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Everything posted by rlhaas

  1. Gameplay as an Operative just got 100000 times better. Wait, you mean I can actually use Acid Blade off the GCD like it's supposed to work?! WOOOOOOOOO.
  2. Ability delay has nothing to do with latency, brah. My ping is always the same as what you claim and I (until this patch) have been experiencing it hardcore on my Operative. Now I can actually hit Acid Blade while GCD is in effect and it actually works. No more spamming Lacerate either. I've read most of this thread and it seems as though most of the people posting in it don't even know what the thread is discussing, they're just typing things and hitting 'Post'.
  3. Why would they decide that the fix was ready after COMPLETELY turning PVP onto its head with new brackets and buff stacking being nerfed? I am more than willing to give you the floor and help me through this process, because it doesn't make sense to me. Let me put my thought process out there. 'Okay guys, more burst is being done than what we want done, let's figure out a way to lessen it,'. 'Yea, but it's being done across all classes, and I think it has to do with buff stacking that we didn't intend,'. 'You're right..and the numbers say you're right. Let's nerf that buff stacking,'. 'Cool. Also, geared 50's won't be able to take down lower level players anymore with our new brackets,'. 'Awesome. So what're we gonna do with Operative/Scoundrels? They were shown to be hitting pretty hard, but they were obviously buff stacking. Should we wait a few weeks once the patch lands and re-do the numbers before we implement this plan?,'. 'Nah. Let's just do it anyway,'.
  4. This is what you do. Make your 'Q' and 'E' keys the bindings for turning left and right, and make your 'A' and 'D' keys the bindings for strafing left and right, and than turn exclusively with your mouse. Get used to it, it takes at least one full gaming session of play (your normal play time) to get used to it, but once you do you will wonder why the heck you ever turned with your keys, and it will make you feel stupid. I know I did, and I couldn't go back to key turning if I tried. EDIT: I apologise, I see someone already told you this.
  5. Yea I mean personally when I rolled a BH I was wondering why BHs don't get a jet pack escape manuever.....it just seems like something they'd HAVE to have lol.
  6. Right, right. They had two day old numbers from the freshly released 1.1 was released (when they put out the proposed nerfs) and there was plenty of data culled from those two days (not to mention the fact that Ops/Scoundrels number far, far less than any other class in PvP) to make the decision. Yea....that's just dumb brah.
  7. I just wanted to say, I LOL'd. Also, /thread.
  8. rlhaas

