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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. I should have made myself clear, I don't mind the option for the cc if the legacy requirement is still present.


    Okay, I won't be advocating for something that doesn't concern me.

    IMO CC option shouldn't have restrictions, it's how business work (not to mention, if I would like to create new char on different server, I'd like to have him as companion) - but I won't be argumenting about it as it doesnt concern me. (and please don't quote this part to argue with pros and cons, I just stated my opinion what I think, not what I think/want it should be in game)


    Sorry for my outburst then, I get annoyed when some one is telling me how I can spend my money (even if it's virtual).

  2. I have L50 PVE gear. I put two expertise barrels +41 (or thereabouts) into my blasters. Using these my EXP went to 1890. I swapped these out for two blasters with a damage of about 170-240, low level guns.


    My EXP went to the cap of 2018. Why would I bother with conq' gear when I can hit 2018 EXP with PVE gear (and zero-expertise capping me?). My kit it's all orange with commendation mods, and blues only. I'd rather stack nice PVE attributes on top of my 2018 expertise.


    when you put expertiese crystals whole weapon is no longer bolstered, it's even in patch notes.

    basicly, if an item has any expertiese on it, it's no longer bolstered.

  3. you clearly have DS.


    does she wear weird emo kinda make up, sharing her bottom with cantina soldiers and wants to go on a blood hunt?

    That is genocide Jedi for you. (so Dark Jeasea (kill)some)

    Her story can be light side or dark side according to your choices. If you are dark she is dark if you are light she is light. Go dark it is more fun. Lightside is for "Marys" :).


    DS Jaesa gives me kreeps.. even for my DS marauder...

  4. When A level 54 with a tonne of expertise and fancy gear and skill tree points can take on and beat 2 level 30 opposition players with on level blue gear?


    I've been on both sides of the fight and the 30-54 bracket is just ridiculously unbalanced. And un fun.


    you ever seen 10-49 brackets?

    poorly twinked 49 marauder of mine would massacre (literally, with massacre) thro 3 node defenders and cap before first one made his way back (it is also possible they choosed different speeder not to meet me downstairs again.. ah the will of fight).


    as I agree that brackets should be 10-39 and then 40-54, it's been worse.


    plus bolster is better now.

  5. Because most people I know of interpret a marking as = "please attack !"


    Marking something with the meaning of "please DO NOT attack" is something entirely unknown to me.


    It's like drawing circles on a target in a bow contest (Disney's "Robin Hood", for example) with the meaning of "please do not attack !"


    I always say 'I cc blaster' - if some people understand it as 'you must attack blaster' (which is absolutly out of killing order) then I blame education system.

    you never heard of marking CC targets? It's not like I'm using yellow 'target' to mark cc.


    RenegadeRukus: ah, should say it was for PVP, then I get it, ofcourse. for threat with uber low mainstat, I guess compared to low level dps, it should be enouth in 95% cases.

  6. I'll upload a later level photo when I return from Vegas, but this is lvl 22 with over 7k... You can't tell me you doubt 15 levels+ can net a simple 4k hp



    also, my guild/personal healers favorite line is "you can't heal stupid"... Thought if fit your story


    lower level mods have high endurance priority while 29+ are heavy on primary stats like main stat,absorb... damn this L 22 char has more hp then my 32 :p

    not first time I stand corrected, 2 questions:

    is it worth it? I mean it's impressive for rest of a group, but you'r missing alot of mitigation (so for L 35 enchancment instead of having nice shield chance and handfull of absorption, you have tons of hp but drop like dps) and threat generation.

    what grade of mods you keep (blue / purple?) and do you augment everything with endurance.


    I rather go for more mitigation, not use credits on augments until 40+ (but usualy wait till 50).


    still, it's story mode, so probably doesnt matter much any ways (that's why I stopped wasting time and just using greens until L 50)


    yeah, always when I'm being offended by people who died cause of some stupid things, I use that line too... 'I'm a good healer, but I can't heal stupid, can't heal you'

  7. not to mention, when you make armorings + mods on one char and enh on other for one particular alt (or in my case for 2 alts at same time as I do merc healer and shadow tank keeping them at same level) is a pain in the neck with mail system that is limited to 8 places..

    merc - 7 armorings 9 mods 7 enhs, companion 7 armorings 9 mods 7 enhs, shadow 8 armorings 9 mods 7 enhs companion 8 armorings 9 mods 7 enhs... every 4 bloody levels...


    merc is ok, can swap 1 mod with armoring so it's only 4 mails, but with new Ewok, companion will take one extra armoring, so 5 bloody mails....

