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Everything posted by rlhaas

  1. Hahaha, you've got it backwards OP. Games fail, THEN go F2P. Ya know, like that stupid Lord of the Rings MMO that people keep touting about as if it were a step behind WoW or something. That game FAILED, and I don't care if they 'multiplied' their subs, when you have 10 subs and multiply it by three, that's 30. That's a big stretch, guys. Get your collective heads out of your collective behinds. SW:TOR has failed, and is going F2P. The sooner you come to grips with that, the more fun you will have when we're all buying 'Darth Maul's Special Saber' for 1200 Cartel Coins.
  2. All my girls are Type 4 and hawt. Last night in a Voidstar match, I was using my Chiss PT and I said I was sorry for only being level 11 to the Ops to which someone replied, 'Dat *** ain't 11,'. HA. Love it.
  3. Bioware also made it obvious that there would be constant content updates and fixes through the game's lifecycle.
  4. Ya know, I think this is my biggest problem with all of this. I've been trying to sit here and figure out *why* I don't like the F2P thing because aside from just not liking LoTRO, I couldn't really come up with any real reasons why I didn't like the idea. I think you finally shed some light on it for me. The fact that they look at their steadily declining subs and actually think anyone would swallow their drivel about people moaning and groaning over fifteen dollars a month when literally millions of players have gladly shelled out that amount for UO, WoW, EQII, SWG and others for years and years makes me mad. It also makes me mad that they think they're gonna 'fix' the sub problems with the game by just making it free when the REAL solution would be to, oh I don't know.......FIX THE PROBLEMS WITH THE DANG GAME! If they would've put their money into actually FIXING the game instead of putting it into 'Cartel Coins', this game could have worked just fine as it was.
  5. The problem for me is that it looks like you can pay thirty or fourty bucks ONCE now and get everything lifetime, even though people have been subbing since December. Also..it just *feels* fail.
  6. Well well well. I stand corrected. Wow. Free to Play. I uh..wow.
  7. Um, bro..three Maras don't HAVE to stunlock you, they run at you and slice you to ribbons. Maras don't NEED stuns to kill you dead..lol. Again, you sure you're talking about SWTOR?
  8. See it, Hell I've DONE it. One of the best matches I've ever played had a fellow Operative and I, right after the first round of ugly nerfs to the class just go hog wild. We didn't even know each other, we just random PUGd and were shocked to see another one of our kind (concealment) in the same match..so we stealthed and without saying anything to each other just followed each other around and HS, BS, Lacerate, Shiv everything that moved. We lost the match, but had a great time doing so. But once again, that was focus firing and any combo class, three at a time could CC you, hit you with their big guns and kill you in the blink of an eye. It had absolutely nothing to do with stuns.
  9. Lol. That would be called, 'focus firing' and every class can do it and has nothing to do with, 'stunlocking'.
  10. I just have to ask: has anybody here actually been involved in class balance for a AAA MMO? I haven't, and I'm guessing that the answer to this thread's question is: yes.
  11. This right here is pretty much the main reason I am almost dreading playing GW2. It looks great, plays great and all that, but the stupid effects reallllly get in the way. If you haven't played it, you won't know but they really do. I mean when you're playing TOR, you know when your Juggy is guarding you. You know when the enemy BH is dropping some missiles and at the same time can see your buddy capping a node. In GW2, sometimes it's just plain tough to see whether or not it's your Engy or the other team's Engy's turret, or glue puddle, or what have you. You DO get the circles letting you know whose is what, but a lot of the time some huge particle animation is going on and those circle lines are so thin, they almost blend right into the environment. ANet really needs to find a new way to show off their art or make the circles thicker or something.
