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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. vector is good at this




    yes, aperantly if you have friends sitting on your bed while you do companion cutscenes, the friends wont see the cutscenes, but you see them in the bg.. so we had a little fun and staged a 4-way XD

  2. I couldn't care less if you had a wife or a husband IRL or were lonely or not.. you can still be a perv, fantasizing weird stuff ;) (oh, and I am speaking generally, not targeting anyone here). Some people are just really obsessed with this stuff and it is creepy. Just take a look at the Bioware Social Network forums and look at some of the stuff they write there (Tali fans for example).. gives me chills :eek:


    oh come on..who doesn't want a life sized blizz cuddle pillow?

  3. It's my Trooper again! I love her, I feel like I'm neglecting all my other up and coming baby characters....but I have to finish this little Mitka/Aric arc.


    So here is my Communication Breakdown




    Mitka was holed up in her quarters. Elara was reading in the med bay, Four-ex was trolling the holonet, looking for suitable imperial targets, and Aric was in the armory cleaning weapons and prepping them for their next op. Before the kiss, before Mitka had made a complete fool of herself in front of her squad while hopped up on pain meds, Mitka and Aric would have been in the common area playing cards, chatting, Elara would join them on occasion, Four ex would look over someones shoulder and in trying to offer advice, would usually give away their hand.


    Now, well now Mitka could barely speak to Aric, let alone look him in the eye. She spent the last week on Tatooine avoiding him, she could still give orders, talk tactics, but when it came to off duty hours, or down time, she was tongue tied. She tried to talk about her feelings to Elara, but she spouted off some regulation to her against fraternization, some girlfriend. It dawned on Mitka that Elara wasn’t aware that as the only other female in the squad she was more then just the medic, she was supposed to be the girlfriend, neither woman had much experience with friends, and neither knew how to handle that kind of relationship.


    Mitka re read the first line of her Alderaan briefing for the third time. She couldn’t focus, all she could see where green eyes and soft skin, and all she could hear was his deep voice, that low guttural growl he let out when he kissed her, she bit her lip. Focus. She needed a drink.


    The ship was quiet, a faint blip everytime Elara turned the page on her holoreader, clip, clip, snap, clip coming from the armory as Aric reassembled a rifle. She stepped out, and headed for the galley, maybe she should call her mother, she would know what to do. She stared inside the cooler, and instead of seeing bottled water, energy drinks, ration packs, it was green eyes, soft skin. She grabbed something, not even looking at what it was. It was a meal replacement drink, she hated them, replaced it and grabbed a bottle of water, cracked it open and took a deep drink. When she turned around he was in the doorway. Mitka swallowed.


    “Can we talk?” He took a step forward.


    “I..what? Talk? Sure? What do you want to talk about?” Mitka stammered looking everywhere but his eyes.


    “You’ve been avoiding me.”


    “What? Noooooo, I have not, why would I avoid you?” She lied.


    “Ever since you came out of that med bay, healed up, you’ve barely said two words to me outside of orders, you won’t even look at me, I won’t bite.” His voice was kind, but hurt.


    “I look at you” Mitka stared at her feet. Her hands were shaking. She thought for a brief second she might like it if he bit her.


    “Mitka, would you just talk to me?” his voice was pleading with her, he put his finger under her chin, and pulled her face up, so that she was looking at him, she closed her eyes, then finally opened them, golden yellow on emerald green. She reminded Aric of a frightened animal, she was fearless and calculating in the field, every move, every order, deliberate and precise, she saw the entire situation, and every single move was planed. He admired her, but here she was, scared out of her mind, scared of him?


    She sat down at the table, defeated. “You’ve made me off balance, I can’t think straight when I’m with you, but then, the only place I want to be is near you.” Aric sat down, not saying a word, he listened.


    “I have a plan, I make lists, I know where I’m going, and you weren’t in the plan, and I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, I never had a plan for this.” She used her hands to indicate the air between them.