  8. well, for Battle of Ilum, unless some one really really needs gear, all but last 2 are being skipped. L50 hms drop such a crappy gear, it's not worth it... so you go in, and do it for the comms as fast as possible.


    L55 hms you kill everyting including bonus (extra comms) for drops. under 50 flashpoints too, usually, for exp (sometimes skipping bonus if to troublesome)

    it's like that since ages ago. (about L50 hms)

  9. lol, I would love to see someone tell me my lowbie tank gear was crap... I had 11k hp at 35 :rak_03: that's more than some 50s can muster up


    I call BS :p for companion, yes, I can see that coming (I have all imp companions maxed, missing 2 republic ones), unless you actually go with purple endurance armorings,enhancments, mods and augments for endurance in every single piece...


    as on topic, doing lowbies flashpoints waiting for 2.3 and ewok, and I see less and less weird things.. I mean yeah, my tank is outdpsing some dps, had PT tank who was spamming flame sweep (ending with heat 99 6 seconds after pull started). shadows in wrong stances and not using stealth, marauders breaking CC, juggs using def coold down between pulls (lol?)...


    Think most of what I can muster up from last few days was:

    que in, instant pop, I see PT tank, marauder (alert alert), and sniper. Oka let's do this. typed 'brb getting a drink and good to go'

    they started 3 seconds later which resulted in me spilling juice on my desk as I tried to heal their bums only to read 'healer, u asleep?'

    3rd pull, 2 elite droids, I mark one for cc, marauder leaped to him (before tank) so I cc'd and marked other one, at this point marauder used smash and woke him up.

    tank was droppign a bit, bitto fast, that made me wonder.

    after pull I inspected tank briefly, yup, dps gear. well, ok, it's just boarding party, could be worse.

    marauder refused to heal after battle 'you are healer, heal me' - I responded 'you attacked target who I marked for cc, then broke CC on another target, and started before tank-heal your self'

    ok, so we have 2 tards, still, we can do it, sniper hits pretty reasonable.

    big droid boss. tank doesnt move from circles (not a biggy for one person), then I notice sniper doesnt move too. he rolled behind 'natural cover' and thinks he's safe.

    on a first beam tank and sniper didn't move from it, sniper died, I healed tank. marauder lived as he wasnt on beams path - fair enouth. think we can do it.

    second beam - marauder was in path this time, ofc he didn't move, tank didn't move. we all die....

    'why you not healing us, you are terrible'

    so I said 'sure, yeah, I have to go, bye' - and made my english exit.


    somethimes you can see you have 2 good DPS, and bosses and trash die so quickly, you wonder 'how terrible last nights group must have been, this went 3 times as fast lul'

  10. man in white armour (MIWA):'imperial delivery services, are you Ashoka Tano?'

    AT:yes, it's me, who is it from?

    MIWA:ah, it's special delivery from emperor him self and your old master, I'm sure you'll love it, sign here, here and here'

    AT: ok, ok thanks, have a great day!


    Ashoka opens the box, it's a holo transmiter. presses a button, message plays.

    *Hi, this is Emperor* *and I'm Darth Vader* *and this is ORDER 66*

    *bomb explodes*


    the end.

  11. @TonyDragonflame:

    I don't want to judge, but from you wrote it sounds like 'before transfers we could faceroll every imp, now those damn imp are fighting back, how DARE they, so I form FoTM premades to have competetive 99% win ratio against those damn imps' :rolleyes:

  12. prime time dps wait is usualy under 30 minutes, on my server on rep side I usualy wait 15 mins and on imp similar time it's 25.

    operations is different, requires more people to que.


    que in, do some story quests, or node farming, or space mission or practice roration on fleet/ship dummy.



    roll a tank/healer


    I agree that fps could be tuned for one extra dps and operations for 2 extra/4 extra (depending on mode) so it would be 5-10-20 instead of 4-8-16.

  13. Ermagerds just buff us. Increase the damage on CGC and buff railshot's damage to the point where it crits over 7k on average, and reduce the CD on Railshot and Immolate in AP, while increasing Rocket Punchs damage so that it can regularly crit over 6k. Done.


    while we'r doing that, can we have our 6% shield chance back please.

    or some sort of shield chance cool down... or other ideas people had... :o

  14. Coveii: compared to dps, we live long. we are healers 'pet', his second HP pool so he can heal longer, we stun who's attacking him, marking other healers, etc.

    in 1 vs 1 you'r not supposed to kill dps, but stop caps, and hold the line long enouth for support to come in.

