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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. eeheee poor vector <3.


    Also, the way all of you RP your agents as crazy in chapter 2 I may have to go back and try that.


    hehehe my toon was all RAGE in chapter 2.


    she even killed a couple people cause the voice in her head told her to >.>

    and as for that fic and it being canon to my toon's life, she forgot about it the next morning, vector never dared bring it up again, and the conversation was brought up again at a more appropriate time. But just the image of him being all confused, remembering how long it's been since he played at the mating game with others outside the hive, and thinking he caused that outburst. It also makes for a good reason why he would back off for the rest of chapter 2, and then approach her in earnest again in his seperated state.


  2. I swear America seriously needs to grow up about this stuff, here in the UK you can walk into a local store and buy newspapers with topless women, nevermind sex scenes in a vidya game, if they can pull it off in ME far more than once, why the hell should SWTOR have to conform to that kiddy-friendly US rubbish? .


    because in america, violence, genocide, racism, torture, sadism, and cold blooded murder is a lot less disturbing to people than sex.

  3. *sits back and waits for Crezelle to come in to hijack the thread again* She's the most fanatical Vector fan I've seen on here. :D


    awesomely, i found his worship hive in tumblr.... im not the queen bee apperantly out there as far as vector worship goes o.o


    i may or may not have spent the last 2 days cruising thru it with megusta.jpg across my face

  4. omg CCUUUTTTTEEE <3



    aww thanks ~ this one i was trying to experiment with directing the eye. that bloody left arm messed it up. also the fold lines in the critch were rotated more to the right to accentuate the curves, but the lines in the clothing didnt allow for that, so i had to move them. the eyes i wanted to look gentle, despite being a chiss' ( vector loves it when she soaks up the LS points)

    i will say she looks younger than i wanted, and my style is still a bit more manga than i wanted. im trying for a more NA comic style, concentrating on dynamic lineart and simplistic colours and shading.


    but yeah, still gotta work on a lot of things x.x i can't do BG's, and human faces especially >.<

  5. Yeah, the only thing is as much as I like the idea I can understand why it would be difficult to implement.


    A Mature version? Parents buy it.

    People post the Mature scenes on Youtube? Fox News runs with "Star Wars: Tramps of the Old Republic - New Video Game Shows Full Digital Nudity and Sex!" (Geez that sounds familiar....).


    rofl yeah


    and people wouldnt know it as the regular mmo. theyd know it as the p*rn mmo with a watered down version

    and who wants thier kids in the same server as people who play it for the adult scenes



    now IMO i dont say it should be X rated.. or even M.... theres plenty they show people doing on prime time tv these days like making out, prolonged embraces, pillow talk afterwards, things leading up to where they both end up in the bed, and the camera pans away, ect. i actually WOULDNT want a fully x rated game..some things are best left to the imagination, and quite frankly i'd probably just laugh at most of the scenes. but as for vector not showing a single inch of skin beneath his neck... that leaves far TOO much to the imagination >.>



    oh, and male slavegear. ALL my subscription loyalty if they give me manslave gear.

  6. Solution: create a slightly more expensive Rated "M" edition of the game. For an extra $10-20 you can have Mass Effect/Dragon Age style sex scenes (I'm trying to be half-serious, half-joking so bare with me).


    Problems with this idea:

    -19+ requirement is easily circumvented by having a parent buy the Rated "M" copy. Plus EB rarely checks age anyway

    -Youtube (fraps, Xfire)


    I'm sure that BW could go back and record new scenes, but I doubt enough people would buy to make the voice acting worth the cost. Heck, I'd be unwilling to shell out $10 for CGI smut -


    more games need to do this, imo :3

    i'd seriously have baught the CE if it had more of that

  7. Awesome! Nice to put a face to to Agent Blue Booty. It appears Crezelle and Ipha use the same hair dresser. Someone else mentioned they rock the snag tail in another thread. Best haircut ever!


    yeah, i love that hairstyle. my main net persona rocks something very summilar

  8. I know she's Chiss, so doesn't have them, but it is quite weird to look at her eyes an wonder which of the shine-balls is her pupil XD I do hope you can colour this, she looks very nice.


    Very curvy~


    lol ill dl something soon


    and yeah shes BT 4

    my friend likes to make fun of her ghetto booty..i say it's luxury booty >.>

  9. I think so! Absolutely!


    why do you think my agent took up biochem? ;)


    for special ocassions, she makes these stims, that given enough, you'll have a rancor romancing a space shuttle for 5 hours straight. was a really funny scene when she slipped one to bonethrasher last raid... man was the tank traumatised.

  10. Health


    Major K'abe commander of Havoc Squad




    Major K’abe twirled a stylus between her fingers. She waited for the rest of the squad to gather for the debriefing. Tano Vik and Yuun sat in front of her looking bored. She raised an eyebrow at Vik, he shrugged laughing softly. Lieutenant Elara Dorne walked in, her back straight, and her chin held high, but everyone could see she had been crying. Even now her normally perfect makeup that accented her large blue eyes was smudged.


    “How you holding up, Dorne?” she asked.


    “I am better, sir. Thank you for asking.” She said with her lovely Dromund Kaas accent. Her voice only waivered slightly, she took a deep breath and sat down.


    “I like the new look.” Vik said.


    “Can it Vik.” K’abe snapped. Elara smiled thinly, her hand reached up to run over her smooth bald head. Her long beautiful blond locks that she wore in a utilitarian bun were gone. K’abe herself was bald, but it was not uncommon for Zabraak to shave their heads. As a resistance fighter in her youth, she learned that hair gave something for soldiers to grab. She never let her hair grow to more than a short spike less than an inch long.


    “Ok. We’re officially out of quarantine and we can head out to our next mission.” K’abe started.


    “Hey boss,” Vik interrupted. “Aint we still missin someone?”


    “Jorgen!” K’abe yelled, tired of waiting. “Front and center, soldier!”


    Captain Aric Jorgen walked in. He wore a full set of trooper armor including helmet. K’abe did her best not to show any hint of a smile.


    “Yes, sir.” He said saluting smartly.


    “Captain, you are late to the debriefing, and when you address me indoors I expect your helmet to be off.” She said seriously.


    “Sir, permission to wear my helmet indoors sir.”


    “Permission denied, Captain.” She replied. She could hear his teeth grinding and the plates of his armor shifted as his body tensed. He removed his helmet. K’abe saw the look on his face and lost her composure entirely. The Cathar’s skin was light gray, his face looked thinner, and the skin around his eyes, chin, and neck were slightly wrinkled. He looked like a naked lapcat that the ladies of Alderaan carried with them in their handbags. K’abe giggled, Vik laughed outright, Yuun made a wheezing sound that was probably laughter, even Dorne unbent enough to smile, finally covering her mouth as she laughed along with the rest of the squad.


    The Rattatakian Cytomegalovirus had a brief incubation and contagious period, a twenty-four hour lifespan, and no known cure. It’s only symptom and side effect were complete head to toe hair loss, and while the virus had burned itself out quickly the hair would be months in growing back.






    mr bigglesworth :D

  11. not for the big part, but just for that moment when you get scorpio


    when she tries to attack you, but can't. She's in your shoes now. She has to go thru what you did in chapter 2. I don't care if i'm the good guy or not, and if she's just a droid. She has to endure the same crippling obstacle agents had to, and i felt truely devistated for her.


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