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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. Rites of Passage: Imperial Agent Wynston. ~1100 words. Spoilers for the Agent’s Voss plotline.



    Wynston dismissed his friends before he entered his local contact Bas-Ton’s teahouse. His mission wasn’t going well. An old enemy, tipped off by Hunter, had tracked Wynston down and killed Bas-Ton. Wynston had finally shaken the guy off, but he was no closer to getting the mysterious Voss carvings the Star Cabal had had business with than when he first touched down on Voss.


    When the Chiss entered the teahouse he saw Bas-Ton’s daughter Yana-Ton, his son Phi-Ton, and his brother Therod-Ton. The three Voss were engrossed in conversation about Bas-Ton’s recent kidnapping.


    “Perhaps it is destined,” said Phi-Ton.


    “The Mystics haven’t spoken,” said Yana-Ton.


    “Not to us. We may hope,” said Phi-Ton, but his tone was hopeless.


    Wynston entered the middle of the teahouse’s space and waited.


    Therod-Ton noticed and took several steps toward him. “Outsider. Where is my brother?”


    The Imperial spy who despised you all, the one who just got killed serving my mission? “I did everything I could, but it was too late. He died thinking of his family.” End tact, begin utility. “He was also…helping me with something. With his dying breath, he told me to go to you.”


    Yana-Ton frowned a little. “You were Bas-Ton’s friend. This is your time to mourn.”


    Therod-Ton motioned for her to be quiet. “You would see the Nightmare Lands,” he told Wynston. “Bas-Ton asked about the sacred carvings. The carvings are protected heritage. Only a Voss may study them.”


    Damn you people. You’re beautiful, but I bet even the Ascendancy wasn’t this difficult. “Please, there must be a way. Bas-Ton thought you could show me.”


    “Bas-Ton prized your friendship,” Therod-Ton said hesitantly. “We must honor that. Only Voss see the carvings…you must be Voss.” He seemed to come to a decision, nodded. “Become one of our family.”


    Now we’re getting somewhere. “Nothing would please me more. I think Bas-Ton would say the same.”


    Therod-Ton turned to his niece. “Yana-Ton. Are you willing?”




    “I am,” said Yana-Ton in her soft voice. “Bas-Ton was to choose my husband,” she explained. “He never did.”




    “Join our family in marriage,” she said calmly.


    “Is that the only…you don’t have to do this,” he said, and kicked himself for saying it. Remember the mission, man. You use people all the time. “Not for me or for your father,” he said anyway.


    “It isn’t real,” she said simply.


    “We mourn later,” said Therod-Ton, just as if the previous exchange had settled something. “Make preparations. Go to the Sacred Flame in the city. You will be married today. You will see the carvings of the Nightmare Lands. Bas-Ton’s wishes, fulfilled.”


    Great, that’ll make one person in this setup satisfied. Wynston hesitated. Or two, if I get the answers I need. That was the thought that got him moving.




    The Sacred Flame was a tall gracious building done out in crimson and gold. Anywhere else in the galaxy Wynston would’ve called it gaudy; here in the warm brilliance of Voss it seemed to fit.


    He kept analyzing, predicting. He couldn’t help it. She would be married. Publicly, legally. He doubted this culture had divorce. She would be damaged goods. Denied a real husband, denied children. Stars only knew what social status and job opportunities would be out of her reach because of him. The years would come and go, his jobs would fade and blend into each other, and she would stay, alone, carrying the consequences of this one night.


    The mission, man.


    She didn’t hesitate. I’ve wrecked a lot of innocence, but I’ve never ruined a flower quite like this.


    Vector leaned in as they entered. “We’ve never seen a Voss wedding. It should be an experience.”


    “I am astonished I don’t even have to pay to see this circus,” said Kaliyo.


    “Don’t screw this up for us,” Wynston told her.


    “With Voss? You can keep the screwing,” said Kaliyo.


    Yana-Ton greeted them in a broad echoing room with a big glowing square in the middle of it. She seemed…happy, though those speckled blue eyes were hard for even Wynston to read. “A veil is for women when a family member is lost,” she said. “But what we do today defies custom. No veil is right.”


    I thought the point was to avoid defying custom? That’s why I’m going Voss? Never mind. “You’re too beautiful to hide anyway.” Laying it on: Never a bad move.


    Yana-Ton handed him a scroll. “Our oaths. Read, and I will begin.”


