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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. I understand worrying about that, but I doubt it's going to happen. The companions are written well, and while that sort of thing might be appropriate for some, I highly doubt it would happen for all of them.


    For example,I still picture Corso getting drunk and telling the captain he's got a great butt, and the romance dialogue after that is when Corso's sober, which could be hilarious. :D Elara's SGR confession would, of course, involve protocol quotes. And as for Kaliyo, well, let's just say she doesn't seem like a "talk about my feelings" type. She's more a "let me show you how we do it on Rattatak" type. :eek:


    Bowdaar would be " as a slaaaave, i never got the privilege to show feelings for anyone ...."

    i wonder how akward akavi would be....shes about the only female i want to sgr

  2. I can see it now:


    RUTH: I will never love again.

    TEMPLE: Oh, oh, let's go be awesome for the Empire!

    RUTH: Trying to be heartbroken and untrusting here.

    TEMPLE: We'll go spread the glory of the Empire, and then afterwards, we can save puppies!

    RUTH: ...You've found my weakness, damn you. *commences pre-galaxy-improvement makeouts*

    QUINN: Wynston, I blame you.

    WYNSTON: I had nothing to do with this, but I'll gladly take credit if that would hurt you more.

    RUTH: And more power to you. Um, I'll just be...you know...over there. *runs off with the cute ensign*


    so many choices, does ruth have to settle for one? ;P

  3. Catching up- going to do a second part for my Fsmug's corso meeting the inlaws.


    prev post:


    might contain traces of nuts, milk, wheat, and agent spoilers.



    Mother and daughter chattered excitedly, while keeping an eye on Corso, who eyed every object and person on the Phantom class ship with paranoia. His in-laws were imps. His mother-in-law was an imp SPY. Every object, every person must be hiding a secret, evil, deadly aspect. Bugs, booby traps, recording equipment, horrific mutations kept in the biochem bay. Did something small skitter quickly along the floor in the corner on his vision? How did such a sweet, compassionate, lovely woman like his wife grow up living with imp spies?!


    " Babes... what on earth are you doing?" Teumessia finally spoke up and asked her husband. " Nothing here is going to bite. Dad's bug-buddies might nibble you a little, but they are just trying to groom the dead skin and excess oils off you. They always left my cuticles immaculate!~"




    " Yeah, they're quite fun to watch when you accidentally spill food on the floor!" Teumessia brought two fingers to her lips, and let out a whistle. From around a corner came a small cloud of buzzing and skittering insects, ranging in size from fruit flies, to the point where the body was comparable to a grown man's thumb.


    This was when the entire ship- nay, the entire space dock, learned that the dashing, courageous, rugged farmboy was afraid of bugs.


    With an unflattering screech, he turned and ran into the engine room, and right into SCORPIO. She regarded him blankly as he regained his composure, and his wife and mother-in-law caught up to him. She turned to look at Teumessia, scrutinising every little change in the young chiss since the last time she saw her.


    " As your mother did, you chose a human as a mate. Interesting. You should hope any offspring you two produce do not exhibit such psychological weakness so readily. " She gave one more look to each the man and wife, and having finished her observations, went back to idly leaning back and cruising the holonet.


    " There was a commotion, the fingerlings chime of a new scent. We take it our guest has arrived?" A tall, dark haired man walked in the room, the small pack of insects chattered and clambered up the back of his robes and perched on his shoulders. " We apologise. Vector Hyllus." He bowed to Corso, the tiny insects clinging on to the fabric of his robe in order to stay on. He looked up to see Corso clinging to the wall furthest away from him, shuddering, eyes fixed on the pack of passengers that he bore. Understandingly he closed his eyes for several moments, and immediately the mini killik swarm skittered off of him, out the door, and back to some quiet corner of the ship. Corso sheepishly whispered his thanks, and shook his father-in-laws hand, trying not to look too uneasy by the solid black eyes, and odd speech patterns.


    " Okay guys, i just got a call from Temple, she's finished cooking dinner for everyone." Crezelle cheerfully interrupted.

    " Hope you like mandalorian, Temple just loves the recipies she gets from my older daughter's husband. It's a bit harsh on my dear honeybee's sensitive taste and smell, but he's a fighter none the less." She grinned at corso " Let's see if you can handle her cooking too~" She smiled as Corso puffed up indignantly. An easy challenge to take his mind off being afraid of everything, she just questioned his mojo in comparison to her husband's.





