't. Not just because more people will leave as a result of said foot-dragging, but because EA has shown absolutely zero hesitation in the past with summarily shutting down game servers and firing entire studios they thought were underperforming. TOR definitely qualifies as 'underperforming' right now.

  12. I think if you want reputation with a particular faction you should go grind the dailies. It really doesn't take that long to reach legendary status with a particular faction. Now if you're referring to cartel market reputations, then sure, keep those in the command crates.


    And that is why I'm very annoyed at getting reputation tokens in my command crates. I've already leveled all the reps I wanted up to Legendary, so every rep token I get is a slot in that RNG crate I would rather have gotten something I can actually USE rather than just disintegrate for 10 whole CXP.

  13. Wrong.


    Your odds on a per spin basis of winning a prize remain the same but every extra spin you get increases your odds of winning a prize overall.


    By your logic I could have a coin, flip it 100 times and the odds of heads coming up every single time are the same as a 50/50 distribution of heads and tails. This is not true.


    Please read my comment not only more carefully, but also in context. Someone said if you got boxes twice as fast, that meant your odds doubled. That was the fallacy. Also, while your odds of getting a particular result go up as you spin that virtual wheel more and more, each individual spin of the wheel has the same odds no matter what; it's the aggregate results that change.

  14. I think the Ben should be forced to level a character and not stop until he has 300 GC levels. I wonder how exciting he will think it is, then?


    I sincerely doubt Ben Irving has ever played this game without dev cheats/spawned gear. If he had ever played the game on the same level as us filthy peasant subscribers for any significant length of time, he would have never given us the horrid mess that is Galactic Command. He would have known it was a terrible idea, because he would actually understand how paying customers play the game he is lead developer for. He's so out of touch with EAWare's customers it's actually sad.

  15. I get where you're coming from, but I'd much rather see them make positive changes than stay status quo. If not, there might not be a 5-6 months down the road to come back to.


    I would rather they make positive changes too, but the changes they're making are coming too slowly. They need to change drop rates and CXP gains NOW, not in April when 5.2 drops. It shouldn't take 2-3 months to adjust variables in the code when they are hemorrhaging subs due to said variables making gearing miserable. They're dragging their heels on this and it's making people who are already frustrated about how terrible GC is (which EAWare was warned would be the case from the moment RNG gearing was announced) all the more angry. They're acting like they have another 5 years to get this 'tweaked', and they really, really don't.

  16. His point is that if you're getting twice as many rolls of the proverbial dice in the same time frame then as a practical matter your odds are twice as good as they were before.


    That's a fallacy, really. Your odds stay the same for each spin of the virtual roulette wheel no matter how many boxes you've opened or how often you open them. Sure, you get more spins on the wheel (if their changes actually do increase CXP gain in any significant way), but the odds on said wheel remain as terrible as before.

  17. Wow. Just wow. I am not sure what I find most appalling about that- probably that THIS is what they are spending time on? Censoring signatures of their paying customers expressing opinions about the performance of people whose salary we fund?


    All the things that need work in this game, and they are spending time trying to spare the ego of someone that we think is doing a bad job? (Eerily similar to a certain someone spending days obsessing over media coverage of the turn out in DC ~12 days ago...)


    It's not like you were calling him foul names. Where exactly is the line between expressing our desires for the direction of this game, including its leadership, and disrespect?


    Because I'm sorry Bioware Austin team, but I also think the failure of SWTOR's Producer to listen to our feedback leading up to GC's implementation caused a lot of the player loss we're seeing now, and he should be held accountable for that.


    People express opinions about who should lead their country, and whether the management of companies in which they hold stock is doing a good job, and that's seen as our duty as citizens/shareholders, not disrespect. We the players have invested years into this game and would really like to continue investing money in subscribing to it if you'd just give us reason to... it's unreasonable to think we don't have a stake in the leadership of this game too, and want to express our opinions on that.


    Apparently to EAWare, 'disrespect' is defined as 'anything you say that isn't singing the praises of the developers'.


    I'm sorry, EAWare, but I can't and won't sing any praises for Ben Irving. He took over as lead producer of this game in the summer of 2015, and (in my opinion, as well as in the opinion of many others it seems) the game has been on a serious downturn since then. Galactic Command is, in my opinion, by far the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to this game. So many people have said that, both on this forum and on the Internet as a whole, and he simply will not listen. Because he had a heart to heart with himself and decided RNG gear boxes were the best thing to breathe new life back into TOR.


    He was wrong. Catastrophically wrong. Yet he refuses to admit he was wrong, even for so much as a moment, despite the freefall sub numbers and the huge negative blacklash. He refuses to countenance anything more than minor tweaks and added complications and fractal grinds to a gearing system that is fundamentally flawed at its core. Galactic Command is his baby, and he bears the ultimate responsibility for the havoc it has wrought. And if in the end GC is the iceberg that truly sinks the TORtanic once and for all, he will bear the ultimate responsibility for that too.

  18. And notice in all of their listening, of hearing feedback, etc. This is the BIGGEST thing players mention having a problem with an it is the ONE thing BioWare won't address other then Ben being stupid and really running people's anger meters up higher by saying, "RNG is exciting".


    And this is why this title will never recover from this mess. Good news is, the decision makers at SWTOR will get to have their names remembered in video game history when this gets written up for years (like NGE did) of things NOT to do in a game.


    They won't address it because they don't want to fix it. They're still convinced a punishing Asian-style F2P MMO grind is what is going to keep people subbed, despite all evidence to the contrary. So they're saying they'll give us more spins at the roulette wheel with **** odds to feed into the Gambler's Fallacy, where people will think more RNG crates will improve their odds of getting gear.


    Newsflash: it won't, not really, not so long as every box has the same **** odds. It doesn't matter how many crates you open, every crate has the same minuscule odds of dropping something useful instead of a bunch of garbage you'll just disintegrate.

  19. Really ? In what way saying someone must be fired (and not without arguments, they're everywhere in these forums) is a lack of respect ? This isn't a critic about the individuals, but about their work, and they perfectly know that.


    And they are giving lessons about respect ? What about the many times dev's have taken players for fools ?


    I agree with you, this kind of behaviour really doesn't make me respect them more, quite the opposite.


    I guess they're just thin-skinned and would rather cover up criticism than address it. I heard they were banning people from the last livestream if they said anything about devs needing to be replaced/fired, and now I completely believe it.

  20. I guess that's a solution for new and relatively new players. :p


    Musco seems to forget that they run DvL event just before 5.0, so a huge part of the community already have A LOT of alts and the legendary status...


    EAWare seems to have a recurring case of amnesia, honestly. They forgot how RNG loot boxes were near universally loathed in 1.0 for PvP, and how they had to get rid of them. And then they forgot how in 3.3 they made it easier to gear your alts for PvP and PvE and everyone rejoiced. They encouraged us during 4.0 to make a ton of alts for DvL, and then in 5.0 they forgot they did this too and then promptly gave us a pathetic excuse of an RNG gearing system that outright punishes you for spending time on your alts instead of your main.


    It's terrible, just terrible. And it all started happening after Ben Irving took over as lead producer. Just saying...

  21. Speaking of, where did your Fire Ben signature go? Did they make you take it out or was it your choice? (Am I mis-remembering that you had one? Maybe I am confusing you with someone else?)


    You're not misremembering. EAWare took it out. They took it out of mine too, without warning, just a note after the fact that I needed to 'respect the developers'.


    Yeah... that kind of censorship doesn't make me respect anyone, by the way.

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