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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. heh, yes. Probably a few drinks too while laughing at the poor Imperial that the big bad SW had been teasing the whole time. I still picture the girls (FemWar, LS Jasea and Vette) sitting around discussing guys or atleast what else they can do to annoy the guys on the ship.


    Kas, my FemTrooper, is usually chilling with Elara when she get get her to loosen up long enough, and possibly gossiping about guys. This was all before Kas starting dating Jorgan though and he started shedding on everything she owns. Sometimes, though Elara notices that Tanno goes off and comes back with a load of creds but she's hasn't actually figured out what's going on just yet.


    lol i can see vette egging fwar to make quinn do something utterly indignifying and embarrasing, just to see his reaction, then watch him break down as she unleases the pure darkside PUPPY EYES and uses a saucy voice telling him how much she enjoys seeing him wear that skimpy little thing, or whatnot ... XD

  2. hmm... That might work, guess I'll have to keep my finger over the ESC key to explore some of the options.

    Quinn, heh, he was super fun to mess with.

    I had a sad kitty though when I was exploring some of the options in the later conversations. Poor kitty, made me feel bad but atleast Jorgan doesn't just shut down emotionally unlike Captain Tight-pants there..... :D


    i like how torian takes it all in stride. really all the guys are just different flavours :D


    ....if they were ice cream... ohh tiger tail for jorgan... mmmm i'll take 2 scoops.

  3. :( but but but...


    I keep hearing that the FemAgent's flirts with Vector are horrid, dunno if I want to subject myself to that.


    Hmm.. I should look into modding Andronikus, his base look just isn't doing it for me, the voice though.. mmmm.. I keep thinking he should start yelling "berserker barrage!" every time he starts talking.


    they are...he deserves much better. thats why i went with non-flirts, but still presented myself as receptive to him. some flirts i tossed in to make sure he got the point, cause well all men can be a little dense when it comes to getting the hint. Like when he asked how close we were, i simply said i cared a lot about him, and he liked that, or when he asked about family, i told him im single, and when he asked how we keep our humanity, i told him we gotta find it in our commerads for support. i managed to make the romance seem a LOT sweeter this way.

  4. Ooooo... can Kanpeki join in the festivities? Quinn's no fun sometimes, I mean theatre, opera, fine dining is nice and all but sometimes you just want to let loose and party!


    of course! snorting lines of pheremone powder. dancing to the stars. membrosia bodyshots. Last time i went to that party it was one giant fade-to-black, it was so wild

  5. more content with my MANagerie! SQUEEE


    edit: to be more on topic, but still off topic i guess, has anyone ever roleplayed as a trans toon? i'm actually serious and curious as to that. i mean look at

    hunter, fron agent, tho not really trans per say, it's an interesting idea for someone roleplaying someone hiding thier true gender


  6. Done! Wait.. "in-laws"? I'm confused.....


    his little bug family lol

    he better set up another one of those wild parties. my toon woke up between a colocoid and a genosian last time

  7. Oh yes, the amount of those that come up so quickly is just phenomenal, especially after playing what is essentially a space nun (JC) and getting shot down repeatedly by Aric for the first couple of conversations. *sigh* I really do like the amount of fun Quinn can provide in-game.


    An acquaintance and I were discussing the first few conversations you get with Quinn and he (the acquaintance) was loving just making Quinn flustered. We were at a party full of nerds, and that's really all we discussed, I'm actually interested to see how he reacted to The Incident.


    Ummm... I went and had another look at that pic of which you speak. He looks like such a grumpy kitty, like someone poured water all over him and now he's mad.


    speaking of jorgan, and little daily life snippets


    all is well on phix's trooper ship, when everyone jumps at the roar of

    " GDI JORGAN HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID I DO *N*O*T* keep ANY of my munitions in my no-no drawer?! and DONT tell me you haven't been snooping again, there's fur EVERYWHERE"

  8. Yes, *that* companion had better be careful around me at the moment - I am still trying to compose myself after seeing that image in the skimped thread....rawr, lol, he might find himself...well I might keep this PG since its the forums.


