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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. Ah people are so gulible, and naive this days, they are so easly hyped by publicity.


    Nah, everyone really just wants to spout doom and gloom in the hopes that they'll seem sage if they turn out to be right. And when they don't they continue on in the foolish belief that cynicism = wisdom.

  2. Already contact customer service 1 week ago, they said that they are work on it but the problem is not solved! As a subscriber (for over a year) I want my services that I paid for...


    You're getting the service you pay for. The game is ready to play. One small feature of the game is not working but it in no way prevents you from playing the game. :rolleyes:

  3. However the lack of communiation on certain issues (hood toggle and, well, sgr which told to come or being worked on) is just unnaceptable. There is no ETA, no work-in-progress report or even confirmation if it's still gonna make it or not. This is what is wrong.


    Maybe there's no ETA because...there's no ETA and if they give one and end up missing it people will howl. BioWare got burned on this before so I can see why they'd not what to say ANYTHING until something is a done deal. Live with it.

  4. The Empire are taken seriously because they whipped the Republic's butt. They trashed the center of galactic civilization and the best the Republic could do was keep things together enough that the Empire offered them a crappy peace deal since, despite their best efforts, the Empire just wasn't ready to take the whole of the Republic.


    However, as is pointed out by several people in game, the Empire is pretty much a house of cards that will eventually fall. And they're proven right.

  5. Yes, there hasn't been enough time guys. Our servers went from 45 people on fleet, to 90 in the first few days of F2P, and 3/4 weeks later we are at (7pm) 25 people on the republic fleet and 37 on the imperial fleet.


    We need to wait longer for these numbers to decline further! WAIT AND SEE!!


    Sure, let's make a rash decision! That never ends badly.


    Also, anecdotal evidence isn't worth a bucket of poodoo.

  6. Naboo has only been 'discovered' by Humans for about 900 or so years at the time of SWTOR. Gungans are native so they'd be there. Also ruins from a previous conqueror race would still be around I'm sure.


    Yep, IIRC Naboo is mostly Gungans at this point. Pretty unlikely we'll ever see it. But I'd be cool with a Gungan NPC or just having one as a background character in a bar.

  7. Here Here, this 100 times and still we hear crickets....


    Yes, because that's going to make anyone eager to help you. :rolleyes:


    Yeesh, we were told they'd decide what to do about APAC after they've had a good long look at the F2P numbers. There almost certainly not been enough time for that. Honestly, I don't know why this is so confusing for some people.

  8. I'm not sure this is true at least as far as companion romances are concerned.


    No to mention that it's taking there not being a 50/50 split and drawing MASSIVE conclusions about the personalities of real people. Classic example of taking a single fact, drawing an *emotional* conclusion and then assuming that your OPINION is a *fact*. :rolleyes:

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