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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by exphryl

  1. I don't see what the issue is for "Immunity" classes to take full damage from Pits/Acids.


    Not like anybody is asking for those classes to take more damage from players, just the environmental hazards Bioware put in the game.

  2. If you're spending a GCD to cleanse a 50% movement snare that only lasts 2 seconds, you're doing something wrong.


    Also, Operatives (well played ones) Healers, are an absolute pain to take down without using DPS Cooldowns. They have more than enough tools to survive. Fun fact, Snare the pyro (since your snare lasts more than 2 seconds), Cleanse the dot on you, get a lot of range.


    The amount of Operative Healers that stand in one place and try to tank me is seriously mind boggling. You are a movement healer, use your movement!

  3. Yeah I know it's at 5 stacks. I take it this means the BH version of PC does have the snare? Because Vanguard most certainly does not.


    Thanks for the UI editing tip. Was wondering what kept turning it off last night. I did catch myself with it down a few times. Started watching it carefully after that.


    Yeah, the BH snares works.


    I do read a lot about the VG equivalent not. I wonder if it's a side effect of the fact your 5stacks buff your Mortar Volley and whatever your AOE Grenade is (left over from an old beta build) where as the BH version does not and works appropriately.

  4. Are all of you guys Armormechs? Heck, I am a straight Scavenging/Slicing/Treasure Hunting money maker.


    I leveled an Armormech alt just for patch, as well as an Armstech :) I'm a bit OCD on not relying on people for things...


    Even though it's value has lowered I couldn't drop Biochem on my Ex =/

  5. a bit off topic but i want to know if the crafted gear requires you to keep armor crafting or not. can i learn armorcrafting, make the armor and the relearn another profession while still eing able to use that one?


    You do not need a profession to wear the armor.


    The crafted War Hero does require Valor 70 though.

  6. My only gripe with the change, and I think it was mentioned in this thread (or maybe another?)


    Is you can throw it dead center on a voidstar door and players can cap AROUND it.....


    Seems silly. I don't see why an 8m radius would be gamebreaking...


    On the plus side, it's great to use against snipers now while you are rooted out of the way

  7. Hey


    Running http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301hMhZMsZfhMbdGhMM.1 8/6/27 pyro.


    When I shoot flameburst at an enemy it doesnt make it vulnerable so I can railshot it. When I put incendiary I can shoot rs but with a 14 sec cd, even though I have specced for ppa which ofc should lead it to 2 back to back and then 6 sec cd railshots. So whats up? I did a bugreport.


    Stupid question, did you happen to unclick CGC ? No other reason i could think of why FB isn't applying the DoT.

  8. Hello, I would like to know what everyone thinks is the best gear set-up before warhero gears?

    I know that the BiS gear would be augmented weapon and armor with warhero mods in them.


    However, for now, what would be the best gear-setup?


    I have crit-crafted rakata belt and bracer with epic augment mods in them. The rest of my gear is full BM, rakata weapon and matrix cube. My expertise at the moment is 779. I am wondering what I should do now to get better stats.


    1. Should I wear BM belt, bracer, weapon, relic instead of rakata belt, rakata bracer, matrix cube, rakata weapon?

    2. Should I still use power/surge enhancements? or should i max out expertise by having pure pvp set?

    3. How much expertise should I aim for?

    4. Shoud I use +41 power crystal or +41 expertise crystal?


    Lastly, I feel like by going pure pvp I lose so much aim and power. What stats do you guys have to be able to hit RS for 5k+? Please provide me with your gear set-up too.


    My Opinion:


    1. ) For Belt and Bracer, I recommend Moddable ones. Reason being is you can put in a nice PVE Armoring (Reflex Armoring 25) and than throw in a PvP Mod (Advanced Nimble Mod 25A: 61 Aim/37End/25Expertise/11crit). I also use a Matrix cube because that is a lot of raw DPS Stats on it. Everything else in my gear is entirely PvP. I sit around 20% Expertise still.


    2.) For now if you HAVE spare Power/Surge, throw those bad boys in there. You'll take a 2-3% Expertise loss but make up a lot more in just damage alone.


    3.) 1000~


    4.) Again, because I have lowered expertise on Bracers/Belt/Relic and the enhancements I found it best, for me, to use an Expertise crystal over the Power that is included (Least they are pretty cheap).


    As far as stats, with 0 buffs or stim I have:


    Aim: 1409

    Ranged Damage: 645-874

    Power: +412

    Crit: +190

    Surge: +350


    Buffed (Minus Mara since i'm a few levels away from that):


    Aim: 1597

    Ranged Damage: 693-992

    Power: +458

  9. I assume you don't get both.


    If the shell takes precedence, it would be useful hybrid tanks because it means you can buy the War Hero Combat Tech mods but put them in Battlemaster Supercommando gear and get the Supercommando bonus.



    The WH armoring carries the set bonus.

    The BM shells carry the set bonus.


    When I tried it (Granted Empire side and we all know how the sides can do random different things), the baked in set bonus in the BM gear out weighed the War Hero gear armoring.

  10. For current PvP, it's fine.


    When they get to Solo Ranked Games (since well, my guild isn't on 24/7 for a full team) I'll be a bit peeved having a level 50 in Greens being cannon fodder and potentially hurting my ranking to achieve gear.

  11. This. It's very hard to tell which threads have new posts compared to which ones don't.

    Since they enabled color when hovering over a thread title for the whole row, that'd be super convienent if it was just an entire different color for a new post.

  12. So i picked up my War-Hero boots today and removed the mods and threw it in to a Crit Crafted version.


    Everything worked fine, the set bonus shows "War Hero Armoring" as being part of the completion.


    I did ONE warzone and to my surprise the set bonus vanished, than I moused over the boots.


    The game DOWNGRADED the Set Bonus Armoring to a 58 version with NO set bonus. So now I'm out of not only War-hero Boots, but also Eliminators to get the set back


    Here is a screenshot of my boots and the vendor boots (notice the armoring on mine dropped to 58)




    Anybody else ever have this issue? Defiantely makes this PvP grinding the biggest pain in the *** ever now...


    Editing Main: After a few relogs it decided to show up again. Maybe just a one off odd bug. Dunno

  13. Ex, what is your current crit chance? Do you have they power/surge Enhancement in every piece? How often are you getting 5k+ crits? I am running with the BM eliminator set, not modded. I have the power/surge mods, but am worried that my crit will be too low if I put them in. I got my first 5k crit this weekend, but want to get that more consistent.


    Um, with Agent Buff (I have an IA past Chapter 2) I sit at 30% Ranged crit.


    I replaced one of my enhancements (I think gloves?) with the default 40 power/accuracy/crit one. I still hover around 77.5% surge so it wasn't a big loss.

  14. This spec's been around pre-1.2. On Taugrim's blog, its titled "Run-and-Gun."


    The difference between it now and before 1.2 is the 6-second internal cooldown of PPA. For a PvE Operations situation, its not a big deal. For PvP situations, however, 6 seconds is a long time and you will end up getting less mileage out of a spec like this – especially with the shorter Time To Kill in Warzones.


    He didn't say he created the spec, least didn't get that from the original post.

  15. SO a couple days ago I was in a series of WZs in which one BH consistantly topped the charts in damage.


    300+ consistantly and a 650k in a Voidstar.




    Ok so clearly he has good gear and mods..yadda yadda.


    But WTH is that spec..any ideas?


    Any BHs/Commandos who have done these types of numbers post 1.2 care to enlighten us whith your exact spec and what you focus on using/doing in combat?


    Spec Pyro

    Wear Gear



    No seriously, as trollish as that response is. It's the case when it comes to overall damage done...

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