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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Crezelle

  1. I feel bad for Oriah she just lost father and do not know if alive or not.:(


    Ardyth will when she die. Please her kill already and her father too.(Casue really my sith warroir is dark side but he not that bad of a guy):mad:


    Qustion: What happen to Quinn and Shiloh.


    I hope Quinn the one to kill Ardyth casue really he been through this crap and hope he and Shiloh escape soon.


    i say... death by killik swarm :D

  2. Oh, Lord, my first few ideas for Show and Tell are just awful. Can you imagine?


    BABY KALIYO: And here is the head of that Zabrak I was complaining about last week! Check out all the blood that dried in his hair!

    BABY JAESA stares, fascinated.

    BABY JAESA: Is that good? I can't tell.

    LORD SCOURGE: And you killed him yourself, Kaliyo?

    BABY KALIYO: Of course.

    LORD SCOURGE: Well done.

    BABIES VECTOR, TALOS, KIRA, CORSO, and ELARA burst into inconsolable tears.

    T7-01: Show and tell = over // children = no more grisly war trophies as show and tell

    BABIES PIERCE, YUUN, and AKAAVI, getting up to carry their show-and-tell bags back toward their cubbyholes: Aww.

    BABY BROONMARK, looking awkward as he stashes his show-and-tell bag back in his fur: Blllorp.




    (EDIT: Oh, also, that Scourge drawing definitely had an interesting and immediate effect on me. Nicely done :D )


    lol i wanna see what blizz, vector, quinn, and vette would have brought :D


    blizz would have brought...everything.

  3. Incredibly sweet Vector! I love it. Melted right through. I honestly have a hard time seeing Vector love the Agent as much in Joiner form as he does when he suppresses it. I need to get my mind changed and this goes a long way to doing so. I have a good grasp on Vector in all ways but romantic. He can say he loves the Agent, but I see him distant. That's why I haven't written anything that has him together with Brei'yu.


    I like this Vector better than mine. I need to watch his romance again to see what you see.


    theres tons of vector worship fics on tumblr i found, and many of them see what i see too :D ( some of them wouldn't be fit for forums >.> what, theyre still very tastefull and insightive! )



    but to get a full insight on him, youd need to run the agent with him out and nobody else for the cutscenes/ area drabbles :3

  4. Pilgrimage


    chiss IA Crezelle, vector, certain voss worldboss.



    Allegy warning: may contain traces of nuts, gore, fluff, and spoilers



    Sleep did not come easy.


    There had been rumours circulating about her network of allies she often joined for small force operations of a supernatural evil appearing near an artefact in a voss field. The locals dared not go near the field any more out of fear. Local diplomatic powers had posted a huge reward for the defeat of this beast in order to help sway the voss people towards the empire. Ever since Imperial Intelligence had dissolved, Crezelle had to find operations wherever she could to keep her crew well paid and well supplied. Many a time she had banded together with others in her position; Bounty hunters, rogue sith lords, other disentangled agents, and many a time they had gone out on single contract missions like this. Even as one of the team medics fighting in the back lines, it was overwhelming. Even with protective items suggested by the voss shamans, the aftermath of the fight had left her emotionally ragged. The shamans on voss were expectedly at awe that her and her friends had vanquished the fiend, but warned that a dark power loomed over them, and would persist for days. Crezelle shrugged it off, despite having already been witness to many supernatural occurrences on that planet.


    As soon as she returned to the ship, her crew knew something was wrong. It was common to see her run ragged and wounded physically, but she still would retain a cheery, confident disposition, spent, but satisfied with herself. This time she unceremoniously skulked into the lobby, dragging her feet like a broken down slave carrying supplies down the same route it had taken for years before, and would continue to for years to come. Her body still had energy to it, but her mind was bogged down to the point where thinking beyond the simplest of tasks was labouring. At the insistence of Lokin, she allowed herself to be scanned and treated for what minor wounds she sustained . Immediately she went to her quarters to rest.


    As soon as her eyes closed, she was there again. Golden earth, golden sky. Phantom incarnations of her friends danced around a towering beast and it's sinister handler. In this reality, her and her friends sustained wounds that normally would be physically impossible to continue fighting, or even surviving. Limbs torn and bent askew, blood and viscera flowing infinitely to the ground from exaggerated wounds. She heard the drumming of a giant gun pelting her endlessly full of holes, but she still fought. No matter what her and her friends wrought onto the foes, and whatever was in turn wrought on them, the fight would not stop. She tried to use her kolto, but the injectors would miss, or come out malfunctioning. She began to spit out teeth and blood. She heard the humanoid figure taunt her in a harsh, alien tongue, gesture with a hand that had the flesh flayed off it with a friend's light sabre, and the beast leapt on her.


    She jolted up in her bed, heart pounding in her ears, still hearing echoes of the demon's gunfire. She tried again to fall asleep, but fear kept her awake. Why was she so afraid? She excelled in controlling her fear in training. Was it really because of her encounter with that beast? She could barely remember the fight now, except for vivid recollections of fear and confusion. Now she sat, alone, huddled under her sheets, scared and alone, her spirit a shell of what it normally is. She tried remembering what the shamans had said to her. They said the darkness would fade, but it would take many days. She needed sleep before that time.


    She tried hard to focus her thoughts and trouble shoot a solution to her problems, but nothing came. Just the urge to seek comfort from that fear that still nipped at her heels in the back of her mind, like a jackal on a weakened hart.





