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Posts posted by Xcore

  1. I agree with this guy. And no I will not waste my time reading 60 pages to "get educated" on the subject matter? To me it seems like whining that the cast time and animation numbers don't sync up. That if an ability has a 2 second cast time and the animation is 2.5 seconds it makes you feel like your character is unresponsive. Solution seems simple, adjust cast time of said ability to say 2.5 seconds so that it perfectly matches the animation.


    Once again, that is only a small part of the problem (or large) but how about you get Bioware to respond to this and have them say what you just said? That they'll adjust the animations?

  2. It's not that you wait .5 seconds after mashing the button. Try it how i suggested, queue your ability before the end of your last and your character automatically moves into the next animation. Don't wait for the end of your cast/attack to queue up your next move and things flow nicely along.


    You CANNOT QUEUE YOUR NEXT ABILITY 1.0 OR .5 SECONDS BEFORE YOU NEED IT IN PVP OR HIGH END PVE... WHY? because within that 1.0 or .5 seconds **** happens and you need to adjust, this is responsiveness...


    We're not able to play like 80yr old ladies, hell lets do it a bit better. How about 10 seconds ability queue. I just kinda make a little script of 10 abilities (preferably with pathing so my character walks around a bit) and I'll set it off, grab a coke and see whats up.



    Please, for the love of the force, try to comprehend.

  3. Woah woah, making presumptions. I played wow for a loong time, it's a great game. This system is not superior, i don't think i made that statement. It's really different. i think you can adjust and make it fully functional and enjoyable. You really input commands closer to FFXI. You tell your char to use the ability, and it queues for next use. You put them in ahead of time.


    I don't think we'll again any dev response to all this aside from "Working as intended" and "Ability X has a bug issue, we're working on a fix for that"


    And the "Button mashing" wow comment had *SOME CLASSES* and not that's all wow is put on it. You ever tank as a bear? Button mash. Prot warrior? Like playing a piano. Totally different play styles in those classes (I prefered bear myself, much easier lol)


    This slower, animation based, queue your abilities and watch em' go style of gameplay is doomed at endgame "imo". If this is indeed intended to be this way then I believe we're looking at Rift 2.0 here...


    We'll see I guess, I would like "any" Bioware response on this subject, I do believe 200+ pages and 100,000 views within 48 hours does deserve that much... even if it is "Working as Intended".

  4. I like the (very slightly) slower, more deliberate pace of this game. My abilities feel like they have more impact. Despite the difference in the pacing of the combat, I find it extremely fluid and fun to play. I don't have trouble getting interrupts in when I need them. The only thing I would wish for in that department is some sort of /stopcasting functionality that I could tie to my stuns and interrupts. Even without this, I somehow manage to have a great time.


    As a person who played WoW for 7+ years, I understand that this game feels different and that it takes some getting used to. The fact is that I don't want every game to handle just exactly like WoW, and I am really starting to resent all the people talking out of their asses about how things "should" be when they are obviously asking for the BW to change their game to make it handle more like their old game. NEWS FLASH: This is a different game. It handles differently. Freaking learn to adapt to it. TOR deserves to develop its own identity.


    I don't expect every car I drive to handle exactly the same either.


    Not every game has to be twitchy to be fun.


    This argument of "Its a Different Game" is terrible... you are denying yourself an evolution to a better system by simply lying back and taking it, whichever way it is given to you.



    Listen, I understand that you enjoy the abilities having seemingly greater "impact" and the slightly slower pace of combat but please be objective about the facts. You and I want SW:TOR to be highly successful, in fact we want it to be more successful than any other MMO.


    Do you truly believe that this "slower" and essentially unresponsive gameplay that forces animation > gameplay response will cut it where it counts (Endgame - as with every MMO)?


    Imagine Boss Fights like WoWs or Competitive PvP or anything even remotely close to this nature with this slower pace combat style that you enjoy. It isn't possible, thus we'll need to dumb it down to a point that it is achievable, and you lose a large part of the current MMO Audience (who have played WoW like it or not).


