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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. The part about story content coming "in the next year or so" worries me, though. I know that time period includes the rest of this year, but if BioWare goes back on its statement that new story content and SGRs will happen this year, I'm going to be really upset. I understand that things don't always go as planned, but they shouldn't have made that statement if they couldn't back it up. We shall see. :(


    that upset me a ton

  2. My agent is only level 14 so I don't have the attachment to Vector that others seem to have. But I am rather attached to Quinn, and I've been near to tears a few times. Can't wait for more!


    ohh your lucky... me and my other 2 vectorites in my server had a bawwfest XD

    i still couldnt sleep last night x.x

    now i'm having to draw fuzz to get over it XD

  3. You ruin the guys, I'll ruin the girls. My next targets are Elara (rerolling my PB Trooper as Chiss), Kira, Vette, Ashara, and eventually Nadia if I can play a Consular without falling asleep. lol


    sweet! screw painting the town red.. we gonna paint the galaxy BLUE

  4. Catching Up, even more. Because a man like Wynston has many, many people in his past. Imperial Agent, 800 words, no spoilers.



    Wynston was passing through the spaceport of a small out-of-the-way colony. He had been there before, some years ago; it wasn’t much to look at, but he was in town to trade for a couple of rare resources.


    A voice cut through the noise of the spaceport’s main concourse. “Ryce!”


    A small process in the back of his mind ran a quick check and decided he should answer to this name. He turned around.


    He knew the short slim blonde pushing through the crowd. Leena, last name never specified, it hadn’t seemed relevant at the time. Very sweet girl.


    “Leena,” said the Chiss, smiling. “I had no idea you were still in town.”


    He stuck out a hand to clasp hers so she couldn't close the distance for a hug. She squeezed his hand and beamed. “Long as trade comes through here, here's where I'll be.”


    “How’ve you been?” Even with former flings, he liked friendly conversations to go slightly longer than ‘Hi, gotta run.’


    She gave some gushing update, and he gave some vague statement of satisfaction with his vague work, and then she got started. “So how long are you in town?”


    Before he could answer, a shout sounded from not too far away: “Hey! There you are!”


    Oh, good. Kaliyo had thus far been pretty good about giving Wynston an inarguable out in these situations. She seemed to enjoy hanging on his arm and watching the hope die in other women’s eyes.


    The Rattataki ran up and twined her arms around his neck, then looked over at Leena. “Is this the tramp you said might be up for an easy threesome? I see what you mean about the flat chest.”


    That was new.


    “What?” said Leena.


    “I’m sorry, who are you?” said Wynston.


    “Wow, no need to get weird. I thought we were here for an easy score, but if you’re gonna play innocent on me, we may as well just leave and go on to the you-know-what clinic you needed to hit up.”


    “I don’t know this woman,” said Wynston. He jerked his head sideways to knock Kaliyo’s head off his shoulder. “Hey, woman I don’t know, go away before I’m forced to make things unpleasant.”


    “Either she’s crazy or you’re actually a creep,” said Leena slowly, “and either way you’re threatening her now.”


    “Yeah, he’s a pr*ck, but hey, he’s a dynamo in the sack, wouldn’t you agree?” Kaliyo flicked Wynston’s ear with a fingertip. “I don’t think she wants to play. Why don’t we hit up her sister like you said, and then if she’s a b*tch too we’ll just bounce.”


    “Kaliyo, get out of here. Leena, it’s been great talking to you, but I really need to go.”


    Leena backed away. “Since, apparently, I’m not up for what you’re here for?”


    “That’s not it at all,” said Wynston.


    “That’s exactly it,” said Kaliyo.


    He elbowed Kaliyo, hard. She stifled a giggle.


    “Stars, Ryce, leave her alone,” said Leena. “I don’t know why you’re back, but keep me out of it.” She fled.


    Kaliyo laughed a rich laugh.


    Wynston scanned the scene. A few people were giving them curious looks. He touched Kaliyo’s elbow and went for the nearest side room. She strolled alongside him, willingly, cheerfully.


    He shut the door and rounded on her. “What the buggering hell was that?”


    “I was giving you an assist in shaking off one of your old girlfriends. You know, like we talked about?”


    “I asked you to help me pretend I’m taken so I can let them down gently, key word gently!”


    She opened her eyes wide. “Did you write that down somewhere? You know I get lost with the subtleties of your sneaky agent ways.”


    “You’re a monster. And how did you even know about her sister?”