  12. Every one of you quitters should read this (especially the bolded part) and just admit you've been lawyered.
  13. I'd be eternally grateful if you left me your stuff.
  14. Jesus Christ. WHAT DO YOU WANT THEM TO SAY, Soluss?! WHAT DO YOU WANT THEM TO SAY BESIDES PR SPIN?! THAT'S NOT HOW BUSINESS WORKS!!!!!! When you get a defective printer, do you ask for them for exact printer schematics and software stuff on why your printer isn't working with Windows XP? NO. You DON'T. Do you ask them for a detailed analysis on a timetable of when they're gonna get it out? NO. It's ONLY MMO message boarders that do this. It just drives me nuts because there's NOTHING Bioware can say at this point to anybody about anything that's going to be remotely useful. 'Yes we're working on that,'. THAT'S IT, THAT'S ALL THEY CAN SAY. I don't get why people don't get this. ************ on the boards doesn't get it done faster, and I don't get why people think that works.
  15. No..no..unfit dullards are people who question everything without knowing anything and constantly clog up message boards with inane complaints. Use your common sense, Gersidi. Obviously, SOMETHING got in the way of Bioware's vision. What do you think it was? Was it the impending doom of layoffs (these things don't just *happen*)? Was it a programming limitation? Was it that they just wanted to screw all of their players? I mean, the sky's the limit on tinfoil hat conspiracies so go nuts! It's obviously something regular folk wouldn't understand, and so they have neglected to inform us. Doesn't sound like a bad idea, because I'm not a programmer and neither are most of the people playing this game. Would a simple, 'Uh, we couldn't do that,' appease this crowd? Probably not,
  16. Hey guys: even if nothing was implemented from the Summit (which I summarily disagree with) would we have known about it had Bioware not gotten the ball rolling? No. Was it your whining that got it done or Bioware reaching out that did? You know the answer. That's the point I'm trying make.
  17. Actually yea, . Haha, ready check. Meh, whatevs guys. I'm just not sure what anybody wants at this point. I used the Summit as a point to show that while Bioware has truly messed stuff up (hence why I bounced for so long) it's not so bad and they DID try their best to reach out. Unfortunately, they're constantly dealing with unfit dullards every which way they turn that won't appreciate anything and will point out things like, 'Ready Check,' as reasons to why they've failed the community. I think it's time for another hiatus. Maybe one day I'll be able to come back here and it might be at the WoW level of community..and that community is awful.
  18. A farce..I'm not sure I understand. I mean, I know what, 'farce,' means I'm just not sure how it fits here. They said, 'Bring out your best dudes and dudettes and talk about what you want to see fixed and added to the game,'. They did, and Bioware added a lot of stuff and fixed a lot of stuff that was asked for. Not sure where the farce fits in. 1.2 was FILLED with stuff specifically asked for at the Summit.
  19. Cool, so you remember the Guild Summit. Not sure where the disconnect is then, duder!
  20. Who are you again? OHHH right, you're the guy who couldn't believe that people complain about inane things on the Internet. Awesome.
  21. Of course you did. Were you even around when dudes got flown out there and fixes and things they wanted were directly put into the next patch? Probably not.
  22. Oh please, bro. I've been GONE from this game since a little after 1.2. I just got burned out. Things weren't shaping up the way I wanted them to. I left, and didn't pay anything. I didn't whine, I didn't complain, I just left and voted with my wallet. Feel free to use my strategy. I came back literally yesterday. I'm no fanboy, you idiot, I'm just not foaming at the mouth like a spoiled child. There IS a difference. If I was non-sentient, I wouldn't have been able to type out that post you quoted and I wouldn't be able to respond to you now. Maybe you should read a dictionary every once in awhile there, DarthCDiv. My claim is that all this whining about stuff is stupid, and that certainly hasn't been dismissed. Have all these trolling, whining posts attributed to anything besides all of our collective post counts? No. Have actual Q&A's and visits to Bioware attributed to the game? Yes. What does that tell us, kids? Yea..I'll leave y'all to figure it out. I mean, it's a longshot, but anything is possible.
  23. LOLOLOLOL. Is this your first freaking day on the Internet?! All people DO on the Internet is complain. They complain about Apple, they complain about Kim Kardashian, they complain about the price of tea in China and they complain about video games. Get a grip there, Tuscad. There's a thread here that actually complains about having to choose, 'Environment: swtor1' on here. ONE EXTRA BUTTON CLICK. Yet, it exists. You people are stupid.
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