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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Arguing in this topic fits Einsteins definition of madness.


    Maybe the truth is that we need a quitter debuff

    Maybe the truth is that we are better without it (my vote goes here)


    The fact is, there is no debuff, and these are the rules that we are allowed to quit.

    Deal with it.

  2. My sage is Rattataki;

    doing punch emote regeneration is fun , Sith pureblood is better for knight :D


    Love puting Miralarian for imp chars, do 'lamp emote' yeling 'I'm a lamp :D:D:D' (specially on my sniper)

  3. Force management without effusion is crap. Whenever you have to clip FL, which happens a lot in games where you can't just steamroll the other team, or apply bubble it will take a huge dip. So then you have to rely on consumption, which is like the worst regen ability in any game ever, the trade-off is horrible and you get a debuff that makes it even worse. They should add an inst-regen ability in the madness tree, 300 force every 2 mins.


    but you have to work very hard to get energy hungry on Sorc/Sage (unless you go and dot every one on sight) and you get no debuff for going 20% (so you spam hell out of it for 80% and then if must, play slower till have chance to regen) while on PT you can burn energy in 12 sec, use 50/66% regen skill and burn it again in 9 sec, and boom, it's all over, you ain't killing an ant).


    but yeah, consumption is not best skill around (I think it's designed for pve healers)

  4. Why start on defense is disadvantage?

    You have more time to respec to heals/tanking (if you attack second, you can still easly do it with no pressure, while if you are defending as 2nd, you only got 25 seconds)

    I find it more pressure to defend on second as 'oh dear, we needed 4 min to get past first door, and barely got the bridge, one mistake and it's over'.

    as for statistic, dunno. maybe you just got unlucky/lucky 9depends on point of view), I found no significant pattern over last 15 months.

  5. There are some advantages for scripts and smart response programs, but in this game, if you need robot or AI to be 50% more efective, you need to go back to playing Tetris in slow motion or Mario on easy.


    Me? Bring script/AI player against me any time. I love playing chess with computer, I can deal with it in SWTOR.

  6. you lost all credibility with number 2. Madness/Balance isn't a hard rotation but pyrotechs is way easier. plus there are zero hard classes to play in this game. let me say this again there are 0 classes that are hard to play. if you find a class difficult to play then you my friend are bad. that is all. have a nice day





    IMHO keeping 10 meters and wathcing out for proc on railshot, keeping energy at 60%+ is harder then 2 dots+spam force lightning for 18 sec, reapply dots. (with addition of crushing darkness, every 15 sec and death field here and there)

    while PT has only 3-4 buttons to do that and sorc has about 5 buttons, PT has to account on his enegy level more, while all sorc has to do is count to (15).

    (before I get flamed, neither sorc nor PT are my mains, just some random alts which I don't enjoy playing, but I did hit 50 on them)

  7. Yes, you will get more abilities later on, and Khem will get aoe taunt (like all tanks).

    Force lightning is used only by tank tree (and around Level 37+)

    shock will make more sense later on when you get synergies. It's all in tree descrpitions.

  8. I've been involved in using the group stealth tactically, and on purpose, exactly 1 time. In a PUG, we had mid and they had both side nodes in a CW. A team mate called out a couple of us to join him, then group stealthed us while up on the second level in mid. My Sent popped transcendence, and we dropped off mid and hustled over to the lightly guarded side node, proceeded to annihilate the defender, and cap. And then we won. I've never been involved in trying this before or after. Also I solo guard a lot (on my Shadow), and I hardly every have multiple stealths popping up on me at the same time. It's kind of amazing to me that it doesn't happen a lot more often. But I just PUG - so maybe the dreaded premades do it?


    For any premade with brain it won't work.


    'hey, no one is attacking us, I bet they want to do something sneaky, let's prepare'

  9. You're a hack dude. That was Story Mode that you're trying to pass off as Hard Mode. I've seen people do this before. Check the right side of the screen where the missions are. It has both HM and SM there. Only, under SM it says the current objective is to kill whichever boss they're on, and under HM it still says to shuttle to the lost island. Really?? What do you have to gain by trying to fool people into thinking you did something you didn't do? You should be ashamed.


    Project Sav-Rak no longer spits Rak Rot in Story Mode.

    In Story Mode, Doctor Lorrick no longer casts Satchel Charge, and Corrosive Smash's cooldown has been increased.

    LR-5 Sentinel Droid's Discharge now gives players a 4.5-second warning in Story Mode (and a 3-second warning in Hard Mode) before activating its ground effect. Players can now move the impending effect away from the group or tank. Plasma Arc no longer has an activation time and is executed while moving, and Incinerate is correctly marked as area of effect damage.

    (from patch notes in 1.4) http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.4.0/terror-beyond if you don't belive me.


    everything seems as it should for hard mode.

  10. with 2.0 they are adding a bracket. it will be 10-29 and 30-54, then 55.


    lowbie pvp is not to be equal, nor fair, not competitive. It's alternative way of exping.

  11. My point is that right now, the outcome of warzones are decided before they even *********** start. It's a terrible, terrible system.


    Well, if we'r about spilling our ideas, mine would be, if there are 2 premades (3 or 4) in que, put them against each other and fill rest with pugs (team of 2 could be or not considered still a pug - that is open to developers, wont mind either way) and force that no 2x4 would ever happen (no matter if same guild or different guild, or no guild)- as much as I'm not premade hater nor premade runner, but when I see 8 players with same guild tag, it's a bit to much...

