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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. Hahaha that often happens to me XD 'med pack, come on... med pack, noo don't heal yourself, gimme that sweet green!' (Am I the only one that gets excited and dances around in kolto clouds? It's just so pretty...)


    my agent is famous for her patented kolto enemas. :rolleyes:

  2. Well, yeah, the sense of urgency is there. But even if it was OMG RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAAHHHH! it'd still take you a few 'hours' to go and do the thing. Plus, you get I think a few weeks off between Acts. (Yeah, to you it's like 10 minutes max, but to your characters it's like a week or two to chillax.


    not to mention the time in space travel.

    my toons keep the bars well stocked for space travel. lots of stupid drinking games have ensued. 'ghoul lokin may-or-may not be used as a rodeo bull, that carbonite man on the mantis may-or-may not be abused to all ends (mentioned this in head cannon, it usually involves sharpies, construction paper party hat cutouts glued on, and blizz being hung on his protruding fingers by the belt) and a certain kitty may-or-may not be contstantly verbally abused for being a frigid little tom

  3. Same. lol


    Now I CAN picture Andronikos and Doc doing this. But Andronikos it just seems so HIM and Doc would because my JK is a freak. Not a bad girl freak, but she sure as hell ain't a stuck up monk wannabe. She did have Auntie Kaliyo around afterall...when mom and dad were off adventuring and Temple fell asleep at her post. Woman, go take a nap or sit down.


    i can picture andro pulling off a red hot chilli peppers, and running around the ship with only a well-placed sock. Kaliyo is why my smuggler has serious attitude problems, not to mention no sense of fidelity ( hey, she warned corso , and warned him well)

  4. Well he wouldn't stand naked in front of my agent, swinging his junk in her face.


    sadly..my irl bf does that... i guearantee it DOES NOT work.


    all my agent would have to do is get a little snuggly close, and plant a gentle, slow kiss. let him take a few breaths to take in how good her lips and skin smell to him with those spidey senses, and BOOM putty in her paws :rak_03:

  5. Crez, would you please go to work for BW? WE NEED YOU THERE! :)


    sorry, if i did that, vector would become OP and the new main character of the sieries... also he would shed a lot of his clothes... and everyone would have party bombs

  6. :D


    It was just so unexpected. I put my forehead against his to give him nuzzles and he's like "No no, you're doing it wrong!" and then put his forearm against mine and started rubbing them together. So yeah, he's been assimilated.


    Vector Hyllis: Making real life couple rub forearms since 2011. :)


    thats... actually very sweet :o

  7. Ok I'll say it... Oh noes! Not Wolves! :rolleyes:

    This could easily turn into a thread which has nothing to do with Star Wars.


    lol i've often brought the "F" word out while talking about the jorgan romance ;)

  8. think we were working on this on another post...but do you give your toon/companions nicknames?


    My agent: Secret Agent Blue Booty

    Vector: honeybee

    kaliyo: Kaykay

    Temple: Marcy

    Blizz: Best.Thing.EVER

    Torian: Beiber Fett, Boy-toy, Cougarbait

    skadge: * the following nicknames have been cencored to fit into the TOS *

    Risha: The Drewish Princess


    Corso: Southern Comfort

    Jorgan: ()*&&^ frigid cat

  9. My agent's Vector has a way higher sex drive than my agent. Much to her delight, but the crew are beginning to wonder why after

    saving the galaxy

    they're always told to **** the ship. lol

    would be hard to picture vector being the instigator..hes far too passive imo. but i could see him being able to shift my agent's mood VERY quickly with his subtle charms. Not that he needs to... The wiki says chiss are usually of a very healthful vitality due to a high metabolism.

    my BH crew has to be the most mature set about the issue. i mean no sneaking around, no shoving everyone off-ship. no jedi morals to be ashamed of. no big show, no giggling and innuendos, just a quick look, and a head gesture towards the boss' room and they slink off .skadge probably makes some childish gesture of disgust, as that kind of stuff bores him. Gault might make a few off coloured remarks, especially when drunk. Blizz is blissfully unaware...or is aware and just doesn't care. Mako is totally sporting a foreveralone.jpg face.