    The ritual itself made precisely as much sense as anything else Voss: a large number of assertions that came out of nowhere and connected to nothing. But he promised to walk with the Voss to their destiny, walk before the flame, and do a great deal of other walking. No. Sense. Whatsoever. The glowing ritual stone had some neat flame effects when they started their ritual waving near it. That was interesting.


    “So long as prophecy allows,” said Yana-Ton, “we are one. Only the word of a Mystic will break our bond.”


    This whole immeasurably costly move. She’s doing it without hesitation, because she thinks it’s right.


    It won’t be for nothing. I promise.


    For the first time, a little uncertainty clouded her expression. “The ritual is now over, except for the Rite of Ardor. We don’t need to participate.”


    “Rite of Ardor?”


    “A Voss’s passions are suppressed until marriage. This first night awakens them, creates a bond between husband and wife. If you wish to see the rite through…I would be with you.”


    Please stop telling me how significant this is for you.


    But Wynston let Yana-Ton lead him away. Kaliyo restrained herself to a low whistle as they passed out of the hall. The newlyweds went to an upstairs room within the Sacred Flame and locked the door behind them.


    Sumptuous furnishings, again in crimson and gold. A million opportunities for listening devices, concealed weapons; no viable escape route but the door. His habitual security check came up very displeased.


    That, and the sheer discomfort of his thoughts, deprived him of his usual calm. “Yana-Ton…it was courageous of you to do this.”


    “I did what must be done. My father’s wishes must be fulfilled. This is my duty.”


    “I have to leave, after I’ve studied the carvings. You know that.”


    “I know.”


    “For what it’s worth…what I’m seeking out there, if I find it, and I think I will…it will save lives. Millions of them. People you and I will never know, but they’ll be safe because of what you gave up today.”


    She regarded him blankly. After a moment she said, very softly, “Thank you.”


    He forced himself to smile. He came closer to her, reaching up to touch her cheek. “Just so we understand one another. No matter what else happens, Yana-Ton, what happens next is real.”



    your guy took it like a champ

    my rendition of how it happened was more crackish




    ok girl, you can do this, they know it's just a token gesture. Remember how fragile the relationship is between voss and empire. You MUST honour their traditions. Vector seems cool about this so far, and he LOVES it when i honor traditions and be all diplomatic wise... okay okay so lets just do this.

    yadda yadda yadda walking paths flames and stuff, yeah yeah yeah right of adour ok ok keep agreeing-



    be cool girl, try not to be caught lookin behind you, ok he doesn't seem angry...i think. doesn't seem happy ether? damnit why does he have to be so hard to read. ohhh i sing the song of the shameful wife.

    wait...is it even cheating if it's your OTHER husband... and your first one knows about it?

    oh well, you'll look like a kath hound b***h if you back out now.... might as well make this kid's day... you did kinda get his dad killed.

    *sigh* you big, dumb, smurf.

    ....at least the naive ones are the funnest to break in....



    please forgive me, honeybee :(




  2. What Eanelinea left out is that after this:




    Crez and Ean left, then THIS:






    Happened. :D



    i did not leave then that happened :cool:

  3. Be sure to include Vector! Our dancing and sharing of him just wasn't enough for him! BTW, posting the screenies I took on the character screen shot thread! =D *evil laugh*


    aww..i cant,....i try and think it up...but i can't

    mostly cause im unsure still how vector took it, even if i got no affection down ; ;

  4. That. Is so cute.


    And I love this about the Agent line: There are so many gems, really brilliant gems, that you only see if you choose one particular in-character line out of three. It's kind of a downside in that there's so much wealth you won't find on your first playthrough...and, with the event dependencies of the Agent line, might not find on the sixth...but at the same time, hearing about this stuff makes me so happy. And I think this Vector tidbit is much more exciting than Watcher Two's real name and much more pleasant than, say, Darth Zhorrid's childhood memories.


    indeed. if i roll an agent again im gonna run it with lokin out. i heard he says some great stuff

  5. So last night, Crezelle, Eanelinea, and I were doing my class quest (they're both 50, I'm 39). We were on Hoth (and took pictures of us with Saganu =3 ), then proceeded to Quesh for the finale of Chapter 2.



    Crez went kind of crazy from all the drain bammage, determined to kill everything, including Saber, Wheel, and Ardun Kothe. So when we were in the convo with Kothe:



    Crez: "Oh yeah, you're gonna bleed dude."