    So, team composition could look like 4xpremade+4 pugs vs 4xpremade+2xpremade+2 pugs

  12. I fail to see how it punishes players for playing the game. Sure, a coordinated team of ~WH gear will dominate a team of 4 EWHs and 4 recruit-level players, all you have to do is coordinate and focus the recruit level people first. But since this already happens in warzones already, what do we lose? Most games will not be like this, and will be at least relatively balanced.


    Total random que is most fair it can get. You have equal chance to get team of fools or team fighters, AND equal chance to get 50/50. Nothing to exploit.


    Just NO.

    PvP should not be about getting a lucky team combination. You should have to actually put some effort in to win. This is the problem I've been going on about through this WHOLE thread.


    It's punishing people who play long by FORCING very little expierienced players in their team for the sole reason that they spent much much time doing pvp.

    Why it shouldn't be about luck? Luck is part of a game. Even if perfect match making system will be created (yeah, right, there is nothing that can't be exploited, also 'make something idiot proof, and I will find a bigger idiot' rule), it will still go down to luck of composition of classes (both teams have equal number of tanks,healers and dpses, but team A healers are operatives, dpses are PTs/Marauders,Tanks are juggs, Team B's healers are sorcs/mercs, dpses are mercs and tanks are sins in dps gear).

    Curently players on both sides have equal chance. (ofcourse, they can increase their chances by grouping with friends with brains).


    4 rank 100 players would be pretty rough against a bunch of 60s.


    I'd rather be in 8x60 team. it's 4x100 against 8x60, with 4(20) people who didn't get grasp of pvp yet and will jsut get in the way.

  13. What if the Matchmaker did its best to balance the legacy-wide valor of each team. That's the best, least manipulatable metric I can come up with.


    So, in short, the longer you play, the less expierience players you will get in your team.

    it's punishing players for playing.


    think about it. Let's say you are hi-end elite 6h a day pvper. You have highest valor level on your server.

    This match making would punish you by adding a low expierienced player to make it equal to other team.

    for 4 people ranked 100 (elite war hero BIS augumented), you will get 4 people ranked 20 (recruit with some columi), and other team will have 8 players ranked 60 (War hero, augumented, some EWH).

    is it equal? both teams will have rating 480. it should be 'fair and square'


    Total random que is most fair it can get. You have equal chance to get team of fools or team fighters, AND equal chance to get 50/50. Nothing to exploit.

    If, by playing a lot, people will get punished, I see short future of SWTOR pvp.

  14. Hello i'm here to talk about, assassin bugs.

    First one, overload, one of the most bugged moves, oftenly it dosen't do anyrthing but the cooldown remains why?

    secondly: why in the hell tropers see me in blackout?

    third: maul, it fails oftenly oftenly.

    forth: i've done blackout i should be able to heal.

    If anyone does know anymore bugs please share


    1. on marauders/sentinels, it jsut fails to animate (but I can be wrong on this one), you don't take marauder out of stealth with damage.

    2. stealth scan deos and should work on black out

    3. get accuracy

    4. what you mean? It's blackout, it doesn't take you out of combat, how you want to heal?

  15. So the only legit reason to quit a warzone or RL match is a 911 emergency?


    So the next time my 2 year old wakes up crying in the night, and i happen to be in a WZ...ill just ignore her cries until i see that huttball game through! One day i'll explain about the quitter mentality to her, surely she'll understand!


    Oh someone knocking at my door!? Pfft, nvm that. They will come back if it was something important!


    Oh gawd, Novar Coast! I hate this warzone, never liked it at all.... Ohwell, ill need to see this through because this is not about me having fun, it's about teamspirit. My evening ending up with 6 Novar Coast out of 8 warzones is a small price to pay for that!


    Damn my slow loadtime....but i totally deserve a debuff if the door shuts right before my nose and i can't make it out from spawn before the timer kicks me out. I should have known better!


    Oi woman, go away! Can't you see im in the middle of Voidstar here!? -This is a totally correct way to handle if the wife storms in demanding help with something!


    Oh man....must be something i ate, but i really gtg on the toilet right now...no wait, just like your kids playing a match ill just have to let it go where i am. Anything for that winner mentality! And obviously, if i or your kids would run off to the can, we should either get punished or a serious talksession about teamspirit!


    I could go on with more super nice scenarios for awhile, but ill refrain and just be happy you're neither my parent, boss or trainer =)


    Most of those scenarios, 10 min 'quitter debuff' won't bother you, since you won't be by your computer to soon.


    Not that 'real life sports' scenarios are good either, how often you see 2x4 premade quitting warzone? Or abandoning guild on reward warzone?

    It's like saying I can't exit bus on my stop, and have to sit on my bottom till last stop to keep drivers 'team spirit' AND pay for it.

  16. +1600 main stat is with stim right? I've only been able to reach 1560 or somerthing on my non-biochem classes in lowbie. I'm not going to use stims that don't persist through death.


    blue ones don't require biochem and persist thro death.

  17. Especially when new 50s are coming in. How much of an advantage is full dread guard (in PvP) over recruit / black hole / whatever (tionese? columi? rakata? leveling blues and greens?) How much is EWH going to give me? How much is min-maxed WH going to give me.


    Basically, a lot of questions. No answers.


    As I said, people who pvp currently, say bolster works that way, that it's better to go naked then DG/EWH.


    No more Twinks(?)

  18. you can get alot of HP also by using 'more endu' over 'more main stat' armorings. which will hurt damage output. 17k hp is not insta win.


    But then again, 10-49 pvp was never about being equal or balanced, but about alternative way to level.

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