    High End "Activities" Raiding/PvP/Soloing, require speed... require a certain amount of twitch, require RESPONSIVENESS.


    You cannot wait .5 seconds... its simply NOT ACCEPTABLE... STOP ACCEPTING IT. Its ok to tell Bioware, "hey, listen... great game, love it but you're wrong here". This is the only way SW:TOR will avoid becoming Rift 2.0.

  5. I haven't noticed it either on my Sentinel. In fact, I really like how the animations match up with the damage (numbers popping up when the lightsaber hits the enemy in the face etc.). I also like how the stun from Crippling Throw doesn't take effect until the animation shows the lightsaber hitting the Imp. I like how when I mount my speeder, I'm not able to take 3-4 fast-forward steps and then my mount appears after I'm already moving.


    I'm not logging back in tonight to check (not am I slogging through 200+ pages of QQ to see if someone's tried this), but I wonder if after using Crippling Throw you are unable to use any lightsaber (or other) abilities until after you catch your lightsaber on its return trip, GCD be damned. I think it would be great if this is how it works.


    This is what happens when the masses of people are so conditioned to DBM/GCDs/anything else on the screen that they don't pay attention what their character is actually doing.


    This combat style gameplay will cripple this game... this is not "fun" I would argue to any competitive person and MMOs are competitive by nature, I would argue the vast majority (The WoW Playerbase) will disagree with your assessment.


    Before you say that it doesn't matter or "Go Play WoW", Bioware will likely disagree with that one (I presume) because they've made clear to want to grab the WoW marketshare...

  6. lol, well i guess that this isn't for you. I'm sure when people get used to queueing a skill and waiting for it to go off you'll either love or hate that. I think it rewards more fore-thought in skill usage and is trying to dissuade the playstyle in wow of button smashing that a lot of classes could do.


    Some abilities may just be broken. I hear a lot of complaints out of smugglers and melee classes than casters/ranged. Healing is perfectlly smooth now. I don't mash my heal key rapidly like in wow. When my heal is almost finished a queue my next action, whether it's another heal, bubble, or lightning. My heal finishes and it goes straight into the action i queued up. Repeat. Now when the queue was set to 0 and i was smashing buttons rapidly after casts **** was unbearable.


    Individual abilities may be bugged though, I've only played SI and BH. I hate how with my BH i click my rocket attack, so first the hand comes up, i hear some click sounds, and then the rocket launches. But I think all that is just intended by BW. Bring stuff like that up specifically.


    TLDR- You're doing it wrong


    I don't think you truly understand "Button-Mashing", it is not actually "HULK SMASH" button mashing to victory, the faster and harder you hit it the better you are. WoW style combat is not only every bit of strategic but even more so because it allows for greater movement, greater strategic elements such as fake casting, combinations of bursts, more complex rotations... etc.


    Whats that Tank game? Scorched Earth? you know where you're a tank on a mountain side just shooting other tanks via trajectory calculation (factoring in wind effects)... by your logic this is the epitome of strategic combat...


    Again, don't allow yourself to cloud your own understanding due to love or hate for one game or company or another. This system is not superior... no matter how you spin it.

  7. ***?


    lag is an issue of internet connectivity and not related to FPS.


    Say "It is not latency or FPS"


    "It is not latency or framerate"


    "it is not lag or FPS" etc :eek:


    Obviously the word and term Lag is meant in "slowing" not in the literal sense of FPS Net Connection Lag... FPS Lag = Frames per second slowdown... much like: "Hey, that fat kid is lagging behind the rest!"



    Seriously man...

  8. After we have identified the problem with my guildies, we were also frustrated with it.


    Since the last patch (1.0.1) we observed a major improvement over the problem, not it has been fixed completely but as i said its improved a lot.

    I would like your feedback as well on that.