    “You confuse me, I miss talking to you, I miss picking your brain about stuff, I look up to you, I have the rank, but you…outrank me in life.” Her hands were shaking, Aric covered them.


    “Breath” Aric told her and Mitka let out a shuddering breath.


    “I’m afraid, that one day, you’ll open your eyes, and realize that I’m not worth the trouble.” She looked into his eyes then, without needing his help.


    “Would I have broken code 7, paragraph 56 of the Republic Army code of Ethics if I didn’t think you were worth the trouble?” Aric smiled and Mitka let out a soft laugh. “This” He indicated the air between them, “I’ve been feeling this since Coruscant. I’ve been falling for you for a while now, you put me off centre, you throw me off my game, you challenge me, like no woman I’ve ever known. I don’t want to scare you away. Maybe I shouldn’t have kissed you that night on Tatooine…”


    “No!” Mitka interrupted him, “you should have. I needed that kiss.” She blushed, Aric could tell now, her polished copper skin, turned a deeper shade of red.


    “I thought so to.”


    “So. What happens now? I’m new to all of this, what’s the plan?”Mitka stood up from the table.


    “There is no plan, we take it day by day, we take our time, you set the pace, but I need you to promise me something.” Aric followed her lead, and stood up as well.


    “What’s that?”


    “Talk to me, no more sneaking around and avoiding me, never be afraid to tell me what’s on your mind.” Aric took a few steps forward, clearing the gap between them, holding her hands, he didn’t want her to run away again.


    “I promise” Mitka smiled, Arics look changed, there was mischief in his eyes.


    “Now, I made you a promise, and I intend to keep it.”


    Mitka was about to ask what promise when he kissed her, he didn’t hold back this time, he took her breath away, and all she could do was wrap her arms around his neck and melt into him. She felt light headed, her senses buzzed and all she could feel were his lips, his hands, she felt his heart beat in time with hers through his chest. She never wanted it to end.


    Aric always kept his promises.



    awww squeeee~ it's times like this that i wish i haden't rped all my girls to be the assertive type. i suck at writing, and i can;t capture emotion in my art enough to try touching coupples pics.

  4. argh so many rough edges on the piece i did, so im redoing it ( made it while waiting for bf to pick me up for the weekend) that, and well i never really did pass english in HS rofl

    " A Clear Mind"

    Agent chapter 2 spoilers, vector story line spoilers




    Dawn rose, or would be rising if it weren't for the fact Crezelle had been escorted back to her ship after the killik party. The music, the dancing, the potent golden membrosia that got her drunk like no other spirits she had experienced. The rhythm of the nest still echoed in the back of her head, or was it the front of her head? It was hard to tell while she was this intoxicated. She had been gently reminded by Vector, her escort, that she needed to leave early before the pheromones took their hold on her.

    She needed that evening. Not once did she think about the fact she had no control of her mind. Not once did she hear Watcher X taunt her. Not once did any of her mission agonies pass in her head that evening. She was in the best spirits she had been in years.

    " We didn't actually thank you for allowing our pilgrimage, you should come with us next time ~" she heard him say as they entered the ship.

    " Take a blanket and some rations, go sightseeing under the stars? You just want me alone. " She giggled. Then she realised how horrible she was at flirting. It wasn't her best strength during intelligence training. She wasn't even trying in earnest, it was just ingrained in her nature to be a little playful with most suitable males in her line.

