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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. There is NO TALK of mega servers...


    This is a rumour, based on a misunderstood quote. Larger server populations however are coming.


    Seriously. That and DCUO getting mentioned a few times and suddenly everyone's yelling about megaservers. Cripes, try sticking to the facts, folks.

  2. With over a decade of MMO releases there should be no risks, and if you are considering 8 months in as still a launch period then you are the perfect brainwashed subscriber they will need to keep this game going.


    No risks!? What planet do you live on? There will always be things that can't be predicted and don't work out as expected. No MMO hasn't had problems in the early days and no MMO ever won't. These are the early days still and that's a fact.


    Also, the game has been out for less than seven months. Do your math correctly.

  3. I want all transfers done instantly using that magic switch that Bioware could use to do anything in one second but refuse to use because they're jerks who hate their customers and give all the good stuff to the Imp players. Oh, and I want all gear drops to be super, epic awesome and 1,000,000,000 people on my server at all times for when I want to PVP. And since I was forced to read the forums to understand how transfers work I demand another 30 days free, one of those blue mantra ray things as a mount and a sexy Ugnaunt as a romancable companion.


    If I don't get every one of those things I'll unsub and play a game that does servers right. Ever hear Diablo 3, Biofail? :rolleyes:

  4. Is it really that much to ask for though? Why should he re-subscribe if his server isn't going to be up for another week or two and and his account runs out tomorrow?


    He should be afforded the decency as a customer of being told when he can properly access his product.


    He can properly access his product right now. If he wants to log in and play he can do it. Maybe not with the number of other players he'd like, but he can do it. And the problem is being fixed anyway.


    So yeah, patience.

  5. This.


    Why can't you tell us your tentative origin/destination servers?


    Let us know who will transfer to where, and when. It's okay if this information changes. At least we'd be able to prepare to transfer (remove guild/GTN/mail items, etc).


    Please. If anything changed people would nash their teeth, scream "Incompetence!" and "Bioware lied!" with the usual "paying customer" and "I'm done!" nonsense. So show a little patience. :rolleyes:

  6. A lot of the rage is because we do not get good info. Soon, staggered, over time these have no value to them. Tell us 3 days, 4 days, something, anything.

    Do what I do at work and give them the Scotty answer.” It will take 4 days” and then when you are ready for the next wave in 1 day you are the super star.

    You need to set our expatiations better.


    Get some realistic expectations first.

  7. What? They said transfers would be June 12th. They never said only 4% would be June 12th. They most definately promised transfers on the 12th. They just didnt tell us it would be 1 east coast pve server only. If they had then I wouldnt have a problem with it. Ah well no big deal you apologists keep going hell they have already lost 400k subs we know of. I bet today they lost easily 100k more. Pretty soon you will be wondering where everyone is.


    I am fairly sure it was "start transfers."

  8. All i want to know is, how long before all the servers are eligible for transfer? Whats a good estimation please?


    Based on how other games have done this, how long should it take?


    Because Bioware has that information and an hour is certainly long enough to figure something like that out. :rolleyes:

  9. Tweeting is not the way to keep most of your customer base up to date. Stop with the GD tweeting crap. You have forums, USE THE GD FORUMS NOT A TWEET!


    Yes, because there's more people sitting in front of their computers than people who have their phones handy. :rolleyes:

  10. No theyy didnt advertise it at all, its their job to get the information out to us, not for us to hunt it down in some obscure location on their site, it should be on their main page on log in screen, send stuff in the in game mailbox.


    I got a response within minutes to a Tweet to Bioware today. So they're keeping us informed just fine IMO.

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