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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. As much as I agree with you on the whining on the forum, in this case they might actually have a case. The devs have just recently promised that they're going to communicate with the customers more. And when they finally release a new playable species, they give us one that wasn't even in the top two (if not top three). This is not a good way to begin a new communications strategy.


    Where exactly is this top ten list? :confused:

  2. Considering WoW and Rift do this as well (as far as I am aware), it implies they are doing well.


    Agreed. It's becoming more and more common for MMOs. Just look at all the free preview weekends. It's a perfectly reasonable business decision.

  3. If you are having trouble with Vivicar, wait til you reach Stark...man, eff Stark.


    Seriously. I had to get backup to take him down. Vivicar you can beat with good gear, an understanding of how he works and, if need be, an extra level or two.

  4. Problem is that while that makes sense on paper, it isn't how it works out in the bounty hunter storyline. The storyline will force your character to violate most common perceptions of honor and morality. Unless your character has an extremely twisted, convoluted sense of honor that still holds things like "fraud", "terrorism", and a host of other unnecessary vile acts your hunter commits all in the name of money and fame, as being honorable pursuits.


    It's more like a mafia or yakuza code of honor from my read. You have a set of rules you live by and you follow them no matter what. Traditional morally is a seperate matter. So sure, by most people's morality killing Jedi is wrong. By the BH's it's just a part of the job and Jedi know the risks.

  5. GW1 didn't kill any games, GW2 isn't going to, either.


    I am hoping it will draw off the noisy obnoxious PVPers, though. Who will play IT for three months, bellyaching loudly, and then go to some other game.




    Here, here. Oh, and people are also going to kill Diablo four or five times and then want something else to do.

  6. There is no doubt that server transfer or mergers are desperately needed. But we need more information SOON. For instance; I have a guild and it would be nice to know if our server is going to be the recipient or the mass exodus server - meaning is BW going to try and funnel people to or from our server. It would be real nice to know this before 1.3 so i can get the remaining members of my guild prepped to move if necessary... is this asking too much?


    Well, if YOU ask I'm sure Bioware will decide to tell us before they're ready. :rolleyes:

  7. Do you argue that women playing MMOs are a minority? Why shouldn't we have someplace open to converse about the issues and bugs riddling the game? I would never have purchased the game if I had any inkling that this would be the outcome. I can only try to help others not make the same mistake. Even if you only look at my post hopefully I can proved some insight to anyone.


    AND please all of you MEN! Get in on this! I want you to join!


    You do have a place to talk about bugs. Here. Unless you somehow think that women need a space of their own to talk about technical problems to impact *everyone*.:rolleyes:

  8. when bioware was more conservative with their timings saying 8 hour downtimes people complained that no patch should take 8 hours... now they say it will take 4 hours and it ends up taking the 8 hours they used to say it takes... and everyones mad..


    funny how no one is happy here:P


    I'm happy. I'm enjoying the game and the patch was rolled out on a night where I didn't really feel like playing.

  9. they have twitter, no updates until 4 or more minutes past their expected deadline, twice. they said it would take 4 hours then extended it by one hour, now its double the time they originally stated. They will lose subscribers and I am nearly one of them. It's poor work from a bunch of liars. They tell newspapers, tv programs and internet programs/sites that their fanbase is happy, we are far from happy as a whole


    Oh no, they took more than four minutes past the deadline to tweet that the deadline was extended. :rolleyes: How dare Bioware not have an employee standing by with a cell phone and a stopwatch.

  10. well put i have a lvl 50 on cantina i run ppl through fp for gear all the time an help people but when i get on one of my meny alts no one to help me if ppl from my guild are not on. people would rather


    a. stand infront of the mail box for three hours


    b. drive there speeder around the cantina



    Here, here. Get out of the way! Other people wold like to use the mailboxes, you jerks.

  11. Please. Everyone continue to complain about something that is already coming. Obviously Bioware needs to be reminded on their forums every five minutes.




    I'm so glad I'm a PvE player. I have no reason to care about any of that.:rolleyes:

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