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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Xcore

  1. http://www.arenajunkies.com/user/174129-threatslol/ is all I can really prove at the moment, unless you want some pictures from my Facebook.


    That link is good, also could you just list here tournaments you've attended and placements/team names? I only ask this so that I can incorporate it well into the OP and hopefully raise Bioware's awareness to your post... Though I believe they at this point read every page of this thread.

  2. But that was not the intention of this game. It's about story, voice and animation. The game looks great and they story is great and the animations are awesome.


    It's a Bioware game, so they made a Bioware game. Bioware makes story driven game, Blizzard makes multiplayer games. So you are playing a Bioware game.


    So you're saying Bioware's response to this topic and elaborate thread will be "Go back to WoW"? I'm fairly confident that Bioware themselves read, understand and support this thread to some degree. All you defenders of this flawed and buggy system are really not doing them any justice...

  3. Speaking from a professional gamer's standpoint, the game is simply unplayable. It is barely possible to outplay your opponents with a 2 second median reaction time. Olympic is .4, I'd settle for .8. It is hilarious how they were bragging about taking subscriptions away from World of Warcraft when anything in this game after the single player parts might as well have been made in 2003... by Blizzard, and then discarded so their game would actually be successful.


    I can interrupt my own instant casts. There's at least a 1 second delay on every single one of my abilities(even instants not on the global) with a professional gaming computer and 3 MS. I live right down the road. You should hire me, throw away the Hero Engine and maybe we can fix your issues.




    Say I'm CC'd by the door in Voidstar and I want to trinket to interrupt the cap - here we have a perfect example of how you've ripped off World of Warcraft almost to the letter with everything from the battleground style in this, "Warzone," to "Tenacity" AND it's cooldown, et al, holy moly.


    So anyway, here I am playing a WoW clone, stunned by the door. I trinket(I am not going to call it Tenacity because it is a blatant rip off of World of Warcraft and it hasn't established a real name for itself.) Nothing happens. Nothing happens for almost an entire global. I am spamming Concussion Charge. At this point I have only casted Tenacity, which does not use my global and I have waited for 1.5 seconds. Finally, the game registers that I have casted my PvP trinket, takes the cooldown 2 seconds late, frees me from my CC and allows my Concussion Charge spam to activate the ability except I get knocked back, the UI tells me my instant cast ability was interrupted and my Resolve bar has already decayed to 75%.


    There is no saying, "hehehe don't spam your abilities." There is no saying, "well I still like the game anyway!" There is no saying, "well if everyone has the same lag, it's balanced!"


    Those are stupid excuses for a stupid problem. This should have never been released. This literally ruined the game for me and my entire organization. Have fun having less than a million subscribers in 6 months and then turning into EVE online. Yes I have the ability queue set to 0.0. And no, you're not playing the game without these problems: you're just a bad player with a slow reaction time.


    Fact: Blizzard spent $63 million making World of Warcraft


    Fact: BioWare does not own the Hero Engine


    Fact: If you don't find some way to fix this, your game is dead. No matter what excuses all these Star Wars fanboys make, eventually Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, Mists of Pandaria are going to bleed your game dry because those game companies don't think built-in lag is a cool feature.


    Oh yeah, and are we going to be able to turn off camera auto-follow anytime soon, or is everyone being forced to have terrible awareness another cool feature?


    Thanks for the $300 mil 1-50 quests I spacebar'd through, so long.


    Your post is too extreme and hardcore for a lot to appreciate but I hope that Bioware takes it very seriously because the passion and accuracy is very valuable and displays why WoW is so successful.


    I would like to add parts of your post to the OP if you could list me more specifically your Pro Gaming credentials, perhaps with further proof if comfortable...


    Thank you for contributing

  4. Its always been a sad fact that crybabys are a loud minority, those who enjoy the game are most likly to busy enjoying the game to pay much attention to the forums.


    Those with a severe lack of life are the ones on the forums making these `im qutting` threads like they actully think there someone of importance and the loss of them personally will affect the community.