    Negative, I've seen no improvement on the core issue. Perhaps the GCD Triggers were improved slightly but ability linking is still majorly crippled through animations.


    Also castbars filling up and being canceled even though cast time has already been fillled (likely due to animation) is still happening... I mean I could go on but in the end, no nothing was really done about this.

  9. Xcore, for those of us lacking the initiative, and the proper background to fully express what this issue is about, thank you for bringing this to light. I've noticed too, in my quest for a game other than WoW, this response delay in other games.


    But what I'd really like to say is that we need to progress along more diverse avenues to make BioWare aware of our plight. If you can muster over 2,000 responses to this in just over a day, that's wonderful. But it only takes a few clicks for a BW mod to completely erase this entire discussion. Or a few hours neglect for this thread to slowly drift to the bottom of the listings.


    I think that we should all be making a presence with BioWare by any means available. Xcore has already tried to contact BioWare by phone, why not the rest of us? Ask your friends if they agree. Ask people in game how they feel about their own character's response, ask them to submit an in-game ticket. We have to spread our influence beyond the forums to really get BioWare's attention. With enough support in-game and out, we can effect this change.


    Let them know that this isn't something like the LFD/LFG tool or any other silly world of warcraft frill or shiny quest helper or damage meter so many people are asking for, this is real game mechanics that negatively affect every aspect of combat game play.


    I'm thoroughly enjoying SW:TOR on the frontal/flashy/feature side, but I have to agree with previous posters, this is going to drastically shorten the life of the game for me. I too want SW:TOR to make it past the first month of subscriptions.


    I agree, general awareness and consciousness raising on this "oh so hard" to define topic and subject is key. Ask yourself, how come no developer has found the "secret" to re-creating WoW like gameplay response and feedback? They all focus on just about all the other aspects WoW has, sprinkle in slight differentiation and unique feature and ship to release...


    Never really examining the "core" gameplay, every MMO is about combat... COMBAT and Responsiveness should be 90% of your development focus. Then the rest, you let evolve! Don't try to cram everything in and expect people not to notice this which we are discussing here...



    In conclusion, I agree with the quoted poster... we need to make them aware of this and this thread can be the beginning of Bioware and perhaps other developers seeing this truth.

  10. So yall dont think speeding up the animation and fixing the bugs that prevent the certain ability from executing when you press/click it would fix the problem?


    Abilities not working when you hit them is obviously a bug...But the animations effecting fluidiness for reason such as going longer then the GDC should be able to be adjusted since they (BW) dicate how long that animation is


    More than that, previous animations need to be allowed to be "clipped" by next one etc. and so forth...


    many more things that just speeding it up.

  11. I have been captivated by this thread from when Xcore first made this thread. I have read every post. I have folllowed it and have seen how he has updated with video and crutial information to back this ablitily delay fact. When Baznasty put his video up to show us (see my sig) this fact of ability delay it was climactic for all that were so into the thread at that moment :p. I have been patiently waiting for some response from Bioware.


    I am now pissed off, let down ... feeling hopeless that this will even be addressed.:(


    I believe the worst thing they could do is close this thread and open a new discussion thread based on this. Simply because the discussion and evolution of our understanding of this topic and this "feeling" of not playing smooth is invaluable in this thread over the past 200 pages.



    The best thing Bioware can do is reply in this thread and keep replying to it, in an honest fashion and read each and every response from the playerbase in this thread and so forth. Until we come to some point of dialogue that we can both be happy with.


    Ignoring this entire thing is going to be very bad in the long run.

  12. Thanks for the recommendation. Yet, I still have high hopes for this game, I really do... In part because the Star Wars universe appeals to me far more than the Warcraft universe (and I say that having played all three Warcraft RTS's heavily).


    Don't get me wrong, as do I. In fact, hope, passion for this game and belief in Bioware as a company is the reason I have created this thread and even tried contacting them personally to discuss/open dialogue... help... anything.


