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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. And men thought us female gamers who non-existent. Pfft. We find a thread about sexy fun times with a male companion and you'll get a shot of estrogen up your tail pipe. And this is only on forums. You should see how we are in RL conversations.


    Yes, men, we talk about banging men and who we scored with too. Just not on a manly scale.


    yep.... my ideals of equality is we get to view men as meat too, if we so please :D

    ...why do i want steak now

  2. Oh that would be lots of fun!


    I'd love to see how they get along, or just have them milling about in day-to-day tasks.


    never played any DA, but i saw some youtubes... i love the banter when other party members catch on your sleeping with one of them XD

  3. now i'm pictureing poor torian getting jealous of blizz. My bh just loves making that little jawa happy. She brings him treats, gives him broken electronics she picks up along the way, and even gives in and smotheres him with big bear hugs. Mako usually is there right with her doing the same.
  4. Most interesting and fulfilling is Vector. He's so strange and mysterious. I started very dark on my IA and he made me change my ways. When he complained at me that killing people without mercy "wasn't in harmony with the song of the universe" or something like that.... my IA was so ashamed of herself. :o His voice actor is also amazing.


    those big black beady puppy eyes really do wonders.....

  5. This is a snippet I had rolling around in my head for awhile. I have a definite preference for writing in 1st person, which I guess is a little odd...but oh well!



    I always liked when I got a call during a long journey. I loved my ship, but long trips could get extremely monotonous. So when my comm chimed, I instantly perked up. I grabbed my cup of stimcaf and pressed the button to open the comm channel. "Cardani - oh. Ugh, it's you."


    My ex, Kelen, only called me when he was drunk and couldn't find a girl to go home with him. That happened a lot.


    "Ayang! It's so nice to see you too. Where are you? Are you in the area?" Part of me appreciated that he was getting straight to the point this time.


    "No," I said. "I'm on my way to a delivery, because I have a job. That's something you do and people pay you for it. I know that's a difficult concept for you."


    "Don't be so mean," Kelen said. He sounded whiny, and I got the feeling he'd been turned down more than usual tonight. "You know, you're one of the freakiest girls I've ever met, but I think I'm remembering why I broke up with you."


    "That's funny," I said dryly. "Because I broke up with you, because you cheated on me. Also, you're an idiot."


    "Come on, Ayang..."


    "Quit calling me," I said.


    "...we're both single, so what's the harm?"


    I was fed up. Being bored out of my mind would be better than dealing with my stupid ex-boyfriend. And as usual, it was going to be a fight to end the call. Time to pull out the big guns.


    "Oh no!" I said, trying to sound as though I was scared. I wasn't a very good actress, but I didn't care. "My ship is crashing! There's fire everywhere; I'm too young to die!"


    "Ayang --"


    "I can't believe I'm spending my last moments talking to my loser ex-boyfriend! This is a much less heroic death than I intended! What a cruel world this is!"


    "--you are such a child!"


    "Well, don't bother calling me again, because I'll be dead. I hope I get a nice obituary!"


    I severed the connection.


    I couldn't help but smile. Ex-boyfriends: 0. Ayang Cardani: 1.



    Crez is an agent... her exes have a habbit of dissapearing :cool:

  6. There's a lot about the KOTOR and DA:O conversation system I'd like to see brought back. Player-initiated conversations - remember choosing what topic to talk about, or talking to Alistair just to kiss him? - is high on the list.


    i'd love to see cross-companion banter. maybe your comps wander about the ship during diff times of day, and you can overhear them talk like some NPC dialogue in town.

  7. I died a little inside. Course, Tamara is a possessive ***** and was about to jettison Mako out the airlock if she so much as looked sideways wrong at her husband. Er...


    hahaha my BH doesn't have to worry. Torian would have to be the stupidest being in the galaxy to cheat on the Grand Champion.

  8. "I hear the song of the universe" ->Vector lets rub forearms! "I want the Killiks to expand and get in touch with other hi...-" LETS RUB FOREARMS. "I'm planning universe wide Killik domi..-" -> VECTOR. FOREARMS. I'LL BE WAITING IN THE BEDROOM.

    oh crap, someone put listening devices in MY ship! * scours the place top to bottom*

  9. I can't neglect Vector. Both he and Scourge almost merit some classy formal structure, like villanelles or sonnets or especially clever limericks, but here's what I've got for now:


    I'd love to see your resume:

    "Man. Ninja. Envoy. Bug."

