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Posts posted by Xcore

  1. If it's a laggy interrupt that's the problem I can almost guarantee you guys do not have ability queue window turned to 0.0, and that's the problem.


    You know, the more I read and see this response of changing the queuing to 0.0 from 0.5 the more upset I get. I am generally very nice and understanding but this is slowly but surely going to make me do a very offensive rage-post.



    Who do you believe you are? You have the "nerve" to respond to a serious subject, a thread that has over 85,000 views within just over 24 hours and 2,000 replies full of fruitful discussion. YET YOU, yes YOU... have the nerve of not reading past page 10 (where this has been woefully disproven already, and many times over in the thread) come all the way to the end of the discussion, page 200 ish and spew your un-informed garbage?


    Who in the hell do you think you are?




    You, as well as every other person who responds with the ability queue timer do nothing but show your lack of intellect as well as comprehension.

  2. I dont really understand this, on my SA I can be using Force Lightning and then use Jolt to immediately interrupt an ability. I have NEVER had an issue using jolt. I think this is an issue for only some people.


    Bryoal, if you don't see the issue that does not mean it does not exist. This thread has so much rich discussion to pinpointing this discussed that you would do yourself injustice not taking your time and reading through it.


    I must stress, you may not notice it because you play at a slower and more relaxed pace, that is ok but does nothing to deny the argument. The "vast" majority of people here are highly concerned about this obvious issue.



    Lastly, to those people who just can't wrap their mind around what the problem is because as far as you're concerned there is none... please use your logic and not love for the game or a company and see that this is a thread that within a little over 24 hours has nearly 90,000 views and 2,000 responses.


    This, is, real...

  3. Hahaha! I couldn't stop thinking of the Chris Farley SNL skit while readin the OP. Whats with all the quote marks?


    Uhh.. I don't.. "change my underwear".. uh.. I'm not "buff".. uh.. I don't have.. "firm breasts".. uh.. I don't.. "exercise". And when I do sweat, I don't.. "shower". I'm not.. "spic-and-span".. I don't.. "clean the area between my crotch and legs".


    Apologies my formatting and wording is so humorous but I hope that you got more than that out of this thread and topic.

  4. go back to wow


    But I don't really want to, I realize you have not read my early review of SW:TOR but i'll indulge. I actually like SW:TOR a lot, I'd argue everyone in this thread does... That is why we are raising this issue in hopes to not have to/be forced to go back to WoW for superior gameplay.


    I know you're just a little troll and thats fine! But if you'd actually take a few hours of your timeand read the OP as well as all the following discussions, you may find yourself interested, intrigued...



    I hope it isn't too cold this time of the year under your bridge... I do sympathize.

  5. I have to agree with OP on this. While SWTOR is not one of the worst sinners in this field by far (ground missions in ST:O anyone), your character still feels somewhat "disconnected"


    Oh wow, I thought I would never be forced to remember... I recall when the game came out and I first got on a ground mission... I didn't know whether to laugh hysterically or weep like a little child.

  6. Xcore you literally are a god this post needed to be made and i completely appreciate it thank you.


    Thanks, we are all still anxiously awaiting Bioware's response and communication in regards to this issue.


    I should point out that 99.9% of the praise should be spread through so many posters from Page 1-150, I mean if you actually read through, the discussions evolved our understanding of the problem and even potential solution so much... there are some very intelligent people who have helped define this elusive characteristic/feeling, I am merely the .1% who created the thread :)


    Ty for the kind words and support though! Boosts my ego :p !

  7. I also notice damage comes off the target way before the animation hits as well, it feels really strange compared to what I am used to (from wow). I suppose i will get used to it though, but anyone else find this strange when looking at enemy heath bars and animations.


    I play a J Sent so not sure if it is more noticeable with Melee


    Yes, don't get used to this... there is no excuse to have this in the game, it serves no realism, it is not a feature... demand better. How else will we evolve the standard of MMOs? Adapting is one thing but you should not adapt to failure...

  8. Im with you, I dont really see a problem.


    What are you guys talking about? The fact that it has to finish the animation before it does anything else?


