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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Atramar

  1. Correct, but only in theory. Cause most casuals don't have a second specc planned. They wouldn't be able to quickly respecc e.g. to heal with all talents and key bindings in an efficient manner. Without pointing any fingers here, I believe that most efficient respeccers are power players who often use macros or scripts. Apart from not being allowed, these are something that doesn't belong to a casual's portfolio of skills.


    Of course, you could now say that it's the casual's own fault if they don't plan a respecc beforehand. But then you could also say that it's the casual's own fault if they don't stop being casuals and run a premade team on their own. This argument doesn't lead us anywhere, casue casuals have the right to remain casuals, if they want to.


    that's why win/lose ratio is better. It will separate casuals who want to go in and pew pew basic attack, ignore objectives, doesn't care for winning, 'having fun, being casual in pvp lol omg yolo' from those of us who actualy feel they like to compete. don't take tools from us. or distribute them evenly between teams.


    I'm casual player (belive it or not due to my signature - I just play efficently), have 2 jobs, fiancee, no kids yet tho. pug pvp for life! ;)

    if there is only one thing I hate about premades, it's when they are on oposite team and my team says 'lol it's a premade, let's camp a node' and 4 of them does... that just makes me :mad:

  2. With a solo queue warzone option, solo class quests, solo quests to pve your heart out, it is crystal clear that playing solo in SWTOR is also "playing as intended." We all pay to play, your money is no more important to EAWARE than my money.


    Just because it is an MMO people have this misconception that it is intended to be played in groups, whereas it only means that you will be in a community with many other gamers, playing the same game. Neither solo nor groups of guildies/friends should be "forced" into playing a certain way, aka forced to group or forced to solo.


    One person had a great idea of adding a solo option to refuse warzones with pre-mades in them. Not a bad idea as they would have the option to refuse games with pre-mades, and hence no need to make threads of this sort.


    Of course this is just my opinion.


    Personally, I like fighting pre-mades and always have fun either way.


    We also want solo ops, solo NiM TFB, Solo hm Fps 55, solo WZ (so no enemies, so I can take that ball and score with no one disturbing me).. I mean, why we are forced to have 7 other people in our team in WZ. We don't need it, we can have fun solo.

    Ban premades in GF, it makes flashpoints to easy. I mean tank is doing his job, healer is healing, DD follow kill order. this is not how game was intended. it was intended solo!.


    separate ques are bad idea, even if more people will pvp, it means 'solo only' que will be filled with bads. we already have 10-54 brackets for 'bad pvp'. on 55 atleast most of people try to win...


    do win/lose ratio, it'll work better.

  3. Actually, I wouldn't mind the premades so much if the ability to respec during WZs was removed.

    A premade team will always be able to be the first to cap 2 nodes, but to let them respecc to 4 tanks + 4 heals after capping will make any attempt to recap futile for the pugs team.


    respec allow pugs with to much healers to have some dps, or with no heals to respec to healers. if you take that away, premades will be more in advantage (unless you account stupid premades that bring 4 dps in WZ and complain for no heals or tanks)

  4. The only thing they need is better resource management. They are still the best single target healers in the game and are a pain to kill when played properly. Their biggest downfall is that they can run their ammo dry while the other two classes have ways to heal forever. The useless frontline medic skill should be replaced with one that recovers X ammo every time a hammer shot heal crits.


    ammo regen on hammer shot would be nice. mos annoying thing is when you'r on hard spot with ammo and have to heal your self... ofc in FPs it shouldn't happen and on WZ you place kolto shell on your self peroid.


    on other hand, in most flashpoints when I see that dps ignore adds or tank having problems with aoe threat, you just place kolto shell on your self.. wouldn't call that a fix, but better then nothing....

  5. Sorry OP, didn't realise you were regarding PVE. :rolleyes:





    Takes a lot of practice and is considerably harder than deception. Don't use shock.


    figured not to used shock, tried it last night, other team was bad *** but it indeed needs some practice.

    but I'll stay with deception, even if terror is nice 30 meter root (is it me or does it stop caps too), total dps is nice, but I like my targets to die nice and smooth.

    but will definetly give it a try few more times, maybe weekend.



  6. he wants 4 second damage evade, more ammo regen, wider range aoe heals, advanced medical probe instant cast while support cell is popped.


    Basically, he wants all the people to cry while he hits his face against the keyboard and out heals all the ops/scoundrels.


    operative scoundrel hater troll allert :rolleyes:

  7. wouldn't call them Inferior... pvp is about initial burst phase, and we'r good there. It can be troublesome on longer fights, but hey, nobody is perfect.

    but yeah, I've retired my assassin from pve long time ago. but you don't see many operative dps on operations either, but on pvp they rock hard.

