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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. This quote is taken from the Master Dar'Nala server froums, postd in the last 12 hours.


    Is this the experience we want for new players?


    The positive effect on population on Master D is wasted if it ends up with situations like this.

    I have spoken to 2 others directly in the last day or so with pretty much the same experience, either new or returning players, wondering where the people are in a game they are enjoying or want to enjoy.


    From Jeff Hickman's State of the Game blog 6th Nov.




    With all due respect I believe the time for the solution is now. Whatever it is, please get it underway ASAP.


    Kind regards


    Yeah! Don't carefully consider all possible options and give F2P time to settle. Do SOMETHING now. If you screw it up we'll complain and accuse you of not doing your job.

  2. SWTOR doesn't only support english, the game has French and German assets. Look this UI

    As for servers and translation, analysts study how much it would cost them and how much incomes they'll have afterward. If their results show that it's not worth the investissement, they don't do it, it's not about selfishness but about money.


    Plus, French is a given as Canada has a lot of laws about things sold up there needing to be in both English and French.

  3. You guys do realize that non-Russians backing this mean zero in terms of the numbers of people who'd need to join the game for it to be worth the $ BW would have to spend to do a translation, right? Your support doesn't put money in anyone's pocket and that's what counts in the end.
  4. If they were able to have Nagai Jedi in the Old Republic (and it's canon there was at least one) I'm fine with Chiss Jedi. No government controls *everyone* associated with it. There's always going to be people who go far afield and set up shop there. And I say that as an American who's lived in Japan and Korea.


    Plus, as people have said, Chiss are pretty similar to Pantorans and Wroonians. So I doubt most people would pay them much attention.

  5. Within 3 mo of The Cartel Market going live expect to see the following things in the cash shop.


    Paid Name Changes

    Paid Character Recustomization

    Paid Server xfers

    Paid Faction Changes


    This is years of experience with MMOs talking. ESP with EA involved. They will do whatever they can to milk the cash shop dry


    Never knew they added faction change to WoW. :rolleyes:

  6. Dude, companions are also mirrored in role and abilities, only change is skin, so no prob with afection, unles your 'etc' has something i havent figured, theres no prob at all to allow Faction Respecs


    Except storytelling. "Hey, dude who just came in from the Jedi Order! Would you like it if we placed a great deal of trust in you and totally didn't question if you could be trusted at all and just let you get right into doing Sith stuff? You would, well, welcome to Korriban! Enjoy your stay and remember to enjoy the dark side!"



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