  4. Catching Up, entry, um, 4 (sorry about the logorrhea this week!): Wynston finally gets around to having it out with Quinn. I’m not sure whether this is official canon. I think it’s set less than a year after Wynston’s previous Catching Up entry. 1500 words. Spoilers for the Sith Warrior Act 3. A single line is an Agent endgame spoiler, and I took the liberty of breaking that out into a separate tag, since this is comprehensible (if less forceful) without it. Tags 1 and 3: Agent-safe. 2: Not.



    Malavai Quinn was thirty-five years old, a colonel in the Imperial Army, and in a very bad mood.


    The Chiss agent Wynston had just walked into his briefing room. “What a happy coincidence,” Wynston said dryly. “I wondered whether you were working in the area.”


    “Spare me. As soon as Major Carrick’s team arrives, you can brief us and you can leave.” Quinn stood by one wall and glared at it.


    Wynston settled at the conference room table and swung his feet up to rest on the next chair over. “How’s the Wrath? She’s miserable, thanks for asking.”


    “I didn’t ask.”


    “You were wondering. And I can tell you she’s having a rough time of it. Certain issues lately made me think of you. So I wanted to talk. For old times’ sake.” Wynston briefly fiddled with his jacket collar. “It was really touch and go for a few years, you know. I thought she might give up entirely, just dedicate her life to recreational slaughter.”


    “She would never fall to that.”


    “What can you possibly know? She’s changed a great deal, these last few years. It isn’t that much further to fall. When I first met her, she was a wide-eyed innocent.” Wynston crossed his arms over his chest and looked up at the officer. “And then you got to her. You and your little stunt.”


    Quinn kept staring at the wall. “If we must go over this. The Sith don’t graduate innocents. She wasn’t a child in need of protection.”


    “She was a teenager, Quinn.”


    “She wasn’t too young for you.”


    “The worst I gave her was pleasant memories and dance lessons. What was your contribution?”


    “Victory. The beginnings of the career that she carries in triumph to this day. I gave her Taris. Legends on Tatooine. Well-guarded secrets on Alderaan. You recall that? The operation where your blind stumbling nearly got her killed and I had to finish your mission in addition to my own?”


    “Do try to remember that this is about Ruth, not your precious mission, and that those are two separate entities. Did you really look at that beautiful, vibrant, passionate young woman and think nothing but ‘Yes, this one will be a good worker’?”


    “Did you look at that driven, powerful, iron-willed Sith and think nothing but ‘Yes, this one will be a good lay’?”


    “No. I understood she was a whole person. On the job and off. Did you care whether she was happy? Did you even look?”


    “Every day. Where were you?”


    “Out getting the job done without destroying the people who trusted me most in the process.”


    “That’s easy for a man no one trusts to begin with.”


    “I only have to overcome my skin color. You have to overcome your own recorded actions, not to mention the personality. I only wish I had been there to see her put that shock collar on you.”


    “How sad, then, that you weren’t in her life at the time.”


    “Are you proud that you were when the time came to betray her?”


    Quinn took a moment to put together a reply. “Is this where you of all people lecture me on the evils of getting involved with women you meet on the mission?”


    “I don’t recall marrying…I don’t recall leading any of my marks to believe I wholly belonged to them.”


    “I don’t recall calling any of my sexual partners ‘marks.’”


    “No, ‘Ruth’ was identifier enough. Do one thing, do her well, is that it? It worked up until you failed at the execution...so actually, it didn’t work at all, except to simultaneously enrage my friend and break her spirit. Great job.”


    “’Friend’? That’s less than convincing. I don't suppose all this anger is due to the fact that she is no longer receptive to your advances?”


    “You really can’t comprehend anything but sex and violence. I’m angry because I care. I care about the girl I knew before you put your hands on her and I still care about the cold paranoid killer you made her into, and the only reason that marvelous hair of yours doesn’t have a point-blank blaster burn in it right now is that she ordered me to spare you.”


    “I don’t suppose she asked you to spare me your attempts at conversation, too?”


    “No, I’m free to talk. If you wish to correct that oversight in her command, ask her yourself.” Wynston paused. “Or, since for some reason she won’t take your calls, you could have me pass your request along next time I see her. Speaking of which, she tells me you’ve stepped up the visitation schedule with Rylon. Would you happen to know his favorite Rodian lok-shell flavor? I’ve been meaning to bring some by.”


    “Don’t you dare use my son against me.”


    “You started it. It wasn’t Ruth’s staff that taught him ‘Yuck, Chiss’ as the reaction to blue skin.”