    On a side note, I got myself a Quinn last night, on my baby warrior. Interested to see how this romance line goes, although I already read all the damn spoilers. He will never be an Aric, but still, he has stubble and a nice voice.



    And holy crap at the amount of flirts that come up right away with him, making him embarrassed and blushy is quite fun



    Vector is next. I really need more time. Maybe I should roll my agent on the Vector Party Server - ie Crezelle's server. :D lol


    hell yah! <3


    heck, give me a shout and i'd happily plow your toon thru the story/give tips on what turns him on the most ;)

  9. I think I'll go borrow the SW one for my femWar. She needs some dress-up time given that she's always running around in armor.


    let's make it a doubble date once im done on dromund kaas, i;m sure vector would be pleased to have me hang out with the "in-laws" after ;P

  10. Hmm...date night...let's see...


    My M!Sith Warrior, and Quinn wold attend a very exclusive Sith party on Alderaan. One full of fine wine, fine food, and plenty of 'entertainment'. Then they wold retire to the most lavish hotel, that a can be afforded, by a Sith Lord. After which they would spend the morning...errm...afternoon on a luxury cruiser headed back to the Imperial fleet.


    Meanwhile my MAgent and Vector would find a nice remote lakeside area on Dromund Kaas, and set up camp. They would swim in the clear waters under darkened skies, feel the constant light rain as Vector tells my agent about his dreams from the nest, and enjoy each others company to the sound of rolling thunder.



    ...excuse me while i steal your idea for vector and shove it into my own head cannon


    .....feels good man

  11. Oh Crezelle, I love your SW friends. I'd almost feel sorry for Quinn, if he didn't so totally deserve the humiliation. :D


    one time a SW and i went outside so my kaliyo could "play" with his quinn. she wasn't in the " fade to black" kind of playfull mood that day. poor poor quinn

  12. On an unrelated related note, my “head canon” for my characters also includes my husband’s characters, since we level together.


    For example, Grayson (his trooper, leveling with Emeraldas) sometimes uses his Republic military clout to smooth things over with the authorities, like a certain overzealous customs agent on Taris. And its nice to have a well-armed squad available for those times when she needs some extra firepower or intimidation value. In return, she gets him and his squad into places where a Republic troop ship would attract too much attention (Cargo hold is off limits, people. See the caution tape? Minor reactor leak, nothing dangerous, but it might, uh, compromise the seals on your armor. In fact, you probably ought to stay here in the main part of the ship. Play some pazzak or dejarik or something.) Her underworld connections come in handy, especially as a counterpoint to official information.


    Aric and Corso spend hours in (generally) good-natured debates on the finer points of weaponry. They might progress to swapping war stories, but Aric’s going to have to quit calling Corso an amateur because he’s not in the Republic military.


    Umrahiel (my sith warrior) met Xathras (his inquisitor) at the academy on Korriban. They’ve been colleagues ever since. Xathras’ skill manipulating the Force was a perfect counterpoint to Umrahiel’s more kinetic approach. He also set a very vicious example, and contributed to Umrahiel eventually going down the dark path.


    I wish there were some way to reflect these relationships in the Legacy.


    Anyone else involve friends’ characters in their stories?


    my bf has a..."special" sith gal pal my agent hangs out with a lot... vector doesn't seem to mind much ;)

    then my other SW friend, another girl player, one whos all over quinn... her poor quin gets stripped naked while several girl players whistle at and harass him. he was told it's for the good of the empire.

  13. Of course. Draconia did not want a psychotic **** aboard her ship. Plus she's LS V. Gotta love Diplomacy taking away those pesky DS choices she made when people slapped a ***** to her companions.


    oh i knooow, diplomacy is so wonderful for when you have those bad days, and the brain dammage you suffered because of the sith kicks in, and then -whoopsie- someones lying dead at your feet... oh vector honey, go arrange the founding of an orphanage at some random planet, would you? that's a good dear, scrub away the naughties for me <3

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