    Me: "Uh oh, then you're not going to like this."

    Crez: "Yeah, you're not going to like what we're going to do to you!"

    Me: "Errr, I meant you Crez."

    Crez: "What? Oh... oh no!"



    I then proceeded to

    spare Kothe's life

    which gave me a nice Vector approval (+86!). Vector comments that maybe it wasn't the best course of action, but we'll see and all that. Then he suggests that we need a vacation, and that he's going to take me to some nice planet he knows with beaches, sunsets, and auras or something. Which leads to:



    Me: "YAYAY me want very muchly!"

    Crez: "What? WHAT? NO! Hate you!"

    Ean: "Awww, my Vector never said that!"

    Me: "Whatever ladies, being a goody goody pays off, now I'm going on vacation with Vector."

    Crez: "Hate you!"

    Me: "I'll send you a postcard from the beach."

    Crez: "HATE. YOU."



    Playing the Agent class quest with the fangirl swarm is SO much fun. :cool: We're gonna do Sith Warrior soon. =3



    still hate you <3


    and it was a planet on the outer rim, with sky the colour of ocean ~


  6. I wasn't going to write a Confession short, but Eanelinea got me thinking and something shook lose and this is what tumbled out. Its very rough, I'm sorry. I don't think I like it, but it's how i see things going so it's part of the story now.


    Characters are Adris Westan, my male sniper

    Brei'yu Kodrevas my female operative

    Kaliyo (whom i need to start giving bigger parts to)




    “That's it, that's the plan.” Former Imperial Agent Adris Westan crossed his arms and swiveled to lean against the holo terminal, very specifically and carefully avoiding the raging gaze of his crew. Well, only one of his crew was raging, and he had no remedy for it.


    “So. This all hinges on me. On...” Brei'yu Kodrevas left the thought unfinished. Westan hadn't explained to Kaliyo, Vector, and Raina exactly what it was Brei'yu was going to do, he'd only left it very clear that it was up to her and her alone.


    “You're the only one that can. It's why I...” Westan bit off his sentence too late and sighed. He'd just made his night harder. Miserably, he flicked his eyes to her, expecting the shock of cold fury, the sharp breath before she laid him open with words. To his dismay, and ever growing misery, she only gazed back distant and slightly empty. She looked hurt. He'd hurt her feelings. What the hell was happening?


    He watched her turn her back on him and panicky confusion welled up in his chest. “Brei'yu,” he began, unsure what else was going to fall out of his mouth at that moment. This wasn't like her, very unlike the spitfire woman who shrugged entire worlds off her shoulders.


    She interrupted him, her voice as heavy as stone. “You obviously have my role all figured out for me. We going to do this? Or is there a part two to this conversation?”


    Westan felt his hand grope the air in front of his chest even as his mind grappled with itself to find the words to fix this. But when he remained silent, she shook her head and walked to the door. “Change your clothes, Vector. If this is going to work you're going to need to look less royalty and more like you just got out of the shower. Kaliyo, where's that lightsabre you lifted off that dead Sith apprentice? Don't give me that look, I know what you did.”


    Kaliyo couldn't keep the grin off her face. “I have been dying to tell someone all week. You have no idea. When you broke his neck and he just sort of crumpled that thing shut off and was just lying there, you know? Thought maybe I could start a collection.”


    “Give it to Vector, it will sell the whole... Jedi thing.”


    “Aw, you kidding?” Kaliyo turned the stink eye on Vector who serenely ignored her.


    “He'll give it back,” Brei'yu said, frowning at the pout on Kaliyo's lips. “Put your name on it somewhere, he won't keep it.”


    Westan listened to Brei's voice fade away as his team walked out. Vector paused at the door, looked back at him with a look he couldn't read. “I know,” Westan said. “I know. I borked something up. Again.”


    Vector turned his head, looking down the hall after the women. “Do you love her, Agent?”


    Adris Westan could count on one hand the number of times he'd been shocked into silence. He shouldn't have been surprised when it came to Vector, however. The Joiner still had trouble relating to regular people. He'd lost much of what made him human after the Joining, and the casual knowledge of how to converse was just one facet that tripped the other man up. Spending so much time with Westan's crew had helped to remind him of his humanity, but like a child, sometimes Vector just told it like it was. Or outright asked how it was.