    "There is something else, it's been harder for us to read people since the joining... so we must be direct; is our relationship becoming.. unprofessional? "

    She thought for a moment. It was odd for her to have to think about that, actually. Sure she flirted with him from time to time, but she did that with most males she came across. Or was he trying to feel the waters with her? He claimed he had troubles reading her, but his mannerisms made him just as hard to read, especially with tact as subtle as his. Why, of all the times does he make her have to think, does it have to be when she's drunk. "Ok girl, collect your thoughts she told herself. He's asking if there is something between them. Is there chemistry? She had enjoyed having some consistent male companionship in her work, and she learned to appreciate his gentle, holistic view of life and nature . It was refreshing to have someone who was polite, educated, professional, and aimed at serving the empire with as little bloodshed as possible. He sometimes surprised her with a little glimmer of humour that caught her off guard at times. His skin wasn't of a hue she found attractive, and his hair style was a bit odd to her as well, but she was not shallow, and he was still acceptable to the eye. And those eyes, why does everyone think they are creepy? She had issues looking people in the eye if they had humanoid eyes, she found THOSE creepy. His may not be red, but she didn't have to force herself to look at them when talking to him like she did with the others. And if anything else... That voice did have a way of soothing her no matter what he talked about.

    It might have been the membrosia talking, but she figured it was worth a try. And if she made a bad decision, Kaliyo did offer to help her straighten out any ex boyfriends of hers!

    " I get to decide what's professional, one advantage of being friendly with your superiors ~" she purred, and started closing in on him like a lioness pride on their chosen mark. She never noticed he smelled so good ether. That near sealed the deal with her. She couldn't remember the last time she got to share her body with someone for pure recreational purposes. There were always strings attached in her work. Use her body to coerce silence, to pry intel, to ensure co-operation. This will be different. This will be fun~

    " Um... so tell us... how friendly are we..?" He was starting to look nervous. He had not been close enough to her all evening to scent the alcohol on her, and now that she was getting close to him, it became very apparent that she was still well under the influence. She had been trained to hide the effects well to mask any weaknesses it might present. He regretted bringing up the discussion now; it wasn't right in her current state of mind.

    " Come to my quarters and find out." She growled softly. She grabbed him by the collar, pulled him in, and planted a poorly aimed, sloppy kiss that nearly missed his lips. He tried to back out of it, but she had an iron grip on his shirt. She was not expecting to be pushed away.


    " You're drunk, Agent... We apologise... We didn't know... Let's try this conversation again when you have a clear mind."

    " A clear mind...Heh...if only he knew " Her stomach turned as Watcher X made his entrance into her mind. " A clear mind.... a shame really, i would have liked to have seen you work your magic again with your body."

    " MOTHER NERFER!!!!"

    Vector was expecting some negative reaction to being declined. He did not expect to watch the agent roar with frustration and rage. She spun around and punched the wall with such force that the only reason she did not break her knuckles was to the ingenuity of the armoured gloves she wore everywhere. She trembled, shaking her head. The joiner was very confused and alarmed at her outburst. She had not presented herself as the volatile drunk on her nights out with Kaliyo. It had been a very long time since he had tried the courtship dance with someone outside the nest, maybe he said something terribly wrong? She seemed much too mature to take rejection this way.

    He stepped forward and put a hand on her shoulder. " Agent, we didn't mean it like that, we ARE interested in you, we just don't want to do anything you would regret in the morning. You can't unsing a song..."

    Crezelle froze, turned around, and gave vector a look of pure shock and sheepishness. She really made things look bad.

    " Oh no, it's not you, something completely unrelated" She was blushing in embarrassment.

    " Then what, Agent?"

    " It's nothing... stresses of work. I'm fine!"

    " Your song says otherwise."

    " I...uh...." Welp...she can't explain herself out of this one. She looks around, and immediately skitters down the hallway to her room, where Vector could hear her trip and fall over something and cuss drunkenly.

    " Agent.....?"

    " I'm fine!!!"





    authors note


    sorry about redoing it. Ive had the idea in my head awhile, that whole her flipping out over being told they could maybe do things once she had a clear mind, and getting very upset at the irony. i also can see this being why vector doesn;t get serious with the agent until chapter 2 is over, and instead working on his other projects.


  5. There is a trick I use when I want to find where things are wrong in my illustrations: I horizontally flip the whole drawing and it allows me to see it in a whole new way.

