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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. Well, I have finally met Malavai Quinn for the first time. Hmmm...not sure what I think of him yet. Perhaps I need to see a bit more of his personality before I can judge. His char model is nice...like the hair, the 5 o'clock shadow, yes even the mole, but he's a bit on the pale side. Voice hasn't grabbed me like I was hoping it would though. Not yet anyway.


    Maybe I just can't see any companion living up to Vector. Ha ha. His voice is just rubs me in all the right ways. :cool: I think it's because it has a deeper, more masculine edge to it.


    I also really enjoyed that first meeting with Vector...got that hilarious flirt right away, whereas I wasn't allowed to flirt with Quinn. Bummer. Vector just jumped out at me right away as a character I knew I was going to enjoy getting to know. Maybe I just like 'em weird. :confused::rolleyes::D


    nothing wrong with wierd. and hey it's a videogame, it's all cool to enjoy other guys too :D vector isn't the jealous type ;)

  2. See?! Its really frustrating! Glad I wasn't the only one. My other romances er, put out pretty quickly. But no, not this one. This one is like...cold showers required. Jorgan, why do you toy with me? Frigid cat, as Crezelle put it. That Tatooine quest was a big old tease, because I expected....things...after it and I got nothing. I was a sad trooper. :(


    whats gonna be funny is when i finally get to a certain point, i bet im gonna have like 30 convos with him.

    ittl be like he does a 180. at least space them out better. at this point my trooper is toying with the idea of add-ons for M1-4X so he can ..um... boost morale. it's that bad. it sadly is.

  3. heh, my hubby might agree with you. It's like I'm having more meaningful conversations with characters in games than I am with him. Granted trying to get him to talk about just random every day stuff is like pulling teeth which strangely is like game stuff too only atleast in game they have to answer me! mwhahahahah!


    thats prolly why most of us babbling fan girls are the way we are... we have men irl...we just don't get what we need out of em XD

    then again, i'm having issues with my irl bf, but thats beside the point XD

  4. My girls needs some love, by that I mean, my JC, SW, and Trooper. My agent, not so much.


    Heck, Vak and Iresso got together so long ago now, I don't even remember what happened and he just stands there on the bridge looking all impressive in the trooper armour, and now with the whole legacy bonuses saving that one last conversation with the LI just so that you can still have a cutscene where they have a conversation is almost pointless.


    indeed. it really is like real marriage: once it happens, it's like nothing ever happened between you two lol


    edit, just got to a point on trooper where

    i got an invite to a girl's night out with jaxo..oh man wish jorgan coulda seen it..but well no roosters in the hen house that evening. that would be cool little missions like that


  5. Well yes =) a little something when you get back to the ship.


    My dream come true would be a daily repeatable convo that you get at 50 after the last discussion with your LI in which you just do some light banter like that. Then you can end it with a FTB, or just a kiss or something. To get some relationship-feeling into the daily playing even if you haven't got any story left.



    Hmm... And I would also be happy to see some kind of convo with Quinn talking through that incident. Haven't rolled a SW yet and that is one of the reasons. I might just be too sensitive, lol.


    exactly. or maybe more interactive emotes like the compdance. nothing like /makeoutinthefleet but something cute, like have them sit down beside you if you sit down, ect

  6. Yeah, I agree with you on this, and I guess I sort of felt like the story nudges you in that sort of direction...like the smuggler is intended to change a lot. Mine started out very eager to prove herself, very generous, very hotheaded. By the end she is a lot more sober and quiet, less snarky and a lot less eager to pull out her gun. It did feel like she was very different from when she started, just because of the way she was talking.


    I definitely did feel like the smuggler story took place over a shorter amount of time, dunno why. I had always thought it was like, 2 months! I kind of liked the thought that she married a guy she only knew for 6 weeks. It's very much something she would do.


    my agent started out pure robotic obediant, by-the-book chissness. then kaliyo taught her to get a bit of a 'tude and be full of herself. Then vector... those big, beady, buggy puppy eyes. screams of pain and pleading for life never swayed her. Insults and guilt trips never did ether.... but just his very gentle, subtle, barely noticeable " that wasn't very nice of you, agent ; ; " made her heart soften like ice cream to a flamethrower ( well not really, she had more reasons, but seeing those little black eyes light up with glee as she saved lives and won over hoardes for the empire made for great positive re-enforcement). Then the drain bamm..er brain dammage happened... and now she has giggle fits and strips at innapropriate times.

  7. Weird but true fact: cat rescuers keep orphaned kittens that they are raising in their bra because infant kittens cannot regulate their own body temperatures. I have a cat that I raised from a little baby and I did this. :3

    when i worked at a reptile place, i'd often let some of the beardies hang out in there. warm, soft, dark. they loved it

    my consolation prize for being a big girl is having a spaceous ... um...loft appartment?

  8. Some cats get sleepy from catnip! Earlier today I was drinking some and a couple of my cats sniffed at it and then just fell asleep. But yeah, cats in heat are hilarious. I don't know HOW that wouldn't work. Maybe your trooper should hide feathers in her bra, too - never seen a cat that can resist feathers.

    then again, my cats would start biting things that were stuffed with catnip... so maybe not a good idea

    actually, i had a pet rat that was trained to hang out in my bra while i milled about work. i bet THAT would get his attention.

  9. I'm sure they signed contracts saying they'd come back. That's pretty standard for this sort of job.


    lol yeah i can see it now


    * hung over VA picks up the phone* you want me to say WHAT?! just kill off my character * hangs up* -.-;

  10. I lol'd. Only because I had a vision of you actually doing this. Then I lol'd again.



    he is probably the biggest ***** tease in the galaxy. I think that's why I like him. I like those hard-to-get types.


    have you ever seen a cat in heat? HILARIOUS. puts my smuggler to shame with the shamelessness



    ether way... * stuffs her trooper's bra with catnip*

  11. Oh! That reminds me! If/when we are able to freeze our companions in carbonite I want a really good drama-filled scene. I want to explain to Skadge why he's being frozen and, dang it, I want to see Mako cheer when Skadge gets hung on the wall next to the current wall decoration!


    (I also really like the idea of having them banished to some mining colony out in the middle of nowhere until such time as we would want to pick them back up. This has the added benefit of getting that pasty lump of lard OFF MY SHIP!!)


    i'd just put him back on coruscant so he can be the pub's problem again

  12. tanno vik..just got him..some funny ones.


    " all right all right. now beat it" *giggitygigity*

    "i'll be right behind you. trust me"

    all right all right. so much for enjoying the moment"

    " if you don't spit out what you want, you'll get a *bleep* without the *bleep* "

    " youre not *bleep*ing fast enough!"

    "i'm going in!"

    " *bleep* someone else, i just work here"

  13. blizz....i'd ask to see whats under that hood :D


    torian..i;d ask if he only was attracted to me because of my strength


    vette: shock collar?! can we put it on quinn instead? pwetty pweaaase? * big sith puppy eyes*


    jorgan: ( still havent broken him in yet) what the hell do i have to do?! cover myself with the scent of a manka she-cat in heat, and roll around in front of you, yowling?! are you NEUTERED?!


    mako: so um.... can you like... watch p*rn on the holonet, and nobody notices? i bet thats why your always so chipper.


    bowdaar: can i use you as a living snuggie? pwetty pwease?


    if i was a F!war


    why not just shoot me in the back of the head after you shagged me asleep? i mean really. a LOT easier.



    akavi: when SGR becomes available, can i ditch corso for you? <3

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