    Solo Que Class

    I've gone from 10-25, all PVP on my BH Merc. It's not too hard to get down what you're supposed to do in a given match, and the mechanics are easy to figure out.
  9. Guard ability lets you select an ally and cast this ability on him. This will “link” their health to the tank’s and 50% of all damage the “guarded” character receives is damaging the tank instead. My mistake brosephus!
  10. I have no idea how the original poster put up with 30 pages of responses like this, haha. You did exactly what every other fearful and over-reactive tank has done in this thread: didn't even try to comprehend through reading. Where in that little quote there did I say I didn't want tanks to be viable? Oh that's right, nowhere. Where in that little quote there did I say classes having a role 'hurt my feelings'?! Honestly, I have no idea where you're coming from other than 'LEAVE MY TANK ALONE *TEARS TEARS*,'. Please do not bother quoting my posts if you don't want to at least discuss what was actually in them....and that tripe from you I'm quoting above certainly wasn't in my post. If all you're doing in PvP is using Guard, than not only are you doing it wrong, but you are a SUPER, DUPER BADDIE. Period. I LOVE tanks. That doesn't mean that I don't think OP has a point when it comes to one mechanic NEEDING to be balanced around when there's no good way to do it properly. Balance without Guard in mind? Unkillable targets. Balance with Guard in mind? Wayyyyy too much DPS floating around when a target isn't guarded. Or you could be like every other bad tank in this thread and just suggest that you switch tactics even as Bioware continually lowers damage but keeps Guard the same. After all, wouldn't want you one trick tanks to have nothing to do in PvP *ROLLEY EYES*. I mean I just love it guys. The guy says, 'Guard's one of those mechanics that's way too hard to continually balance for (and even gives multiple examples in other games) because the pendulum swings too far to one side or another either way you slice it. Perhaps Bioware could come up with a way for tanks to have a more active role in PvP and divvy up mitigation talents through other means, thereby making tanks better,' and people like this guy I quoted don't read the post, don't comprehend what he's saying and then spew out garbage like this guy did to me.
  11. Okay, okay. You're only PROVING the original poster's point. Is anybody reading? The original poster went through the process of explaining that guard *shouldn't* be a mechanic that makes it *mandatory* to attack one target (specifically, the tank) only because he's guarding a more important target (ball carrier, door buster, healer, etc). While you and at least two other teammates are bursting down the tank, the guy he's guarding is finishing his objectives and still not taking damage due to guard. Does that make it overpowered? No. Should Guard be looked at if Bioware's intention is to tone down burst (I'm assuming Operatives aren't going to be the only class Bioware 'brings in line' as far as burst goes)? Yes.
  12. Hey, guy. Do you know what a gap closer is? Seriously, I'm curious. Stealth isn't a gap closer. I'll help you out, dear heart. 'Gap-closer refers to an ability to travel a medium-length distance instantly or very quickly. ' So for instance, Force Leap would be a great example of a gap closer. Jet Charge is another one. WoW Mage's Blink is another one. Those are gap closers. Stealth neither gets an Operative anywhere instantly and not even quickly. Please learn what different terms in PvP mean before attempting to talk about it. The more you know, right bro?
  13. Obviously OP is crushed, but is putting on a good face to rally the rest of us to do the same. Or, he's a troll who doesn't actually have an operative and is a bad who is concern trolling. It's 50/50.
  14. We're never going to shut up the QQ man..it's just not how the internet works (see my sig). People who were and are whining don't WANT to be educated on how the class works, and they've obviously never even played an Operative/Scoundrel to 20, let alone 50. Unfortunately, we are a very under-represented class and so Bioware just nerfed us because they could, not because they should.
  15. Hahahahahahahaha. 'Metrics' is just developer code word for, 'Whiny Forum Brats'..and that's about it. How can TWO DAY OLD NUMBERS be anywhere NEAR enough time to make this change, good sir? Oh wait, it can't. All of the metrics they might have taken in PvP mean jack all now, because the real reason EVERYONE was hitting so hard (before 50 brackets) was because of all the buff stacking.......which can't be done now. It's been two days, brosephus. There aren't enough PR specialists in the world to try and spin this into a, 'But but but metrics' situation, because the facts just don't add up.
  16. Nah, not useless. I have slept on it and decided that not only am I sticking with Operative, but I'm going to *prove* to all the little jerks dancing on our nerf graves that they're STILL going to get angry when I faceplant them and they're STILL going to be bads long after THEIR class is the next to get nerfed..and I will be licking up their tears as they are licking up mine. The vicious circle of hatred lives on.
  17. I can still play my Sorc just fine.....not sure if serious.
  18. What numbers, pray tell, are Bioware using dear heart? It has barely been a full three days since the buff stacking shenns were axed. How can 48 hours be enough to determine whether or not any class needs to be nerfed? Short answer: it's not.
  19. Armor mitigation?! WHAT armor mitigation?! Please tell me WHAT armor mitigation an Ops has. PLEASE enlighten me with your non-badness. Oh WAIT. You can't. Just one more bad trying to spin it as usual. I said nothing about Trooper, so right after you learn to read....learn to play. 'Bubble, what bubble Sorcs don't have no bubble,'. Hahahaha.
  20. I can only hope so. Sorcs/Sages not only do as much damage as Ops/Scoundrels, but have infinitely more utility in every way possible. All the little baddie Inquis/Consulars may be laughing now, but they won't be for much longer. Enjoy staying with us in Nerf Land guys!
  21. Dear Gabe, I'll get an infraction or whatever for this, but I'm going to say what quite frankly the OP was too polite to say. You suck, the knee jerk reactionary nerfs suck and Bioware has done nothing but disappoint people from day one. When you guys nerfed slicing (magically and out of the blue) you cited 'metrics'. More fool me, I believed you. When you guys nerfed Biochem and Cybertech (magically and out of the blue) you cited 'metrics'. I started to become a little less oblivious. Now with this nerf, I see that 'metrics' has been code word for 'loud whiny brats'. You wanna nerf damage for Ops, fine with me. I mean far be it from me to keep all the QQing masses from not being shown how bad they are by being obliterated by the class in the game with the least utility. But Bioware, give us something else at least. If we're not going to be a damage, bursty class (you know, what you clearly geared the Concealment tree to be) then what are we gonna be? Where are OUR knockbacks? Where are OUR gap closers? Where the heck are we gonna find the extra twenty percent damage you've taken away and not be COMPLETELY energy starved trying in vain to make it up? WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE?! Oh that's right, to be fodder for the insane amount of Sorcs/Sages that make up the development team. Okay, sorry.
  22. Well damn. I can't say I'm canceling, but I WILL say that this has significantly decreased my desire to go ten more levels on my Op. I really, REALLY hate forum warriors that whined because they were getting beat by a BURST CLASS THAT DID BURST. Don't tell me 'metrics' had anything to do with it, QQers.
  23. Can I please have some of what you're smoking, good sir? Also, I just don't get the big deal. People wanna finish their objectives, and quite frankly I don't understand why people would expect people to just sit on their haunches while you finish (sometimes taking excruiatingly long) killing the pack of mobs. By the time some tanks are done fighting, I could have stealthed up, hit the objective, moved on and killed the NEXT set of mobs before they're done with the first. In the end, everyone eventually gets their objective and nobody is out anything. There are much bigger things in the game we can worry about.
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