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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. If I remember correctly, Eanelinea chose

    wanting to change how the Empire saw aliens or she thought she could make a difference. Something like that. And then she got all emo and said she was a 'dumb alien' for thinking she could do so. Felt so bad for my poor girl. I wanted to hug her myself.


    awww don't worry, her and bugboy will hug the empire into submitting to love an acceptance :D

  2. I always roll as Body type 2. 1 is too anorexic for me. 3 is what I call the Amazonian chick. And 4 is way too much butt and **** for me. I prefer 'average' athletic, or whatever 2 would be.


    Same with men. 2 all the way. On Vette, 1 looks good and 3 looks fine on Pierce. But Garza has body 4 and is just way too chunky for my liking.


    thats why we got a choice.. me a personally love the T&A my BT4 gives my agent, while the amazoness 3 fits my BH. i went with 2 for my smug cause 1 is too skinny, but shes named after a mythical fox, so i wanted her sleeker than her curvy momma.

    as for garza.... if i have her kind of frame at her age... i'm gonna be a happy old lady

  3. One thing I'd like to see which I'm sure is improbable, I'd like for my choices in my class story to unlock some of the more "hard to get" LI's. It's not as interesting to me that I can go around doing whatever I want then just feed them gifts and they love me. I guess since I'm an unabashed alt-aholic that kind of thing would appeal to me, I'm pretty sure not too many people would want to reroll the same class 3 times just to finally unlock their romance of choice (I totally would though).


    i always joked they should have made an obscure chain of quests/events/triggers lead up to a gag romance event with blizz

  4. hehe that made me laugh :)


    My 2nd trooper just had her first flirt. Its a long road ahead, isn't it. Sigh. I am currently alternating between my SW and my Trooper. Alternating between Quinn and Jorgan. No wonder I am frustrated.....


    see... corso was easy. he was drunk and hitting on me 3 seconds after i got my ship XD

  5. A baby sling! Awww...that could be really cute! Also really dangerous if Mom/Dad isn't careful enough. All we need is some careless Jedi mom to be like, "Here, kid, play with my lightsaber..."


    i can just picture some angry pureblood F!war slapping quinn around because he let her get knocked out cause thier toddler escaped the snugglie on his back and trotted off towards a dangerous looking manka cat, and he had to grab it :p


    or a fight breaks out, and someone acidentally pulls out a baby toy instead of a saber....

    " oh crap... that means ... OH ***** * holocalls spouse* I LEFT MY SABER IN THE PLAYPEN D: "

  6. I thought about picking a Chiss, but somehow I just gravitated toward the humans. I'd like her and my SW, when/if I make her, to be somehow related, so being human makes that easier.


    ahh, i know how that goes, i wanted to unlock sith pureblood merely to roll a sniper so i could slap kaliyo over and over, and cant figure where he fits in my legacy ; ;

  7. I'd like something like this, but there would be issues with female player characters. I believe that the laws about depicting pregnant women fighting in video games are pretty strict; that's why in Fable 3, if you played as the Princess, you had to skip forward in time for her to have kids.


    But yeah, I agree with Crez, it would be too adorable to see everyone's reaction. :3 :3 :3


    you gotta admit, it would be funny as heck to see a pregosaurus jedi tearing it up in pvp, or quinn doggedly following and healing you with the little one bundled in one of those harnesses you carry babies on your back with

  8. I would actually like my companions to follow up on the baby making. If Jaesa is so eager to train our children then maybe BW could create a pregnancy option at Legacy 50? That would finally justify Legacy grinding to 50 if it was the only way to have children with our romance companions.


    would be cute... but

    - i don't think they have heavy armor in maternity sizes.

