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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. I think Vector got a bit lonely this past weekend while I was playing the Guild Wars 2 beta, I had three different kinds of bugs crawl around my computer desk, and I haven't seen bugs in my apartment at all. :o Sorry honeybee!


    hah! told ya! when i rolled my first alt on bh and started getting cozy with torian, i got ants in my pc room.

    passive aggressive little thing...

  2. How was the street festival anyways? Didn't make it out there myself.


    Oh hmmm... I could see Nadia (JC) and even the SI taking Talos with her to one of those too.


    17 city blocks of people, vendors, food, music, and interesting things. suposed to be an italian festival, but they had EVERY kind of nationality setting up pandering food and wares. They had people in roman gladiator armor with mock weapons having battles, forget what type of weapon they used, theyre made of like a cloth tape over a frame used in LARPs and renfair fights. hella fun to use with friends.


    im quite exhausted after that, but sadly nothing happening on my guild. booo i need things to do XD

  3. Just came back from a local italian fetival, and figured heck i bet an ethnic festival might be up vector's alley. I mean an open minded diplomat who finds cultural things fascinating. The senses are assailed by the smell of street venders with all sorts of food, the blaring of regional music in foreign language, the milling of thousands of auras, all emitting happy vibes. Traditional costume and dances. awesome food and drink. traditional sprts and games. I'm sure he would find it quite pleasant.
  4. hmm

    agent- so secretive even i don't know what she does a lot of the time. Probably fluttering from one crew member to the next to socialise, in order to keep such a dysfunctional group somewhat coherent. She likes to watch Vector meditate, despite it being comparable to paint drying. She often falls asleep curled up near him, and he won't notice until he snaps out of his trance. His fault for radiating such tranquilly at such times.


    Kaliyo- holovids of SW version of back yard wrestling, that cheaters show ( she appears on it a few times, oh man the fights that break out!)


    darn, my dad called to pick me up..will think of more


    ok cont..


    kaliyo: when shes not calling everyone over to show off her cameos in shows like COPS and CHEATERS ( shes very proud of her appearances) she's probably drunk and/or spiced up and picking fights with the training dummies.


    Lokin i could see having small colonies of intrigueing animals for experiments (like axolotls, plants, small insects ect) and plotting awesome things. Also buisy researching dialects, regeonal knowledge, and languages to help back up fake identities.


    Temple: Romance novels.


    scorpio: polishing her chasis. i mean come on, you can see your reflection in her chest.


    also i would not be surprised if vector is a brony. not surprised at all. and all his hive commune time, hes secretly watching episodes, and chatting with other bronies.



    My bh ... moderate drinking. Considerable window shopping for crazy luxuries on the net with mako. Often spars with torian and sometimes skadge ( she always wins, she needs to assert her place with skadge often). Studies mandoa language and culture on the net, as let's face it: Torian is a horrible teacher as far as that's concerned ( she still gets frequent lessions tho :rak_03: )


    Mako- watches funny and cute cat videos on whatever SW equivalent of youtube is. Has learned that blizz makes a wonderful beautician: He just LOVES working on her hair, giving her manicures and pedicures, and overall just loves grooming her like the little rodent he is.


    Blizz: getting his paws on anything and everything. He gets used for drunken dwarf tossing games. he loves it. My BH needs to buy him a huge pile of beads, and some jewelry making equipment. i think he would go crazy with the shineys.


    Torian- talking with his old homies, weapon and armor maintenance, cooking. Can't stand skadge, but will spar with him sometimes. Also a brony.


    Skadge- going from person to person, butting in with " hey whatcha doin?!" sees that whatever it is, totally bores him, and then storms off to some corner, where he settles in, and sulks about nothing good to do. At least gault lets him have the fun of disposing of pissed off con victems that try too hard to get thier creds back.


    gault- practices his slight of hand, looks up ways to spend his ill-gotten creds online. Sets up his army of nigerian scam email spambots.

  5. hmm

    agent- so secretive even i don't know what she does a lot of the time. Probably fluttering from one crew member to the next to socialise, in order to keep such a dysfunctional group somewhat coherent. She likes to watch Vector meditate, despite it being comparable to paint drying. She often falls asleep curled up near him, and he won't notice until he snaps out of his trance. His fault for radiating such tranquilly at such times.


    Kaliyo- holovids of SW version of back yard wrestling, that cheaters show ( she appears on it a few times, oh man the fights that break out!)


    darn, my dad called to pick me up..will think of more

  6. BH will prolly die early, but not super early. she will be quite stiff, sore, covered in scars and bones that mended poorly, ect.


    agent... 50/50 work ether catches up to her, or she outlives all that want her dead/sneaks off to somewhere with a new identity.


    smuggler- corso can't protect her forever, especially at the rate she gets attention.


    trooper- depends weather she wants to stay in action, or retire to a training position

  7. saw this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=457525


    and thought to myself.