    A half-smile escaped Quinn’s control before he got back to scowling. “Perhaps he’s just naturally discerning.”


    “Perhaps you’re full of sh*t. As you always have been.”


    “I don’t have to justify myself to you, but I will say that I loved her more than you can comprehend. Nevertheless, when the order came, I was capable of placing my loyalties above my appetites.”


    “Oh? Let me get this straight. You can love more than me, and you can be more loyal than me, but somehow I’m the only one here who hasn't tried to murder his wife.”


    “Do you have the faintest idea what it is to serve a duty greater than yourself and your own pleasures? To pay any price that that duty requires of you?”


    Wynston’s eyes were a steady red glow. “When the price of the mission got too high, I defined a new mission. Maybe I’m not the expert on integrity, but I’ve never lost sight of what’s worth fighting for, and that includes my friends. And the women I’ve loved.”


    “All however many of them there have been, if you even know the count. And then you remember to salvage the greater good afterwards, is that it? After we’ve all had our fill of partying? A man like you would never understand what I gave up that day.”


    “I know what you took from her.”


    “Don’t imagine you are unique in that knowledge.” Quinn finally turned away from the wall. He gave Wynston a long harsh look before speaking again. “Did you come here to make me feel guilty? Tell me you’ve never wrecked someone’s life in pursuit of our Empire’s mission. Tell me, agent, you’ve never killed someone who cared for you. Tell me you’ve never broken trust. Tell me you’ve never had to look at a woman and choose whether to break her heart or her neck first.” He laid a hand on the blaster at his side. “Tell me you’re better than I am, so I can report that you died as you lived: with a lie on your lips.”


    Wynston didn’t move. He only tensed. He sat, expressionless, and watched Quinn. There was more of hatred than of pain on the officer’s face, but not by much.


    A moment later Quinn let his hand fall. “So, you can be made to shut up. Good. Now, I could describe how I negotiated, pled, fought, and bled for your friend - my wife - but I doubt it makes any difference to you. I could say there is an apology to be made to her, but I won't give you the satisfaction of hearing it.” He started toward Wynston at a measured pace. “I could start a fight, but I am aware that your death would likely destabilize the Wrath further. Much more so if you die by my hand.” He stopped, leaning over the seated Chiss to meet his gaze, blue against red. “But listen closely. I know your name. I know your associates. I know your history, and

    (Agent spoiler)

    I know you aren’t working for the Dark Council.

    (/Agent spoiler)

    I would be very careful if I were you, Wynston. Because I am eager for an excuse to explore these facts. And so long as Ruth’s mercy holds, you can’t touch me.”


    Wynston stared up at him and laughed softly. “Bravo, Quinn. We really do have a lot in common. Enough to make me sick. But for all the secrets you know – and for all I know about you – Ruth wants me alive as well.”


    “She wishes to protect you, yes. But my long and faithful service to the Empire yields me other means of recourse. I can leave the question of your life or death to my superiors. Even if you, even if she tries to stop me.” He straightened and backed off a step. “Don’t come after me again. And stay away from my son.”





    I dislike chivalry-fests and the women who inspire them, but I do love to see these two hate each other, and as the reason they met Ruth ends up being a very common excuse. This is all less about her and any virtue she has or doesn’t have, and more about the perpetual pissing contest between these two.



    all the more reason it would be funny if quinn found out one of his nemisis' cohorts bagged his wife XD


    " ...what are you getting us into, we don't li-"

    " hush now~ "

  5. Well after playing KoTOR 1 and the Sith party you get invited to to get the pass to the lower city, that seems like a Sith part I'd attend. Alcohol bottles all over the floor, Sith so hung over they didn't realize you were raiding their apartment lol.


    And that is a spoiler if you haven't played KoTOR 1. If you haven't its nothing big but you need to go play it now! :D


    sounds like some furry conventions ive gone to....

  6. cash shop for vantiy items only! ftw!


    Hey..cmon...I want my Jedi to have a silent meditation chamber on his ship along with getting more things. Also...I think they could do something like aion with the housing mechanic. It's really GREAT! and have the ability to customize your ship with a "decoration" feature :) We could even get stuff from the gtn to! different beds! different color for the metals! accesories, statues, stuff like that!


    i miss my moghouse from ffxi. i had a bed made of damascene cloth, gold, and gemstones. i had wall to wall aquariums. i had a totem poll, an elvaan mannequin with my offspec gear stored on it, everything.


    id love a bigger ship, more features like a bar and hot tub, bigger bed, individual rooms for my companions, ect

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