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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. LOL Now that's a joke. If they can unify them on a player, they can unify them on a companion. They're just feeding people a line to make it sound like they're actually doing something.


    Just dump the whole bass ackward 'unify' and implement a proper armor dye system. That's what the players have been asking for since Beta. If Trion and other smaller developers could do it, there's no excuse for BioWare not to.


    Five minutes after they put in a dye system you'll have guys in pink Vader armor running around the fleet and people will be complaining that the dye system let's people break immersion. :rolleyes:

  2. A time frame would be appreciated, because quite honestly it is pathetic that you would just "forget" about us. I logged on this morning specifically to create the ninth character that I have been waiting months to create, but no, only the NA and Euro servers have that option.


    Despite wanting this though, DO NOT take our servers down during the usually considered prime time to fix it. We get enough of that without having another week of it.


    It's amazing you seem to think you can dictate terms to Bioware.


    The four slots were clearly a glitch or oversight of some sort. We've been told it'll be taken care of. They're not going to give an estimate because people will be standing around with stopwatches if they do. So show some patience and relax.

  3. I can't really tell from the blog post whether or not people who aren't in the US can play on this server. It says that East Coast characters were copied, but can anyone roll on it?


    I live in South Korea and mostly play on the East Coast servers. I logged in last night and everything was fine. Looks like I'll have to rename one character, but adding one letter to the name did the job. Even better, it looks like a character I rolled on another server will be moved to where I keep most of my alts. Awesome!

  4. i wish we had the option to remame our followers


    Not going to happen. It would be five minutes before someone found a way to get some racist insult around the filters. Also, companions' names are often used in the story.


    So it just ain't happenin'.

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