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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. LOL! For science! I may have to go down to Cold Rock Ice Creamery tomorrow on my lunch break and do some of my own research, for science. Yes, that's it - science.


    just don't overdo it! my gutt is letting me know all about that " too much of a good thing" issue


    .... it was for a good cause tho. the saccrafice was worth it.

  2. Damn cat's a tease. I was expecting a lot more after that mission, and I got nada! Not even a smooch. The things I do for him. Bah. Lots of cold showers on the Thunderclap till level 40-ish! lol



    he keeps this up, he WILL need to keep that armor on to save his hide once he caves in :D




    and damnit I want Aric to take me out to dinner like he promised in his letter to me!


    vector still owes me a gift in apology for having to knock his bug butt to the floor in belsavis during a little mind controll gas phase. he said a gift was in order with his apology. i never got it :mad: or maybe i got it latter while abuseing an empty jail cell with him..who knows

  4. Well you know I would help. Damn being on the wrong server!



    Is that the Tatooine quest for him? I did that one waaaaay under level. It was red. It was easy :)


    yah it was... thank goodness grandma smurf is generous with the creds and won't ask what theyre needed for ;)

    and that &*^&%^ cat shuts up. not a peep after that. bad kitty!



    I couldn't make it to the mall in time to hit up the DQ or the Stone Cold Creamery. Therefore I had me a smoothie instead, not quite as satisfying but tomorrow, tomorrow....


    Oh Ephemera, if there's an Asian supermarket out by where you live, you might find it there. Durian though, love or hate, there's no real middle ground even among Asians. Otherwise I might suggest one of those gelato places in a downtown area that *might* serve it due to crazy folk.


    a place downtown.. serves.. viagra flavoured gelato. theres no actual drug in it, but still... would that be lokin? rofl

  5. And her old Shock Collar that she uses on the wedding night.... Yes, that was THE "And this one time, at Band Camp...." line in SWTOR. :D


    in my head cannon... it goes on quinn, and the remote gets tossed under the sheets so he gets randomly zapped every time someone moves around er...in thier sleep>:3

  6. i'd like your story choices to make an impact MORE than affection. like i want vector to aknowledge that my agent is just as sickeningly puppy sweet lightside as he is, while other's LI's finally have it and b*tch about all those choices you made even if they weren't there at the time that they really did not approve of.


    i mean, really. the way things are, it doesn't make sense why some LIs fall in love with you if you make choices they are absolutely against, but you shower them with gifts. they rarely say anything on why they fell in love with you, and if they did, its extremely ambiguous.

  7. omg this! I mean, I'm assuming the rest of the crew knows - it's not like the smuggler has to keep it a secret or whatever - but I'd really love to get a reaction from the rest of the crew. Especially since Risha and my fsmug girl talk all the time. Besides, she's the mechanic...I'm sure Risha has found Corso and Ayang making out all over the ship.


    i'd like to know for my agent... i mean lokin would get suspicious if the crew kept getting shooed off the ship, so i just figure it's easier for my toon to just take vector out on all her missions... some missions just don't involve shooting anyone and take place out in the wilderness or in a cantina suite :rak_03: but it would be MUCH easier to just not sneak around, and watch the other 4 comps fight for the extra crew bunk to store thier stuff

  8. It was less the flavour of it, never actually munched on durian ice cream myself, I prefer the fresh fruit variety, and more the divisiveness of the flavour.


    Ugh, now I want ice cream... but the mall closes in 10minutes :(


    i'm.... quite satiated after my big fill ;)

    *puffs a smoke*

  9. I didn't say they had to smell like it but you know how we have those one or two companions that you hate or love, with no middle ground. That's Durian flavoured.


    Personally, I love the smell of it and waft it at my parents who despise the stuff. It skipped a generation in my family. :D


    Seriously though I almost feel like Quinn = Durian.


    I was at a Q & A with John De Lancie and someone asked him about ice cream and he mentioned durian as having to stick your head in a toilet bowl. hehehe


    the actual flavour i think is too sticky sweet for him imo

  10. Again, like Ephemera and most other people with FemWars who romanced Quinn, closure of some sort in regards to the Incident.


    Just more random things, heck even a hug or something from the other LIs would be nice, or even conversations with the other crew members who could be "WTH? You married WHO?!" kind of deal too.


