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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. My inquisitor (impresionante) died because he was to damn awesome, God had to wipe him out of the galaxy. Thats just one of those things when you're me


    people qqed that you were OP, so you got nerfed?

  2. I'd like to see your romance options to talk differently to you if you are married when you click on them. For example on my Sith Warrior which is full lightside and married Vette, she still says stuff like "Don't get any twisted ideas in that sithy head of yours!" etc. when I click her.


    indeed, like have your LI question the relationship if you play your toon very much against thier ideals, and had artificially raised thier affection with gifts.

  3. This would make me ridiculously happy. :D


    I can just see Baby Skadge sitting on a very sad Baby Mako, while Baby Jorgan is in a flurry of claws, teeth, and fur with Baby Broonmark (how do you chibi-fy a Talz?) and Baby Elara and Baby Temple are building a Citadel out of alphabet blocks.


    baby vector aghast as baby kaliyo fries ants with a magnifying glass

  4. I don't have Akaavi yet. Now I want her. My friend's gunslinger rolls with her and wanted to SGRA her. Now I think I'm going to want to as well. Bravo.


    oh shes the only female i want to sgr. corso better pray they wont let my smuggler dump him for her latter on.

    i don't think he would know how to handle walking in on f!smug with another girl.

  5. Mix It Up, with my smuggler Nic and my old Giradda the Hutt homegirl Crezelle! No spoilers.



    Nic didn’t like the look of the docking bay the Blast Radius settled into. It was mostly okay, except the Chagrian contact who had paid for her shipment of reactive duraplex casings wasn’t there; instead there was a voluptuous Chiss woman in practical work clothes.


    Reactive duraplex casings were a little too expensive to be playing loose business with.


    She settled down and signaled Akaavi and Risha to come with her to meet the strangers. “Hiya,” she called. “Name’s Nic. Can I do something for you?”


    “I had to take over the pickup,” explained the Chiss. She had a shameless Imperial accent. “I’ve got your credits.”


    “I have some reservations about surprise pickup switcheroos,” said Nic.


    “You could try to reach your original buyer, but he’s a little too dead to answer. I’ve got your asking price, and I’ll be out of your hair.”


    Um. Nic eyed the scar running down one side of the Chiss woman’s face. “…Great! I think we can do busin…hello, what have we here?”


    The reason for the subject switch was a tall slim human male…probably human? His eyes were black, all black. He was strikingly handsome and possibly less crazy than the Chiss.


    The Chiss smirked. “This is my associate Vector. I’m Crezelle, by the way. Vector here helps me with diplomatic relations.”


    “Really? Facilitating diplomatic relations is a specialty of mine.” Nic was pretty sure she actually heard Risha rolling her eyes. “I’m Nic. We should trade tips.”


    “Greetings. This could be a constructive exercise,” said Vector cautiously.


    “I sure think so. Whaddya say? Drinks, stims, and other interesting activities over at the cantina tonight?”


    “Ah…tonight is less than practical for us,” said Vector. He looked down at Crezelle. “If we are to make the Dance of Gathering, we will have to depart soon.”


    Crezelle tilted her head and grinned. “Where are your manners, Vector? If our new friend wants interesting activities, we could invite her.” She looked to Nic. “You girls can come along, if you want to see how Killiks party.”


    “I do not want to see how Killiks party,” said Akaavi levelly.


    “What are Killiks?” said Nic.


    Crezelle’s grin broadened. “Oh. Oh, I think you’ll like it.”


    “Um. Imperials who ‘know what I’m going to like’ very rarely give me things I like.”


    “You ‘Pubs are awfully uptight about that kind of thing. Come on, live a little.”


    “I want to live a lot. Not trusting Imperials helps with that.”


    “Your loss. Guess I’ll have to keep the membrosia for myself.” Crezelle giggled. “It’s a high like nothing you’ve ever had, I guarantee.”


    Risha made a small alarmed noise. Nic perked up. “Is it, now?”




    Nic and Risha reeled off Crezelle’s lovely ship with their arms wrapped around each other for support. Crezelle’s ship was really lovely. Her crew was lovely. The membrosia of the Killik hive was entirely lovely. The bugs, after the pheromones overcame her initial hysterical meltdown and gibbering fear of arthropods, were lovely.


    “Thanks for the lift home,” said Nic, remembering her manners.


    “We are traditionally the designated driver,” said Vector. “You’re welcome.”


    Crezelle slipped her arm around his waist and hardly swayed at all. “Come back any time to enjoy the nest, sweetie. But next time, keep your hands off Vector.”


    “I kept hands off,” said Nic. “There were no hands. Right? There weren’t any hands.”


    “There were hands,” reported Risha.


    “Oh. Uh, sorry?”


    Crezelle chortled. “Well, honeybee, I do owe you one for Voss. So I'll be gracious this time." She winked at Nic. "As for you, I can’t fault your taste.”



    sad thing is....i actually do pick up people all the time for dance parties on my ship ( i like to show it off, it has all the add-ons :D)


    ...did you know, that if your on your ship, and you send vector to work, and he's still standing in his original spot, you can throw sparkle powder at him, which causes an odd glitch.... the sparkle powder status effect starts rapidly MULTIPLYING, adding icon over icon, 3-5 a second, untill there is a huge tower to the very top of the screen. someone managed to calculate roughly 236 status effects can be on one target before you get text across the screen in red saying you cant have any more status effects on said target. Huge lag. sadly the sparkle effect only gets a little brighter. imagine what 230+ stacks of sparkle powder would look like on vector...

  6. Agent ether inherits a set of safehouses from lokin, or buys a huge wad of land in a remote place where her, vector, and a starter colony of his bug buddies can live out in seclusion.


    BH, probably viking style, in her early senior years, worn, grizzled, riddled in scars and healed wounds, in one last flash of glory.


    smuggler- nobody knows really, she just vanishes one day

  7. If you are an IA, there is a Chiss storyline on Hoth as part of your class quest....as a Chiss IA, I loved it. Well, and the presence of so many Chiss on Hoth, where they had been markedly absent from the Empire planets before, was lovely.


    i know~ i still take vector to hoth on scenic dates sometimes~

  8. So wonderful, and then SHANK, turns out you're still tied up with your other employer. I hate you. I blame Quinn.





    roffl insta moodkill for any seasoned f!war




    " But...but we sided with the agent immediately when we knew we could not accommodate both respective parties....? Wait why are we digging ourself a bigger hole...Wait...did you say you love puppies? WE LOVE puppies :D

    Also, we did not get to see your receptiveness to your twilek assistant. Those lekkus could make you sing some intrigueing songs... Don't look at us like that agent, we still think like any human man!"


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