    There is a job each tank is best at. Jugg is best at surviving, sin is best at node holding (if we add mezz to 'time spent stopping from capping' - where PT and jugg have to take them in their face) while PT is better at supporting and mezz cap stopping (cannon).


    specially since they buffed shield effect (at same time nerfing statistics, but since crit chance had it toll too, it's not such a big problem).


    and don't forget our most frequent CD, oil slick. one min CD, 15 sec duration, -30% to enemy accuracy (combined with redobout relic) you should live long enouth to hold 2 dps stealthers who jumped on you, so team can come to support. (and mass mezz)

    it's a team sport. every one has it's place.


    edit:every time you feel down and not needed for team, go and read *nerf* threads on how people slap about immortal healer-tank combo. You are half of that combo, feel good about your self :)

  15. Sorcs do not shine in low brackets, their useful skills and builds need more points invested.


    actually sorcs do shine, since all mele classes in 10-29 don't have their strongest 'touch' yet, snipers hit hard but can't spam attacks *yet*, mercs still missing their hard hitters and can't spam attacks *yet*, sorcs get most of their arsenal at level 12 and with level they gain *toys*, so by 10-29 they do have more then the rest.

  16. better match-making is key. but also maybe some compensation (for a lack of a better term) to the solo folks in regular wzs to put up with the disadvantages of facing premades. Something like i you join a wz solo, you get 3x amount of credits/comms/valor than the current baseline amount.


    At least then solo people would be more inclined to stay in the wz and get roflstomped, and it would not affect folks who want to remain in premades for whatever their reasons are, as they would still earn the baseline/current amount of credits/comms/valor/etc while playing with their friends.


    few more comms for queing solo I would like. but we can't promote stupid at same time. other wise people will go in, camp node for 15 minutes, get 5 medals for protection if not attacked and would get more comms then people who actually fought for their win.


    matchmaking is complicated. in ideal world you could divide 64 people who are waiting for a pvp pop into 4 groups depending on their win/lose ratio so top players will fight agaisnt top players having only top players in their team, while numpty players teamed with numpty players will have numpty warzone against numpty players, and 2 teams of avarage.


    but on low population, only thing you can do is make teams equal - so high rank players will be teamed with low rank players against avarage players. and that is promoting low ranking players with no efford on their side.

  17. if companions had 'programable' kill order, we would not need dps players in most flashpoints :rolleyes:


    joking, but yeah, really, 'do not use aoe next to mezzed target' and 'kill weak>strong>elite' would be very nice..


    back in stun bubble fest, my companion would stop attacking target he was attacking when bubble went off.

    but if I mezz one at the pull, that muppet will advance into target next to him and use aoe attack... :(

    solution for now (for last 14 major patches) is to turn aoe off, I know, but it cuts their dps in half....


    atleast tank comps taunt same second they lose threat (and they fixed bug when they were wasting taunts on mezzed targets)

  18. Juggs/Guardian tanks are more durable then PT, more CD, friendly leap, armor debuff aoe, increased speed when guarded target is attacked, push+rejump for da ball.

    but PT's are fun to play (so I'm running PT tank), taunt is better (arguable, as Jugg/Guardian/Shadow/Sin aoe taunt puts stealthers to combat for example - and juggs/guardians gives small shield bubble to all friends) as it expands from target (so you don't need to be close to guy who just got jumped by 3 smashers - oh da medals).

    pull is nice with 3 sec stun for a carrier to die in fire.

    stealth scan... shoulder cannon... 6 sec movment immunity on only 30 sec CD.


    you won't regret doing PT tank. remember about shoulder cannon, it stops caps when you'r mezzed/stunned on 10 m range.

    only thing I don't like on her, is Voidstar attack.. I feel so usless... yeah, I can guard a healer and throw a taunt and some debuffs, it gets better when we actualy are capping doors - stealth scan (with 3 sec stun) and aoe mezz + oil slick, but not many things to shine on voidstar attack - I often end up just spamming capping so enemy triest to kill me and my dps have more freedom of attacking.

  19. Knowing I have it isn`t the problem, the problem I have is when I have it up I never get to use it and the moment it goes on cooldown I need it.


    Well, if you have it on CD, don't stand on the node to get CC capped..

    I had some shadow trying to cc cap me whole match last night, I mean he would come, mind trap, cap - I type 'idiot our pylon need 1 please', rocket in his face, he stops.... thinks... uses force lift - caping... while I facepalm with my left, rocket in his face with my right, and team mate comes to burn him fast (my PT is my PVP tank).

    he did it once every round (AH). last round he came with a stealth friend.

    some people just don't get the point.

  20. it's funny. most people don't know they have it.. i've seen BHs and Troopers get cc capped all the time.. but why always on my team.... :mad:
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