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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. So you are seriously telling me the people at Bioware are so incompetent even after months and months of testing and using the transfer tool they still dont even know if it works? If thats the case they should all be fired tomorrow. The point of drawing this out is to keep people subscribing while they wait. If they come out and say "Itll be 2 months before server#soandso gets to transfer people will start cancelling like crazy.


    So it's "pretend like I actually understand the details of how any of this works and then call the people who actually do understand it incompetent because reality doesn't conform to the magic picture in my mind"


    Do friendship-lovin' ponies live in that magical world off MMO management you're in as well? :rolleyes:

  2. are you sure? Looks liek they want to lose a lot more characters even before they allow transfers.


    Watch how many people raging right now still toss down another $15 for more.


    And yes, the way Bioware is doing this makes sense and is in keeping with what they've been telling us.

  3. I'm all for this. The GTN on Nar Shadda very rarely has anything good. By doing this the potential customer base for the gear I make doubles and there's storytelling possibilities there. The Hutts make the most sense if a third faction is ever introduced.
  4. The ones now don't interest me. The new one certainly wont. Maybe ill play it once and thats it. No one likes stuff on rails, this is worse than HP: DH on kinect (if youve seen Angry Joe)


    Its funny seeing you people go "OP youre wrong because you said "no one" well I like it so that means you are wrong"


    Look up the word "exaggeration"


    Look up the word "hubris." :rolleyes:

  5. Well it didn't launch like it. Get over it already :) Just keep looking to the future and where the game is headed.


    Up, up and up


    Yep. When you join a MMO at launch you know you're signing up to play the roughest version of the game. For only six months I think the game has done pretty well.

  6. If by end you mean "furthest into the future" then yes. Otherwise, no.


    I have mixed feelings about Legacy being presented as only a possible future. The comic was presented as the 100% official line. But even then I figured it wouldn't last. Still, I wouldn't mind something else being the future of SW as the Legacy universe is rather grim.

  7. Your maintenance is taking too long, my girlfriend will be here soon and she hates me playing this game, hurry up please its not as if its a herculean task that your undertaking.


    Oh, it's not Herculean? Well, I'm sure the game will be up in ten minutes.


    Seriously, four hours is about normal. Go spend time with your girlfriend and don't worry about a game. :rolleyes:

  8. If the system is designed by halfwits, then yes it could be a griefing aspect.. or you could look it as another exciting aspect to the everdull PVP scenario.


    Generally I find when people consider BH or bounties to be griefing (or grieving, w/e) they most likely were locked in thier house at some point and being camped by a Bounty hunter, and in that case you should have grown a pair and gone outside and cleared the bounty.



    In other words, if people don't play the game like I would they're doing it wrong. :rolleyes:

  9. I guess ill say what generally everyone thinks . We re fine with your new content presented on E3 but what about transfers and 8 man premade warzones. Thats certainly more urgent. U said early summer and that`s it . Early summer already begun. Population issues are not solved. I got 5-30 ppl on fleet every single day .


    Thank you for having the hubris to think that you speak for everyone. :rolleyes:

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