    When Westan didn't answer right away, Vector nodded and Westan was certain he was seeing resignation on the Joiner's face. It was hard to tell sometimes.


    Finally, his tongue started working again. “Once, a long time ago I would have said yes without hesitation. When I was still a kid, and when I didn't know any better. If I had any idea that she might love me in return, then yeah. I think I could be in love with her. But that's not how it is. That's not how I work. And Brei? When she does something it's with her entire self. There's no room for anything else. She never was in love with me, however much she loved, and loves me.”


    Vector put his hand on the door frame and seemed to sag against it. His head was bowed, his free hand fisted at his side.


    Westan began to worry that Vector was ill. Which would be unfortunate as this plan really needed him for it to work. “Vector? Are you alright?”


    Vector regained some semblance of his composure. “We are... We are not ill,” he said as though reading Westan's mind. “We didn't realize how much we wished to hear that. To know it.”


    “I'm afraid I'm not getting what you're saying.”


    “It is both a comfort and a grief that you do not desire her. We... we know she will never look at us the way we wish her to, but knowing that we do not lose her to you, who we see as our brother...” Vector's thoughts trailed away as Westan's mouth fell open.


    “Are... are you... What are you saying? Do you... um.” Westan watched Vector straighten. The other man's face was serene again, his hands clasped in front of him, his posture relaxed.


    “We are in love with Brei'yu.”


    The statement was so final, so assured. So Westan immediately felt like an idiot when “Are you sure?” tumbled out of his mouth.


    Vector nodded once.


    Westan took a moment to process. Vector allowed him the silence to do so. “I'm not going to tell you you're wrong, Vector,” Westan said after a moment. “But I do want to make sure you know what you are getting into.”


    Vector slanted his head to side. “We are getting into nothing, Agent.”


    “But you just said-”


    “A confession between friends. Between brothers that goes no further than this room.”


    Confusion had Westan shaking his head. “So what? You don't want her to know?”


    “You said yourself, Brei'yu gives her all in all things. She doesn't notice us, and we understand why. When this is over, we don't believe she will stay. This is better. For all.”


    “Look, Vector,” Westan sighed in a gush, putting his words in order in his head. “Brei's pretty... reckless. Sure. She's also loud, sarcastic, and more than a little bitter. But more than that, and I say this as her best friend because as much as she hates it, I am. Brei is also unobservant. But only when it comes to her. Herself. That girl could tell you how many stripes were down a Twi'lek's lekku from fifty paces while he was turning a corner in a sandstorm, but you ask her what she ate for breakfast, she's going to have no idea for a good ten minutes. She's noticed you, but you're so damn... serene, so-” Westan waved his hand around the air by head, looking for the word he wanted. “Emotionless around her. Now I know you aren't devoid of emotion. But she hasn't seen what I know.”


    “We are content,” Vector said.


    “Great! That's great. Be content. But don't let being content stagnate you. You came with me to show the Kiliks the universe. To help them experience what's beyond the hives on Alderaan.”


    “What are you saying?”


    “I'm saying quit being lame. You're not afraid to take a blaster shot to the face. So I know you're not afraid of a little emotion.” Westan rubbed his chin, remembered idly that he needed to shave and wondered if he had time for that before Brei'yu drug him off the ship and down planetside. But more to the point, he liked this idea of Vector having interest in Brei'yu. It could have been Temple for all it mattered, but Westan liked this human vulnerability in Vector.


    The men eyed each other as Westan nodded along with the ideas flying through his head. “Yeah, we can do this.”


    “I'm sorry? We can do what?” Vector asked, feeling a sudden trepidation.


    “We can get you the girl.”



    if 'ghoul lokin is involved in this plan, this will be epic.

  7. Dude, this made me LAUGH!!! I knew Blizz held more secrets than he let on. Hehe. Can't feel sorry for Mako though. Don't like her too much. HRMPH! Trying to steal my man, hells no! Write more!!! Gotta have Crez and Vector, woman!


    well its not so much hes used to tearing apart huge monsters, but i figured he would do well if he pictured field dressing and butchering a large meat carcass like disassembling a droid. Take it apart into manageable pieces, and salvage the edible bits.

  8. BH


    watched bf bring mako to the party where everyone gets killed.. she got it dead on; everyone we got to know gets killed because of us. she was so freaked out we reset and brought out gault





    chapter 2 wasnt so sad as much of my toon on one huge raegefest. i dont think i ever was so frantic in trying to finish storyline like my ia chapter 2.


