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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. My bh ship would have that ******** ******* ******** lighting changed, and repainted to be more bearable to live in. In one room there would be a sparring ring set up. My crew would make a big banner of their company logo on it, featuring a fierce chimera ( my legacy name) and hang it on the wall.


    Mako's room would be the girly kind. Plush bedding and stuffed animals, posters on the wall, a hamper filled with DIY spa supplies. The room would probably be the best smelling in the ship too.


    Torian shares his wifey's room, so his room would be transformed into a man cave. Every husband needs a man cave, even if they are married to a tomboy like my BH. Weapons, trophies, girlie magazines, pics of him and his buddies posed beside impressive fallen beasts at the end of a hunt, ect.


    Gault's room would look like any normal lavishly decked room, but nobody enters on fear there may be booby-traps.


    Blizz's room would look like any pack rat nest. He probably would even fashion a nest to sleep in instead of a proper bed.


    Skadge kinda just hunkers down wherever he feels like. Most material possessions of his don't last long.


    My bh's room would have trophy beast heads mounted on the walls, plush fur rugs on the floor, her clan's banner hung somewhere, and an abundantly stocked bar. In one corner would be a little cage of small pet insects she got as a present from her dad, little does she not know they are bugs in more than one way: little dwarf killiks meant to relay what they see to Vector via hivemind in order to reassure her parents that she is doing fine. There would be an equivalent of a bookshelf with tutorials for learning mandalorian language and culture, as Torian gets too distracted when he tries to give lessons.

  2. ok continued:


    Lokin's room would probably have his non-medical keepsakes. Gifts from friends of old, sophisticated luxury items like aged brandies ect, and the odd boobytrap here and there. The medbay would have a shelf or two of caged lab animals and plant specimens, a cabinet of biological curios, holocollections of lectures and biological encyclopaedia.


    in the agent ending, you see him dissecting a 'ghoul, with a random person in the kolto tank...i want to know who the heck that was



    Vector's room would double as his office. Exotic alien native crafts would hang from walls and rest on his desk. You would probably have to take off your shoes at the door as to not step on any little hatchlings skittering underfoot. Lush potted plants would compliment a natural looking fountain to add a sense of tranquillity. Somewhere well hidden would probably be an old undershirt that my agent somehow lost in the laundry awhile ago for him to be reminded of her scent while she was out on long raids.


    Temple would have her instruments she practices with in one corner, and maybe a few tutorial books. Maybe some letters from her old friends from the ascendancy on a billboard. Her room would probably be the tidiest of the bunch. Maybe some girlish things like decorative cushions and a wardrobe of some finer clothing. Maybe one of those vanity desks with a big mirror on them. Don't even bother trying to pry open that chest hidden under the bed, it won't budge.

  3. what would they be like? Lets just headcannon it for a second your comps don't have to share cramped bunks, and had their own rooms, or you could furnish your own room/your ship. What would you have?


    My agent ship would probably be the least decorated, as it already is stylish. It would have a large, functioning bar with a more defined lounge area. Oh, and a jacuzzi. Definitely would have one.

    Her own room might have collectibles from each of the planets she visited, unique crystals, tasteful local arts, a tea set from a certain voss she will never forget...

    Kaliyo's room would probably be a mess, even with 2V taking care of it ( he has learned certain things just don't get touched unless he wants to get deactivated ) expensive interior paints and panneling would have graffiti painted and carved into it. A couple stray baby killiks that wandered out of vector's room would skitter out of a snack bag after cleaning it of crumbs. Trophy items from nameless men and women she bagged on the side would be placed around, cheap gifts, underwear, morning after letters, ect.


    well darn my bf just aggroed and wants to take me back to my house, will finish latter.

  4. the killiks remind me of the borg from star trek they enslave races into their hive mind claiming its a better life yet doing so they loose a part of their mind.


    but i beleive the killiks wernt always agressive for a long time they coexsisted with the humans of Alderan but the violance of the war has affected the hive minds of some causing them to fight.


    then theres always the " we were here first, YOU are the invasive pest" argument

  5. bf says blizz could do " my dingaling" and be innocently thinking hes singing about some shiny string of bells he found.


    i could see jorgan walking up to the mic, thinking hes got some classic rock planned up, open his mouth, and nearly squits himself as the nyancat music starts up. " REALLY sir?!" as he gets stifled giggles from trooper in the crowd...he tries to play along " nyan nyan nyah- nope. i just can't do it sir. court marshal me if i have to, but i aint doing it"



  6. bf says torian is for anything beiber


    ...no, just no


    Mako playing dubstep through a sterio implant somewhere...............



