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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. I love you. Your agent and mine should get together one day. hahaha Our Vectors could stand there giving us exasperated looks while we giggle drunkenly. (Too bad we're not on the same server)


    I wrote something for the Short Story Thread.


    haha someone else rolled an op on my server to chill with me o.o

    its kinda cool, lets hope the transfers funnels us all together... then we can rock the galaxy together with our insane fangirlism XD


    the thing about that tho..what if we ended up accidentally taking the wrong vectors home that evening? XD

  2. Now if only I could take my LI on a Huttball date, my life would be complete....


    what i'd love, is to see both my toon and LI plastered on a date,,, that..would be funny.... i'm sure she would all the sudden hear some very interesting stories of the more off coloured things he's wittnessed as a diplomat to exotic alien planets.

  3. You should see the case of Blossom Wine (Foresthe, 8 ATC) she keeps chilled for "diplomatic occasions". Not exactly in keeping with the Jedi Code, but she allows herself a few luxuries.


    kinda funny, i was touring the jedi ship on a friend and noticed a few bottles on the shelf in thier room, along with enough shot glasses for some drunken board game

  4. In this game FLIRT=I want to have sex with you, marry you and have kids with you! (Even if you flirt one time, the LI believes this)


    thank goodness that doesnt happen irl ( well, theres stalkers, but still)

    i swear that this game has made me a horrible flirt too irl -.-

    sometimes im a;; " omg did i just say that?!"

  5. Dude! That's what I was missing! Alcohol to slow the brain oozing out my ears from sheer boredom!

    (This is actually why I have as many alts as I do, I just can't stand dailies that don't change day in and day out, but my trooper has no money and crappy gear, soooo.....)


    drunk dailies with your LI are fun too. vector makes the best drunksitter ever


    except hes too much of a gentleman to try and take advantage of the situation >:(


  6. Yeah, it sucks that the only ways you can have then say their "I love yous" is by either have him repress his pheromonic bond, or be mean to him. Dangit BioWare, where's the option to say you love him as he is, bugs on his brain, ants in his pants and all?! :confused:

    i knows ; ;


    ...did ya fraps it? :D

  7. Ugh my trooper really needs to start doing dailies too, now I just have to make her do it....much alcohol will be consumed I think, possibly in RL whilst I do the damn dailies....lol


    drunk dailies are fun. and drunk dialing the fleet is even funner.

    my agent has to do dailies all the darn time to feed all those kids of hers...

  8. well i have a side question, if they add it,then I would have to redo the story line as a new BH for example?


    They also announced a new SW 1313 with a more adult rating,maybe they will allow it there?


    wait, they gonna bump up the rating of this game in latter expansions?


    FINALLY i get to see whats under all those layers of vector's undergarments...seriously, hes got enough layers under his gear to keep snug on hoth. ohhh and my toon being able to cuss would rock...

    oh... back on topic.... yeah... i'd reroll a few jobs to sgr it up

  9. (Emphasis mine)


    On the other hand, how much did they actually show? It's all just high level bullet points, without details, and as important as it might be to us, I don't think SGRA is a selling point to a majority of the audience who isn't currently playing. It might bring back the folks who quit because they weren't here, and some new faces, but in all likelihood, SGRA alone won't bring back the people who quit or haven't bought in yet because of a lack of PVP or endgame content or group finder or whatever else.


    It's not the sort of thing I expect to hear at a 3-minute E3 presentation, that's all.


    Now, this is supposed to be EA's Pride Month, so I wonder if THAT will bring on any tidbits of news... but I sort of doubt it. As they keep saying, we'll hear about it when it's almost done. /armflail :rod_frown_g:


    this. im not sure about stocks if your big presentation trailer opened up with a male sith and jedi kissing


    i'd totally buy the game all over again if that happened tho,... but im wierd :3


  10. Lol, Nar Shaddaa is not his kind of town. He seems to like places with history. But, see! This is what I would like to know more about!! Likes and dislikes, is he just curious or is there a reason he likes places with significance and history to them?


    And I must have laughed for goodness knows how long when he complained about the lights. Sooo funny!


    again, i never use speeders in new areas just so i can hear the commentary. my fave was vector doing a mission on hoth where you go deep into a white maw hide out, and he said something like

    " Storybook heroes often plunder pirate treasure.... now, so do we"

  11. I think it's what he did BEHIND the f-t-b. I mean he was kind of a creepy dude, all grabby hands and such. We have NO idea what he did to her. I'd be shaking my head like 'what the HELL was I thinking!!' too if he'd done some weird **** to me. That's how I see it.


    thats what i figured. my agent enjoys adding another notch on her belt, but i'm pretty sure he tried to get the most of his situation, and didnt treat her like a lady at all. oh well, she had training to prepare for those kinds of situations.

  12. This happens all the time already though. I've killed Rattataki as Rattataki, killed Sith as Sith, and Chiss as Chiss :( And of course, humans as human.


    It's actually kind of funny when I was on Hoth Republic side as a Chiss and


    when I had to tell the quest giver that the Chiss defector was dead, he was like, "It's just as well, I don't think the men around here would want a Chiss hanging around". *akward silence*



    But anyway, I pretty much expected Cathar to become playable first, and I'm holding off rolling another alt until I can play one.


    on alderaan


    my chiss smuggler was talking to a jedi healer trying to cure a guy in the middle of the killik joining process...she said shes seen chiss with with a healthier looking colour in thier face XD


  13. My only concern over this (and other potential new species) is that some missions/storylines/companion conversations rely heavily on a particular species. That is to say, if you're a cathar for example and the mission/conversation you're doing is about cathar (particularly if you're killing cathar), it might be a bit awkward or jarring if there's no dialog mention of your species.


    hey, no more akward than my agent killing killiks with her husband XD

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