  8. The most important thing any can stealth can do is learn to count. If there is a stalemate in center and you count 7 (or more) opposing players that is time to try and take the off node. As a stealth you should be able to 1v1 any other non stealth class. If against another stealth then it is whoever gets the first shot in.


    So your odds are:


    100% v. non stealth

    50% v. Stealth.


    Otherwise trying to stealth cap is not usually worth it. Because if it works you are against a bad team anyway.


    Had sin trying to sap cap my PT tank over 4 rounds. every time it was same story, he came, sap and cap, pew rocket in his face. he stopped, ran around, started capping again, pew pistols in his face when sap finished.

    so he used whirlwind and capping again (I know, lol), pew another rocket in his face (about middle of cap, just in case of LAG I don't leave it for last second). after 16 seconds of dancing my resolve was full, cc breaker still avalible, and my team mates on their way.


    he tried that every round... 2 times met my stealth scan and used force cloack to go back to steatlh :)


    pro tip, vanguards and powertechs have shoulder cannon which work while stunned :rolleyes:

  9. I've never been sure whether or not the enemy could see the phase walk deploy. I know that I have successfully ninja capped against someone who was guarding a long ways off like they are supposed to. I put a phasewalk down right on the node, and they didn't react. So I circled around behind them, mezzed, phased and capped. Maybe they weren't paying attention though? I've only ever tried it once, because I hardly ever try to ninja, because I suck at it.


    they could be doing crew skills.... I've lost nods due to our defenders doing crew skills...

  10. Yeah i agree with you completely, but these muppits and theres many of them on our server never managed to take the 3rd base, and they would try all time even when we had no inc's, lol


    so when the pushed heavy they had 7, we could only throw 3-4 back at them (2 defending east, 2 stealths where ever they wanted, and then 3-4 at south, eventually statistics they will get that 2nd base, even worse when its hypergates it gives them points also lol


    haha so true. so many times I was followed by an UNSTEALTHED assassin TANK on a my way to do some stealth havoc..

    or stealther who on novare coast (there is 2 of us) goes and SAPS target , then starts hitting him.. sure, why not just fill his resolve and then throw few stuns just for fun... once ok, you can press wrong button, but 3 times in a row? I mean... really?

  11. since sap is 8 seconds and cap is 6 seconds, it's sufficient to stand more far than 2 seconds of running from pylon..a roll or a force speed could screw you anyway so you can even guard out of range with phase walk deployed on node


    if you see phase walk being activated on the node, you scream 'stealther on the node' and start running.


    And my personal favouratte while only happened again other day,


    Nover coast, we held two bases, we shoulded inc and the two stealthers went off for 3rd base every time never once came to help defend so in turn made it we had only 6 in team, and each time they went off for the 3rd base they didnt suceed once.


    that is acctually valid tactic when enemy is swarming your node, ofcourse rule of thumb is to do it only if:

    1.you are close to the node

    2.you have atleast 2 healers and one tank defending your node

    3.you are in fact good dps and can kill/cap fast.


    this provides enemy team in chaos. if done right, you will end up with 3 nodes, people dying on your prim node are going to try to recap their old node instaed of going mid.

    ofcourse if points are valid, you don't need to do it to win, and is risky.


    chaos in enemy lines when this plan succeded is priceless. altough I would rarely try it in full pug...

  13. unless you are Vanguard/Powertech with shoulder cannon ready, always hide behind LoS and 30 meters away.

    if you aproach a sole defender, type 'I come to help you, don't leave - we'r winning any way, they can try sap cap us'

    never assume others read your mind.

    always assume the worse.

  14. reminded me of one funny situation. it was republic D7, was on my scoundrel healer, big droid boss with consoles and 2 repair droids who spawn. I said 'I will cc right' - tank said 'why cc, just kill', I replied 'well, cc is faster and they dissapear on re-spawn'

    long story short, we destroy consoles, droid spawns I cc my right, tank shadow pulls him and leave him to repair console while dps are strugling to kill other one... droid repaired console and tank said in /p 'I though u cc'd it'

    I loled , another spawn I cc, shadow pulls...

    this goes on...

    on last boss, tank and dps are ignoring small turrets and cores, my poor healer had to kill those...


    as it was guys from same guild, I knew if I say anything I would get a kick, so stayed silent.