    This is usually how I figure out that my eyes aren't pointing in the right direction, or that my proportions are wrong. :D


    saweet ~ thanks

    you wouldnt have any tips for crisper linearts, would you? or i guess you dont go for that style

  6. How would you feel if your final showdown with you rival or final boss had the two walk offscreen to the right and then have a black screen?


    If your not into the romance genre or romance in video games thats fine, but there is a climax to every story and plot that we all look forward to. So there should be a climax to the romance sub-plot as well... no pun intended.


    I'm also on the bandwagon with all this. I don't need to see some alien ****** but atleast a scene of the two on a bed or sitting together.


    There have been so many 'exit stage right' romances. They look dumb IMHO and it looks like you are watching a play.


    ^ this

    and funny thing is, my buds on my server who are all gaga over thier male LI comps..are all females who have long term male mates irl, so it's not that we're lonely o_O

  7. I took a stroll over to Lawrichai's fan art thread and she inspired me. I get inspired in the weirdest ways. But, this is for Crezelle. This takes place after the Allies and Confessions stories but is not the Prelude to the Plan. The Plan is still being written and will be shared when the prompt is correct. But I did work a rak-ghoul Dr Lokin into it, just for Crezelle.


    Anyway, Communications Breakdown starring Brei'yu Kodrevas, Vector, and a cameo from Adris Westan. I do want to say that there's some language in here that I've worked around the filters, and a mild sexual innuendo. Also, 1800 words, but they're good words.


    Don't Call Me Agent





    Brei'yu called his name loudly, always feeling the need to announce herself before coming into sight of the Joiner in case he was communing with the hive or something. Stars knew she did not want to walk in on him when his brain was up to its eyeballs in bugs or naked Joiner girls, or whatever it was he was watching when his face was blank and he was mentally elsewhere. “Adris has gone off his rocker. Kindly put him back on for me.” She entered the cargo bay where Vector seemed to spend a lot of his time and paused at the threshold, one hip thrust out and her arms crossed in annoyance. If anyone could get Westan to start behaving like a human being, it would be Vector.


    “We have no comprehension to your meaning, Agent,” Vector said smoothly, too smoothly. Brei'yu fixed him with an incredulous look.


    “Don't call me Agent, Vector,” she said offhandedly. It was an old argument, one that began when she and Vector had been first introduced. It couldn't even really be called an argument since he would call her Agent, she'd fume and tell him not to and in the next breath he'd call her Agent again. Reminding him not to refer to her as an Imperial lackey was par for the course for all their conversations now. In fact, she was really rather tiring of it.


    “Apologies,” he murmured as he did every time. “Agent Westan seemed to be in acceptable mental states when last we spoke.”


    Brei'yu pointed an accusing finger at him, taking a few more steps into the cargo bay. “Don't you give me that bantha fodder, Hyllus. Adris is never in 'acceptable mental states' at any point when he's awake. Either he's talking to himself like he has an audience, or he's hatching grand machismo plans that make me look like frail female from every romance holovid ever. You're a very smart man, I know you see as much of a problem in this as I do.”


    Vector cocked his head to the side and regarded her with an expression she couldn't read. She couldn't know that she had just thrilled something deep inside him when she referred to him as a man. Not a bug, or bugboy. Not even Joiner. She'd called him a man. Vector's feet drifted closer to her, as though being nearer would intensify this lovely feeling.


    Brei'yu searched his face for some explanation, emotion, or surface thought she could connect with, then immediately felt guilty. Her ability didn't work like that. She would have to touch him, and he wouldn't know she would be Force searching his surface thoughts. Touching him wouldn't be bad, as weird as that thought was. But it was a violation that Vector didn't deserve.


    “Westan has shared with us some of the finer details, you are correct. But even we have to admit, he has thought this out thoroughly. Perhaps you are the one who needs to see things clearly, Agent.”