  10. Of course the entire crew would find out about 2 seconds after Kaliyo leaves them to clean up and redress and the crew would have varying reactions of 'well no ****, it was pretty obvious.'


    haha i often picture vector making a smug remark when kaliyo comes back from her days off, saying she is caked in the scent of X# of males of varying species, along with random spirits found in that sector

  11. I don't know. I saw Vette as giving me 'alright! *high five* you got some. So tell me, how was he? Was he stiff in bed too, or was he a wild animal?'


    And Draconia blushing, yes, a sith lord blushing, as she stammered and asked how Vette knew.


    "Girl, the ship isn't exactly sound proof and you aren't exactly quiet. What was it you yelled again? Oh yeah! 'Oh my STARS, Malavai! I'll promote you to General if you keep doing that!'


    Draconia would facepalm as Pierce walked by, glared at both women and stopped. "My lord, is this really becoming of a sith? Shagging a man as campy as Quinn? No wonder you told me to follow his orders or else. How long HAVE you two been at it?"


    And before Draconia could open her mouth to say anything, Jaesa would come out and show she was loyal to the woman who spared her friends and family. "Oh, let her be. I heard you and some cheap flousy making noises in the crew quarters." She'd then turn to Draconia. "This is why I spend the majority of my time in the medical bay."


    Quinn would walk out, a little spring in his step, or as springy as Quinn gets, see everyone, except Draconia turn to stare at him. He'd see how his soon-to-be wife was beet red and covering her face, shoulders shaking from holding in the hysterical giggles that threatened to pop out before clearing his throat, opening and closing his mouth and turning back around to go hide on the bridge. He'd go take a leak later.


    lol now i'm trying to picture how my agent's crew would react...


    Kaliyo: i've done it with some freaky people before... lots of them, but this cuts it. You ever need advice on how to REALLY rock that bug's nest, i'll teach you a few secrets. Some of them may require the medbay immediately after.


    Temple: what the?! him?! why?! what?! how?! excuse me, sir...but eeewwwwwww

    * is secretly hiding her foreveralone face*


    Lokin: Interspecies mating hmmm? If you'd be so kind, i'd like to hear of any reports if you discover any *ahem* significant differences in his performance compared to the average human male...why are you giving me that look? it's all for science. Do grow up, agent. "


    scorpio: * turns at agent, stares, goes on doing whatever it is she does*

  12. I can be more serious with these 'head canons' but I'm having fun. Gotta torture them sometimes. Especially Quinn. He deserves the most torture! Corso is a close second since he was jealous if a man so much as breathed in Harriet's direction.


    of course! if he didnt want you flirting with every guy around..he wouldnt be so darned cute when you do it!


    and vector... well if he didnt hide his yummy skin so much, my agent wouldn't be so obsessed with trying to get him to show it!

  13. Well, LS Jaesa is nice about pretty much everything...




    "Don't you start, Jaesa."


    "What? I...no, master, I'm happy for you."


    "You are?" That would be a first for the day.


    "Yes. This has been tearing at you ever since I met you."


    "It was?"


    "You weren't hiding it."




    ...in contrast, Pierce lined up a whole rant about what a transparent political ploy the whole affair is. The man is no fool.



    i can picture lokin "acidentally" stumbling in on my agent and vector one day, you know, he forgot some scanning tools when he was ordered to go do some research on X planet while scorpio was sent to assasinate Y person, and kaliyo was going to monitor temple's " manipulation" skills at extracting Z info out of a pub soldier at a cantina.

    Youd see the whole shock of all 3 people, the whole pull up the covers, throw random objects at lokin, and whatnot, while lokin is unimpressed.


    " Next time, agent, when you start acting suspiciously to me, hide some REAL secrets for me to discover....."



    thats one thing i like about kaliyo... you could outright tell her you got a hot date that evening, hand her a bottle of hooch and 50 credits, and tell her to get lost, and she'd enjoy it

  14. Oh man. I died laughing. I can so picture that too. The things we do to our poor boys.


    "Mel, hon..."


    Melony looked up from her datapad to see Doc looking down at a pair of fuzzy slippers and fuzzy kitty ears. "Something wrong, lover?"


    Doc frowned, opened and closed his mouth a few times. "Look, I'm as adventurous as the next guy, but hon, are you SURE your Uncle and FATHER will be dressed similarly?"