    Essentially yes, that is a large part of the problem but by no means is that it... Please take time to read through the thread from as early as possible. You will see we as whole (all posters) have been able to evolve our understanding of this issue to some detail.


    Dont be offended or discouraged, this is not easy to define, understand or solve but there is an issue and it is more than just the animation forcing to finish (though that is a very major part).

  9. I apologize for taking this thread in the wrong direction. I didn't mean to do that, and I should not have gotten so defensive when I was called names. It's just the internet, I should have been more mature.


    My original intention in the thread is lost anyway at this point, so I won't be continuing to derail this thread (again, I am sorry, I see my error now). I hope everyone else success in finding the answers they need.


    Its ok, I think both of you guys should just agree to disagree, there won't be a winner with a last word and there doesn't need to be. You both have more in common than not probably (such as wanting SW:TOR to be the best game possible to take you away from WoW for good?) etc.


    Look, its all good but this thread has been incredibly positive and fruitful, lets not have personal vendettas of trolling.

  10. So are we getting an official response from BioWare on this topic? It's gone on for 137 pages..


    I think it is safe to assume that Bioware has their eyes on this thread, if not I would be shocked (and appalled). Now, if we get a response and proper (honest) dialogue? that is not known.


    I suggest continuing discussion and awareness raising, it is sad (and nice) that this extensive analysis and discussion has gone on for 130 without Bioware's input but I believe that it is in SW:TOR's and Biowares as well as our best interest for this Dialogue to begin.


    All we can do is raise the issue here, and this thread does it very well (through all your posts and discussions) what Bioware ultimately does with this information, is out of our hands sadly.

  11. Another option mentioned (though messy) would be to extend the cast bars to allow the entire animation to run its course. Now this has several implications such as damage over the cast time, and would actually lead to changes to the channeled abilities (because of the now longer cast time), but this of course only fixes the casting problems, not the back-to-back ability usage.


    I honestly think if all the animations were cut short for the sake of game play, the game would still alright.


    I too think extending cast times to match animations is the wrong direction, it will feel "correct" but even more sluggish and slow. Allowing abilities to clip endings of previous abilities as well as cutting the animations short perhaps?


    I don't see Bioware touching animations much though... as you pointed out, that would almost admit failure/fault and waste of resources?


    I think part of this entire issue is Bioware's inexperience in MMO Gaming, I am very surprised by this as they really wanted to emulate WoW yet missed the absolute most important part? Anyways, I am not about to bash Bioware, they still have a chance to be the good guys here :)

  12. My character was unresponsive as hell particularly in flashpoints as a tank, I changed the queue to 0.0, my character responds perfectly (except when my framerate is taxed or my connection is lagging). The problem described by the OP has been eliminated for me.


    I'm not derailing the thread, I was reporting my success with regards to the OP. That is all I came here to do irregardless of what the rest of the people in the thread are discussing.


    Going from 1.0 or 0.5 (Default) to 0.0 "Does" help in terms of ability queuing. In the sense that now there is no half-second queuing and thus it makes it feel "initially" more responsive. However, this has nothing at all to do with the core issue of animation length, cast bars, animation clipping etc. etc. (much more to list, thus read a bit of the thread).


    To be more clear, 0.0 helps ability queuing but this isn't a queuing issue it is an ability execution issue as well as linking several abilities (as in a tight and continuous rotation), your solution is addressing only 50% of the issue and thus the problem persists. Because (just 1 example) Animation Lengths (endings) go past the cast time...

  13. Are there any people watching this thread that having programming experience and could shed some light on what might be going on here? I'm really perplexed by this.


    I would have thought a sensible way to assign damage and animations would be once a skill has been pressed there's a delay timer set off for the damage, and then the animation is played. So, even if that animation is changed to the next skill, the delay on the damage would never be affected, it would always hit a certain time after a skill is used.


    Whereas what seems to be happening is the damage isn't assigned to the end of the animation, and if you're using a ranged weapon, it's not until that particle hits the enemy.