    Does that count?


    robert miles- children would be cooler :D

  7. i love this. i have walked male agents a few times thru thier class stories ( as alts, i dont pl firsties ;) and its always like " i swear hunter is hitting on me"


    " hunter IS hitting on you... you two get to make out latter. i s**t you not. you can make out with hunter as a male agent, don't beleive me? i bet 100k credits"


    notice i never say he/him, ect




    To be fair, the entire agent story is brimming with homoeroticism.


    I mean, seriously...if you're a male agent, you can have a conversation that goes something like this:



    Vector: *walks up to you looking very bashful* So...we were wondering whether you were...(mumbles something incoherent.)

    Agent: Are you asking if I'm single?

    Vector: We...yes. We were wondering that.

    Agent: I am, but in this horrible, cruel universe, we need to stick together.

    Vector: That is good to know.


    And then there's another where after the female joiner dies, you can be all like, "I'm sorry that she died. I know she meant a lot to you..." and the agent sounds so jealous. And another where you get to sound all jealous over Lokin and Vector's friendship. This is on top of Kaliyo referring to him as "your bug boy."




    And of course there's Sanju...



    Where if you take the lightside choices, you keep inviting him out for drinks and Kaliyo says some stuff about how cute you are together...




    this almost makes me wanna roll a male agent... id love to see youtube of those on male agent. sadly all the friendship arcs seem to be the romance ones for vector.

    and yeah, temple totally gives me girl-on-girl vibes... true its because she reminds me of marcy, following me around, calling me " sir" but still :3

  8. It's Karaoke Night in SWTOR!! What are your companions singing and how do they do?


    I'll start with Doc's first selection, just cause it's too damn easy...

    LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It

    No prodding needed. Doc would have the song picked out, might even have a dance routine. He'd over the top on purpose, halfway decent voice (I think Doc sings in the shower), and, of course, he'd be flirting with all the women in the room during the song, showing off his abs a little. I think the crowd would love him, the ham.


    ashara - 3 days grace- i hate everything about you XD

  9. I'm a bit confused on how the game wants me to view humans. Many of the humans I encounter in the game are shortsighted, selfish, or downright cruel. They've dominated the galaxy for thousands of years and they're on, like, their fourth galactic war. Yet, when I save one from death it's almost always a light-side choice. What gives, Bioware?




    and yeah..bugs don't irk me ether...i used to raise mealworms, superworms, waxworms, crickets, dubia and hissing cockroaches for lizards

  10. haha this one gets me too, considering i'm...er my femagent is all over vector like her in-laws are all over an unatended picnic spread. his hive seemed clean and tidyish, but other nests are littered with muck and even human bones... they take over castles, eat people they don't join, ect ect..... yet from what i've heard from some of his convos, it seems joiners are much more in tune with the natural order of the force, on a primitive, non sith, non jedi way, like, a raw understanding of it.


    so who knows. i'd really love to ask him about these things.

  11. Doc spends most of his time giving my Fem!Knight very in depth *ahem* physicals. ;)


    hehe it's a given most toons spend copious ammounts of time doing things like that ;)



    on all my ships, wednesdays are clothing optional days. no exceptions. fridays are the drinking nights. once a month we hold silly hat days.

  12. Quesh already! Nice. My little agent is only level 2 so I might re-roll on shadowlands myself. I didn't like how I made her face anyway! haha. Haven't been on in the past week due to having so many weird shifts at work...why must work interfere with my MMO playing?!


    I am still intrigued to see what customisations they give us with Cathar...god I hope I can have some form of mane....


    well come on over sometime lol, were having a blast rocking it agent style, and finally i aint so bored x.x

  13. This is what I cannot wait for! I have put my trooper on hold (she is only level 30), as I will be re-rolling her once Cathar are playable - whenever that may be! :D


    btw elly and i moved from giradaa to shadowlands, elly already on quesh :3


    Very much a pity; there are a ton of npc's that would be a hoot to at least flirt with, but nope, females can't show any interest in guys unless they're one of the "sexy, sneaky" classes.


    youd think sith would be all over the place with thier unbridled passions and hedonism

  15. trooper...


    Jorgan- testing weapons. Window shopping for weapons online. Rummaging in my ftrooper's unmentionable's drawer. trying not to get nagged by dorne.


    dorne- also goes to brony forums. Secretly has holovid conferences with a jedi shrink about her OCD.

    ill think more as they come

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