    Vector slept silently in his room. Neither one of them were ready to come out to the rest of her crew about their relationship, Crezelle saying she feared anyone having knowledge of her involvement with him would leave him at risk at the hands of any one of a number of enemies she had made as an emotional weak point of hers. She promised some day soon, at least the crew would know, as it was becoming unbearable having to find any sizeable ammount of time alone with him on the sly. Kaliyo could care less about how often she was given credits and told to take a weekend off, but the others were starting to question all the times they were also sent off ship.


    A small voice in his head woken him. Drowsily he opened one eye to find a small killik fingerling inches from his face.

    It chattered, bobbed it's abdomen up and down, and flicked it's limbs and antennae in communication. Crezelle, his mate, his wife, was outside his door, and had asked it to waken him to let her in his quarters.


    Immediately he got up, concerned. As soon as he sensed her back on the ship, something was very wrong. Her bright, confident aura normally would radiate and dance playfully, but at that moment it was pale, ragged, worn, a metallic note reminiscent of blood tainted it. He had tried to approach her on it, but Lokin took her into his lab before he had a chance, and immediately after she had secluded herself in her room. He opened the door, and in front of him she stood, sheepishly averting her gaze. Her aura quivered close to her skin in timidness. He smelled fear.


    " I don't know how to say this without sounding like a child..... but i can't sleep. Bad dreams. I... uh... Could i just hang out here for awhile? I Don't care right now if the crew finds me here in the morning. Whatever happened back on voss has left me emotionally and mentally drained. All i need now is someone close to keep my mind still. You radiate such calmness when you meditate, and... i feel safe near you. You.. don't mind do you?"


    It took all of his diplomatic training in tact and self control not to grin. As seriously offset and uneased as she was, to see the steel resolved, fierce heroine of the old intelligence in her nightgown, looking up pleadingly like a child after a nightmare was rather ironically adorable. He stepped aside from the doorway, and looked around the hallway behind her as she walked in to make sure nobody had witnessed this. Even if they had, he was sure he could explain it some way or another.


    Still looking sheepish, Crezelle slipped into one side of the single bed, trying her best to get comfortable, but still leave room for it's proper owner. Immediately she was comforted by the bed that had been pre-warmed with his body heat, surrounded by his familiar scent.


    Vector made sure she was comfortably nestled in before he in turn settled himself in. Her aura's colour was coming back, and she certainly looked a lot more at ease. He reached out and smoothed a loose lock of deep blue hair behind her ear, and she smiled at him. She scooted over, nestled herself snugly against him, sighed, closed her eyes and relaxed her whole body.


    He smiled back. He too tried to relax, but it was difficult. He was not used to being in such close contact with this woman he loved, and the times he was, were times of passion. His body remembered this association well, and reacted to her presence, her skin against his, her scent, her scent alone was enough to drive him to the point of begging helplessly some days, and she LOVED it when she drove him to that point. He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips in apparent frustration at the situation. Now was NOT the time for this, and he needed sleep too.


    He tried meditating in order to distract his mind and body, when he felt and heard her stir. Her face twitched slightly as her eyes fluttered under their lids. Her aura hissed and he smelled fear. Whatever haunted her before was back. How he wished he could touch her mind like his joiner comrades. She was elsewhere, and he did not know if he could reach her in the land she now was in. Gently he squeezed her closer to him, and, as quietly and gently as he could as to not wake her, he whispered.


    " We are here, you are not alone. We WILL protect you. We love you. You are in our arms, and you are safe."

    He kissed her forehead and kept whispering reassuringly to her for several moments longer until her body stilled, and her aura became calm once again, like an ocean storm immediately clearing. He smiled, and finally, sleep came to him as well.





    Author's notes


    i have seriously had dreams where i have tried to kill things, and they would be pummeled to the point of being unreconiseable, and still would weakly get up and move. i have had dreams where bone shards from broken limbs would endlessly migrate out the wounds, and blood spill endlessly...... so sorry if the nightmare got vivid x.x


    i never have finished NP, but i often wanted to just so i could headcanon my agent getting some TLC from her honeybee :3

    i still can hear that gunfire of the pilgrim, and him mocking us in his tongue from the one attempt i tried


  5. Exactly. Some people may not care about it, but personally, it's one of my favorite aspects of the game and absolutely one of the key things that keeps me playing. Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but I like more to my gaming experience than endlessly killing things or blowing things up. ;) If there was a way to level a character to 50 entirely with conversations and character choices, I'd be all over that. The character aspect is what I love about this game, and the companions are a big part of that.


    yup, im not a SW fan, so it aint that that keeps me here. although i never knew i wanted to live out the fantasy of being a hot space ninja smurfette till swtor....

  6. Personally,


    I see this is a fluff content. It wouldnt intrest me in the slightest to know what one of my 6 companions is doing on one of my 5 alts. They are just background chatter.


    The romance sceens are pretty much useless, the whole idea is rather silly. Im suppose to gain some sense of endearement from my screen fadeing to black as the characters move off screen right. Then the screen fades back in and...what...? I'm suppose to be excited about more of this content?


    Im looking forward to HK-51 and his story, also, im looking forward to Bioware not wasteing money on this fluff content. Please bioware, dont waste your time. Thanks.


    i know plenty of people who love this game because the companion fluff seperates it from other mmos

  7. So, to steer things back on-topic, I'll try to pick up on an earlier discussion suggestion I made: if you could put two companions in an SGR, who would you put together? I say Kaliyo/Vette because it would be hilarious, and Kira/Mako because it would be awesome. What say the rest of you?


    ohhhhh hmmmm


    well TMW already covered pierce and quinn... hmmm hmmm....


    torian and corso... ooooo

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