    The fact you're not wholly insane

    Suggests the Killik hug


    Is not as bad as advertised.

    I think we can agree

    Your Joining was a benefit -

    Still, better you than me.


    You are unique, I'll grant you that,

    And subtle, smart, and kind,

    And handsome in a way...okay,

    You have been on my mind.


    I love to watch your depthless eyes,

    Hear your melodic voice,

    And lose myself in finding you -

    As if I had a choice.


    If half the world had half your grace,

    This galaxy would change.

    Your humor, strength and selflessness

    Help whole worlds rearrange.


    Your own world's made of poems, writ

    In auras I can't see.

    You've seen and tasted, oh, so much,

    Yet choose to be with me.


    I love you. But your buddies can

    Strain patience. So, my sweet,

    Please keep them from the stock room?

    Temple's too grossed out to eat.


    And watch for Doctor Lokin,

    He's been sampling left and right.

    I DO NOT WANT to find one day

    He got the transform right.


    In any case, dear Vector,

    I'm happier with you

    Than I could be elsewhere, ever.

    I will gladly say "I do."


    squeeeee <3

    much more creative than my ditties :D

  10. playing my trooper, im not sure if it wouldn't fit because it's latter explained otherwise (only gotten to balmorra)


    it would be kinda funny if the old havoc squad was vague enough on how they defected as to head cannon it in that my agent and her persuasive husband somehow talked them into defecting instead of killing them :rolleyes:



    Female Agent - I swear this class has the best assortment of man-candy in the whole game, but my Agent would never leave Vector. So, she'll just have to clone herself. ^_^ Sanju Pyne, Aristocra Saganu, and Chance all need their own Agent!


    this needs to be done! my agent can then smurf the entire galaxy! ...or maybe make all those males joiners, so you can smurf them all simultaneously :cool:

  12. as for when theyre out and discussion choices + gifts



    fave gift type - trophies


    honour, bravery, and independence. one time i got +350 with him for going against a work contract that wanted a transhodian alive, but the transhodian QQed about being captive, as it would be the worst fate ever in his theology, so i let him charge at me and killed him. oh he liked that a LOT.




    fave gift type - cultural artifacts


    be a sappy, goodie goodie little band-aid to the galaxy, and he will soak it up like ants on a warm puddle of fruit juice. He loves it when you talk dirty...er i mean diplomatically, opting to spare the lives of people so they can latter swear allegiance to the empire. be ever so concerned about people who are hurting, offering aid if you can. He's also quite imperial, so if your agent refuses to follow proper protocall of brown-nosing sith, don't have him out. also tell off anyone who is being racist. he likes that too.

    you don't have to hit ALL the flirts with him; some are just cheeeeezy. I got to tell him i cared a lot about him instead of just telling him to hit my room some night, and i still got ants in my pants latter on. but still hit them as much as you can tollerate the poor writing.


  13. Hmm. I believe it was something about the Night Herald screaming in his head. I forget the exact words. He was so cute and embarrassed after, though, all "we know a formal apology requires a gift, but um, we're sorry. *scampers off*"


    and thus, another male LI learns his place, and to NEVER tick off his lady <3

  14. Really?


    What do they say?


    I'm just curious b/c...I really want her to be an option and stuff (and hopefully without having to reroll my Agent). I need moar proof!





    one letter she lists a bunch of demands to make space travel between missions less boring. one of them is her being able to bring along 3 attractive PEOPLE (note people, not guys) of her choice, no questions asked


  15. So here's a thought....


    If you could ask your companion ONE question - out of every question in the world - what would be the ONE thing you would ask them?


    ohhhh snap.... theres 2.... but you said one.... doh



    well mostly i'd ask vector about my conflicting views on the killiks. let's face it, they are invasive at times. they do take over towns/estates, they kill, they force join, thier nests are littered with human bones. sure the joiners are all peaced out, but when theyre captured and during the process, they don't seem that happy about it. I'd want an explination for all that, and ask him how his joining went, and if it was another typical snatch-and-stockholmsyndrome case, ask him to REALLY think on that, and then tell me of his views on the whole issue of dem bugs.


    on a less serious note...i;d ask him if he forgives my agent for voss :rolleyes:

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