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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. So I take it he sheds the pet bugs for the sweet ambrosia of love? I'm thinking the devs wouldn't let you join the hive, because then you'd be rolling conversation choices with millions of bugs :)




    he offers the choice of him distancing himself from the hivemind temporaraly for... special tiem


  2. FemAgent should have been able to kiss Hunter. You spend all that time with those passive-aggressive flirts. Then when you say she doesn't have to pretend anymore Hunter says something like "I still want to, it's hard not to see you through his eyes." I wanted to kiss her at least to say goodbye. If I had Kaliyo out I'd have kissed her and stabbed her to death at the same time for bonus affection.


    or you could have a VERY comedic moment

    where after everything else, your agent remained composed and cool...but " wait..i kissed... EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW"

    now true girl's arent as squeamish to that idea as say a guy kissing someone they find out latter was another guy..but still



    also i remember early on there was a darker skinned, akwardly shy watcher at the agency... i'd have loved to play with that :>

  3. moure interacting within crew ( i wanna see kaliyo and temple rub each other wrong and have a catfight >:3 ) inlaws maybe if applicable, swap out those comps you don't want ( yes skadge, i AM looking at you )

    maybe something cute like sitting side by side while waiting for que on the fleet.


    and lots, LOTS more FTB ... chiss are known for radiating a healthy vitality due to a vigorous metabolism :D


  4. Agree. right clicking them for a canned response just isn't cutting it. :D I do sometimes sit and wonder what will happen next with my companion storylines...but yes I wouldn't expect this to happen until they upped the level cap, so it might be a little while.


    But I am not going anywhere, am very interested to see what BW come up with for future companion content.


    i'm waiting to see what lokin will pull on me. its gonna be epic

  5. heh, that would be strange yet mildly entertaining all at the same time.


    Granted, I have it head canonned somewhere that Kanpeki went and got a slave-kini while she was on Nar Shadda, helping Vette find her sister, for "special occassions".


    oh, i have a verry verry dirty establishment in my head cannon on what fills the cabinet by my bed on the phantom. i mean my gear is kept in the cargo bay.

  6. Staring into Vector's bug eyes?!!! Creepy... And how could you kiss him or anything without worrying about bugs crawling out from who knows where. No, no no! No way.


    (I've actually run into a small graphical glitch while playing that made everyone's eyes look like bug eyes - had to Alt Tab and bring back and thank god that went away). Creepy.


    Now Broonmark, don't get me started on that fine beast :rolleyes:


    roll a femagent and go thru his story... i bet you haven't <3

  7. I would be really embarrassed if any of the VAs read my posts, especially Timothy Omundson, lmao, although I am sure they would find it amusing....


    lol, i don't look up the VA's, as the SW story at grathams makes a great example

    the mother says the voice may be her son's...but the words are hers...so i don't go crazy over following VAs


  8. Have you read my posts lately? I am no better. Its all Aric's fault, I can't help it!


    I wonder if Bioware ever reads threads like these and think....hmmm, what have we created with these companions, lmao, or perhaps it will give them some ideas :p


    i do hope the VA's aren't watching, and joking with each other about who seems to be the ladie's favourite XD

  9. I bet Quinn is one of those fellas, that could drink everyone under the table, and not feel a thing until he goes to stand up.


    In my head canon, he's a hard liquor/shooters kinda guy. :D


    in my dirty head cannon... maybe the hard stuff get's him to grow and pair and be the agressor >:3


    really..anyone have a pressure washer? this head cannon is REALLY gunked up dirty.

  10. I'm trying to imagine what FemWar, LS Jaesa and Vette are possibly doing to Quinn who's been tied up. All I can really picture is that combination of exasperated-humiliated look he pulls off so well. That is he's got that expression on his face until Pierce saunters in and backs out as fast as humanly possibly without drawing the attention of the drunk females. Granted FemWar could just say that this was all payback for "The Incident," or unleash Puppy Eyes on him and Quinn would take it like a trooper.


    Oh, Vette dying Broonmark's fur while he's sleeping while FemWar looks on giving suggestions for colours.


    ohh he would loook wooonderful with those feather extensions, and nail polish on his claws

    khem val with glitter nail polish and lipstick... and a blonde curly wig... oh hell yes

  11. I can picture Risha trying to help Ayang shop for clothes online, and insisting that she buys something that actually looks like women's clothes...and poor Ayang looking bored out of her mind. Or Risha doing her hair, and Ayang being skeptical of whether it's going to make any difference. Then Akaavi walks by and looks disdainfully at them, but inside she's crying that she doesn't have hair.


    I can also see both Risha and Ayang, after a few drinks, trying to dress up Akaavi's horns with ribbons and such.


    don't forget bowdaar all braided up and curled, like that one scene in beauty and the beast.

    speaking of drunk girl makeover shenannegins... i'm pictureing a bound quinn in makeup right about now....

  12. *clears throat*


    I'm sorry vector, but i gotta say

    theres a little jawa that just brightens my day

    You're so eager to please, but so is he

    with big yellow eyes that can clearly see

    right down into your soul, your very core

    it's not that you are becoming a bore

    it's not you, it's me, or more so it's him

    makes my heart pound like a big ol' stim

    whips out a bazooka from under his robe

    he leaves em all crying like an interrogation probe

    again i'm so very sorry, my dear

    but away from blizz, my heart cannot steer.

  13. lol i wanted to make a one page comic of temple waking up, and b*tching about her being a freak due to her little powers. She walks into the lobby, where the f!agent is flirtatiously encompassing an indignant vector with kolto probes, giggling like a freak ( this was pre-1.2 dang i miss the giggle) while he's trying to medidate. Then you hear kaliyo roar-cheer and she comes busting into the room, riding a 'ghoul form of lokin like a rodeo bull...they're prolly both drunk. she walks into the cargo bay for some breakfast rations, and scorpio just stands there...stareing at her.. all " some day... when you least expect it..muahahaha"


    yeah...shes actually rather normal, all things accounted for.

  14. I had to google tiger tail as I have never heard of it before - and it looks delicious. 2 scoops? I would eat the whole damn thing.


    i actually like it lol. i prefer straight liquorice ice cream when and where i find it.


    corso is straight up chocolate: everyone assumes thats what all women like, and for the most part sure, but some women cant stand it.

  15. Hmm... Green tea could work for Vector, he's soooo Zen....


    Sadly, I haven't interacted with Torian or Doc enough to form an actual opinion of those two. Or Corso really but he did strike me as a vanilla, sweet and simple.


    What about Zenith, something more bitter with sweet after tones? Mocha chip?


    doc could be a flavour youd be embarrased to enjoy in public, but secretly love. kind of like how i still have the guilty pleasure of listening to spice girls and aqua :cool:

  16. I'm thinking... saffron-orange for Vector, that is if you're into the "trendy" gelato places.


    Pierce hmmm... big burly strong guy, loyal... what could he be.... Ooo... how about .


    Nope.. got nothing there....



    i'm thinking maybe like back when green tea ice cream was a novelty.



    torian... hmmm... chocolate chip cookie dough? mmmm

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