    Brei'yu cracked her knuckles in response. “Vector. Don't. Call me Agent. Really. And I fail to understand why you are even willing to go along with this. Adris has this hard-on for making me look like an imbecile when I have a gun in my hand because he still thinks of me as that girl from Alderaan. Like I can't handle having the Empire break...” she trailed off and shook her head. “Whatever. I'm not stupid, I'm not weak and just once I want to kick a little a*s in these plans.”


    Vector had become very interested in Brei as she talked. Despite the familiarity between her and Agent Westan, the dropped hints about Alderaan and something that happened to the both of them there, no details were ever offered. And when she began to mention it, she always held herself back. If he had been another man, he would have been infuriated. “No one thinks you stupid or weak, Agent. I believe Agent Westan knows you could lay him out whenever you felt the urge.”


    “Vector!” Brei'yu shot her hands up in the air in frustration. “Seriously and for the love of all things good and true...” She bit off anything nasty she was about to say and took a deep breath through her nose. Maybe it was time to just plow right through it. “Alright, Vector. Please, tell me honestly. WHY do you insist on calling me Agent, even when I remind you, EVERY time, not to?”


    “Because,” he murmured, forcing her to draw closer to him to hear. “Every time you correct us, you use our name.”


    Brei'yu paused. She searched his face for something though she wasn't sure what she wanted to see or if she'd recognize it if it were there. “Fine. If I begin every sentence I speak to you with your name, will you stop?” It was absurd to even ask, but if he liked to hear people say his name then dammit, she could loop it on repeat until her head fell off.


    “No,” Vector answered. And he smiled at her.


    It was a small smile, but even Brei'yu could see the amusement in it. She froze in wonder as she studied his face. This entire time, he had been using her as a personal joke. “This is funny to you,” she said, unable to keep the surprise out of her face or voice.


    “Did you assume we lost our sense of humor when we became a Joiner?” That smile again. She had been wrong the first time. It was though he were looking at something he liked, or maybe something he enjoyed looking at.


    Brei'yu suddenly found herself wondering why she had never noticed how handsome Vector was. The realization rocked her back a step. He made up for it with three of his own. The gears in her head were turning too fast for her keep up with. She wasn't sure she was even coming to any sort of correct conclusion. She did know, however, that she and Vector had never, up to this moment, been alone together. In fact, she found herself going out of her way to put Adris between them as a barrier. She knew it wasn't because she found Vector to be disturbing or repulsive. She just was a little touched in the head with the Imperial view that aliens were lesser. She didn't like it about herself, she actively fought against it where she could, but there it was. She kept Vector at arms length because he was other and that wasn't right. Embarrassment colored her cheeks. It was easy to hate on Kaliyo because the woman was a psychotic b*tch. Vector never wanted anything other than connection and conversation.


    Who was the b*tch now?


    Vector's smile fell away. “Have we upset you?” he asked, concerned.


    “No, Vector,” she said. She felt the nearly overwhelming urge to apologize to him, but found herself not wanting to admit her atrocity out loud. She pressed her lips together, feeling frustration flow through her thoughts. What happened to the funny? He had just a moment ago been having his fun with her. Oh yeah, she ruined everything she touched. That's what happened. “I'll tell you this. Every time you refer to me as 'Agent,' I'm going to make a note. Then, when you least expect it, I'm going to have Kaliyo knock you out and I'm going to tattoo my name somewhere on your body. I'm thinking across your forehead, but I'm sure Kaliyo is going want to do it across your a*s. We'll have to flip a cred.”


    He regarded her for a moment before a shadow of that smile returned. “Indeed. You seem fond of the idea of putting a tattoo on our body. Do you wish to mark us?” He sounded thoughtful but she could hear the playfulness thread through his words.


    Oh. My. STARS. She cursed herself. One stray thought that Vector was handsome and suddenly, awkward.


