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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. Why with this game does everyone think they're privileged so much so that they think they deserve to be told everything that's going on? None of us are. We'll get information when we get it, and when they're ready to share. Just deal with it.


    Seriously. I can't believe people though BW was going to talk about the layoffs here on the forum. No company would do that.

  2. Because they are intelligent enough to avoid direct conflict with community marauders, which is what would happen if they lived here like the marauders do. Contributions they make would get buried under water army spam.


    Water army? I don't think people who work the Chinese government are the problem here. People with short attention spans and unrealistically high expectations are.

  3. Really? You want purple to be rare so that only some people can have it, yet more than half of the mobs/NPCs I see while leveling on the empire side have purple color crystals? Come on, I run into sith marauder NPCs half my level that run around with 2 purple crystals! For a game that so highly touts character customization, why all of the arbitrary restrictions on color crystals? If people want white and purple, let them have it! And let artifice craft them for crying out loud. These ridiculous restrictions don't make any sense.


    It's that way because they're status items. Pretty much all games have them. Live with it.

  4. This is something I highlighted ages ago. When you look at other MMOs and how their community team works, there is a huge difference. It appears that all the guys here do is check forums and post on twitter.


    Hell, even the community link on this official site is just a forum, with no community love at all. Wheres the fan art show cases, fan site interviews, contests, live in game events? Maybe they cant, or are not allowed but either way, its one of the reasons why this game is sinking fast


    You actually expect that from a company that just had layoffs? :confused:

  5. People are mistaking a MMO for a WoW.

    I want a new MMO bioware not a new WoW.

    That's exactly what this game has become, Space WoW with Space Battles, it dosen't even really have a starwars feel to it because of how similar their engames are.


    And untill someone in bioware figures out the people don't want a Exact Copy of WoW, they will continue going downhill.


    And yet how much "WoW has this and SWTOR doesn't!" do we see around here? :rolleyes:

  6. "Everytime EA//BW does a patch it only get better"


    Really? You remember patch 1.2 Empty Promises?


    Something not being ready isn't an empty promise. It's a delay. A delay that netted a bunch of us a free month. So the PVPer had a wait a little longer. Big deal. These things happen in life.

  7. For all the fuss they made about story being the linchpin of what makes this game special that seems like a fairly long time to have to wait.


    About a year for new story is perfectly reasonable. Writing, editing, recording, programming...ect. Plus, they certainly would have wanted to get a read on what players wanted to see more of. I think BW is doing a great job on this front.

  8. I'm thinking they'll be playable after an expansion pack. Cathar are a freebie used to make fans happy and get a read on how introducing a new species will go over and what percent of people will roll them. With that info they can better decide how high a priority new races will be.
  9. Yeah, Imperial Intelligence is going to put some turncoat in charge of sensitive stuff. Especially since we see in the trooper storyline how people who pull a faction change are treated. :rolleyes:


    Seriously, I can't believe you actually think it's that simple.

  10. Yeah, I figured as much, but for some reason tonight it just really bothered me. This is just a game and people get so competitive and worked up over the most trivial things.


    Given how worked up people here get over trivial things you shouldn't be surprised.

  11. CelCawdro: What are your long-term plans for implementing playable species? Are Cathar merely the first of semi-regular species additions?


    Daniel: Like all of our ongoing content updates, we’ll release Cathar into the wild and see how they perform. If new species are clearly popular we’ll keep them coming!



    So am I to understand that if the Cathar don't become popular then they will interpret it as races not being popular? Why would't they interpret it as Cathar not being popular? I don't wanna be a friggin Cathar. I wanna be a wookie, or mon calamari, or rodian. But we won't get the chance unless enough people go Cathar?


    We've been TOLD they're not going to make those races playable for romance reasons. EVER. :rolleyes:

  12. AU and NZ have a combined population of about 28000000. Not even 10% of the US, nevermind Europe. So maintenience happens at the time that hits the fewest people. That's just good business. BW doesn't owe us apologies for that. Or anything else. I knew this was going to happen when I signed up and I'm disappointed that this being the case came as a shock to so many.


    That said, three patches in week is bit much. Oh well, more Civ V time.

  13. Well let's be fair.


    Since this topic comes up every time they take the servers down, it would be a bit naive to think they don't all ready know.


    Plus, I don't know of any game that gives players anything for time lost due to patches. We all knew this was going to be an issue and signed up anyway. Find something else to do for four hours.

  14. Hey all,

    Sorry just whatted to vent some anger about the 1.3 patch, don't know how lot feel about it.


    I haven't used the LFG as yet so carn't comment on that, but im quite annoyed about the Legcay part of it.


    Because i thought i could use one of my Lvl 50's and buy the peaks which would then be usable by all of my chars/toons, such as the speeders being useable at lvl 10 or the xp incresses for story etc.


    BUT no apprantly u have buy them separtly for each toon, so for a lvl 10 to use a speeder u need the 40k crds for the peak 8k for the speeder and what ever it is to get the trainning. So the only way to get these perks to my mind is by sending crds from ur higher lvl char to ur lower lvl ones.


    So what is the point in having this leacgy family tree crap in the first place where u sould be able to share items with ur other toons???


    Like i say just venting anger/annoyance at this set up.


    Because 10,000-20,000 for something that can benefit up to eight characters is all sorts of broken.

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