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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. Okay, I have lots of suggestions this time after fooling around in the Tatooine Stronghold. First off, how about we get one of these tribal sand person huts seen on tatooine as a centerpiece decoration:



    I love how we're getting a tribal camp, and I think if that style continues with one of these as a centerpiece, that would be very cool. They're a little too big to fit in the large decoration slots, so if they could be in a centerpiece with the bantha fur beds that are already inside, that could look rad! Maybe some pottery or table and chairs inside as well? Speaking of which, I'd also love some bantha beds and Sand Person pottery and tables:



    I'd also like to see some of the flags, banners and fencing around the outlaws den:





    Only thing else we'd need for all this Sand person stuff, would be some actual Sand person personnel. I really want to fill my stronghold up with these guys:



    Lastly, I want another market canopy, but this orange one you can find in outlaw's den:


    That's it.


    Hnggggg that all sounds awesome. More tribal stuff too would rock!

  2. Hi everyone,


    Thanks so much for your patience with regards to this issue. Good news, though! We have identified a fix for the Windows XP users who are crashing when pressing "Play" on the launcher, and we are going to be able to deploy a patch this afternoon with no downtime to fix it.


    Once deployed, I'll follow up in this thread so you can log in, patch, and start playing! Please watch for a new update in the next few hours. Again, we appreciate your understanding.


    Thank goodness. I'm tired of cleaning my house, and doing real life things!

  3. already working on a new toon, not a problem with me, but hard to abandon 4 50s. When expansion comes out, I'd have to go back on the server I'm trying to transfer away from just to do the makeb 50-55 content on 4 characters then go back to server I'm trying to move to and do 50-55 content there while being unsure if I should purchase legacy stuff depending on how long it takes for char transfers to get here. "Later this year."=not a valid response to know what I should be doing with my legacy stuff. "Later this year." sounds alot like end of July/Beginning August where server merges happened.


    Now, with 1.7 coming up, I have to go to the server I'm trying to transfer away from to participate in the Gree event........pulling me down the mountain I'm trying to climb.


    It may not be a big deal to you because it doesn't concern you but it concerns others.


    ^this. so hard.

    *sigh* gonna have to blow dust off crez 1.0

  4. This is getting stupid. I mean you have the technology in place from the server transfers and you refuse to offer this quality of life improvement to your player base.


    Also on Nov. 16. there was this interview with Lead Designer Damion Schubert http://dulfy.net/2012/11/16/swtor-f2p-future-content-interview-with-damion-schubert/

    10. Once FTP launches, will there be options to purchase server transfers with Cartel Coins?


    Not at that time, but server transfers are coming.


    How long ? When ? I'm sick and tired of this and I would gladly pay to finally merge my characters on one server.


    * waves wad of money* BW look at this. I wish to give you money for a few presses of a button. Y U NO transfer??


    I spend all my time on an RP server, while my geared to the teeth pve server toon sits on her arse. I wish to bring her to the rp server. But if i can't why am I paying money for stuff I dont need for rp? I'm going to unsub pretty soon at this rate.

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