    Brei'yu summoned her best incredulous eye and planted her hands on her hips. “Why are you distracting me with this? This isn't why I came here.”


    “Why did you come here?”


    Brei'yu cursed silently again. She was off her damn stride. What the hell. “Westan. Westan is why I came here. Adris Westan and the ridiculous idea that's going to get you and me killed. Don't you have an ounce of self-preservation in you, Vector? Because his proposal is ludicrous.”


    “You don't trust us then?”


    Ouch. “Now you're putting words in my mouth. Quit grinning at me like that. I'm trying to keep us alive until at least next month.”


    “We have no qualms as to Agent Westan's plans. We fully believe we are able to protect you.” He was so damn matter of fact.


    “Are you kidding me? You're both insane. In. Sane. Did you hear me? Insane. I want to live to see my next birthday, thank you.”


    “When is your next birthday?”


    Brei'yu stared. “Nice try, Captain Subtle.” The title made him smile again and she felt herself answer it. She couldn't keep the laugh out of her voice even as she admonished him. “Don't change the subject.”


    “We have covered many subjects with you in these last few minutes. Which one would you like to continue?” Vector tilted his head and gave her what she read as innocence.


    Brei'yu narrowed her eyes. “Oh, Westan's taught you well. You hide behind that guile, Master Hyllus. Because you'll never find a better teacher.”


    “We like it better when you call us Vector,” he said quietly.


    She realized he had moved up to her and was standing just within her personal space. When had he gotten so close and why did she suddenly feel dizzy? Was the room warming up? She stood, frozen to the floor for a moment, her head buzzing, before she realized she should leave before she did something stupid that she couldn't take back and made a fool out of herself.


    She took a careful step back, her blue eyes locked on Vector's dark ones. “If he gets me killed, I'm going to be very upset with you,” she said, trying for her patented nonchalance. He'd thrown her off balance, seriously, what the hell?


    “We won't let that happen,” Vector said as he watched her escape to the door.


    Brei'yu didn't answer, instead she backed out of the room and fled down the hall. She didn't see Westan approach the cargo bay. She didn't hear him address Vector with brotherly understanding.


    “You're never going to get the girl if you keep letting her get away.”



    ohh it was you and not ruth, rofl <3


    but lol, that would be funny ruth doing his take on it too >:3

  8. Bahaha! That would be awesome!


    Of course, apart from Wynston being fairly assertive on Nar Shaddaa, Ruth didn't process any non-Quinn man in the galaxy from Balmorra to, oh, about Corellia. Since she's directly me-during-my-first-playthrough. :rolleyes:


    But clearly when she needs comfort around endgame, Joinerlicious action would be the thing to do! :cool:


    (New awkward scene: So, Wynston, we have a history, and I like you, but I'll just be banging your best friend from here on in. Have a nice life!)


    oh, is it someone else who had the male and female agent counterparts?

    i guess you'd just tell vector they need to use his body to appease the wrath as a diplomatic treaty present?

  9. I feel like I should show something for Ruth in which she isn't being bereaved, heartbroken, or literally eviscerated, because really she was my first heavily headcanoned character and I like her and she was fundamentally a happy person for a long time. I'll keep an eye out for opportunities to show her at her shining best.


    Excellent stories! I have been alternating between giggling and sadness ever since Friday :o

    im still waiting on seeing how you hook vector up >:3

  10. So it's ok in a T rated game to kill a woman's husband, proposition her in front of her son, then make your slave watch while you "socialize" with her? I think BioWare was pushing that a bit. lol

    yeah... lots of innuendo hinting at promiscuity, threesomes, S&M ( shock collar ftw), infidelity, ect, but no making out, pushing onto beds, afterglow talks, even non-foreplay cuddles

  11. Thanks all for your support ^^

    It's hard not being able to work on such a pleasant sight, I mean, my current Vector illustration.

    Until I get together a brand new computer, I won't be able to touch him again.