    -having a "baby on board" tag hanging on my ship while i do space missions would'nt be tasteful

    -tromping around toxic wastelands and radioactive waste while pregant...probably not the best thing

    -theres always that one or two crew members who you dont want to leave your kids with

    -having the fleet filled with heavy pregnant jedi toons ...would be hilarious


    so maybe a cutscene where its a montage of a pregnancy. i mean i want to see my LI's reaction to finding out theres a new crew member on board :D


    i want good little babydaddy vectorhoney to go gaga over my agent even before she starts showing, cooing how beautiful the teeny little aura within hers is, and going on and on about the start of a new song in harmony with that of the universe >.>


  9. I rolled a new SI and IA, but I haven't really figured out what I want their backgrounds to be like yet. The IA is human so she could be anything. The SI is Twi'lek. They'll both be LS...probably tending more toward neutral than my Republic characters do. I just have such a hard time with Empire characters. Not sure what appropriate backgrounds would be like.


    chiss ia has a perfect backstory

    on voss, you get asked why you came to work for the empire. you have a few options. the choice i gave said i was a special police officer for the chiss secret services, and caught the attention of IA, since the empire is allied with the chiss, serving the empire equalled serving my homeworld.


  10. I actually like 4 for women (although it's kind of crazy curvy. Like, I don't know what they're feeding her, but maybe they need to let me know so that I can take on the same diet).


    i know right, i'd kill for my BT4 agent's body. it's prolly the only reason she can charm people out of thier pants, cause her flirts are TERRIBLE


    bootay like a blue girl!

  11. Oh don't worry, later on with Quinn will make up for not having a flirt in that first conversation. The ways you can make him squirm are horribly delicious.


    That being said, I still prefer Vector to Quinn. But Torian, Vector, and Quinn all linger within centimeters of each other on my favorite list.


    i'm still waiting for that **** cat to give in. maybe he wants some wiska's temptations. once i get him in my trooper's bedroom, he's not gonna be let out.

  12. Yes he does. Man, we NEED more LI interaction. Vector deserves about as many FTBs as my JK got with Doc. (And let me tell you, there were ALOT!)


    trust me, in my head cannon/imagination land, he needs stims to stay in comission for fieldwork between quests


    and now im getting the urge to roll a sniper just to see his other convo options, as i coulodnt even bear making him sad. i actually have his dialogue on tatooine but i dont know how to splice the bits together for youtube

  13. Last weekend was beautiful, this weekend has been the pits.


    Hmm.. yes, Aric, what are we going to do with you kitty cat?

    I don't think my JC and Iresso are actually married, just in a very steady relationship/engagement, not sure since that was oh so long ago.


    Burnaby, Forglen area myself.


    ahh, bf lives by bcit


    as for what im gonna do with this cat.. i have no idea. if i dont get him by this weekend.... grrr

  14. Off topic

    @ Crezelle


    Vancouver? Canada? :eek: *high fives!* Enjoying our lousy weather?


    Back on topic:

    Hide Helmet on Companions, please.

    The unifying of companion armour too, please.


    Oh and Jorgan, that kitty was so sweet once he finally broke down, oh so late in the game. *contented sight*


    surrey girl, (fleetwood) representing! the weather rocks, beats the heat

  15. This. This x 100.


    I was dating a military guy in RL, a looong time ago, hadn't seen him for 10 weeks, first time I saw him after that he had to stand there next to me in uniform whilst attending some ceremony thing, I wasn't even allowed to hug him or anything until the 'official' ceremony crap was over. But I had to stand there next to him for at least 3 hours.


    And to that I say - self control. Sexiest thing out there! Delayed gratification always wins! :D



    ahaha... reminds me of when i used to date a californian.. i'm in vancouver canada... ohh man the starve and binge cycle was epic as far as chemistry went


    but back on topic... what had me thinking about legacy.. prolly couldnt make it now the way it's been made, unless some drastic changes were had, is second generation classes. like literally create a toon as your war's apprentice/child, or an agent trained under yours, and the plot is completely different and takes place a generation after your first toon's

  16. now what i want to see, is a REAL fat fembody. my agent isnt fat.. shes... got pure liquid schwartz packed in ALL the right places.... only time she remotely looks fat is her butt in a trenchcoat on one of those motorcycle style speeders.

    femtoons deserve the right to let loose on those ration bars too

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