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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. Lately I'm on late morning/early afternoon (like 11am-3pm EST), and then later in the evening (like 7pm EST to 10pm EST). I do have a severe lack of focus though, I'll hope from character to character, playing for a bit before switching. :p


    Technically I have Ops scheduled in an hour, but most of the time it gets cancelled on Mondays, so I'll jump back to my agent if it's a no go.


    lol..house chores went faster than planned ( well, way it is i gotta wait between dish cycles, and Derpy McMudkip the axolotl needs his replacement water to adjust temperature to his before i clean his tank) so im gonna be putsing around too

  2. i admit it... i;m furry for lions... if i can make one that looks like a totally badarse regal looking lion. i will. i'll prolly even scrap my SW as i made him look as lionish as a pureblood can ( that chin that looks like a finely groomed manebeard... purrrr)
  3. Ugh, Kaliyo is driving my mostly LS agent nuts too. She'll spaz about my LS options, but then I do a DS option on a freaking terrorist and I lost 30 affection with her. Make up your mind woman, damn.


    say lol when are you on normally? im usually on mid afternoon onwards PST

    edit- gonna be on in an hour (4:30 pstish) vector has kept me away from my house chores for long enough! gotta work before the dishes stink >.>

  4. I had a thought today that it would be lovely if there were more Easter egg comments from companions when we go places. Everything from comments about the area like Mako's "this is creepy" and Aric's "these lights are hurting my eyes" to more insight on their background if they had been there before.


    this is why i never use speeders in places i haven't been before, lol

  5. Thank you! He's well-behaved too, but man...he did NOT start out that way. Ruined my box spring by climbing inside it. Wish we had an off-topic board so we could make a pets thread - I LOVE sharing pics of my pets!


    BTW, Vector ladies~ I got to Balmorra on my IA. So far I'm kinda "eh" about the class, but Kaliyo is fun and I'm expecting to like Vector based on all the love around this forum.


    awesome! it stinks your stuck with kaliyo for so darned long..

  6. I will fight you!


    Looks like I missed the showing-off-your-cat party, but I'll post my kitty anyway. I'm a cat rescuer, and this is my namesake Elliot. He was a feral that lived in the building next to me, but now he's a tame cuddly housecat. Kinda like Aric! Tough and shy at first, then sweet.


    Elliot: http://i.imgur.com/bLrEJ.jpg?1


    I might be biased...but I totally think he's the best cat ever. :3


    awww what a pretty kitty <3

    still think orange is the best :p

  7. Let me know how it goes with the durian... I have some of that in cheesecake form and wafers. :D


    well..just opened the package ( bf wouldnt let me bring a whole one home..so i smuggled in a neatly packaged frozen pack of durian meat) and pheewwwww

  8. Lol, it's cool, I'm still on Nar Shaddaa, so no Vector to bring as my date yet. ;)


    And yes, yes you did. I suppose I can redirect all unwanted Vectors to you as long as you return the favor with unwanted Torians. :D




    Deal. *handshake*




    I will take your Torian and give you a slightly used Aric. He's sweet enough, but I love my little Mando Power Ranger.



    I will gladly take ALL the Torians, because I can never have enough of Johnny Yong Bosch's voice. :cool: I remember how bummed out I was when his character got a girlfriend in Power Rangers. (I was 11, gimme a break :D ).


    whats your agent's name again?

  9. Hmmm I think there are quite a few people who don't like Aric, maybe I could have all of theirs? No, maybe that would be too many.


    Wait...you can never have too many.


    i conquored mine... i'll trade him for a vector. i'll even put him in a spaceport approved cat carrier.

    just be gentle... he didnt bring his armor like i told him to. he needs a little rest

  10. No butting in to my trade here Crez darling, I need more Vectors too! :p If someone wants to take my Scourge away and give me a Vector, I will not be complaining. :D





    You're rolling an agent on Giradda too? I made one just for Crez's Vector parties. :cool: (Now if I could be on at the same time as her that would be excellent. ;) )


    lol sorry..ive been on my pub a lot


    and i started the man-trade buisness >:(

  11. Going to make my operative next week! My husband is going to be away for 6 weeks, so I will be playing a LOT of swtor! Might take me a while to get to the Vector stage but I will get there! :)


    roll one on giradaa and i'll plow you thru lol ~

  12. omg what a handsome man! He looks so much like the orange tom I had when growing up, but mine had both eyes - and not many teeth.


    let me tell you, he was the handsomest, gentlemanliest, biggest personalityest cat ever

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