    =^.^= I only have his handsome face done, all the rest still needs lots of work.


    For those interested, since it'll take a while before you can see him, I'll tease you with a description of the scene:



    Vector is in his original customization

    He's naked, we have a nice view of his face and chest

    He's got his black gaze straight on you, his hair untangled

    One of his hand is extended towards you

    and behind him you see.... the ceiling! <3



    I'll let you wonder what quote inspired me.




  12. :Communication Breakdown:


    (Featuring my Smuggler Dean Stryder and some of his crew)



    Risha is sauntering down the ship corridor and about to pass by the Captain’s quarters when the sound of slightly muffled voices catch her attention.


    Eyebrow quirking into one of an unspoken curiosity, the young woman turns her gaze to the closed door that blocks the entry to the Captain’s room. Though the voices are indeed muffled, she can still somewhat make out who they belong to.


    The only thing unsettling about it is the actual content she happens to stumble upon them discussing.


    “… Cap’n. Please… you gotta go easy on me,” the slightly drawled voice is none other than Corso’s- the near unmarred devotion and obvious worship of all things Dean saturating his pleading tone.


    Risha snorts to herself- with the way Corso moons over the Captain, it’s only a wonder how half the galaxy hasn’t already clued in yet to the definite- if currently unnamed –bond between the two men.


    “You know you’re wasting your breath right, Riggs?” Dean’s infuriatingly calm voice responds. There is a heavy grunting sound, and then a thud.


    Risha’s eyes widen when she hears a low groan being emitted from (most likely) Corso’s throat, before a shuffling noise follows.


    This is too good, Risha thinks, even as a part of her feels guilty for eavesdropping. She eyes up and down the corridor to see she’s alone, before moving closer to the door and pressing her ear against it.


    “Sooner you surrender, the sooner I can go easy on you.” Dean’s voice is almost always a calm tenor- but Risha can definitely pick up the thick smugness in his voice. “It’s your choice, really.”


    “Not gonna happen,” Corso responds, sounding slightly breathy. The shuffling noise is heard again, before the sound of heavy breathing.


    “This… is… ridiculous,” Corso grinds out, before another definite moan escapes.


    There is another heavy thud.


    “If this keeps up, I’m gonna be so sore.” Corso mutters. “I won’t even be useful on the field with me being all cramped up.”


    “Practice makes perfect. Here- stop squeezing so tight,” Dean is advising and Risha’s mouth falls open. “Loosen up, and change your position. See? At this angle, I can-"


    “Ahhh!” Corso’s gasp does something to Risha, and before she knows it her cheeks are flaring up.


    I knew the Captain had it in him, but sheesh. I'm not sure whether to pity or congratulate Corso… Is all that runs through her mind as she straightens to her full height.


    Maybe she should leave the men to their privacy after all.


    “No fair!” Corso say, sounding breathless after a few moments of silence. “I was unprepared for it. You’re gonna be the death of me!”


    “What can I say?” Dean drawls. “I love being on top.”


    At this, Risha shakes her head and bolts, wondering if she had been smart to stop and listen in the first place. How she will ever look at her Captain or his Second in Command with a straight face ever again she doesn’t know.






    Inside Dean’s quarters, the Epicanthix sits back leisurely in his chair, crossing his arms over his lean chest. His gold eyes watch the man sitting across from him, a flicker of victory lighting his gaze.


    For his part, Corso rubs at his hand, sending a half-serious glare at his Captain. His arm aches and it’ll be a miracle if he can use to it to hold a blaster properly for the next few days.


    “I swear,” he growls irritably. “One of these days, I am so going to beat you at arm wrestling. Even if it kills me!”


    Dean just gives him a dirty grin.




    Author's Note:...I was bored? :rolleyes:


    omg *giggle* the dark side runs strong in this one :rak_03:

  13. Okay, it took me two days to read this entire thread. I didn't want to needlessly repeat something that had already been said. Now that I have read it all, I feel the need to offer a warning to people like me.