    I do believe SW:TOR has the real potential of being "the next big thing" in the MMO industry but at the same time "I know" that this will not happen and in fact will turn out to fall flat on its face and become a failure in the MMO industry if this, "THIS" very particular issue is not ironed out.




    I only regret not having been in the BETA, perhaps I could've voiced it months and months ago...

  13. I've played Rift since launch, and plan on continuing to get my PVP fix from it. It's been awhile since I've played WoW, but to me Rift's fluidity/responsiveness feels top notch.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0rAP2hx8wM < link to my last Rift PVP video. The scene that starts at :48 seconds just is NOT possible playing as a Sorc in SWTOR. At 3:25 is another example of something that I just could never do in SWTOR's engine, kiting while jumping backwards, starting timed casts in mid jump, etc. And it all feels smooth and responsive while I'm doing it.


    I think somewhere early in development SWTOR chose animations > responsiveness, and the frustrations being vented in threads like this are the inevitable result.


    I have not been able to get into Rift because of the same issues in Character Responsiveness when it release (I tried) BUT, judging from people's more educated opinion and your very good video there which I enjoyed and was impressed with, it appears Rift is in fact very responsive and either has fixed the problem or it may have been on my end... thank you.

  14. First of all, thank you for your OP. I am sad to say that this is my first MMO, and this issue is noticeable even to me. I just couldn't put it into words before this thread, especially since I have no other experience to compare it to. The biggest problem for me, even though I do not consider myself a competitive PVP player, is that the ability delay creates a sense of disconnect that makes it difficult to feel truly immersed in the game. I am playing an Operative healer, and I cannot count the number of times I have to mash my heals and melee abilities because I am not sure when they will or won't fire. Also, I have all but completely quit using the cover mode because the issues there are magnified.


    As a huge Star Wars and KOTOR fan, I see the great potential of this game and I hope that Bioware takes this type of feedback seriously. I am having a lot of fun so far in PvE as a level 27 Operative, but I feel like this issue is holding me back from a huge part of the game. I can only imagine what it's like to have a fluid combat system, as so many people in this thread praise WOW for. Since the problem is much more noticeable on some skills than others (those that have animations longer than the cast time), do you think that speeding up those animations would help alleviate the problem? And is that a feasible option without having to completely rebuild the game engine?


    I recommend WoW if you have not gotten into the MMO Scene, especially as a positive contrast to your gameplay experience here...


    I'm not trying to sell you on WoW just trying to give you some "reading material"....

  15. Ive already expressed my support for this thread and the fact that if this does not get fixed or at least mentioned, i will be simply cancelling. ive never even POSTED on an mmo forum before and i played most of them, this is the biggest issue for me by far.





    i was wondering if anyone with an educated guess (programming background) can simply provide their insight into whether this is something that is so difficult to fix, something that is impossible to fix due to being integral to the engine, or something that will most likely be adjusted easily?


    Thank you


    There is some Programming discussion on page 25-50/80 or so I believe as well as 120-150 or so... either way I believe some of it has been touched upon. Sorry I cannot be more specific currently.

  16. This is kind of in the same problemarea.

    Just frapsed my self healing in a cantine. Had 120fps and around 70ms.

    (i5 2500k, 16gb ram, ssd, 560ti)



    (ps: I'm not a clicker, just to show you the spells I used :D)



    Amazing... adding to original post... tyvm! My fiancee appreciates it especially as she has been going on about this since she started her Consular.



    Ty again for this contribution

  17. Why all of a sudden did 140 pages of comments disappear from this thread?


    XCore, you mentioned earlier that you had other means of reaching out too BW, and would do so after work.


    I am 100% behind you on this issue, and if there is anything I can do to help voice this issue, and atleast getting a flipping response, please let me know.


    I left a message at Bioware Austin with my name and contact information (as I believe they were closed) simply pointing towards this thread and letting them now I am willing to help clarify or define this further if they'd like to open dialogue with me directly on this.


    They got my number so I am trying...

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