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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. my 3 euro cents

    don't use /ignore

    he may be a tool, but occasionaly he may call incs, and you won't hear it, you will type 'why noc incs' and they will say 'he did, u blind?'


    /ignore is great for group finder, but not for WZ unfortunatly.

  2. the only debuff i know for sure that dont stack is the Armour Debuffs, only counts the higher that is applied

    the Healing buffs i think they dont stack but they are reapplied or refresh


    think accuracy debuffs don't stack either (I mean juggs smash accuracy debuff and tank sin discharge - oil slick is different story). but could be wrong.

  3. The tank did the initial kick, and idk who did the second vote to kick (does there have to be one..?).


    yeah, one needs to accept it, if both didn't want to kick you, they shouldn't click 'agreed'...

    but hey, tools happen, keep it bright :)

    you /ignore on the tank so don't worry, pool of tools is big, but amount of guys kicking for no reason isn't.

  4. -I did curse previously once, and nothing was said.

    -I didn't do any weird combination of letters+symbols to bypass the language filters

    -I got whispers from both of the other individuals who didn't initiate the kick apologizing for the tank being like that

    -I was being a good healer. -__- I wasn't pulling for the tank, I wasn't attacking CC'd mobs, and I actually hadn't rolled on anything that dropped in that flashpoint.


    Sooooo, ya. I don't know. I put the tank on ignore but that was still dumb. /annoyedforhours


    EDIT: The kick system in this game seems pretty... awful. =/


    if you got pms from both dpses , who voted for a kick?

  5. Win/lose ratio, my thoughts:

    scenario 1:

    32 people in que: 16 pugs, 2 premade high ratio win, 2 premade low ratio win.

    how it could match people -

    1 wz 1 premade high rate premade + 4 high rate pugs vs 1 high premade vs high rade pugs

    2nd wz 1 low premade + 4 low rate pugs vs 1 low premade + 4 low rate pugs.


    1wz 1 premade hi + 1 premade low vs 1 premade hi + 1 premade low

    2wz pugs vs pugs matched to have same avarage win/lose ratio



    16 people in que - one 4 man hi rate 12 random pugs

    wz hi rate premade with low rate pugs vs avg rate pugs.


    cons: people who lose all the time and know nothing of their class (being often reason why team lost) will get carried eventually by hi rate premade (and think they'r good)

    pros:less chance of '20 ques in a row with *stupid* always losing' kind of a day.



    legacy wide ratio or character ratio?

  6. 2013 and guess what? Huttball still sucks. Get rid of it please.


    sweet mother of necro :cool:


    18 months and people still don't know how to pass a ball...

  7. I am replying to those parts of your posts that i disagree with. If you keep telling me that premades do not have an advantage over PUG's because your father's uncle's brother saw a premade lose to a PUG once last autumun, don't be surprised when i object.


    At least that seems to be out of the way now. As you said, premades have less chance to get bad players in their squad(in fact they have a complete control over whether they do or do not get such players), giving them a distinct advantage over PUG's.


    Think we have dissagreement on wording, You say premade has advantage, when I say pug is in disadvantage of having more chance of *stupid* - but the fault is not on premade or pug side, fault is on the players who don't try to win but still que. (also, 4 man premade doesn't have full control over *stupid*)

    Never the less, we just made 2 pages :eek:

  8. But the team that is premade does not have to rely on luck to have good composition.

    The team that is assembled randomly does.

    This by itself gives the former a huge advantage before the match even started.


    Why do i even have to tell you such basic things?


    yes, premade has less chance to get stupid in their pvp squad.

    you can't heal stupid.


    you are not telling me basic things, you are ignoring my whole posts and pin pointing me on single sentences, which doesnt make sense.


    composition of 4 man is not advantage over 8 man group.

  9. Is this one true? I thought you were ok if your other items in your weapon have expertise. For example; I put by old yellow-orange expertise crystal in my partisan main hand in place of the just orange that partisan comes with as it has the same value. All other parts were from the partisan MH.


    think what he ment was 'if you have pve weapon and expertiese crystal (or enhancment) your whole item is not being bolstered at all'

  10. The thing that drives me nuts about AH is not the fact that stealthers can ninja cap it during a mez; but rather the fact that people still seem to just want to leave a single node guard so they can go death match in the middle, then complain when the node is stolen.


    Hell. A single stealther is childs play. Seen plenty of smart stealth duos to where a solo guard doesn't have a chance. Even a stealther, as they are going to anticipate one is there if no one is and scan the area until they find you.


    BH/Troopers have in stun use ability that can prevent capping.

    it's funny to see when I guard on a node pretending to be stupid, I get mezzed, I break cap with shoulder cannon, and guy stuns me again and caps only to see my resolve is full and I still interrupt...