    Melony put the datapad on the coffeetable and stood up, stretching the kinks out. "Sweetie, it's a dress up party! Aunt Draconia talked Uncle Malavai into wearing that dancer outfit. Mom talked Dad into wearing a pink fuzzy slave outfit. Aunt Riza SOMEHOW talked Uncle Aric into wearing a GI Joe outfit, with Kung Fu grip hanging off his...er...unmentionables. Don't ask me how Aunt Tamara talked Uncle Torian into wearing the Mime getup, especially since no one likes mimes. Aunt Kyoko talked Uncle Andronikos into wearing nothing but a speedo. Cousin Harriet talked Corso into wearing a skimpy Maid's outfit with matching nylons. And Cousin K'athryn talked Iresso AND Tharan into each wearing Thing One and Thing Two outfits." She paused to catch her breath. "Believe me, no one will bat an eye at you wearing the Hello Kitty fuzzy slippers with matching ears."


    Doc looked down once more at the hideous party get up before raising his head to stare at his wife. "Just remember, I'm a doctor, I know how to kill someone without leaving a trace."


    "Yes, yes." Melony waved his threats aside. "Now, go put your happy Hello Kitty costume on and I'll join you shortly. I have my own costume to wear."


    (If these companions were real, I'd be dead. HAHAHAHAHA)


    sadly this sounds like a party i went to at a nerd convention. i woke up to find bits of cabbage and glowsticks strewn on my bathroom floor.

  15. *rolls all over*


    "My lord, the thong is chafing most disagreeingly. May we PLEASE wear something else?"


    Draconia folded her arms and gave him wife look number seven 'do as I say or you won't hear the end of it until next year'.


    Quinn sighed and stared forlornly down at the butt floss in his hands. "Yes, my lord."







    Crez points to the poor sithlord slave from across the cantina, forced to parade around in said gear, along with a slave collar. "Now see, that is a man who sings the song of utter defeat. he must have done something terrible to get treated like that. Lucky you are much smarter, so you get to wear the fuzzy briefs, with matching fur lined wrist and ankle cuffs on ladies night at the nexus room <3"


    " Indeed...we...are lucky.... -.-"


    " now be a good jutterbug and shake that thorax for me, that's a good boy <3"

  16. Same here. Which is why you need to be DAMN sure you want that person as your spouse. Cause when I marry, I'm a wolf, and mate forever...or whatever damn animal does it. I'm sure someone will say 'oh noes! not wolves!'


    dwarf hamsters and voles are also monogamous .


    most birds are, while most mammals arent..oddly enough

  17. Great. Now I'm picturing Quinn and Vector in those skimpy dancer outfits you can buy on the fleet, /clubdancing like a girl does for their women in the VIP section to hoots and whistles. All because they lost a bet of who could kick *** better. The husbands or the wives. The wives won...naturally. =D


    ...i approve of this mental image. i am pleased. greatly pleased. this is ammo for my head cannon.

  18. little easter eggs for different times of the day would be funny... aka between 2AM and 1PM friday night-saturday morning, you find a hungover kaliyo in her bunk. or tuesday is " poke vector full of needles and probes" day in lokin's office. Maybe they literally DO let you sauce it up if you send everyone exept your LI off on missions, and then you talk to you LI on the ship.
  19. yep...I agree on Crezelle's ideals of equality and also meat. I mean, I can also appreciate deep characters and offer sophisticated academic and social commentary on, uh, stuff. I'm not totally shallow.


    ...why do i want Pierce now-STEAK! Want steak. Yes. One fine red-blooded Tarisian steak that I will not describe in detail because this is a family-friendly forum.


    I'm loving the vignettes here. I also love Jiating's "my BH is my smuggler" idea!


    exactly. IRL i'm as vanilla as they come, my bf isn't at all what i prefer asthetic wise, i'm with him for more meaningful reasons. but gosh darn it i WILL oogle and make crude she-hungry comments about that nice little rump roast over there :rak_03: and as for games.. wel it's fantasy. sure i roll my eyes at all the skimpy females in non-functioning fantasy armour out there... but i expect the same for males too!

    now, about that rump roast...

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