    Me I just like trolling them, if there going to whine so much over a video game they deserve it, if I dont like something I just move on and try something else, I dont waste my time moaning about it, one day this will get through to them :p


    Saying "Vocal Minority" posting on the forums etc. is a terrible arguement:


    Listen, a thread (3000+ replies and 150,000+ views in less than 72 hours) is an absolutely good reflection of a serious issue. Every time you say, "yea but what about all the people who don't even post on the forums" I say, yes... and there are hundreds of thousands of them who would whole-heartily agree with the issue posted!


    It does you no good saying that its a minority who post on the forums, this minority is a statistical reference of a % of people who share the same views but do not post...



    Dismissing this issue in the fashion you have done is a dangerous miscalculation but I can live with it because I am 100% sure that Bioware (or any serious developer) is not doing it.

  5. I'm not here to comment on the nature of the 'issue' if it is one, all I'm saying is that just because you get a thousand posts doesn't mean its an epidemic. Only those with an issue seek to post in this thread. I'm certain that many hundreds of thousands of others are not so concerned, like myself until I read this thread and am still unconcerned.


    Fact is that this game won't fail cause of animation delay or whatever. Hardcore PVP isn't exactly the core of the subs they're looking for nor the ones that'll sustain this game.


    I enjoy this game, I'm a semi-serious gamer, and what hooks me most is the story, the art design, the voice acting, the sense of scale and grandeur in the larger planets, and the great people I meet in my guild. These are the real things that bind an MMO community, not the split second twitch PVP crowd.


    But who am I, I'm an RP gamer, and I would probably have been a SWG geek had I been into MMO back in that game's hey day.


    Saying "Vocal Minority" posting on the forums etc. is a terrible arguement:


    Listen, this thread (3000+ replies and 150,000+ views in less than 72 hours) is an absolutely good reflection of a serious issue. Every time you say, "yea but what about all the people who don't even post on the forums" I say, yes... and there are hundreds of thousands of them who would whole-heartily agree with this thread!


    It does you no good saying that its a minority who post on the forums, this minority is a statistical reference of a % of people who share the same views but do not post...



    Dismissing this issue in the fashion you have done is a dangerous miscalculation but I can live with it because I am 100% sure that Bioware (or any serious developer) is not doing it.

  6. Why do people always do this? It makes you look like a jack monkey.


    Seriously. Just because you don't experience a bug doesn't mean somebody else does. If a bug is easily replicated in all environments it's usually not a bug so much as a glaring programming error that half the time won't even build properly, let alone get past the very first initial testing phase.


    Most bugs require a specific set of circumstances to be met before they rear their ugly heads. And certain people are going to run in to more bugs than others, due to playstyle, software environment, bad luck etc.


    These people aren't being over-the-top. And to continually try to high-horse the issue with "you obviously havent played many MMOs, muh huh huh" as you gleefully twist your mustache just makes you look like an ignorant ***. Many of these people have been around for years. Some of us have been playing multiplayer online games since MUD/MUSH days. Some of us even develop them.


    Get over yourself.


    I'm not sure to which issue you speak to specifically or if you mean it in a broad sense but firstly I agree with you and more importantly I lol'd at 6:55am in bed reading the part in green.

  7. Once more. Seven years have nothing to do. This is competition. You do not compete with vanilla wow. You compete with 7-YO wow. And if you think of it, if an aged game can comfortably compete with a new multi-million one, there is something wrong.


    People are complaining for things THEY ALREADY have from another game. People are not as patient as they were with wow because simply back then wow was far superior than anything else (this is not biased. numbers showed that) and they had NO CHOICE. Now people have a choice and this make them more demanding.


    I really hope this will work both ways with blizzard as well. If this game succeeds a little, they will realize they are not alone. This will make them less arrogant.


    So, yes I can compare since I am a consumer and I choose. I may be a bit more patient than others but NO WAY as I were with wow. I have my wow subscription still active and I feel I have the choice. If BW messes things, no fanboi can save it. If they respect their paying customers I will stay here and watch this game evolve and succeed. EASY AS THAT.