  15. Well, people have right to want to do bonus... BOI is bad example, you can do it 3 ways:

    1. skipp all you can - 12 minute run

    2.kill bosses on the way (those 4 skippable ones where one is pain in da bum if dps are acting stupid - leaping to shielded guy leaving healer with 4 ads on him just to get stunned in 5 seconds)

    3.do bonus boss - 60 minute run.


    if my tank out dps DDs I'll rather quit,ignore and relog then do full run... I get it, people want gear to drop (even if they are capped with planetary comms, they refuse to get rakata grade gear which would improve their performance.. but no.. 'it can drop, why spend coms DUH!!!')

    reasons to do bonus boss:

    1.expierience... if you want expierience, go makeb. it's faster and you get better loot.

    2.loot - loot is crap, go get some gear for comms or makeb.

    3.fun - want fun? get friends or do story mode.


    if 3 people are under 16k HP, don't even go bonuss boss in Kaon...

    wiping 5 times on LR5 LI HM, 4 times on SAV-Rak and you want to do bonus boss? really?

    I could go on, but I think I made my point.


    some bonusses are nice and on a way (Black talon, tharal V) but considering it's quite often people don't even follow kill order... you just want to finish run and forget you ever met them.


    L55hm - these bonuss bosses drop nice. unless group is totaly incompetent, I rarely see skipping it. think only once we skipped bonus boss (wich was odd, as we run past console, I stopped 'hey, let's do bonus' but every one ignored me and just kept on running...but you don't see me making threads about it) and second time our healer was kinda weak and DDs could not meet enrage timer (at 30% lol), so we hat to give up.


    edit: remember to consider what I call 'replacement ETA'

    when it comes to voting, tank has 3 points (unless lausy tank then it's 1 vote), healer have 2 votes (unless crappy healer - then one vote - but if healer is weak, his gear is voting against doing more difficult bonus), and dps is 1 vote (unless crappy dps - then 0 vote - remember, DPS are fast to replace, if u suck as dps and don't like what group decided on doing/not doing, you won't be missed)

  16. From what I have seen, it depends on your alignment and what you have done on Tatooine and Alderaan how Jaesa will react when meeting you. If you kill Master Yonlach and Jaesa's parents, she will go insane from it, which results in her wanting to join you on the dark side. If you spare both and are light side-aligned, she will remain light side.



    I remember on my light side jugg I could tell her to embrace darkness while DS marauder I had option 'don't fall to dark side' something like this - it was over a year ago, but you can youtube that.



    my point is, I htink it's all decided on last few conversation choices, not the whole story of what you do with her old master and parents.. unless they keep score



    killed paretns +1 DS

    killed master +2DS

    told her light side is better +69LS



  17. had a group of 2 sins (tank and dps), my dps (yea, I swapped back to dps) merc and sorc healer.

    think their religion was to use overload when ever I placed my aoe Death from above... when ever fight stared, when they did not start with overload I placed my DFAB... and then they scattered mobs all around. it was foundry SM.


    1 guy was spamming 'space please, hit space bar, skip convo pliz' (healer)

    2nd guy was going 'let's do this quick, I have not much time' (tank)

    but none of them really held fast pace..


    on cademinu our tank didn't notice big droid heading his way and go sapped (3 times total - he got sapped, droid goes for healer or me, he taunts, leaps, gets sapped, repeat), second dps started fight on place where cage spawns (in his defense, he could not know it, and I didn't tell him just for siths and giggles).

    long story short, I found out that if you kill a guy on that encounter, droid dies :D


    last but not least, had horrible expierience with Maelstorm prison on my shadow dps, was grouped with sentinel and vanguard tank. guys had religion not to stop. as soon as we finish pack, didn't even stop to pick up drops, they would jump to next pack ASAP (and sometimes different directions) which made it hard for non jumping, needing stealth to regen force and stuff shadow, nto to mention to the poor sage healer who had to keep those 2 alive.. but it went smooth more or less. atleast I didn't die... ofc sentinel refused to attack weak mobs, probably he's pro rotation was far to pro for standard and weak mobs, but that didn't bother me much, as I could go thro standard mobs with 3 hits before they turn back on me and then I had finisher... so didn't take much damage.



    as for pvp equivilant of this thread, well... here we too complain about muppets, so it would be pretty much same complaining or making fun of people who don't know what to do....

  18. thanks all, i just wanted to have an augment on my alt since theres a slot there.


    try GTN first, just for 1-4 augments it's to much of a hassle to run missions.

    also on GTN you can get low level augment rec that you need. (again, save the hassle to run 69 slicing missions just to never get that actualy augment rec you need)

    make sure you got mk-number right.

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