  9. Hidden Talents - All of our characters are good fighters, but people are good at more than one thing. What else are they good at - and how do their friends and family react to learning about this hidden skill?



    BH blizz and mako



    "Mother nerfer" Mako muttered under her breath, " why do they always leave it up to ME to clean whatever they bring back from their hunts". She stared at the dead beast lain unceremoniously in front of her in the cargo bay. She had no idea what it was. It was big, 1.5..maybe 2 meters at the shoulder, and well over a metric tonne. Mud caked it's horns and thick, long fur. And then there was that smell. Oh goodness that SMELL. How the heck Torian was able to cook descent food from such ghastly beasts was beyond her. Why couldn't her boss chose more, oh, say NORMAL dates to go on with her husband?! Or at least help with skinning and butchering instead of just dumping the carcass in the cargo bay and dragging her little blonde toy up to her room to continue with the festivities.

    She tried to get Gault to help, but you might as well have asked a manka cat to walk politely on a leash. Skadge was more than willing to help butcher the meat, but he left more of a mess than properly prepared meat cuts. So, it was up to her. She held her nose, grabbed her knife, and began skinning the beast. Boss wanted to keep the hide as a rug. hopefully the smell washes out.

    " What Mako do? What bad smell?" Mako rolled her eyes as Blizz curiously skittered in the room. As cute as he is, now was NOT the time to deal with an over-curious jawa. " I'm sorry Blizz, but i'm busy here"

    " Ohhhh! Blizz help Blizz help!" He was nearly hopping up and down now. Once he gets this excited, you can't tell him to go away. " Fine... was your hands really well, and grab one of the knives over there we need to take apart this here thi-"

    " Ohhh! take apart? like droid?"

    " Um... kinda...?"

    " Ohhh Ohhh! Blizz good at take-apart!"

    And with that, Mako was astonished to watch such small hands hack nimbly away at the beast, Neatly separating it into smaller, more manageable portions. She guessed it made sense, droids and machines are also made of limbs and joints, wires instead of tendons, metal instead of flesh. Things were a little haphazard, but it sure beat doing it all herself, as it meant far less time working with that smell.... ugh.

    " finished!" Blizz exclaimed, the beast now reduced to large, but still manageable cuts of separated muscle groups, bones, and a pelt ready to be tanned on the side. It was all easily packed into the large freezer space.


    Now if only she could get Torian to teach Blizz how to cook. Maybe not.... Jawas can take things apart well...but sometimes putting things together is a different story.


  10. Hidden Talents


    IA chapter 2 spoilers.



    "Hey bug boy, she's baking again" Kaliyo called out to Vector, his meditation broken, the tiny Kilick companions chittered excitedly. There would be crumbs! Vector frowned troubled, something had changed in Shiloh, the smooth light green aura he had met her with was, stormy, sharp, dark. It had been like this for the past few months, ever since she had gone to work for the Republic, as a double agent, something in her had changed, and he worried. Cruumbs! the fingerlings urged, he stood up and followed Kaliyo to the galley.


    Shiloh cracked another egg into the bowl, she was on her sixth batch of squares, having run out of ingredients for cookies. The cookies were piled high on plates, untouched, they were moist and chewy, the last of the Alderaanie chocolate chips used. He was there again, last night, in her head, the voices, the images. Chance had been there too, only he appeared to her as she had left him, body riddled with holes, the back of his skull was missing, she could see right through him.


    I was scared Legate, I needed you to come, but I couldn't say it. I can say it now, onomatophobia.


    You're mind is snapping agent, can you feel it. It's bending. Watcher X purred in her mind.


    Shiloh stired harder, then poured the batter into a pan, set the timer.


    "Quesh has answers, I'm going to Quesh just as you said, you had better not be lying to me" Shiloh muttered to him, only he wasn't there, she had killed him too, executed him on Nar Shaddaa. She started stirring another batch, Kaliyo took off with one of the larger cookie trays.


    "Thanks for the cookies agent nutso!!" She called over her shoulder


    "Is that Alderaanie chocolate in those cookies?" Dr. Lokin inquired as he took a bite, "Oh dear, these are divine!"


    "Doctor?" Vector looked again at the new arrival, he could see it, sparks in her aura, spitting and angry, she wasn't well.