    Heck even one of the date night ideas would be nice.


    haha it would be funny


    IA: hey, we agreed on this; you got the rich ones and i got the smart ones

    lokin: so THATS why... and here i was hoping you were hiding some REAL secrets when you started acting differently

    temple: *foreveralone.jpg*

    scorpio: meh

  11. Oh Crezelle, it was all in the name of "science."


    Oh, someone at work pointed out because I was trying to think of a flavour of ice cream that was both an acquired taste and you'd either hate it or love it. My co-worker suggested



    durian. For those of you who don't know, it's an awful smelling "fruit" whose exterior resembles a spiky mace. I've heard the taste of it described as something akin to a sweet onion, but the texture is extremely smooth when it's fresh, however even among Asians there's a huge debate over love/hate it.



    I've never encountered something that was both so foul and tasty at the same time, yes I fall into the I love that crap camp.


    hahaha i like it. my bf still caught up on the smell. i don't want to think of any of my companions smelling like durian XD

  12. It was good of you to make the sacrifice of testing the hypotheses - for science, of course. Excellent work!


    it's for the greater good of the galaxy! tomorow if i have the cash i will buy those single servings of haagen daz they have at the grocery, if i can stand any more ice cream after this lol.


    i'm still suprised how well the green tea compares. you really are taken aback at that first bite, but then your mouth is literally just aglow with the matcha notes, and it's a very pleasurable aftertaste that leaves you wanting more. :D

  13. ok. you are all going to laugh at me, or applaud me... innuendos and analogies galore:

    the weekend at my bf's was over, so on the way back, i say " by the way. we have to go to baskin robins. for science. " I get a confused look. I explain the last little bit of this thread. I get the /rolleyes and whatnot while i play the " guess who _____ is "


    so anyways i walk in the place. scope the flavours. Too many to decide. I get 4 kid sized scoops. my bf looks at me and goes " really...?!" as i name my choices.

    " um... chocolate chip cookie dough, tiger tail, green tea, and oooh coconut crunch, all in a bowl!"

    " whos the coconut?"

    " i... don't know. i just love coconut"

    " its.... YOUR MOM"

    " hell no! not a chance i'm letting her in this bowl with all these yummy guys- er flavours!...maybe it's blizz? hes round, brown, nutty and sweet?"

    So i sit down, a big bowl with 4 scoops of pure YUMMY all crammed close together, the little lucky jaw- er i mean coconut is smothered at the bottom.

    I tried enjoying all the flavours at once.. but they really were best savoured seperately, each being allowed to shine.


    Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough: the main ice cream was rather lackluster, a sort of off-vanilla. What really makes the flavour are the hearty chunks of raw, salty-sweet, slightly crunchy nuggets of AWESOME. Not sure if it fit's Torian, but darn i like my cookie dough.


    Tiger tail: Orange ice cream with sticky black bands of liquorice in it. At first all you can taste is the strong notes of the liquorice, but after awhile the mellow, creamy orange notes start to kick in. Somewhat of a fit to Jorgan i guess, but i wouldn't have made the association without the name and feline imagery.


    Green tea: This one actually does fit really well to Vector. The first bite your palate is assaulted by an almost bitter, overwhelming taste that you can't identify, but your first impression is " WTH? ick". But moments latter your entire palate is almost glowing with the sweet, mature, soothing, yet still invigorating notes of matcha. This effect carries on well after the ice cream is gone, and your mouth is literally in full zen mode. Would go great with honey on top.


    but yeah... was an awesome experience, and well darnit i don't smoke, but i felt like i needed a cig after that. and yes i was grinning and giggling all the way thru my "experiment" . not every day you get to enjoy 3awesome " flavours" at once and in public :cool:

  14. Ohh yes. Ultradark chocolate ice cream is PERFECT for Scourge. Great, now I'm lusting after TWO things I can't have...at least the ice cream shops will be open tomorrow...


    Proposals thus far, with additional commentary by yours truly:


    Doc: Phish Food or something similarly silly. Best served with lots of whipped cream...and colorful sprinkles...oh, and nuts, and a cherry placed for the sole purpose of saying something suggestive about it before you start eating...and fudge, and butterscotch, and and and self-control is something that happens to other people. Go wild.


    Scourge: Liquorice, or else dark dark dark riding the edge of bitter chocolate. No sides, no toppings, and you should probably only have a scoop or two at a time. Savor the wanting-more that sets in the second you set your spoon down.