    " another headcannon drabble idea" what the heck do you think your crew and your toons do for weeks on end?

    does the holonet work in hyperspace?

    is there some crazy games room behind some of those doors that can't be highlighted?

    medicine induced hibernation?

    i know in one of her letters kaliyo adressed this, asking for more holofeed channels, booze, and " attractive people" of her choice to tag along for entertainment.

    i'd imagine for most toon crews, alcohol in considerable ammounts probably is involved somewhere.

  8. Let me throw this at you. What if I told you that in my life I've slept with people of both sexes? You'd say, "oh, you're bisexual". It would be at that point I'd laugh and say, "Nope, I'm lesbian."


    Would you then conclude I'm confused?


    A lot of people in this world have slept with both sexes. This does not make them bisexual. Maybe it makes them a little flexible, maybe it took that experience to sort out their sexuality for them, maybe they did it to hide or deny their actual sexuality (and believe me, that last (hiding and/or denying) is the experience of many a homosexual). But sexuality is far more than three modes of being, especially when you consider asexuals, transsexuals, pansexuals, genderqueer, and other non-cis-hetero sexualities.


    Maybe Jack's experiences in that threesome helped her sort out her sexuality, and her conclusion was that she is straight?


    The real truth here is that unless her writer or creator steps forward and sets it in stone (either by telling us, or having Jack herself tell us in some way), we don't know what her sexuality is, and her past lovers have no bearing on what her sexuality actually is.


    Anyway, I suspect this post is going to end up just being deleted. I'm going to copy it and put it elsewhere for safe keeping.


    i agree with the above: sexuality really is like a rainbow- an entire spectrum from one end to the other.

  9. Oo....that's a good way to end up scattered throughout the galaxy. No touching one's Vector...or Quinn...or Corso...or especially Doc. Um...what were we talking about again?


    ohh i let her. i kinda owe vector one for voss


    i mean..it's not cheating if it's your OTHER husband.... ?


    that, and she couldn't keep an eye on hers in the cargo bay with me while she steered the ship.... even hyperspace travel takes days on end >:3


    squee... you 2 can party up with your vectors out..and i can power you thru on the side with mine out... vectors EVERYWHERE. pheremone overload.



    From the PTS 1.3 notes:





    ....you just made my day double happy......

    social x will mean something again... i'll have both dance bombs....

    i'm known on my server for endlessly dancing naked on the fleet. i always have at least 2 stacks of sparkle powder on my toon's person at all times. i have silenced genchat flame wars by making people shut up and dance " i have sparkle powder and i KNOW how to use it". My poor chiss is too brain damaged to realise how ooc it is for her race.. but whatever >:3



    now..all i need to feel complete is my sexy heal giggles. seriously. sending out all those probes to playfully instigate wet T shirt battles, feeling all good at kissing boo-boos better, Secret Agent Blue Booty is all about loving sexy heals, and the giggling just made it that much more epic.

  10. Awww, bf irl time! Well as I said somewhere else, my husband is going away for 6 weeks, so I will have a lot of spare time, no excuse for my agent not to get to Alderaan pretty quickly to see what all this Vector business is about (shhh just don't tell Aric). Doesn't count as cheating if its on a different server, right? ;) What happens on Giradda - stays on Giradda. Just like with Vegas! haha.



    funny story... rolled a BH, and i swear someone musta gotten jealous, cause soon after i got ants crawling round in my pc room. and don't worry, i won;t tell him ;)

  11. Just rolled Minxy the Agent on Giradda lol, she is only level 2 because I need to go do chores. I expect to start levelling her this weekend....she's already got attitude, too. :D


    lol i'll be off and on friday, mostly on evening friday, saturday i promised myself and bf irl time, so again evening. pst, im a night owl <3

  12. Excuse me!! I am the leader of Havoc and I have much better things to do with my time! I just can't say them here or the mods will send me another love note XD :p


    ow, they sent ya a note? i didnt get one, but then again i can be a bit more vague with what im talking about with colourful analogies and euphanisms >:3

  13. Crez, my 100% LS knight has NO IDEA how they got there. Who would ever store such a large amount of drinking paraphernalia in his room? Not me! :jawa_angel:


    And, um, it wasn't discovered when I brought a random Chiss trooper lady into my bedroom. Because that's absolutely not something I would do. :rolleyes:


    surrre, so the lead of havoc squad has nothing better to do than plant incriminating evidence on jedi ships? mmmm-hmmmmm

  14. And the problem here...? A Vector, is a Vector. =D Course I prefer my Vector with custom # 4. His original one is nice, but couldn't stand the bullet hair. hahaha


    haha im one who likes blondes, but the veiny face one is ewwwwwwwww

    prolly uses some industrial substance like the killik equivalent of beeswax to keep that 'do nailed down

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