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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. The relevant questions are:


    1) Why did BW only open servers Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (*** happened to Friday, *** happened to working at the weekend - surely a happy customer is more important than a weekend off when you've already lost 90% of your subscriber base...)


    2) Why if we're all being moved to the same destination server (as it seems for EU PVE servers) did you stagger the transfers (after the initial trial and bug fixes - open it to everyone at the same time so we have a fair chance at getting our names?)


    1. I don't think your math is right.


    2. To gather data and let things shake themselves out a bit before the final push most likely.

  2. All of the speculation about why they choose to do this is not new. However, I have not yet read a yellow name articulate any truth behind those speculations. I HAVE read the yellow posts that ambiguously said stuff about "monitoring populations" and waiting for weekend people to loin.


    HOWEVER that does not answer the question about articulating the RISK they are balancing in choosing not to allow further origin servers. That is what I am looking for, a clear description of the risk they are trying to mitigate by this decision. It obviously is disappointing, and I am obviously disappointed. I could swallow this bitter pill a little easier if I could clearly understand why they chose this route.


    Bioware doens't need to tell us the nuts and bolts details of how they run their business. There are things that companies do prefer to keep private. And your problem here is simply a lack of patience.


    Besides, there's enough people playing armchair MMO officer with just the info we have no. And we've seen how productive those posts tend to be. :rolleyes:

  3. Speak for yourself mate, I'm not fine with waiting 45 minutes just to log in. What if I only have a couple of hours to play? I have no wish to spend half that time waiting to play. I'd much rather wait an extra few days on server transfers, so then I get both a decent server pop and no queues to log in.


    Yes I want to have my cake and eat it, I bought the damn cake, it's my cake, so why shouldn't I?


    I'm far from being a "fanboy". You can check my previous posts, I've been pretty critical of BW in the past. But all the moaning and whining about the server transfers I find amazing. They've done about 80% of the servers in 3 days, and now they want to let the dust settle a bit before moving the last 20%. I don't see this as being unreasonable.


    Agreed. Also, it's Father's Day weekend in the States. Bioware staff gave up Thanksgiving for the beta so I think they've earned this. Besides, a lot of what was learned here will surely go into paid transfers down the line so I'm very glad they're taking the time to do things right here.


    And FYI, I'm in the 20% and I don't really mind waiting a few more days.

  4. I feel scammed. They had to of known at the start of transfers these servers would not be moved because they wanted to monitor them. why not tell us a few days ago instead of letting us think we had a chance to actually play again.


    You can play. The game is right there on your computer. You're free to play it whenever you want.

  5. By this token its like saying "well the little guy is already screwed and has been screwed for months, lets screw them a little bit more"?


    Having to wait a few more days is hardly being screwed over. You can still play the game. Quests and dailies are still there. Space missions are still there. Bummer for you if you're only into PVP or Operations, of course. But c'est la vie.


    Bioware is a business and getting the most people through the door in a day is what businesses have to do.

  6. Same boat here. I don't understand how they can choose servers with HEALTHIER AND BIGGER pops than ours to transfer. While letting completely fail-servers just sit there picking their nose infront of the gtn.


    Its sounding more and more like a random lottery. BW has mastered the art of disappointing its paying customers it seems.


    I'd say it might be more a case of taking care of the largest numbers first. For example, if there are 5,000 on one server and 10,000 on another and both are to be offered transfers, well, it's pretty clear where the larger number is. Take care of the big jobs first.

  7. I agree with this man. They keep acting like this is some huge favor they are doing us. How much more data do you need about Darth Bandon. Go look at it. Nothing has changed in months.


    I'm on Darth Bandon as well. And while I'm bucking for a transfer as much as anyone else I don't think trying to tell Bioware how to do their jobs helps. I don't know how much data they need for this sort of thing any more than I'd say 99% of the people here do. I don't know the technical aspects or what should take priority in this situation on Bioware's end.


    So given all that it seems to me relaxing and waiting my turn seems the most logical thing to do. That said, I'm bucking for Candaros Ordo. Got two alts there already and my Rep guild.

  8. Are your character names that important to you that you're going to screw yourself over by not transferring?


    I don't understand that logic, and I'm really attached to my mains name (had it in one form or another in P&P games as well as MMO's for well over 15 years).


    Agreed. Accept it and move on.

  9. Dear Mako,


    Thanks for being an island of sanity in this world of nasty people we deal with. It means a lot that you support me when I try to be a decent guy in spite of this ugly job. Though it would be nice if you didn't hold so much back until I've sorted out whatever personal problem you're having at the moment.

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