    "Physically she's fine Vector, I've told you this, and she refuses to talk about it....I can't help her anymore then I have." He gave the joiner a sympathetic look and followed Kaliyo to his med bay. Closed the door, a twinkle in his eyes.


    "three cups of flour"


    This is pointless


    "two eggs"


    I just wanted help, I'm sorry!


    "one and a half cups of cocoa....I'm out of cocoa, we'll need to pick up more."


    You're wasting your time


    "SHUT UP!! GET OUT, LEAVE" Shiloh screamed at both of them, she threw her last two remaining eggs at Watcher X, the passed through him, she heaved the heavy tray of cookies at Chance, they fell to the floor, breaking and spinning in every which way. She spun around, they were gone, she was alone in the galley, cookies and crumbs littering the floor, Vector stood in the doorway.


    "We won't abandon you Agent" He said softly, he took a tentative step forward, the fingerlings escaped from his robes gorging themselves on the sugary confections. "We want to help you, you are in pain, we can see that."


    Shiloh fought to regain her composure. She looked at Vector, this man, his voice calmed her, his dark black orbs engulfed her. She wondered how he did it, lived with the voices from the hive in his mind, she was breaking with just one, now two.


    "What's wrong Shiloh" he wrapped his lips around her name, he enjoyed the cadence of it. "We might listen at the very least."


    I'v been brainwashed, by the republic, i can't control my actions, they could order me to kill all of you tomorrow and there would be nothing I could do, I'm scared Vector, I'm terrified. I'm breaking, I see the faces of people I have killed, the speak to me, they stand in front of me. One of those voices is telling there are answers on Quesh, that's where we're going, I need my mind back, I need you to stay with me, I feel like I'm drowning when you aren't here.


    Her lips trembled, she tried so hard to force the words out, "I'm fine Vector." I'm not fine, I'm not fine, I'm not fine!

    "No you're not" he stepped closer, he saw the desperation in her eyes, he wished he could here her mind, it was so hard not hearing her inner voice, her aura wavered violently.


    A single tear fell down her cheek, she sunk to the floor, Vector dropped down with her, never breaking his gaze.


    Kiss me, make me forget, kiss me, you're beautiful and I want you like no one I've ever known.


    "Have a cookie Vector, they're quite good."


    Vector wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly, not knowing what else to do.


    oh man, chapter 2 was crazy for my agent. she was MAD. that was quite beautiful. i bet them cookies were still darn good :3

  11. Not really a skimp but... do my new pants seem a bit... tight? :D




    must be real cold, cause i can't seem to see the usual roll of credits guys usually keep in thier tight-pants pocket for laundry day ;P

    just be careful with those if you want an expanded legacy :eek:

  12. You get zero. But, hey, why complain? You can have a really exciting encounter with Master Tlan!"


    *gag* the worst part is you have actual spooned up pillow talk afterwards with that guy. real chars your toon is genuinely interested/in love with? nope. put dem clothes back on, clean up, go back to your usual spot, roll yer shoulders and have your pillow talk there. well ok i didnt get to voss yet, but i saw femsmug, and shows the 2 casually sitting afterwards and having nice afterglow convo. comps? " well that was nice, i um.. have crafting missions to do, see ya"

  13. Yeah, I would pay for that info on Lokin, too.


    I agree with you as far as the agent companions go. Although Temple totally has one of those corkboards people got in college with pictures of every last friend she's ever had (billions) pinned up on it. And I see Vector's as a wreck. Like, it's got all these cool knicknacks scattered everywhere, bugs running around, and he just looks totally confused.


    i would think temple would keep as few ties to her past as possible for security reasons. aside from the bugs, im sure vector would keep his place in order, he is of an elloquent upbringing and profession, and has an eye for the more cultured things in life. So maybe not kitchy tourist quality native arts and such, but more defined and meaningful pieces of art, specimens of natural beauty like an aquarium, potted plants, gemstones ect. And of course that little diary he has to keep all his logs in. Lokin is still helping my agent uncrack the algorythms he uses to code his entries in it :cool: course the little hatchlings have free reign of the floor and bed area since he doesn't need that anymore ( except when my agent is away on ops and flashpoints, nobody is allowed in her room when she's not around, NOBODY) and they probably would leave lots of shed carapaces, frass, and silk cobwebs everywhere.

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