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Posts posted by Laris_Rai

  1. Whenever I try and talk to the NPC I need to speak to to start Chapter 2 of KotFE, I'll see a moment or two of a cut scene of my character looking around and then the game will stop responding. This has happened to me about six times and I'm pretty frustrated right now.
  2. Mechanics wise I see the point of not allowing it, but how difficult do you think it would really be for, say, a Sith Sorceror to change to a Sith Assassin? You learn a few lightsaber moves and how to wield a new weapon, you're still using most of the same lightning and darkside force abilities, you've still got the same companions and the same story progression (there's hardly even a quest for AC choice now, since you can pick it before ever leaving the starter planets).


    "How hard could it be?" really means "I have no idea how difficult this would be to do. But I'm going to act like it would be easy anyway."

  3. ...is a picture of the possible rewards I can get my each mission. If I'm trying to craft something specific it's easier for me to remember the picture of the material I need than the name. I think this would also cut down on the simple goof of send a crew member off on the wrong level mission and such. Make it possible to see the name of the material by moving the mouse over the picture would also be a good idea.


    And if I'm being pie in the sky about it, the % odds of getting each one would be nice too.

  4. No, you must be new to Rping or it's just changed for new MMO's but the days when I RP'd in RP games back in the late 80's/ early 90's that's what RP was. If you were killed, you stayed dead until a new game/character was made or you had a friend use a spell/enchant on you to bring you back to life.

    So pardon my true understanding of old school roleplaying!


    Oh, please. You're clearly just trying to pick a fight. Anyone who describes their RP style as "true" is also full of themselves. And if you thought that the RP works hasn't changed in twenty years you must have rode the short bus to school. :rolleyes:

  5. Thank you folks for bringing this to our attention. As you have guessed it is unfortunately not in this pack as indicated in the Decorations UI. As Screaming Ziva guessed, due to this error we will be placing the Slot Machine: Smuggler's Gambit on the Binary Star Realty reputation vendor for 1 credit at some point in the future. I do not have exact timing on when this will happen but as soon as I know specifics I will let you know. Just like the Republic Voss Embassy Sign, this item will only be available through the vendor for a limited time.


    I will post timing as soon as I have it. Thanks everyone.





    Cool, ERrc. I'm gonna buy a ton of those things when this happens. You just made my sumggler a happy man.

  6. Nitpicking, in addition to being sore it would seem.


    Regardless, the purpose of the thread has been fulfilled and the current Lead Writer for the game was kind enough to take the time and address it.


    I shall leave you to what you both do best, namely licking your wounds.


    Not sure what I'm supposed to have been defeated in here. A kid that throws a tantrum to get a toy might get the toy, but their behavior is hardly a victory.

  7. Big letters and overly emotional statements got Bioware to fess up. FACT. They were going to resurrect all the potentially dead characters if it hadn't been for them meddling kids!




    Given that a normal style post was wasn't tired first that's like saying killing a fly with a sledge hammer worked just fine without trying a flysmacker first.


    Aslo, "fess up" implies they tired to cover something up which BW didn't.

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