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Everything posted by rlhaas

  1. Because of all the 'mature' responses, ie. 'I'll just go mess about and not do anything because I'm a little child who always gets his way, yay!,' I'm also in favor of not only a deserter debuff, but a vote kick option. You babies can go *cough* right off with that attitude..YOU'RE the ones who make PvP almost unbearable. I can't wait for BW to implement these changes so you guys can go shuffle off to the granola store while the mature PvPers can pwn face in peace.
  2. Hahahaha, I cannot believe this is a thread. I can't believe that people actually think 'left inc' means 'left from wherever you're spawning'. That's just.....I dunno. I don't even know why someone would think it's anything OTHER than west. Wow. Bad players always find another way to be bad even when you think they've run out of ways.
  3. I don't know or care if it's out-sourced or not - it needs to be overhauled (the QA process). It's quite clear to me that pretty much no testing goes on for their new patches. One step they could try (you know, like every other damn MMO) is to actually let people copy over their damn characters or make premades for the PTR. STUFF LIKE THIS WOULDN'T BE BROKEN UPON RELEASE. Remember the 1.0 whatever patch where something was broken and someone actually found it so they were able to fix that before releasing it? That's how it's always supposed to work, Bioware. Give the players the tools to fix your game so you don't continue to look like a bunch of monkeys in party hats comprise your QA team.
  4. I'd say the biggest problem is not having armor separated into categories pertaining to type. It's so frustrating having to sift through 1,000 useless Aim/End helms to find the Cun/End greaves I was looking for. I also think the default pricing needs to be set to check/calculate the average price of whatever item you're selling and set it there so people have a jump off point..right now I think people are used to that other game doing that and so just leave really expensive items at 4395 or whatever arbitrary number the GTN pukes up.
  5. I've been playing MMOs a lot longer than I'd like to admit. I've never heard of an etiquette that says DON'T help other players. If somebody's getting overwhelmed, I help them if I can. If somebody's fighting an elite, I help them. I've only ever gotten whispers of, 'Thanks dude!,'. I mean seriously, 'working on my rotation'?! No you're not. If you were really doing that, you'd be doing it where it could do the most good, in HM FPs with your guild, not downing an elite mob. Just say thank you like a good little boy or girl and let the awesome person who just saved you time know it was worth THEIR time to help you when they didn't have to.
  6. Please yes, oh please please do this. Like, yesterday. What kind of 2012 MMO only has room for two windows open at a time?!
  7. Your sarcasm is lacking both wit and bite. I suggest you go back to the corner and don't come back out until you work on it!
  8. Wow, Bioware..wow. It's so under-handed it's hilarious. *looks at Mako's brown eyes and pouty lips* Yea, I'm gonna go resub now.
  9. This. I am the same; I like to have the freedom to do other things IRL while questing and unlike players who blindly invite me, I'm not rude so I feel tethered to the computer when I'm grouped up (Guild groups excluded..we're on vent).
  10. This is one of those things where I see the merit in both sides of the argument. On one hand, DOTing up a guy that is continually trying to cap an objective with friends is a GREAT way to hold it if you're outnumbered and waiting for reinforcements. You may die during the 3v1, but at least you'll be able to hold the node until your own buddies arrive. On the other hand, it does seem pretty weak that a guy you just waxed can still inhibit your ability to cap stuff even after his death. All in all, I'd say 'working as intended' because it's a lot easier to get someone to cleanse the DOTs off of you than it is to hold onto an objective sans friends without DOTs.
  11. Okay, okay. Everything else in this thread can go by the wayside, but this can't. Scoundrels aren't using cover, brah. We could, but let's face it: we're not Gunslingers. They're not running around backstabbing people, and Scoundrels aren't running around in cover. We have stealth, and lemme tell ya: it sucks balls in PvP. The second some Merc/Trooper decides to AOE off-screen somewhere, there goes stealth and everyone is focusing you. You kill some poor straggler or the ball carrier, and you want to re-stealth but unfortunately some jerk Sorc or Sent has you dotted up, so good luck on that one. Sometimes you don't manage to kill your quarry (yea, burst has been taken down a few notches) and they run off using Force Speed or Leap to some other target and you're stuck in combat for twelve hours even though no one is engaging you..so do you blow your two minute cooldown over that or hope that someone else waxes that guy so you can re-stealth? The only healing Sawbones/Operatives aren't running around in cover, because healing brings you out of stealth. Basically, you're very uninformed about the class and are the exact type of person that propagates super myths about all classes which is why this thread exists in the first place. Instead of starting a thread in the Marauder/Sentinel boards about how to better deal with classes with a knockback or how better to stray away from pits/fire, this person just wants to nerf knockbacks by granting instant resolve after ONE. It's ridiculous but the original poster has a right to his opinions/wants, but he/she would be much better served by doing what I've suggested and go to better skilled players of his class and pick their brains on how to best stay out of danger with regards to knockbacks. They make me super angry too, because as a melee class I have no way to catch up to anybody at all, but that's the way the game goes. TLDR: Shaddap.
  12. Go find them, and get back to me. I'm sure you'll have 'lost' them somewhere..the point is, it's never been like that......EVER.
  13. FOTM implies a mass influx of said class; considering Operatives and Smugglers are the least played class in the game, calling them FOTM at any point is pretty stupid. Derp.
  14. As far as I know, it's working as intended.
  15. You can just shuffle right off to the granola store, pal. I used up way more than 800,000 creds just to get the mats to be able to grind through countless blues to get my resusable medpack..I EARNED it. You want it, go grind out Biochem or stuff it.
  16. I'd be all for something like this if it was like 'WareCon 2012' or something. It's not.
  17. Nerf 'em, Bioware. Nerf 'em to the ground. This ain't 1Vs1 guys, we're talking about team play here..and a couple Sorcs/Sages on your side *instantly* turn the tide of battle. No other class can say that.
  18. Ridiculous, lol. Snares not triggering resolve isn't a bug, guy. Sorry to burst your bubble on that one. I'm about to blow your mind, dear heart: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/1012660/ BOOM. An entire forum devoted to actual bugs in WoW, some of them dating back to Vanilla. Yea, that's right - Vanilla. It's been seven long years and Bliss still hasn't gotten around to fixing some bugs for all that time. Wait, what was that? You're bowing out of the conversation now? Yea, that's what I thought.
  19. Yes. Clearly you are the only person to care about this whatsoever. The search function would have absolutely not helped you in your quest to find more like minded forum posters concerning this most egregious error on Bioware's part.
  20. I stopped watching this idiotic video the moment he said that it's 'hard to find bugs in WoW' when the top raiding guilds in WoW were temp banned recently for exploiting a fairly simple bug with LFR enabling them to continue to farm bosses for loot over and over again..according to the WoW community, MANY bugs like this exist at endgame STILL in WoW. Whiny kid is whiny kid.
  21. This is the greatest thing to whine about, ever. I want my polka-dotted lightsabers NOW!
  22. New and intriguing gripe is new! Give Bioware some time to implement new races.
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