    Thank you for this response to this incredibly ignorant thread...


    I actually stop even thinking about this fact as I assume people to be intelligent enough to realize this but alas...



    One of the funny things is that Bioware themselves said that they are comparing SW:TOR to WoW "now" instead of 7 years ago. Proving once more the complete uselessness of threads and opinions like this.

  8. The main bug out there is the responsivness of healing in PvP, which is absolutely horrible. In order to heal focused targets you need to use either channeled heals or start healing before they even are focused, because it takes a 2,5s heal 3,5-5,5s to actually land on the target. The rest, like companion skills resetting after each and every single zone switch is cosmetics. I'd focus on the AI of the companions, because they sometimes attack disabled targets (with single target skills, I know that if you don't disable AoE they just rush in and break any CC they can find which is ok), as it sometimes causes a crapload of trouble during heroics or flashpoints.





    Character and Gameplay responsiveness is the "main issue" period in this game. They know this, you don't run a game ignoring 3,000+ Replies and 150,000+ views to a thread started less than 72 hours ago...


    I mean no offense but all the listed little things are nothing compared to this issue of responsiveness. I am sure Bioware is "acutely" aware. If not, there is no hope for this game in the long run not because of the particular issue not being addressed but because of the apparent and blatant arrogance in terms of connecting with your community.

  9. Negative, WoW's Character Responsivness and Gameplay Feedback was the same as it is today. There is an elaborate thread on this subject...


    Please don't blind yourself by love or hatred for a Game or Company... heaping these misguided praises upon SW:TOR and Bioware does the game "no" good. In fact you impede the potential success that could be accomplished by fixing "key" issues.

  10. Well they must have changed something. I'm playing a smuggler right now and the problem people were describing with Charged Burst, is not there at all. In fact, I can easily use an instant right after the charge and what happens is, either one of the abilities does dmg without showing an animation.


    Further more, I can do a Charged Burst, then move while it's doing the animation, and it will just do the dmg, cancel the animation and move.


    No, get out... I cannot be polite to you. I apologize.

  11. Its why I don't join groups. I play to my own standards not some one elses.




    Yeah well there might be players like that, and yet again everyone plays at their own pace. There is NO competition.




    Much of that is quite justified complaining. Especially when a level 50 is farming low level players. This is very much dishonorable, I really can't see what much XP they get from that, in fact Biowware should cap these levels so you can only attack people within your own level boundaries. Otherwise no rewards for you.




    Well I would rather have some one tell me their opinion than not at all. Agreed..




    Thats a waist of a subscription then, I am not sure there is any foundation for that claim either. I wouldn't spend real money just to access a forum and troll them, or post hate.




    People will just have to grit their teeth for a while, I do not see ground breaking fixes coming just yet. But I think eventually they will, otherwise like you pointed out, people will actually stop playing. BTW every area you mentioned about people making threads, or posts about, every area is valid, not just the ones saying they might quit. People just need to understand what the rest of the community are telling you and each of us, otherwise if the community is not united, it will fracture. I know this, because I am an Admin on Empire AT War communities, and know what I talk about.




    I don't know if you understand the context of my statement that you quoted, your reply to the discussion I had with the person I previously quoted makes no sense... please don't quote mine me like that again.

  12. For now we can only try to "live with it". We already cried for BW, and probably they new this was going to happen sooner or later. My question is? Is a fluid gameplay, like the one wow gave to us, a secret recipe like Coca-Cola? If yes, BW must be concern!!!


    May the force be with u BioWare, cause u will need it ! :t_confused:


    Yes, it absolutely is... without a shadow of a doubt, it is... well put.

  13. i disagree here (always my opinion ofc)


    when i buy something i buy it for what it IS and not for what i IMAGINED IT will be.


    this line in games isnt' as clear for everyone and i understand that, not eveyone is mature to understand what he PAYS for.


    You pay to play the game. end of story.

    IF the game is broken for YOU (no matter how/why/where etc is broken) then you MUST stop paying it. BW/EA wont' SOLVE everything or WONT' have the same priorities of what is "gamebreaking" for everyone.