  11. Irrelevant. Both games have the same issue of PUG's being stomped by premades. If Blizzard says this drives casual players away from PvP, it is just as true for other MMO's, including SWTOR.


    not irrelevant.

    most evil premades in swtor are 4 mans-3mans. it's not full group. 8 man shoundl't happen tho.

    gear is mostly irrelevant - there is not much gear advantage - more it's disadvantage if you go naked and unaugmented.

    gameplay is not complicated and WZs are not big.

    and swtor is not blizzard biggest mmo.


    from always pug perspective, most games I've seen lost, are in fact lost by stupid actions, not won by other team.

  12. had a guy last night talking in ops how we suck, he was a sniper with total 7k damage.


    in WZ of yours, well. some classes can't guard.

    1.if you see assassin/operative guardin OUT OF STEALTH - don't let him guard.

    2.stealth classes guarding on the top of a node - don't let him guard.

    3.marauders - while they are durable - they shouldn't guard.

    4.juggs on the top of a node - don't let him guard.


    if you have total control of mid, no enemies there, something is fishy, go support a node.

  13. See blizzard statement about 8 man pug actually being at a huge disadvantage.


    I'll take the word of professionals who do this for a living over some random forum poster. No offense.


    I don't see blizzard logo on SWTOR

    non taken, it takes more to offend me :rolleyes:


    again, the part of my post which you ignored, there is idea of 'dummy league' and matching with lose-win ratio.

  14. So you previous suggestion that premades do not have any special advantage compared to PUG's only applied to a NON-GROUP situation? :rolleyes:


    I'll try from beginning (trying to ignore the fact that you ignored my whole post and trying to pin-point me on one sentence)

    8 man pug has no real disadvantage against 8 man premade.

    disadvantage begins when 4 of pug players aren't trying to win.

    with 8 man premade you don't invite players who don't try. They are not always pro or elite, or good for that matter, but they try as they are part of a group.

    with 8 man pug, you have no control who gets there. like my example from yesturday when a sniper, in 15 minute voidstar did total 7k damage.

    difference with mike tyson example, is it will take 10 minutes and some will of that sniper to do some real damage, where it would take 15 years for school kid to get into Tyson's league.

  15. Any human competitive activity is only fun for all participants if all participants are of roughly the same skill.

    If the premades are above average players then they should face other above average players, not bad players.

    If they are the best players in the world, they should play other best players in the world, not the above averages or the bads.


    This is why there are leagues in real world sports sorted by skill, instead of all teams competing in the same league(like currently the case in swtor).


    we have 4 leagues. 10-29, 30-54,55,55 RWZ

    we could introduce 'dummy league'.

    only idea I've seen I liked was win/lose ratio. Only downfall I have with it is people losing on purpose to get either dumped to 'dummy league' or to be grouped with 'pro premade'.


    If that was meant to suggest premades do not have any advantage compared to pug's i have to point you to an official statement by a rather well-known MMO company <ugly yellow text>


    Emphasis on "huge advantage". Take it as you will.




    in group, yes. 8 players who help each other will face 4 players while other 4 of that team is playing with them selves.

    initial statment remains, competetive player in PUG equals competetive player in Premade.

    to put it with mike tyson example.

    one mike tyson is equal one mike tyson. avarage pug is 4 mike tyson and 4 school kids vs 8 mike tysons. (dunno what we'r arguing about here...)

  16. They are more or less equal in the same sense as Tyson is more or less equal to a highschool kid: both have two arms, two legs, and a head. :rolleyes:


    we all know that when you do PreMade you get 'premade buff' which gives you 200% more damage out put ;)


    No, because this is SW:TOR and not the special olympics

    sometimes I think it is....

  17. ... which is an excellent analogy of a PUG getting utterly destroyed and farmed at the spawn point.


    I fail to see how this is a bad example. It illustrates very well why people have the right to complain when put into a match that is so completely one-sided it's not even funny, be it a kid facing Tyson in a ring or a ragtag random PUG facing a pro-level premade in a warzone. The result will be the same.


    Telling the PUG that "you just have to improve and it will be a fair match" is like telling the kids competing with Usain Bolt in a 100m run that "you just have to run faster and it will be a fair run" :rolleyes:


    it's bad example because 1 player team pug vs 1 player team premade is more or less equal (depending on classes ofcourse).

    if 8 pug players will acctually play it's more or less equal to 8 premade team.

    reason why we have scenarios like now, is from 8 players in pug team, 2 use only 3 buttons, where 1 is move forward, 2 is move back and 3 is one spammable attack. 2 players are afk, and, if we'r lucky, 4 players help each other.

    so it's 4 vs 8.


    I've been in groups who get spawn killed. Why were they spawn killed? cause 2 players who escaped spawn kill hid on side of warzone and pray their lucky stars not to be seen, and other 6 are going one by one, or in pairs, against 4 attackers and 2 healer.

    Healers unguarded drop like a fly and can't heal. Dps with no heal die and can't dps..

    I only PUG,so I see it every day.

    'oi, atramar, why u no heal me'

    'I can't heal if I'm dead mate'

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