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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. Jesus people, they're perks. They're incentive for people that have done most of the end game and have tons of credits lying around to level up some alts. If your highest character is level 40 and you're broke, the perks really aren't for you. Get to max level, run some dailies/use the GF for FPs and you'll easily have enough credits to buy perks for your next alt(s).


    Agreed. It's a little edge. Legacy wide would be broken.

  2. The only way a character can afford this is if it is an alt and a main account is funding it.


    What about new players that have yet to make it to end game? How do they buy these perks?


    1) Play the game a lot.


    2) Get credits


    3) Buy perks.


    My work here is done. :cool:

  3. They are too lazy to add any aliens that are not essentially human clones with funny coloured skin.


    Look at the issues with Twi'leks and headgear to see how they fail. Imagine them having to actually deal with all armor on various shapes and sizes of other alien races.


    No, they've said the romance issue is the deciding factor here.

  4. What they should have done is to make Legacy Points a separate currency in the game which you can spend on Legacy perks and unlocks. That way the rewards are directly related to the Legacy levels you have earned. Credits could still be a second option for people who like to only play on their level 50 character, and thus don't have a lot of Legacy points. I think there is a balance between credits and Legacy level -- a person with a very high Legacy level would not likely have a lot of credits, and vice versa. I'm sure there are exceptions -- that rare bird who has played the game so much he has 8 level 50 characters and a billion credits, but you can't design a system around crazy hardcore players like that (which is how the Legacy system currently feels to me).


    Bioware may be thinking of the Legacy system as something that players will like to cherry pick just a few perks from and leave it at that, but that's not how it will play. There is a psychological effect when there is a bonus available to a player. It doesn't make sense to level a character without the benefit of that bonus. Any part of the game that is a bit slow or tedious becomes so much worse when you are constantly thinking "if I had perk X, this would be going faster." Running around on Taris without a speeder will be inconceivable once the perk is available to get a speeder earlier. Grinding out side-missions that you have done several times already will be inconceivable once perks are available to increase XP gain in other areas. Players are going to feel that many of those perks are MANDATORY to play an alt, because it just doesn't make sense to play without them.


    So what does that mean? Those of us without enough credits will feel obligated to grind for credits before we can play our alts. And I know a lot of people find that grind so awful and tedious, it may be enough to say "I can't take this game anymore" and just quit. This is the effect the Legacy system has in its current state.


    I think you're doing a LOT of projecting here. If I don't need a perk I'm not going to go through a huge amount of hassle to get it. There's lots of other things I could do with my time.

  5. OMG you mean I can't buy everything instantly because it doesn't come cheap? WTH BW???


    Seriously people, obtaining credits in this game is ridiculously easy, can make a million in a matter of hours, and who the hell says you've to get everything immediately, finally, something that will take some time to complete, kudos BW, kudos.


    Agreed. Play smart and any of this can be had without much trouble.

  6. The only game that can sink WoW is Wow. They're going to have to pretty much screw WoW up enough that a lot of people drop it for it to stop being #1. I don't see that happening.


    And BW would be dumb to pour their energy into that anyway. There's plenty of money to be made being the #2 game in the world. Besides, the only people who *really* care about "taking down WoW" and fan zealots who link their personal sense of self worth to the popularity of what they like. That's a silly way to think and we're all better off ignoring such people.

  7. Sorry man, there are reasons to do dailies and just like every other MMO there are raids/fp/pvp. It's just that people like to show off their gear and "hang out". Log in to any mmo out there and you will find a popular hang out. It's just how it is, no game design can break away the communities desire to congregate all in one place.


    I'd be happy if people would just stop hanging in front of the mailbox. Get you mail and go and stop parking your car on top of the mailbox already, you jerks! :mad:

  8. Transferring is NOT a choice. This is an MMORPG. That second "M" stands for multiplayer. I have room on my destination server for ONE of my Jekk Jekk Tarr toons. The others will still need a new home. They can't stay on JJT. Like all servers being given an "option" to leave, most active players are going to take that option. Now the friends and guild I have on that server are getting movied and if I want to keep playing with them I need to move too.


    Just because you choose to only have four toons doesn't mean I have to. Don't try to force your ideals on me and I won't try to force my ideals on you.


    See, that's where you are wrong. They *can* stay on JJT. You just don't WANT to keep them there. What you want and what is impossible are very different things. Which has always been one of my points.

  9. Well, I'm annoyed. I have a destination for my original server. And I already have a full roster there. (Jekk Jekk Tarr to Harbinger)


    When I saw JJT going dark early on I rolled new toons on Harbinger and began playing there.... Now, without a minimum of 12 character slots - I can't transfer my toons without deleting some of them.


    So. Annoyed.


    It's not BW's fault you rolled a dozen characters. It's a choice you made and, honestly, that seems excessive to me. I have four characters and don't plan on another until I've gotten at least one more to 50. One thing at a time and all...

  10. Coming up on a new transfer announcement, no doubt. Predictions?


    I'm thinking its gonna be big like last Wednesday.


    Why waste time with predictions? Most of them will turn out to be wrong in some form and some people will just end up taking them as if they were facts and working themselves into even more of a froth.


    A time happens at its appointed time and not a moment before.

  11. There seems to be a mentality on the TOR team that the customer is not always right and that forging ahead is better than going slow and finding the right answer. If you look at the Legacy system this is a great example. I wish someone at BW would just say, "wait, let's think about this and maybe even poll the players". (Note by poll the players I mean in game, not via the forums) Instead they seem to take the approach that they are right regardless of the legitimate problems their solutions might create.


    The customer isn't always right. Often the opposite. Anyone who's worked retail can attest to that.

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