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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. SWTOR is dying, 2 mill sold at launch, maybe 2.5. mill total by now, they're down to 1.3. mill (free month is included im sure) They've lost way too many, and Elder Scroll Online is coming in 2013 to give that last push.


    Yeah, because five months totally tells the story on an MMO that's getting ready for a big expansion. :rolleyes: Oh, and just how bug free do you expect Elder Scrolls to be?

  2. What is it that leads people to believe they are experts in the field of game development, to the degree they will actually post solutions, based on the fact that they played a video game.


    A wise man once said "Just because you've read a thousand books doesn't mean you're qualified to write one." It's the same for making games. :rolleyes:

  3. It will be too late by then... It is already too late... GW2 is coming out in the matter of months and I don't see any sane players sticking to this pile of crap.


    People are leaving in droves and the hyped "WoW killer" has killed itself. After the free 30 days, you will see a MASSIVE drop in subscription numbers.


    Anyone who ever called this game a "WoW killer" is a fool. Only WoW getting to the point where people don't want to play it anymore will kill WoW.


    Amazingly enough there's room in the world for two (or more) large, popular MMOs. You don't "win" anything by playing the more popular game. And flaws or not SWTOR is expanding. So I think it'll survive GW2.


    Honestly, is doomsaying so much fun?

  4. Man, some people really don't get it. Server and mergers are doubtlessly tricky stuff. So of course Bioware is going to take it slow to make sure it goes right.


    First we get the transfers to the Pacific servers. Then they're going paid transfers so people can go where they want. Only THEN would they move towards mergers. Even they'll have to sit on things a bit to give people who don't want to go to whatever server they'd be merged with a bit of time to transfer somewhere they like.


    So to do all that without minimal bugs and loses they're going to have to proceed carefully. A little patience is all that is required.

  5. You think Lord Vivicar is too strong? Just wait until you meet Starke. Man, screw Starke.


    So very true.


    The answer, gear up, level up, juice up. I took him down at 33. But you do have to know when to interupt him and bringing a buddy can be a huge help.

  6. Actually, I'd put Sid, intelligence wise, WAY above Luthor. Luthor is basically the reincarnation of Machiavelli as far as the deviousness goes. Sid takes both Luthor AND Machiavelli to school.


    That said, if he has no leverage over Superman that he can use, he's done. Over with. Most of the time, Luthor had something to hang over Supes' head during their scraps.


    You missed that "The Prince" was written as satire, didn't you? :rolleyes:

  7. Nadia. My Jedi had given so much to others I figured he deserved something for himself. Plus, it's clear that she was totally into him so why not. Plus, the relationship is actually pretty sweet once it gets under way.
  8. So I'm doing the "Stop the Excavation" quest on Voss and working on the subquests that go with it. For some reason the mouse seemed to become *obsessed* with the vorantikuses. I try and bring the cursor over the beastmasters to see how much HP they have...it shows me the vorans. Click off to the side and try again? The vorans. I get anywhere near the vorans it shows me their stats but I can't get to show me anything near them for nothin'!


    Then I move up to top of the hill. I try to do damage to a vorantikus by clicking on the barrel. Nope, still going to give me vorans stats. I can't even get an activation hand! I even tried looking in the total opposite direction and it wold still jump to giving me voran stats even if I wasn't looking at one and hadn't clicked on one.


    As a side note what the heck is with the voran that suddenly spawns out of no where right on top of the barrel in that area? That's just not fair.

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