    “Lucky guess. Why do you even care what these chicks think of you? They don’t know your real name or who you are. Who cares if last year’s girl thinks you behaved badly?”


    “I know when I’ve behaved badly,” said Wynston. “I don’t enjoy leaving that kind of heartache.”


    Kaliyo yawned. “That’s sweet. Look, I got her out of your hair. And you have to admit it was funny.”


    “I don’t have to admit anything. Psychopath. What’ll it take to keep you amused long enough for me to finish my business here without attracting an angry mob?”


    “I might be convinced to behave if you bribe me with favors tonight.”


    “I’m not spending the night with you, Kaliyo.”


    “What, you would turn all this – “ she ran her hands down her sides and over her hips – “down for spite?”


    “Well, yes.” Even if it was really, really difficult when she looked at him like that.


    “You’re an idiot. Also I’m gonna follow you around all evening wrecking your prospects with anyone else.”


    “Possessive, are we?”


    “Spiteful,” she said happily. “I’m going back out there for now. With any luck she’ll come back with armed, outraged menfolk.”



    and THIS is why i haven't shoved kaliyo out of the airlock yet

  5. My Agent ruined Kaliyo for non-Chiss everywhere, and Raina now knows that Once you go Blue, nothing else will do.


    Same with his "brother" the Gunslinger. Risha is down with the Blueness. :cool:


    lets see.... so far on my legacy i've given the blue bug to:

    vector, torian, jorgan, corso, and working on quinn >:3

    i WILL smurf the entire galaxy

  6. I was wondering when you'd show up to rage about Vector :D


    i'm 2 hours into my mindbleach session on youtube. It involves copious ammounts of kitten videos, My little ponies, and ...more ponies. another hour and i think i can sleep..... need...moar ponies.... also..this is why my agent keeps it a deep secret about her relationship with vector, well i guess the crew would figure it out after awhile, considering those close fitting agent outfits cant hide baby bumps :3


    * huggles her vector close* it's ok honeybee.... nobody is going to hurt my copy of you :D


    " We...can't.... breathe"


    ...there..maru and pinkie pie have calmed my mind..i can sleep XD

  7. someone else and i were discussing her first " dud" baby, or at least that one mini fic in the short sieries thread.


    my friend is an all-out family person, she was livid.


    me.. " eh.. it's a nobility thing. she must have been eaten up inside how she made a failure"


    then i read the first installment.



    ...nobody touches vector. NOBODY :D



    still fun to read ~

  8. " hmm i gonna skim some of these-"




    Author's note:

    I'm sorry to all my fellow Vector fans!!! Someone had to die, someone innocent. My heart broke writing it, when I realized what had to happen.





  9. That is still one of the most awesomely hot pics I've seen in my life. Vector just lived out some guys' fantasies. :D


    Lucky basitch. :cool:


    in all his contacts to alien communities in the galaxies, he knows Chiss is bliss :cool:

  10. My smuggler, Teumessia, is named after the Teumessian Fox, a child of the greek chimera ( my legacy )

    it was a beast that could never be caught. Poor corso. She warned him she would break his heart, but she allowed him to follow. He may be the only man privilaged to be allowed to follow her from planet to planet, but he will never "capture" her, never own her, never tame her. She will not bend for him, but as long as he understands this, she will allow him to be by her side, he has been warned, and it was his choice.

  11. If you play and Imperial Agent then Kaliyo tells you I think on Dromund Kaas



    She had a friend that went to a Sith party. He was the entertainment. He came back wrong and she had to put him down.



    So I'm going to say that I don't ever want to find out what Sith parties are like, because my mind does not need to be broken. Not yet.


    yeah was gonna say, that was creepy. probably tons of slaves treated as disposable toys.

  12. Not sure I understand this "crisper lineart" but if I do, I'd suggest to work on a bigger resolution, like minimum 150dpi.


    I've done some lineart, but it's been forever since I made cartoon-manga-comic book style drawings :)


    i think what i need is a scanner than isn't literally 10 years old, and some better brushes for photoshop for correcting lines.

    or learn to use other programs with brushes made for tablet inking

  13. I would have punched Corso SO HARD. Then blamed it on hormones or something.


    <3 Ayang I just want her to be happy.


    punched. so. hard.


    hormones are the best excuse ever. too bad vector can call BS on my agent if she pulled that card. " Your scent signals that your body's song-rhythm is NOT in that phase..."

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