    I myself hate Vector. I always hated Vector. I hate the Killiks. I am not creeped out about him being a joiner. I am not creeped out by bugs. I just don't like him. I never did. I never take him out. I never play with him. I did want his affection levelled up though because I want him to perform his crew tasks quickly and efficiently. He can work as hard as the rest of the worker bees on MY ship. Especially since I never wanted him on my ship anyway.


    I knew as affection levelled it would trigger the story line. That is fine. I did want to see all my companion's stories anyway.


    I have one character that is almost purely lightside and two that are almost purely darkside, but my female sniper and my male commando I play neutral. I play them as extensions of me. I make them converse and act in whatever way I feel I would act in a given situation. (And like real life, when I have had a bad day I sometimes take it out in the virtual world, and have felt a bit bad about it the next day.)


    So... Vector. You are a nice guy. An intelligent conversationalist. A genuinely nice person. You just rub me the wrong way and annoy the hell out of me. So, what's the problem?


    Well, I was doing my normal "talk to Vector" routine, which is "be nice, and try to avoid his obvious overtures". I could see he was getting the hots for me and I wanted to make sure he knew I wasn't interested. So the problem? Yes?




    We were talking... I was trying to be nice and supportive. THE NEXT THING I KNEW WE WERE KISSING! Fade to black and then we were having the awkward "What are we going to tell everybody now?" conversation STANDING IN THE BEDROOM! GAH!


    I WAS SO ANGRY! HOW DID I LET THIS HAPPEN? Walk of shame, walk of shame. I wanted in that moment more than any other to put a blaster bolt either right through Vector's forehead or my own for letting that happen. That's how I ended up here. I was SO ANGRY AND DISGUSTED I went online and did a search engine search for "I hate Vector" and it brought me to this thread.


    No, I never "escape key" out of conversations. I say what I say and let the cards fall where they may. I know the fangirls will say I just succumbed to Vector's amazing and undeniable charm, but I really felt horrible and kind of dirty afterward (and not in a good way). In my next conversation I was so, so, SO happy to tell him marraige was not a good idea. I did feel bad to see him hurt that way (I am not a bad person after all) but it HAD to be done. In the next conversation after the proposal I also got the "you're my husband" option also which I found dismaying because now I can't escape the feeling that now that Vector got a piece he might now become my stalker and he will always think of me as "his". Ugh.




    It happened to me.


    Poor agent. A mistake hookup in an already convoluted and crappy life.


    As an aside Eckard is just about the only agent companion I can relate to. I don't like blind loyalists. Vector and Raina are Imperial toadies, with Vector having all his hive "duties" piled on top of that. Kaliyo and Scorpio are blindly loyal to themselves. 2V-R8 is blindly loyal to me (which is just pathetic). Yes, yes. I know Vector shows he will choose me over everything else, but he just comes with too much baggage. Scorpio seems to show she is pleased with our arrangement, but the first time she told me she WOULD kill me all I wanted to do was put a blaster bolt between her eyes (and I have wanted to ever since). Only Eckard seems to understand that we have a job to do, but it is not the be-all, end-all of everything. THAT I can relate to.


    eh, one size does not fit all. and yes, lokin is the awesomest non romance comp by FAR ( dont give me that look blizz, boss still loves you very much )

    if he ever stabs me in the back, i probably wouldnt be mad because he would do it sofa king epically.


    The one time my char freaked out on Vector was in his seperated state.

    She threatened to shoot him, then she was all,if I wanted a full human I'd go get one, stupid!




    mine was all " DEM EYEZ *drool*" and then realised it probably was a big strain on him, and yeah, she was VERY interested in seeing his reactions to...intimate stimuli after his whole ration bar speech. as for the hive watching, after watcher x, she really didn't care, she saw it more or less like that annoying pet that likes to watch out of curiosity.


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