    Iresso: Chocolate cone with a surprise nutty centre. Or else really, really dull ice on a stick...if there was flavour there it was your mind playing tricks on you. :p


    Zenith: Mocha chip with an edge of salt or bitterness.


    Corso: Vanilla for simple sweetness, or Chocolate for being that thing all women are supposed to like even though some of us do hate it.


    Jorgan: Tiger tail. It may take you a long long while to find the stuff, but oh, it's worth it! Alternately a smooth coffee flavour with dark chocolate chips on top.


    Quinn: Mint Chocolate Chip, love-it-or-hate-it. Or else chocolate with awesome peanut butter chunks. Or regret. Or totally tasteless shaved ice. Or something that neatly breaks the population down into "bitter", "bland", and "irresistably addictive" camps. Can ice cream do that? Hmm. I'm going to do the walk of shame to the freezer again for another scoop now...because I can't stop myself. I know it'll destroy me, but at least I'll die happy. (My new femWarrior just hit Balmorra, actually. Here goes nothing...)


    Pierce: Espresso fudge swirl. Game's recommended serving size is one scoop. Ignore this and headcanon all you can eat. You know you want to, and it's not like any supply he's offering would be limited.


    Andronikos: Rocky Road.


    Vector: Green tea gelato, for sure. Or saffron-orange - something really special.


    Torian: Chocolate chip cookie dough. Or that lovely exotic Mayan chocolate. Or moose tracks - vanilla stuffed full of goodies. And by these ice cream recommendations alone I want to go level a bounty hunter. I LOVE moose tracks.



    now excuse me..i;m going to go indulge in one of those 50-scoop record breaking sundaes you see on TV and stuff... one scoop of every flavour <3

  15. I just got Scourge on my jk and I would drop Doc in a heartbeat. I mean, absolutely, positively, no doubts, gone. Holy crap is that man sexy. I could listen to him talk all day...well, most of the day, cause the other part of the day....


    Edited to add: And dark dark chocolate, right on the edge of too dark, for this one. No toppings. Nummy!


    what about liquorice ? i LOVE that flavour ice cream :D

  16. i'd imagine quinn is like some flavour that everyone tries, and gets severe digestive issues the afternoon later for that one first time. most people will NEVER try that ice cream again, but a few got so hooked on it theyl keep coming back for more


    I'd like to see some type of proof that I can show other players that I romanced and married my LI. Maybe a title like:


    Character name, wife of (insert companion spouse)

    Character name, husband of (insert companion spouse)

    Character name the Married


    I want more interaction with all of my companions. I want them to walk around my ship, maybe move from one part of the ship to the next. I don't want to see Kira stand on my bridge like a statue forever. Maybe Doc stands on your bridge sometimes, or he's moved to the JK's bedroom, same with Kira if you're a male JK.


    I want more FTB scenes. I'm not asking to SEE them have relations under those FTBs, but I'd like Corso to show some interest in wanting to be with his wife. I don't mind the canned responses when you click on your companions, but if you're married to the one you're using to help you, I want some new responses like:


    Corso: Anything you want, baby.

    I love you too.

    You're looking good, Captain.


    Not exactly THOSE, but something similar for them all. I feel like once we marry our companion LI they ignore us and no one on the ship knows. Or if they DO know, they don't say anything. I'm not asking for fight scenes like 'eew you hit that?!' or crap like that, but something about hearing you in your quarters, or maybe us all discussing things like a married couple with crew on board.




    But yeah, more interaction with our companions. Bioware, you want us to love/hate/etc our companions, you gotta give us more. And I'd like to do missions for ALL my crew not just the very first companion I'm with. I'd like to get to know my other companions better by doing missions too.




    and maybe decreasing affection if you really ignore some crew for X PLAY time.


    All of these things.


    I would love to be able to walk up to my characters' LIs and just give them affection - hugs, kisses, 'hey, baby, let's go back to the bedroom for a bit', etc.


    I would love for them to turn up in the character's quarters when they want love and affection.


    I would like more letters - once a month, every couple of weeks, whatever.


    I would like to know that Corso really meant it when he told my smuggler that he would love her and stand by her even if that meant that there were other men in her life, because, let's face it, there totally will be other men in her life.


    I would like to see the opportunity to ask your LIs to marry you if you have previously turned them down in a non-relationship-ending sort of way (in an I-am-not-ready-for-this-kind-of-thing sort of way).

    again, this this THIS

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