    Is it possible they've just got the delay wrong between skills or would they have actually linked to the animation length?


    There was some programming analysis I believe somewhere page 10-50? may be a bit higher but below 70-80... though no professionals I don't believe chimed in.

  14. I'd would love, wholeheartedly, to be proven wrong, I really would! The chances of that though are so slim, I have no choice but to be rather pessimistic of the whole thing.


    I won't go so far as to say "Gamers are generally quite intelligent" because "gamers" would need to be better defined, but I will agree on the honest communication point. I think honest communication is underestimated now-a-days. Actually, I don't think it is, I KNOW it is.


    You're right on the intelligence of gamers, I spoke too soon and out of passion but I would regard the intelligence level of this discussion above average and perhaps the MMO gamer or Hardcore Gamer is what I meant.

  15. Before I lowered my ability queue, the game was unresponsive as heck. You are wrong.


    At this point, I too would recommend reading through 20-50 pages first. I know its a pain but the discussion and understanding of this issue has been analysed quite well and evolved over the course of 120+ pages.


    When you have hundreds, perhaps thousands of players Brainstorming (once again, gamers are generally quite intelligent) you can't help but bear fruit at the end of a serious discussion.



    Ignoring the past 120+ and next pages would be very foolish of Bioware, a response to open the lines of communication would be their best course of action.

  16. Devs aren't responding to anything right now; as I've said before, to respond to this would either mean admitting fault (an impossibility due to corporate environment) or making an excuse ("look at the purty colors and the animations, WOW! It's like you're Luke Skydancer!...it was dancer right?")


    This doesn't mean they won't fix the problem, but as far as communication goes, I expect a one sentence blurp in patch notes at BEST, and that's if anything is actually done about this (which whether or not it will happen remains to be seen.)


    This is sad but likely accurate, I hope Bioware sets itself apart with Blizzard and proves you and I wrong in this regard. Honest communication is needed, this is the third time I say this: Gamers are generally quite intelligent, this brewing issue will make or break it and communication (honest) is the first step towards "making" it.

  17. I've posted a video response to the link on the very start of this page, showing that you actually CAN queue skills on seperate targets without a problem.




    Hopefully the OP and original video poster will respond to this :)


    As I say in the video, animations are borked, but the core global cooldown isn't.


    I liked the video but even though yes, you do hit two objects at the same time through an instant attached to a casted ability the video itself shows the sluggishness a bit compared to the WoW comparison.


    I don't think anyone is disputing that this is possible in SW:TOR but the response is still not anywhere near, the mounting shows it very well but you know what would really be interesting to see? A rogue DPS rotation for 1-2 min straight with dynamic target switching contrasted to the same in SW:TOR... if only SW:TOR had dummies?



    Sanchpanza, I will include your Video Link in the OP... ty for contribution

  18. I am so grateful for this post. I have played some free MMO's in my time (Fiesta by Outspark for example) and I have been so excited for the release of SW:TOR because it looked like something that was worth spending money on. I have an HP Envy 14 1260se Beats edition so i was praying that... like my computer couldn't handle the gameplay, and that the action delay was a problem with my settings or that my comp wasnt powerful enough (which i was very sure wasnt the problem) I pray that Bioware sees these and gets to work on the issue because i so want to play the game how I imagined it when i pressed the "Purchase" button.


    Lots of Love,



    PS: where in the world do i rate up this thread so as to raise awareness? i want to help any way i can


    Hey Raz, thanks for the input and support. You can rate the thread as you reply, scroll down and you'll see a "Rate Thread" drop down menu.

  19. While I agree that the responsiveness is an issue I find it really irritating that you would talk about games like SWG and EQ as if you played them. Their responsiveness was perfect and natural and really ruin your credibility for any meaningful argument, but luckily for you responsiveness in SWTOR cannot be argued.


    Get the fix in here soon Bioware, your population will dwindle but not nearly as much as the OP is claiming.


    This is off-topic but I have played them, SWG extensively and EQ to a degree... all I can say is, don't be silly.

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