    IF the game ISNT' what YOU Imagined you MUST stop paying it seriously i do not want to know other peoples imaginations :p

    etc etc


    as you see the I PAY YOU FIX IT in a game (service) isnt' so clear as of buying a Ferrari or a Toyota


    You're complicating the simplicity of my statement... "every single subscription is needed and beneficial" whether you like it or not, you, me, Bioware benefit from "every single subscription"....


    You can "never' say something as asinine as: "Go back to WoW", "We don't need/want you here", "Leave if you don't like it"..


    These statements hurt YOU more than you know because you (the person stating these quotes) lack the foresight of your own statements due to being blinded by illogical passion/rage etc.

  14. but we are forcing anyone to do that, they are just pissed that SWTOR ISNT' WOW2 and do not care, even if they fix the "bug" or address it those pps will look for something else to whine around


    seriously we do not that kind of players here


    I will disagree, firstly it is not for you to decide what kind of players "we" need around anywhere. This game, Bioware, you and myself will profit from every single player playing this game and giving subscription dollars to it:


    The super hardcore elitist who kicks you from his group for playing wrong


    The super casual who takes 5 minute breaks every 5 minutes in your group and noticeably does not perform to standards.


    The guy who complains and whines on the forums about getting killed in pvp


    The guy who never complains about anything at all and just "Adapts" to just about anything


    The guy who hates this game and just pays subscription to post hate on the forums



    Etc. we all need these people... if you cannot understand why, you will never really "get it", Now as far as your actual comment about "I"M QUITTING IF THIS DON'T GET FIXED"... this is actually a "valid" statement. A paying customer is showing displeasure and threatening to leave if there is no response to remedy the situation. Don't be fooled by this being a game and thus a statement like that being unreasonable...


    I do agree that people should voice their displeasures in a more constructive way however.

  15. I'm a little confused about this issue as it appears to be one that has a few different levels. People seem to encounter various problems that someone else might not notice/or even get themselves.


    Made a video last night, sorry for the poor edit, that shows how the game is for me:



    Is anyone having a problem like that? Yeah, the fps is worse than it should be due to fraps. Generally i have around 15-20 fps. I have this "problem" all the time, tho at some points it's less noticeable. I was a little surprised at the 0.8 second delay in action that i encountered. Basically from that i press a key on the keyboard it takes 0.8 seconds before it takes effect in the game. This is the first mmo or rather *game* that i've seen this problem in. Now *if* i were to have had a latency of at least 500-700+ this would occur in any mmo/online game. But my latency is 50!


    Anyway that is how it is for me.


    <edit> I just wanted to add that the game runs pretty smooth at 15 fps, especially if you're used to it. It's not like it stutters or anything like that.


    I know you posted this video before, I added it to the OP now. I think it showcases a valid different issue that is separate from ability linking (aka rotations etc.).


    Thank You, I love the timer as well... nice touch.

  16. The OP is spot on. I couldn't put my finger on it until he explained it, but he is definitely without a doubt right. Responsiveness in this game is lacking. Half a second is an eternity when you are trying to connect with your character and respond to the game world around you. I've noticed this most often in PVP, and it's probably why I have stayed away from it.


    Let's face it, both sides of the game (PVE & PVP) need to be strong in order for this game to survive. Bioware, please don't ignore this post or this poster. He knows what he is talking about.


    By the way, I commend you for the amount of thought and effort you put into your post and all the replies. You read over 3000 replies? That is crazy but I salute you! Much respect, Sir! :eek:


    Tyvm, yes I have... I don't even know what to say to that either...

  17. I can't take this one serious... this isn't a legitimate game reviewer and also the key highlights were the same thing... "Story" spread over three times?


    I mean, I love SW:TOR but I will disagree that it is the game of the year, "this year"... you cannot give game of the year to an MMO 2-3 weeks after release... that is complete garbage no matter how much I like it.


    Next year, I am hopeful for proper acclaim.

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